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1、视听说教程2网络答案Unit 1Outside viewActivity 13.5Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus its a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4

2、Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage right column to match2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers inthose questions in the left column.CeahbgdfPassage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the

3、sentences BDDBATestCCBBD CDBCB CUnie 2Outside viewActivity 1I.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/KActivity 22.3.5Activity 3regardedalo ngcom muni cat ingButIfduri nghowasplayslessLISTENING INPassage 1I.Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the cha

4、racteristics1, cheap厂R厂Lrr厂L2 coldrLuLLLL . ccdI, fresnrr厂rrI-r应冲.cool.H;oothUi0rrI-厂iSrLI-5. enurgeucL孑I-LLLL厂s THendlv, restful厂Lrr孑LrL/. hotryrrr厂r厂B passionate厂wnL厂LrL9 peaceful Si qUlietrLULLnL*11 pirDanr厂LI-L厂厂1-11 pure, frest i中r厂rrI-r厂12 sickLrLrLrn百rn13. trustworthy*i-n苜iLLo. upljeat, hppyI

5、-m啬LnI-rI-1 5. pos iLlve. sappyr厂r孑rr厂rI styiisn厂厂LLLw*Lr2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the colours used in advertisement in theright column to match those products in the left column.Product Colour(1) banks and insurance companiesblue direction signsyellow garden productsgree n(4) househ

6、old clea ning pro ductsblue-green(5) magazine caversred(6) packaging Tor baked foodorange(7) toothpaste and batnranm productsblue-green(S) warning 引yellowPassage 21.Liste n to Passage 2 and match the causes below with the people and their feeli ngs in the table.SallyJkeAndrewMonica1 depressedl(o d(g

7、)r2. upsetKey.O11勺3 cheerfulI zlnKey: (d)1 zJ4. neivausnKey (c5. proud1 3(e)Key: (e)6. angivri1旦Key. (b)1遢7. embarrasseciV1 二1Key:但)nzJ1鼎2. Listen to Passage 2 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column.CEHABDGFUNIT3OUTSIDE VIEWActivity 1Done with

8、 this task. Your current score: 100%Watch Part 1 of the video clif)and chetk the true statements according to the clip4v 確 1. Dlstractlcn burglars often pose as oogus nlTIcials.厂 2. Once inside your house, these callers often stssl large items.厂 3 The burglars target trie vulnerable. the elderly and

9、 the ricti.4 Distracticn burglary is ceconnlnQ more common.厂 5. The average victim is aged 70 yearsActivity 2gain accesscommit this crimelook ing at propertyan un cut garde n800 crimes / eight hundred crimeswhite femaleActivity 3536241Activity 4BdbbdListe ning inPassage 11.Liste n to Passage 1 and r

10、earra nge the an swers in the right colum n to match thosequestions in the left column.Fdebca2.Passage 21.Anna Black over a week ago / just over a week ago about seven / seven / 7 male mobile phone two men / 2 men five minutes / 5 minutes2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complet

11、e the sentences BaabdUnit 4Outside viewActivity 15163472Activity 2do you mindjourn alism, photographyfor two hours / for 2 hoursgetting these invitationson the scree nActivity 32.5Activity 4BedacListe ning inPassage 1(首字母小写)18 / eighteen10/ ten11/ eleve nTeleph oneGirlfrie ndChipsChips10 / tenCooker

12、Kitchen3.Liste n to Passage 1 aga in and choose the best way to complete the senten cesDaabcPassage 21Listen to Passage 2 and check the correct answers in the tableTriciaRickKarsri1. Wtic s sLuilent?LL2, Who is 刀 fijll-fims1 mijm*厂 口y R*3. Who iDVes i kulity TV programinesPrr耳 Who says; tny are not 2 F Nevt ADone with this task Your current score: 75%L i

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