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1、庭审程序指引中英文1007庭审程序指引(中英文)20121007庭审程序指引审判长:现在开庭。广东省广州市中级人民法院刑事审判庭第一庭,今天就广州市人民检察院提起的被告人_ _案依法进行公开庭审。Now the court is in session. Today, the First Criminal Division of Guangzhou Intermediate Peoples Court, Guangdong, is to hear the _ case against _ filed by Guangzhou Peoples Procuratorate in a open cou

2、rt in accordance with the law. 审判长:核对被告人身份情况(姓名、出生年月日、民族、籍贯、出生地、文化程度、职业、住址,是否受过法律处分及种类、时间,何时被抓获?何时被拘留?何时被逮捕?)State your name for the record.What is your date of birth?What is your nationality?What is your education background / level?What do you do as a career?Where is your domicile?Have you been fo

3、und guilty before?When and where were you captured?When were you put into detention?When were you arrested?审判长:被告人收到广州市人民检察院的起诉书没有?何时收到的?距今天是否有10天了?Have you received the indictment formulated by Guangzhou Peoples Procuratorate? When did you receive it? Has it been ten days since you received it?审判长:

4、下面宣布法庭有关事项。今天审理此案的合议庭由X和X、X,由X担任审判长。速录员X担任法庭记录,书记员X负责法庭的其他事项。广州市民检察院指派检察员X、X出庭支持公诉。I hereby announce the relevant issues concerning the court session. The collegial panel in charge of the present case consists of Judge X, Judge X, and Judge X, with Judge X as the presiding judge. Stenographer X is r

5、esponsible for court records. Clerk X is in charge of other issues. Prosecutor X, assigned by Guangzhou Peoples Procuratorate, appears in court to support the public prosecution. 审判长:在送达起诉书时,被告人提出庭审时需_语翻译。受本院的聘请,来自_的_翻译员担任法庭翻译。被告人,你是否同意?的辩护律师。今天也是_律师出庭为被告人辩护,被告人,你是否同意?In accordance with the law, Def

6、endant enjoys the right to defense. Besides exercising the right to defend himself, he may retain others to be his defense counsels. Since the indictment was served on Defendant, the court has not received from Defendant any letter stating that he has hired a lawyer. Designated by this court and ass

7、igned by Guangzhou Legal Aid Center, _ from _ law firm works as the defense counsel for Defendant. Today, _ appears in court to defend for Defendant. Defendant, do you agree?审判长:今天的庭审分三个阶段:法庭调查、法庭辩论、被告人最后陈述。现在进行法庭调查。首先由公诉人宣读起诉书。Todays court proceedings proceed along with three steps, court inquiry,

8、courtroom argument, and final statement by Defendant. Now the courtroom inquiry commences. First of all, the public prosecutor reads out the indictment. 审判长:以上起诉书,被告人听清楚了没有? 对起诉书中的指控,包括事实和罪名,有没有什么意见?Defendant, are you clear about the indictment which has just been read? Do you have any objection to

9、the charges in the indictment, including the facts and the crime?审判长:公诉人可对被告就指控事实进行发问。The public prosecutor may question Defendant concerning the charges?公诉人:发问完毕。The questioning rests. 审判长:辩护人是否要发问被告人?Defense Counsel, do you want to question Defendant?辩护人:发问完毕。The questioning rests. 审判长:公诉人是否还有问题?A

10、ny other questions from the public prosecutor? 审判长:辩护人是否还有问题?Any other questions from the defense counsel? 审判长:现在开始举证。请公诉人出示本案相关证据。Its time to present evidence. The public prosecutor may present the evidence relevant to this case. 审判长:被告人,你对上述证据有什么异议?Defendant, do you want to challenge the aforesaid

11、 evidence?审判长:辩护人,你对上述证据有什么异议?Defense counsel, do you want to challenge the aforesaid evidence?审判长:被告人是否有新的证据向法庭提交?Defendant, do you have any new evidence to present to the court?审判长:辩护人是否有新的证据向法庭提交?Defense counsel, do you have any new evidence to present to the court?审判长:双方已出示了证据,均已记录在案。对双方无异议的证据,采

12、纳为本案证据。对双方有异议的证据,经合议庭评议后决定是否作为本案证据。法庭调查到此结束。现在开始法庭辩论。公诉人先陈述公诉意见。Both parties have presented the evidence which has been kept in records. The evidence to which both parties raised no objection is admitted as evidence of the case. Concerning the evidence to which both parties raised objection, whether

13、 such evidence will be adopted is subject to the deliberation of the collegial panel. This is the end of court inquiry. Now the court argument commences. Public prosecutor, you may present your statement of prosecution. 审判长:辩护人,请陈述辩护意见。Defense counsel, you may present your statement of defense. 审判长:

14、被告人是否同意辩护人的意见?是否有补充?Defendant, do you agree with your defense counsel? Anything else do you want to say for yourself? 审判长:公诉人是否需要回应?Public prosecutor, do you want to have a rebuttal?审判长:公诉人是否有补充意见?Public prosecutor, do you have any new arguments? 审判长:双方是否还有新的论点?Any new arguments from both parties? 审

15、判长:双方已经各自作了陈述,进行了相互辩论。这些都已经记录在案。法庭辩论到此结束。合议庭会认真审议后做出结论。被告人,你可以做最后陈述。Both parties have presented their cases and argued over them, which have all been kept in records. This is the end of court argument. The collegial panel will reach a conclusion after deliberation. Defendant, you may give a final statement now. 审判长:今天的审判到此结束。宣判日期会择日通知。现在休庭。This is the end of todays court proceedings. Youll be notified of the date when the judgment will be pronounced. We are adjourned.

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