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本文(高考英语二轮复习完形填空专题突破练8含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语二轮复习完形填空专题突破练8含答案完形填空专题突破练8专题突破练第27页A(2018河南郑州质量预测)Our son Jason was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫).My wife and I often 1 him as he faced many challenges in his early years.It was 2 to see him chosen last for baseball 3,but he was happy and well 4 by his peers(同龄人) throughout primary school.His mo

2、st 5 time came when he began high school.One afternoon,he returned home with 6.He threw his bag on the floor,shouting angrily,“Ill never go to school again!”He was 7 with food other kids had thrown at him on the way home.He didnt tell us what had happened until later.Several days earlier,he had 8 th

3、e school running team.That day,a few older students made fun of his 9 on the track and made him the 10 of their one-sided food fight.I called the headmaster about the matter and it never happened again.He stayed on the team 11 trouble continued.One day in October,we had snow and freezing rain.As the

4、 other kids exercised in the gym,they noticed Jason jogging around the snow-covered 12.A few weeks later,he told us each month students 13 an “athlete of the month”.The coach would list the top athletes,and students voted for the winner.Jasons 14 had never been listed.But that day,one of the student

5、s said,“Id like to nominate(提名) Jason for the athlete of the month,sir!”The coach looked 15.“He works harder than any of us,sir,”the student continued.“But well have to have someone 16 the nomination”,the coach replied.Tears formed in Jasons eyes as he told us what happened next.“Mom,Dad,everyone in

6、 the class 17 their hand.”We,also in tears,looked at him as he 18 showed his certificate.Whenever I despair,I think of this story.I 19 myself that challenges are not overcome by force,but by patience,20 and faith.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。作者的儿子Jason患有先天性脑瘫,在学校田径队的表现受到同学们的取笑,但在严寒天气里,Jason仍坚持练习,最终他被选为“月度田径运动员”。作者通

7、过儿子的经历得出感悟:挑战不是靠武力战胜的,而是靠耐心、决心和信心。1.A.comfortedB.persuadedC.protected D.instructed答案A解析根据上文“Our son Jason was born with cerebral palsy”的提示可知,对于患病的孩子,在成长过程中父母给予的是安慰和鼓励。comfort“安慰”符合语境。persuade“劝服”;protect“保护”;instruct“指导”。2.A.boring B.confusingC.heartbreaking D.challenging答案C解析下文提到孩子在棒球运动的队员选拔中排名最后,所

8、以这是一件令人心碎的(heartbreaking)事。boring“无趣的”;confusing“令人困惑的”;challenging“有挑战性的”。3.A.purposely B.regularlyC.exactly D.eventually答案B解析根据上文可知,作者的孩子患有先天性疾病,在棒球运动的队员选拔中排名最后,这应该是经常(regularly)发生的事情。purposely“故意地”;exactly“确切地”;eventually“最终”。4.A.praised B.admiredC.respected D.accepted答案D解析根据but可知,此处与上文形成对比,尽管作者的

9、孩子经常排名最后,但是同学们都接纳(accepted)他。praise“称赞”;admire“钦佩”;respect“尊敬”。5.A.merciful B.enjoyableC.difficult D.unforgettable答案C解析根据下文“One afternoon,he returned home.shouting angrily,Ill never go to school again!”可知,此处表示他最艰难的(difficult)时期。merciful“仁慈的”;enjoyable“使人愉快的,令人快乐的”;unforgettable“令人难忘的”。6.A.confidence

10、 B.sadnessC.courage D.fear答案B解析根据语境可知,此处应该是伤心(sadness)的情绪。confidence“信心”;courage“勇气”;fear“恐惧”。7.A.covered B.packedC.faced D.supplied答案A解析根据下文的“.with food other kids had thrown at him on the way home.”可知,他的身上有其他同学扔的食物。be covered with.意为“被覆盖”,符合语境。pack“打包”;face“面对”;supply “提供”。8.A.played for B.voted f

11、orC.prepared for D.signed up for答案D解析根据下文“That day,a few older students made fun of his 9 on the track and made him the 10 of their one-sided food fight.”可知,此处为报名参加(signed)学校的田径队。vote for“为投票”;prepare for“为做准备”。9.A.promise B.performanceC.goal D.ability答案B解析根据语境可知,此处表示那天,一些年龄大一点的学生因为他在跑道上的表现(performa

12、nce)取笑他。promise“诺言”;goal“目标”。 B.causeC.focus D.role答案A解析根据上文中的“That day,a few older students made fun of his 9 on the track.”可知,此处表示同学们取笑他而且还把他当成食物大战的靶子(target)。cause “事业,原因”;focus“焦点”;role“角色”。 case ifC.ever since D.even though答案D解析即使麻烦不断,他仍留在队里。根据语境可知前后形成转折,even though“尽管,即使

13、”符合语境。in case“以防万一”;as if “仿佛”;ever since“从那以后”。12.A.street B.campC.track D.field答案C解析根据上文“That day,a few older students made fun of his 9 on the track.”的提示可知此处为原词复现,表示当其他孩子在体育馆锻炼时,他们注意到Jason在白雪覆盖的跑道(track)上慢跑。13.A.trained B.foundC.dismissed D.chose答案D解析根据下文“The coach would list the top athletes,and

14、 students voted for the winner.”的提示可知,此处表示学生们选出(chose)。train“锻炼”;find“发现”;dismiss“解散”。 B.progressC.score D.application答案A解析根据上文“The coach would list the top athletes,and students voted for the winner.”的提示可知,此处表示名字(name)。15.A.satisfied B.surprisedC.excited D.disappointed答案B解析根据上文“Jasons 14 h

15、ad never been listed”的提示可知,此处教练的反应应该是惊讶的(surprised)。16.A.invite D.consider答案C解析根据上文“The coach would.the winner”的提示可知,此处教练想表达的是必须有人支持(support)提名。17.A.put up B.put backC.put down D.put out答案A解析根据下文中的“We,also in tears,looked at him as he 18 showed his certificate”可推知,最终大家都同意了提名,所以此处应该是举起(put up)了手。18.A.carefully B.firmlyC.eagerly D.proudly答案D解析根据上文中的“Tears formed in Jasons eyes as he told us what happened next”可知,此处表示对于这份荣誉,Jason应该是自豪地(proudly)展示他的证书。19.A.warn B.remindC.inform D.teach答案B解析根据上文中

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