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1、九年级英语上Unit4同步练习含答案2019-2020年九年级英语上Unit4同步练习含答案 一、单项选择(共15小题;共15分) 1. I keep dogs for protection, but now I keep them as pets. A. would rather B. had better C. used to D. have to 2. - your father take you to concerts? - Yes, he did. A. Did; used to B. Did; used for C. Did; use for D. Did; use to 3. W

2、hen he was a child, he swim in this river. A. uses to B. doesnt use to C. used to D. was used to 4. - Hi, Ann! I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest. - Congratulations! And I guess your parents must you. A. be mad at B. be proud of C. be angry with D. be impolite to 5. If you try your

3、best, we will you even you may fail again and again. A. be pride of B. take proud of C. be proud in D. take pride in 6. The flowers some water because they havent been watered for many days. A. gain B. request C. rescue D. require 7. The girl go out at night. A. dare not B. not dare C. doesnt dare D

4、. darent to 8. - I want to know more about how to use this word. - You can look it up in the dictionary. A. mostly B. exactly C. nearly D. hardly 9. - She tried hard to stop her husband from smoking, didnt she? - Yes. But she . A. failed B. fell C. made it D. got it10. Alice watches the news round-u

5、p, so she knows little about the world. A. seldom B. usually C. sometimes D. always11. My sister long hair, but now she wears short hair. A. used to have B. has C. used to be D. used to has12. that river very clean? A. Did; use to B. Did; use to be C. Does; used to D. Does; use to be13. My grandma i

6、n the country. Now she in the city. A. used to live; lives B. used to living; lived C. uses to live; is living D. was used to live; lives14. You can find a way to reach your goals when you are proud yourself and stand tall like a sunflower. A. on B. from C. of15. Your mother always in you, right? A.

7、 take pride B. take proud C. takes pride D. takes proud二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)16. - Is everyone here?- Yes, Mr. Green. No one is a .17. My English teacher had a great i on me.18. My uncle is a reporter. He often i famous persons.19. What he said always made us laugh. We all think he is very h .2

8、0. - What are you doing?- I am studying for the English e .21. Ann kept s all day because his little brother broke her toy bear.22. My sister often helps me with my homework. She is very h .23. Before the meeting began, I made the necessary i .24. In g , we have made progress in learning English in

9、recent months.25. You cant use the car. Its p . Its owner is Mr. Green.26. Tom was ill yesterday, so he didnt take part in the meeting. He was a .27. His mother died two days ago. It had a bad i on him.28. I know youll have an i tomorrow. I hope you can get the job.29. He is a person. He often tells

10、 jokes to make us laugh.30. Tony, go to bed early. There will be an e for you.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)31. Mr. Wu is a (幽默) teacher. We like his lessons32. Everybody was active in the meeting except Tom. He kept (沉默的) all the time.33. Tom is such an honest and (乐于助人的) boy that all the neighbors

11、 like him.34. You have to get at least 80 (分数) to pass the test.35. Yesterday Joe wore a smart suit for his job (面试).36. Enshi is a fantastic place to enjoy holidays. Here is an (介绍) about tourist attractions of Enshi.37. If you dont study hard, you will (未能及格) the exams.38. This isnt a public park.

12、 Its a (私人的) one.39. Volunteers from different (背景) feel like part of one big family.40. The film has a bad (影响) on the teenagers.41. Wise people are always very (幽默).42. The children went out and the room was (寂静的).43. Lucy is polite and (乐于助人的). We all like her.44. In the game we got ten (分数) whil

13、e the Medical School got only three.45. Sally became a member of the company after the job (面试).四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)46. 我们过去经常步行去上学。(词数不限)We to school.47. 她年轻的时候常常把钥匙忘在家里。 (词数不限)She leave the key at home when she was young.48. 我们应该教会青少年怎样处理他们的问题。We should teach teenagers how to their problems

14、.49. 在公共场所不要大声说话。(词数不限)Dont talk loudly .50. We Chinese people are always (以为骄傲) our athletes.五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Justin was really good at basketball and he thought it was the only way out of his school. He could run with the 51 fast and beat any of the older boys at the court and the younger boys d

15、idnt have a chance. One day, some boys from another school ran up and asked to 52 with Justin. The big one in the middle said that he had heard Justin was the best and he wanted to see if it was true. Justin agreed. During the game, Justin was running all over the big boys and making his shots. Sudd

16、enly, a big boy 53 Justin. Justin went flying, fell on the ground and broke his leg. The doctor said Justin might never play again. Justin was so 54 . The first six weeks, Justin just lay in bed watching TV every day and ate potato chips until the bag was empty. Justin put on too much weight. His on

17、ce 55 future disappeared. When he lost himself in great hopelessness, Justins sister, Kiki came home from the university. She was like sunshine, 56 exciting stories of college. Justin was attracted by the stories that Kiki told. Justin! She interrupted his daydream. Let me see your progress report.

18、Justin was 57 . His grades had really fallen since he broke his leg. Oh no, this wont do, Justin, she said, Were going to improve the grades. So, while she was home on break, they studied, talked and worked together. Justin 58 better and he wasnt so upset. After spending those weeks with his sister,

19、 Justin realized that he didnt want to feel bad for himself anymore, and he didnt want to give up. Basketball used to be his thing, and he was good at it, but now there was only 59 , so he had to get good at that. Justin passed through all his classes. With the study skills he had learned from his s

20、ister, Justin scored a 24 on the ACT. Every university that he applied to (申请) accepted him. When the autumn came, Justin had his 60 in colleges. He decided to go to the sunniest university in Hawaii, and nobody could say that Justin made a bad choice.51. A. toy B. ball C. key D. flag52. A. play B.

21、stand C. eat D. ride53. A. saw B. met C. pushed D. followed54. A. brave B. honest C. safe D. sad55. A. busy B. quiet C. bright D. funny56. A. changing B. receiving C. forgetting D. bringing57. A. moved B. embarrassed C. interested D. pleased58. A. repeated B. taught C. felt D. sounded59. A. schoolwo

22、rk B. sport C. home D. travel60. A. fact B. choice C. record D. event六、阅读理解(共16小题;共32分)A The other day Roy Price went “home” to his sisters house. Its her home now; and its also the house he was born in, Pat, his sister, kissed him and said, “You havent changed much, Roy. Let me see, now when did we

23、 meet last?” “Thirty years ago,” he answered. “I came here for a week, do you remember? And I was right thirty then.” He added, “Youve changed very little.” But it wasnt true. Pat looked like an old lady. The next morning Roy walked through the small town alone. The place looked very different. Ther

24、e were lots of traffic signs beside the roads. There was a new car park, a new post office, a new He remembered suddenly that the bus used to stop anywhere: you just put up your hand and it stopped. One surprise followed another. But Roys biggest surprise was the people. He didnt recognize(认识) anybo

25、dy at all. He thought perhaps everyone here seemed old. He went into the post office and bought some stamps. “Where are all the children and young people?” he asked the postmaster. The old fellow looked up and answered, “Children? Theyre in school, of course.” At lunch Pat said, “The town looks nice

26、, doesnt it?” “Its all different, Pat. It used to be an exciting place, but now its full of old people. I dont understand” “There are a few newcomers, but the ones we knew are still here. Youre not young yourself, Roy, are you?”61. The house Roy was born in is now his home. A. mothers B. sisters C.

27、new D. own62. In the eyes of Roy, the small town looked and people seemed . A. different; old B. different; young C. old; young D. old; new63. In the passage the writer mainly wants to tell us that . A. people in the small town were old like Roys sister B. Roy hasnt changed much but his sister has c

28、hanged a lot C. Roys hometown has changed a lot since he left 30 years ago D. Roy didnt recognize anybody because he had been away for 30 yearsB Tony loved basketball. One afternoon on his way to a basketball game, he was walking and dreaming about playing college basketball the next year. Suddenly

29、a car hit him and he was thrown three meters into the air. Tony woke up in a hospital room. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken, he knew his college basketball dreams were over. Tony did what the doctors told him, but it didnt work. After he left the hospital, Tony was sent to a

30、health center. A week after he arrived there, he met Sunny Chen. Sunny used to be a coach. His legs were hurt badly in a skating accident. Though he couldnt move his legs, Sunny became a coach of a basketball team called the Suns. It was an on-wheelchair basketball team, because everybody on the tea

31、m played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited Tony to join the game. Tony played badly, but for the first time since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself. After becoming a part of the Suns, Tony improved quickly. Basketball was like medicine for him. Tony was much better than before. When Tony became sad or angry, Sunny was there to be with him. The day before Tony left the center, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunny how he could be so happy, even with his broken legs. Sunny smiled a

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