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1、九年级英语上册Module2PublicholidaysUnit3Languageinuse重点词汇总结素材九上Module 2 Unit 3 重点词汇总结重点词汇 1st October, 1949 原文再现 The Peoples Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949. 中华人民共和国是在1949年10月1日成立的。基本用法 这是英式英语日期的表达法。在英语中常用基数词表示“年份”,“日”常用序数词读出,前面用定冠词 the。“年、月、日”的表达顺序美式英语和英式英语有区别,美式英语中,通常为 “月、日、年”, 英式英语中,通常

2、为“日、月、年”。表达“世纪年代”时,在表示年份的阿拉伯数字后加-s或-s。 haveoff 原文再现 Its a public holiday, but we only have one day off. 它是一个公共假日,但是我们只休息一天。基本用法 haveoff 表示“休息,不上班”,休息的时间长短通常放在have和off之间。如: We usually have three days off on National Day. 在国庆节我们通常休息三天。 have fun 原文再现 Kids have great fun. 孩子们玩得都很高兴。基本用法 have fun 意为“过得愉快

3、;玩得高兴”。它相当于enjoy oneself和have a good time。如: We had a lot of fun in the park yesterday. 昨天我们在公园里玩得很开心。 Were going to take a vacation in Hainan this year. 今年我们将在海南度假。Have fun! 祝你们玩得愉快!知识拓展-相关句型/结构 have fun in doing sth. 做某事很愉快。如: I have fun flying kites. 我享受放风筝的乐趣。 a three-day holiday 原文再现 There are

4、flowers and national flags everywhere, and we have a three-day holiday. 到处都是花和国旗,我们有三天的假期。基本用法 a three-day holiday意为“一个为期三天的假期”,three-day是“数词+可数名词单数”,是复合形容词, 作定语。如:a three-month visit to Japan 一次去日本为期两个月的访问 found 原文再现 The Peoples Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949. 中华人民共和国是在1949年10月1日

5、成立的。基本用法 found v. 创立;创建 (过去式:founded 过去分词: founded 现在分词:founding 第三人称单数:founds)found on/upon意为“把建立在;使有根据;以为基础或根据”。如:A good relationship has to be founded on trust.基于信任建立良好的关系。They founded a college.他们创办了一所大学。知识拓展-词义辨析:find/found 1. find 意为:发现,找到,其过去式和过去分词为found。I think Im lost; I cant find the bridg

6、e.我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。 2. found 既可以做find的过去式和过去分词,又有本身的含义,为:创立、建立,其过去式和过去分词 为founded。 They founded the company themselves. 他们自己创办了这家公司。 since then 原文再现 People have celebrated the National Day since then. 从那时开始中国人民就庆祝国庆节了。基本用法 since then 意为“从那以后”,常与完成时态连用。如: I havent seen him since then. 从那时起我就再没见过他。Sin

7、ce then, he has developed another bad habit. 自那以后,它养成了另一个坏习惯。 until 原文再现 and well stay there until the end of the holiday. .直到假期末我们将一直待在山东省。基本用法 1.until prep. 到为止,not until 意为“直到才”。如: We didnt notice this matter until yesterday. 直到昨天我们才注意到这件事。 2. until conj. 直到为止。如: I didnt wake up until I heard the

8、 alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。知识拓展-同义词 till prep./conj. 直到。如: The students made much noise till the teacher came into the classroom. 直到老师走进教室学生们才停止了大声喧哗。 all kinds of 原文再现 On that day, there are all kinds of holiday activities. 在那一天,有各种假日活动。基本用法 all kinds of 意为“各种各样的”。如: These animals go to sleep in a

9、ll kinds of place. 这些动物在各种各样的地方睡觉。知识拓展-相关短语 a kind of 意为“一种;有几分”。如: This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe. 这是一种苏格兰风笛。 vacation 原文再现 Its the start of the vcation season, and most people take a vacation sometime in July or August. 因为它是度假季节的开始,大多数人在七月或八月会去度假一段时间。基本用法 vacation n. 假期,on (a) vacation意为“在度假”,

10、go on/take a vacation意为“去度假”。如: We are on vacation in Sanya now. 我们现在在三亚度假。Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vocation. 水上乐园是全家游泳度假的好地方。知识拓展 相关短语 summer vacation/holidays 暑假 winter vacation/holidays 寒假 词义辨析:holiday/ vacation 这些名词均有“假日,节日”之意。 holiday:指按规定不工作的各种假日,时 间可长可短。在英国复数形式表示较长的

11、假期。如: The typist is away on holiday this week. 打字员本周休假。 vacation:通常指时间较长的假期,如学校的寒暑假等。如: The family go on vacation in Florida. 全家去佛罗里达度假。 among 原文再现 It is a time for a special dinner among family and friends. 它是家人和朋友特别聚餐的时间。基本用法 amongprep.意为“在之中;在之间”,通常指在三者或三者以上的人或物之间。如:He is the tallest among us. 他是

12、我们当中个子最高的。There is a village among the hills.群山之间有一座小村庄。知识拓展-词义辨析:among/between两者均含“在之间,在之中”之意。 1. among:指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。 A fifteen year old girl was among the injured. 一个15岁的女孩是受伤人员之一。 2.between:多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指多个事物的两两之间。 She left the table to stand between the two men. 她离开桌子,站在两个男人中间。 speech 原文再现

13、People make short speeches and give thanks for their food. 人们作简短的致辞,为食物而感恩。基本用法 speech n. 演说;演讲;言语;语言能力,make a speech意为“发表演讲”。如: He is going to make a speech in public. 他将当众发表演说。 When we make a speech, we often use a microphone. 我们讲演时经常使用麦克风。 pioneer 原文再现 We have celebrated the festival since the fi

14、rst pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in the seventeenth century. 自首批来自英格兰的拓荒者们在17世纪乘船抵达美洲大陆以来,我们就一直庆祝这个节日。基本用法 pioneer n. 开拓者;先驱者。如: He was a pioneer in the use of X-rays. 他是最早使用X光的人。I see everybody as a pioneer out there. 我认为每个人在那里都是先锋。 grow 原文再现 The local people, the Native America

15、ns, taught the pioneers how to grow corn. 当地人,也就是美洲印第安人,教这些拓荒者如何种植玉米。基本用法 1. grow v. 种植;栽培(植物)(过去式:grew 过去分词:grown 现在分词:growing 第三人称单数:grows)This district used to grow cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。 2. grow v. 生长;发育,grow up意为“长大;成长”。如: I want to be a teacher when I grow up. 我长大后想成为一名教师。 3.gro

16、w v. 逐渐变得,是连系动词,强调变化过程。如: She is growing into a beautiful young woman. 她渐渐出落成一个美丽的姑娘。 following 原文再现 The following year they celebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. 第二年他们聚在一起品尝新收获的食物,一起欢庆(丰收)。基本用法 1. following adj. 接着的;接下来的。如: The following item is a piano solo by Jackson. 下一个节目是杰克逊表

17、演的钢琴独奏。 2. following prep. 在以后。如: Following this session, we shall formulate a series of laws. 这次会议以后,要接着制定一系列的法律。 3. following n. 追随者;下列各项。如: The following is of the greatest importance. 下面一点最为重要。知识拓展-相关单词 follow v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着;遵循。如: If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow. 如果你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦He

18、followed every word of the trial. 他注意听着裁判的每句话。Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn left. 沿着这条路走到拐角处,然后向左转。I didnt quite follow; could you explain it again? 我不太明白,你能再解释一下吗? lay 原文再现 We lay the table, and then before we begin dinner, my father gives thanks for the food, so we rememb

19、er why we celebrate the festival. 我们摆放好桌子,然后在开始聚餐前,父亲表达对食物的感激之情,所以我们记得我们为什么 庆祝这一节日。基本用法 lay v. 放置;摆放;下蛋;产卵。 (过去式:laid 过去分词:laid 现在分词:laying 第三人称单数:lays)Where did you lay your book? 你把你的书放哪里了?The hen can lay an egg every day. 这只母鸡每天能下一个蛋。知识拓展 词义辨析:lay/lielay: 意为“放置;摆放;下蛋;产卵”。如:You may lay it on the t

20、able. 你可以把它放在桌子上。lie:可以表示“躺;位于”(过去式:lay 过去分词:lain 现在分词:lying 第三人称单数:lies)lie还可以表示“说谎”(过去式:lied 过去分词:lied 现在分词:lying 第三人称单数:lies)。如:If you feel unwell, go and lie down. 如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。The cock lied that the egg laid/lying on the table was laid by him. 那只公鸡撒谎说搁在/位于桌子上的那个蛋是他下的。 相关短语 1. lay aside 把放在一边;储

21、存。如: She managed to lay aside some money for the trip. 她设法为旅行存了一些钱。2. lay out 设计;安排;陈列;花费;拟定。如:The hill has been laid out as a park. 这座小山布置成了一座公园。I had to lay out a fortune on that car. 我得为那辆汽车花上一大笔钱。3. lay down 躺下;放下(武器)等。如:I lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.我躺在沙发上很快就睡著了。4. lay off 解雇;停止;关

22、闭;休息。如: Lay off! i dont need you to tell me what to do. 别再说了。我不需要你告诉我该怎么样做。 They often lay off workmen during a business depression. 在商业萧条期间,他们将工人暂时解雇。 over 原文再现When it is all over, everyone helps wash the dishes. 当聚餐结束时,每个人都帮忙洗碗筷。基本用法1.overadj. 完了的;结束的。如: Is the meeting over yet?会议结束了吗? 2. over pre

23、p. 可以表示“在之上,在正上方;越过;遍及,到处;在期间;通过媒介”等含义。如: We live over a small bookstore. 我们住在一家小书店的楼上。 We spread a carpet over the floor. 我们给地板铺上了地毯。 3. over adv. 可以表示“在上方;在上空;溢出;遍及;全部地;再一次”等含义。如: She stepped over to the other side to avoid meeting him. 她走到大街另一边,避免与他相遇。 The soup spilled over. 汤泼出来了。 as well 原文再现 W

24、e often talk a lot and tell stories after dinner as well. 我们经常交谈许多,饭后也讲故事。基本用法 as well 意为“也;又;同样地”。常用于口语,只位于句末。如: He has been to Jinan, and has been to Taian as well. 他去过济南,也去过泰安。He knows English, and he knows French as well. 他懂英语,也懂法语。知识拓展-词义辨析:also/too/as well/either/likewise1. also:较正式,位置通常靠近动词,用

25、于句中;且用于肯定句中。如: He also plays football. 他也踢足球。I was also there. 我也在那儿。2. too:多用于口语,通常置于句末,前边须用逗号隔开,也可用于句中,且前后均须用逗号隔开, 用于肯定句中。如:He is a worker, too. 他也是一名工人。The two cows, too, are white. 那两头奶牛也全都是白的。3. as well 是副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末。如:She not only taught us English but taught us maths as well. 她不但教过我们英语,还教

26、过我们数学。He is a teacher and a writer as well. 他是位教师,也是一位作家。4. either 用于否定句中,常置于句末。在肯定句变否定句时,其中的also, too, as well都要改为either。Yesterday Ididntwatch TV and I didnt see the film, either . 昨天我没有看电视,也没有看电影。 plenty of 基本用法 1. plenty of 意为“丰富的;充足的”,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,谓语动词的单复数与其后的 名词保持一致。如:There are plenty of eggs

27、 in the house. 家里有许多鸡蛋。2. plenty of 通常用于肯定句中;否定句、疑问句中用enough或much, many。如:There are plenty of books in the library. 图书馆里有大量的书。3. plenty 为不可数名词,意为“许多;充分”。如:I have plenty to do. 我有许多事要做。 apart from 原文再现 Apart from Independence Day, Labour Day and Thanksgiving, the US has several other important holida

28、ys during the year. 除了独立日、劳动节和感恩节,美国在一年中还有其他几个重要的假期。基本用法 apart from 意为“除以外(别无)”,相当于except; apart from还可以表示“除以外(尚有)”,相当于besides。如:Ivefinished apart from the last question 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。Apart from their house in London, they also have villa in Spain. 他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。Apart from water there is sugar in apples. 苹果除了水以外还有糖。 arrival 原文再现 Columbus Day in October remembers Christopher Columbus arrival in the Americans in 1492. 在十月份的哥伦布日纪念1492年克里斯托弗哥伦布到达美洲大陆。基本用法 arrival n.抵达;到达。如: We apologize for the late arrival of the train. 我们为火车晚点表示歉意。知识拓展-相关单词 arrive v.到达;抵达,arrive in表示“到达;抵达

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