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本文(北京建筑工程学院教学大纲格式测绘与城市空间信息学院北京建筑大学.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北京建筑工程学院教学大纲格式测绘与城市空间信息学院北京建筑大学遥感科学与技术专业(一)课程教学大纲城市遥感(双语)课程教学大纲Course syllabus for Urban Remote Sensing 一、基本信息 basic information课程编号课程中文名称城市遥感(双语)课程英文名称 Urban Remote Sensing课程类别通识教育( )基础教育( )学科基础( )专业基础( )专业技术( )课程性质必修( )限选( )任选( )适用专业遥感科学与技术总学时48 (含8学时上机实验)学分3先修课程遥感原理、航空航天数据获取、遥感数字图像处理并修课程遥感技术应用,高光

2、谱遥感开课单位测绘与城市空间信息学院遥感工程系二、教学目的与任务 Purpose and task (一)目的 Purpose城市遥感是遥感科学与技术专业本科生的必修课,是一门以理论阐述为主,结合部分课内实验的专业技术课程。本课程教学突出以学生主动学习为主,教学为辅的教学理念,调动和激发学生的学习热情。本课程的教学目的是通过本课程的学习,使学生了掌握利用遥感技术解决城市中存在的环境、生态等问题,同时掌握目前国内外常用的高分辨率遥感卫星数据以及基本的图像预处理、图像分类等知识。Urban remote sensing is a technical course for undergraduate

3、 students in remote sensing science and technology. The main purpose of the course is stressing on the combination between theory and practice, basic concepts and theories are given in lectures in detail. Practices for the basic technology are designed as well which is helpful for improving students

4、 abilities to resolve real urban problems. Outcomes of learning this course are supposed that the students can understand the basic concepts, major sensors, satellite image processing and information extraction technologies as well as the application of remote sensing technology in urban area. (二)任务

5、 Task本课程的学习以教师讲授为主,同时辅之以讨论、课后作业、实例演示等手段,同时,为了提高学生对理论知识的理解,设置了8个学时的课内实验。本课程的教学任务对城市遥感技术的基本理论知识、高分辨率影像的图像处理知识以及专题信息提取技术等,通过本课程的学习,使学生了解本专业的前沿发展现状和趋势,具有扎实的遥感科学与技术专业理论与技术知识,同时具有运用工程基础知识和本专业基本理论知识解决问题的能力,为学生日后从事工作奠定基础。Formative teaching plus active learning are the major teaching methods, as well as disc

6、ussions, assignments and demonstration. For further understanding the knowledge in remote sensing, this course is divided into theoretical lessons with 40 hours and practical lessons with 8 hours. This kind of course design can provide students an effective way to understand the basic principle and

7、technological knowledge in the discipline of urban remote sensing, which is very helpful for students further acquiring the relative knowledge and resolving real problems in their further jobs.三、教学内容与要求 Content and Requirements(一)城市遥感概述 Overview 2.0学时 Credit hours: 2.01、遥感的基本概念 Basic concepts2、城市遥感的

8、内涵 What is urban remote sensing3、城市遥感发展与趋势 Developments and trends of urban remote sensing 要求:了解城市遥感的基本概念、涉及到的遥感基础知识、技术和方法,了解城市遥感的发展现状、发展趋势和主要研究方向Requirements: get the basic knowledge on remote sensing and its support for urban remote sensing, the state of art in urban remote sensing and its develop

9、ment and research directions.(二)城市区域研究的遥感系统 Remote Sensing Systems for Urban Areas 12学时 (含2学时上机,6学时反转课堂) Credit hours: 12 (2 hours lab experience)1、Landsat系列卫星的城市应用 Landsat imagery for urban studies2、亚米级高分辨率卫星的城市应用 Optical sub-meter high-resolution satellite remote sensing for urban applications3、高光

10、谱数据的城市应用 Hyperspectral remote sensing of urban features4、高分SAR影像及其城市应用 Very high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar and urban areas5、Lidar数据的三维建筑物构造提取 Three-dimensional building reconstruction from lidar 6、上机:适宜城市遥感的各类遥感数据特征 Lab: Remote sensing data characteristics for urban remote sensing要求:掌握适合于城

11、市尺度研究与专题应用的遥感数据及其特征Requirements: get the knowledge of satellite imagery characteristics suitable for urban remote sensing (三)城市专题信息提取技术 Image processing algorithms and techniques for urban attribute extraction 12学时 (含4学时上机) Credit hours: 12 (4 hours lab experience)1、面向对象模式识别及分类 An object-oriented pa

12、ttern recognition approach for urban classification2、城市特征亚像元分解技术 Characterizing sub-pixel composition using spectral mixture analysis3、人工神经网络分类 Artificial neural networks for urban classification4、多光谱影像的空间增强技术 Spatial enhancement of multispectral images on urban areas5、上机:城市典型地表特征提取 Lab: Urban attri

13、bute extraction要求:了解适合于城市地表典型特征的提取技术,掌握面向对象的分类方法Requirements: get the knowledge of urban attribute extraction methods; grasp the object-oriented methods for urban classification. (四)城市环境遥感 Urban Environmental Analysis 16学时 (含2学时上机) Credit hours: 12 (2 hours lab experience)1、不透水地面遥感 Remote sensing of

14、 impervious surfaces2、基于遥感的城市水文模型 Role of remote sensing in hydrological modeling of urban areas3、城市化和生态多样性遥感监测 Urbanization and biodiversity4、城市扩张监测 Measuring and defining urban sprawl5、城市热环境遥感 Urban thermal environment6、城市空气质量监测 Air quality modeling7、城市景观变化遥感监测 Urban growth and landscape change mo

15、delling要求:掌握城市环境遥感监测的主要方法和技术流程Requirements: understand the methodologies and technical flowchart for urban environmental remote sensing; (五)城市社会经济分析 Urban socioeconomic analysis 6学时 Credit hours: 61、城市人口估算 Population estimation with high-resolution remote sensing and Lidar2、夜光遥感及其应用 Satellite observ

16、ed nighttime lights and applications3、环境诊断分析 Integrating GIS and RS for environmental justice analysis要求:掌握基于遥感的城市社会经济分析方法Requirements: understand the principles and methods for performing urban socioeconomic analysis by combining GIS and RS technology. 四、学时分配表 Credit hour allocation table内 容 content讲授 credit ho

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