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1、梭罗名言英文版梭罗名言英文版不管两条腿作多大努力,都不能使两个头脑更靠近。下面是应届毕业生小编为大家整理的梭罗名言英文版,欢迎查看1、如果你熟悉了此种事件的原则,那么各种的实例和举证对你来说还有什么意义呢?If you are familiar with the principles of this kind of event, what is the meaning of all the examples and evidence to you?2、所有的事情,不论是善的还是恶的,都像水流一样从我们的身边流过。All things, whether good or bad, flow lik

2、e a stream from us.3、人是自己幸福的工匠。Man is his own happiness.4、这种花了一个人的生命中最宝贵的一部分人来赚钱,为了在最不宝贵的一部分时间里享受一点可疑的自由,使我想起了那个英国人,为了他可以回到英国去过一个诗人般的生活,他首先跑到印度去发财。它应该立即住进破旧的阁楼去才对。梭罗名言This took the most valuable one in the life of some people to make money, in order to enjoy a little suspicious freedom in the most v

3、aluable part of the time, reminds me of the British, in order that he could return to England and live the life of a poet, he first went to India to make a fortune. It should be immediately admitted to the old attic.5、无知和错误,满载着虚构的忧虑。我们天性中最优美的品格,好比果实上的粉霜一样,是只能轻手轻脚,才得保全的。Ignorance and error, full of i

4、maginary worries. The finest qualities of our nature, like the fruit on the Creme is only preserved only cautiously without any noise.6、对于我们,使我们的眼睛看不见的光就是黑暗。只有我们醒着的时候,黎明才会到来。会有更多的黎明。太阳只不过是一颗晨星。For us, the light that is invisible to our eyes is darkness. The dawn will come when we are awake. There wi

5、ll be more dawn. The sun is just a morning star.7、大多数人都活在沉静的绝望中。Most people live in quiet desperation.8、执着追求并从中得到最大快乐的人,才是成功者。The persistent pursuit of the greatest happiness of the people, is the winner.9、我得感谢这样一个又深又清纯的湖,它是一个象征:假如人们相信无限时,那些湖就会认为是无底的。I have to thank such a deep and pure lake, it is

6、a symbol: if people believe that unlimited, the lakes will be considered to be bottomless.10、我可以预料到,一旦有个人把他脑海中的想象转变成了可能实现的现实,那么以后所有的人都会生活并建立在那之上了。I can be expected that once a person has changed the image of his mind into a possible reality, then all the people will live and build on that.11、我看到那些岁月

7、如何奔驰,挨过了冬季,便迎来了春天。I see those years how Benz, next to the winter, will usher in the spring.12、一切改变都是值得深思的奇迹,但它又是一种随时会发生的奇迹。Everything is a miracle, but it is a miracle that can happen at any time.13、然而大人们却又总觉得自己比孩子聪明,因为他们有更多的生活经验,确切地说,是更多的失败经验。Adults, however, always feel that they are more intellig

8、ent than their children, because they have more life experience, and more precisely, it is more of a failure experience.14、书是世界宝贵财富,是国家和历史的优秀遗产。Book is the worlds precious wealth, is the national and historical heritage of excellence.15、许多国王疯狂地保留了大量经过仔细雕琢的石头,希望使自己永恒。假如他们用这些心思来雕琢他们的心思,将会怎样呢?Many king

9、s have kept a large number of carefully crafted stones, hoping to make themselves eternal. If they use these thoughts to carve their mind, what will it be?16、当你实现你的梦想的时候,关键并不是你得到什么,而是在追求的过程的你变成了什么样的人。When you realize your dreams, the key is not what you get, but in the pursuit of the process you bec

10、ome what kind of person.17、要知道,美的趣味最好在露天培育,在那里既没有房屋,也没有管家。You know, its best to cultivate the beauty in the open air, where there is no house, no housekeeper.18、不好回头看,除非你想走回去。Dont look back, unless you want to go back.19、如果一个人自信地向着他梦想的地方前进,努力去过他设想的生活,他将会在平常的时刻获得意外的成功。If a person is confident in the

11、direction of his dreams, and strive to live his life, he will get an unexpected success at ordinary times.20、一个人如果得到保证,在他身上的兽性正在一天天地死去,而神圣的东西正在确立下来,那么他就是得到了上帝的赐福。If a person is guaranteed, in him the beast is one day to die, and sacred things are being established, so hes got a blessing.21、剩余的财富只能买来

12、剩余的东西。The rest of the money can only buy the rest of the things.22、在任何气候任何时辰,我都希望及时改善我当前的状况,并要在手杖上刻下记号;过去和未来的交叉点正是现在,我就站在这个起点上。In any climate, I hope to improve my current situation in time, and to mark the walking stick; the cross point of the past and the future is now, I am standing on the starti

13、ng point.23、每一个人都是一个王国的君主。Every man is a king of a kingdom.24、若是以为你从未摘过黑果,但又已经品尝过黑果了,那就是一个低级的错误。If you have never picked the black fruit, but have tasted the black fruit, and that is a low-level error.25、无论两条腿如何努力,也无法让两颗心的距离更加接近。No matter how hard the two legs, it can not make the distance of the tw

14、o hearts more close to.26、我毫不怀疑,时间是能甄别出优劣的。I have no doubt that time is able to identify the pros and cons of.27、有时间充实自己的精神生活,这才是真正的休闲。Have time to enrich their spiritual life, this is the real leisure.28、人类在过着静静的绝望的生活。你从绝望的城市走到绝望的村庄,以水貂和麝鼠的勇敢来安慰自己。可是不做绝望的事,才是智慧的一种表征。Human beings are living a quiet

15、life of despair. From the desperate city you go to the village to despair, mink and muskrat brave to comfort themselves. But not to despair of things, is the wisdom of a characterization.29、你务必活在当下,乘着每一个波浪前行,在每一刻找到你的永恒。傻瓜站在他们的机会之岛上寻找另一片陆地。没有别的陆地,除了这性命,没有别的性命。You must live in the moment, in every wav

16、e, and find your eternity in every moment. A fool stands on the island of their chance to find another land. There is no other land, but this life, there is no life.30、充满自信地追求你的梦想!去过你梦想中的生活。To pursue your dreams with confidence! Been to your dream life.31、我确信,假设所有人都和我一样生活简朴,那么偷窃、抢劫之事便不会发生。发生诸如此类的事,主要原因是世上有的人得到的太多,而

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