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1、社交网络上最值得关注的名人The Fortune Social Register社交网络上最值得关注的名人For some business giantsand their millions of followerssocial networking is part of the job. This is our handpicked list of the most influential,popular,and interactive business people on social media.社交网络是一些商业巨头和他们数以百万计的追随者工作的一部分。财富杂志日前精心制作了一份在社交

2、网络上最有影响力、最受欢迎、最活跃的商界人物榜单。The art of communication,” James C. Humes, a speechwriter for five presidents, once said, “is the language of leadership.” And an art it is. In todays fave-this, like-that social media environment, a chief executive of a Fortune 500 company can share a status update from a h

3、ead of state 6,000 miles away and then respond, directly and in real time, to a tough question from one of his customersall in the span of a minute, and all in a public forum for the world to see. (Talk about a high-wire act.) Not every executive has dared to give Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or

4、LinkedIn a try. For some business leaders, though, socializing is part of the job. In our inaugural Fortune Social Register, we pick the most experienced, active, influential, and followed members of the business community. Call them socialites; call them social butterflies. Whatever the term, we ca

5、n all agree that its something to tweet about.为五位总统撰写过演讲稿的詹姆斯C休姆斯曾经表示,“沟通的艺术是领导力的语言。”沟通的确是门艺术。在今天这样一个点“赞”无处不在的社交媒体环境中,一家财富美国500强公司的CEO可以共享远在6,000英里之外的某位国家元首的状态更新,然后在第一时间直接回应一位客户的棘手问题,所有这一切全部在一分钟内、在一个面向全世界的公共论坛上完成这简直是在走钢丝!不是每位高管都敢尝试 Facebook、Twitter,、Google Plus或商务社交网络LinkedIn。但对一些商界领袖来说,社交是工作的一部分。作为

6、财富社交名人录专栏(Fortune Social Register)的处女秀,我们精巧细选了一组在社交网络上最有影响力、经验最丰富、最活跃、粉丝最多的商界人物。大家可以把他们称为社交达人,或者社交花蝴蝶。但不管使用哪种称谓,我们都觉得这份名单值得你转发到社交网络上,发表一下看法。THE DATA NERD“数据呆子”Bill Gates比尔盖茨Social activity: 3社交活力:3Social network: 10社交网络:10Business influence: 10商业影响力:10The Microsoft co-founder has always been a techn

7、ophile, and its no surprise that hes an active Twitter user. But he shines when tweeting figures about the philanthropic issues that are near to his heart, from rural poverty to urban education.这位微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人一直钟爱技术,难怪他是一位活跃的Twitter用户。不过他在Twitter上最热衷的话题还是与慈善人物有关。每每在Twitter上聊到农村贫困和城市教育这类他全情参与的

8、慈善事业时,他总是显得神采飞扬。AND YOU GET A TWEET, AND YOU GET A TWEETOprah Winfrey奥普拉温弗瑞Social activity: 8社交活力: 8Social network: 10社交网络: 10Business influence: 10商业影响力:10Chief executive of the cable television network that bears her name, Winfrey demonstrates that she can excite her community without the need for

9、 a daytime talk show. Call it a lifeclass in staying relevant.温弗瑞现在执掌一家以她的名字命名的有线电视网络。她表明,就算不再主持日间脱口秀节目,她也完全可以激活起她的社区。温弗瑞已经把她的lifeclass(人生课堂)延续到了社交网络上。THE BOULEVARDIER“花花公子”Richard Branson理查德布兰森Social activity: 7社交活力:7Social network: 10社交网络:10Business influence: 8商业影响力:8It comes as no surprise that

10、the social accounts of free-spirit Virgin Group co-founder Richard Branson are chockablock with spaceship riding, deep-sea diving, andwait, was that a picture of him kite-surfing with a naked model on his back?维珍集团(Virgin Group)联合创始人理查德布兰森向来天马行空,他的社交帐户充满了各种跟太空旅行和深海潜水有关的话题,这一点也不奇怪等等,看那张他冲浪的照片,他竟然还背着一

11、位裸体模特?ITS NATURAL, DAHLING“这很自然,亲爱的”Arianna Huffington阿里安娜赫芬顿Social activity: 9社交活力: 9Social network: 9社交网络:9Business influence: 7商业影响力:7According to the president and editor-in-chief of AOLs Huffington Post Media Group, there are better ways to sleep, eat, work, converse, and vacation. Follow Huffi

12、ngton and youll get plenty of advice on how to live the good life.赫芬顿是美国在线公司(AOL)旗下赫芬顿邮报传媒集团(Huffington Post Media Group)的总裁兼总编辑。在她看来,人们睡觉、吃饭、工作、交谈和度假的方式都有待改善。请关注赫芬顿,你将获得大量建议,告诉怎样过上好生活。REIGNING RETWEETER“转发皇后”Marissa Mayer玛丽莎梅耶Social activity: 1社交活力: 1Social network: 6社交网络: 6Business influence: 9商业影

13、响力:9Yahoos chief executive makes this list but not because of her own updates, which are infrequent and almost always through purple-colored glasses. Rather, its her heavy use of retweets, which subtly reveal what she might be thinking.这位雅虎公司(Yahoo)CEO并不是凭借她自己的原创帖而跻身这份榜单的。事实上,她很少发原创帖,而且几乎总是慎之又慎。相反,她

14、频繁地转发别人的微博,这些只言片语巧妙地揭示了她或许正在思考的东西。FIVE TWEETS“五条Twitter消息”Warren Buffett沃伦巴菲特Social activity: 1社交活力: 1Social network: 4社交网络: 4Business influence: 10商业影响力: 10“Warren is in the house,” read the first tweet from Berkshire Hathaways high-profile chief executive, and only four more have come since. Still

15、, when the Oracle of Omaha has something to say, its usually worth a listen.“沃伦来了,”这是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司( Berkshire Hathaway)CEO在Twitter发的第一条消息,此后也仅仅发了四条而已。不过,当“奥马哈先知”有话要说的时候,它们通常值得一听。CANT STOP, WONT STOP“停不下来,也不会停”Michael Dell迈克尔戴尔Social activity: 4社交活力:4Social network: 5社交网络:5Business influence: 3商业影响力:3All

16、 Dell, all the time. You cant fault the Dell founder and CEO for sticking to his guns, but the impresario of the newly private computer maker does have something to brag about. As he tweeted in May, “I am self employed.”满屏都是戴尔。这位戴尔公司(Dell)创始人兼CEO似乎总有说不完的话,但你不能指责他。因为作为戴尔公司这家电脑制造商私有化大戏的导演,他确实有值得吹嘘的事情。

17、正如他在五月份的一条Twitter消息所言:“我现在是给自己打工。”THE ONE WITH A PORCELAIN ADDICTION“酷爱瓷器的人”Tory Burch托里伯奇Social activity: 1社交活力:1Social network: 7社交网络:7Business influence: 6商业影响力:6Summits, dinners, gala events: Following the fashion and lifestyle fixture is a starry affair. Then again, its not hard to figure out w

18、hy Burch embodies her namesake brand so effectively and why so many people aspire to that life.峰会,晚宴,庆祝活动:关注这位时尚秀场常客,你肯定会看到各路明星的身影。然后,你就不难发现为什么伯奇如此有效地体现了其同名品牌的内涵,为什么如此多人向往那种生活。GROUND CONTROL TO MUSK, ELON“地面管制呼叫埃隆穆斯克”Elon Musk埃隆穆斯克Social activity: 2社会活力: 2Social network: 4社会网络: 4Business influence:

19、9商业影响力:9The Tesla Motors CEO and former PayPal president once stared into the future. It blinked. Musks social updates combine the frankness of Mark Cuban with the adventurousness of Richard Branson. (No wonder so many want to be his co-pilot.)这位特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla Motors) CEO、贝宝公司(PayPal)前总裁曾经凝视未来。它眨了眨眼。

20、穆斯克的社交账户把马克库班的坦率和理查德布兰森的冒险精神结合在了一起。(难怪那么多人想成为他的副驾驶。)READS BETWEEN THE LINES“注意字里行间的言外之意”Marc Andreessen马克安德森Social activity: 10社交活力:10Social network: 1社交网络: 1Business influence: 9商业影响力:9From the South Parkstyle avatar on down, the storied Silicon Valley investor makes sure that you dont take him too seriously. Then, once youre fully disarmed, hell slip you cutting commentary on the tech industry and Internet life.从类似于南方公园(South Park)风格的账户头像,到其他浅薄行为,这位富有传奇色彩的硅谷投资人总有办法让你不会把他太当回事。然后,一旦你完全缴械,他就会偷偷地塞给你一条针对高科技产业与互联网生活的刻薄评论。

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