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1、能源是人类社会的重要能量内容摘要:能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础,在国民经济中 具有特别重要的战略地位。化石能源是有限的,且给环境带来的危害是不可估量的,研究新能源的开发和运用是大势所趋,只有新能源的大力发展,才能更好的发展我国经济,提高生活环境。 关键词:能源,燃料,新能源,趋势。Summary: Energy is the material basis for the survival and development of human society, with particular strategic importance in the national economy. Fos

2、sil energy is limited, and harm to the environment is immeasurable, research development and application of new energy is the trend, only to develop new energy sources, in order to better development of Chinas economy and improve the living environment.Keywords: energy, fuel, new energy, trend.1、研究背

3、景 能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础,在国民经济中 具有特别重要的战略地位。人类对于能源的利用呈现出了规律,研究这些规律有利于我们更好的把握方向,更好的发展我国经济。化石能源是当前的主要能源,但化石能源的大规模低效开发和利用会导致大量资源的浪费和空气环境污染物、温室气体的排放。此外,化石燃料的不可再生和引发的不断恶化的生态环境后果也促使人们努力开发新的能源技术。 历史上的多次能源危机 ,如:1973年能源危机 - 原因石油输出的主要力量为阿拉伯国家,他们因不满西方国家支持以色列而采取石油禁运。 1979年能源危机 - 原因伊朗革命爆发。 1990年石油价格暴涨 - 原因波斯湾战争。加州电

4、力危机 - 原因 电力管制政策失败,加上供给小于需求。 英国石油抗议活动 - 原因英国油税已高居不下,而原油价格却又上扬。2005石油价格上扬 - 原因供需关系失调。现今新能源和可再生能源技术的开发己日益受到重视,21世纪,以化石燃料为主体的世界能源系统将转化以太阳能和生物质能等可再生能源为主体的新的世界能源系统,化石燃料将失去世界能源主体的地位。 很多学者认为世界能源危机的主要原因是石油价格过于便宜,以致于使世界对其产生了过度的依赖性而迅速消耗殆尽,他们主张减少对化石燃料的依赖,增加研究经费用于对能源燃料替代用品的研究,目前主要的替代能源有燃料电池、甲醇、生物能、太阳能、潮汐能和风能等。但是

5、迄今为止只有水力发电和核能有明显的功效。与此同时,一些组织例如罗马俱乐部(The Club of Rome)原本悲观的预计世界的石油在20世纪末会用毕,并未变成现实,其中一个重要原因是新技术的发展使石油的开采变得更有效率。 I. BackgroundEnergy is the material basis for the survival and development of human society, with particular strategic importance in the national economy. Human use of energy for showing a

6、 rule, study these laws will help us to better grasp the direction, the better development of our economy. Fossil energy is currently the main source of energy, but large-scale development and inefficient use of fossil energy resources will lead to a lot of waste and environmental air pollutants, gr

7、eenhouse gas emissions. In addition, non-renewable and ecological consequences triggered by deteriorating fossil fuels also spurred efforts to develop new energy technologies. Many times the energy crisis in history, such as: 1973 energy crisis - Cause: The main force for Arab oil-exporting countrie

8、s, they support Israel because of dissatisfaction with Western countries to take the oil embargo. 1979 energy crisis - Cause: the Iranian Revolution.1990 surge in oil prices - Cause: the Gulf War. California electricity crisis - Cause: failed power control policy, coupled with the supply is less tha

9、n demand. BP protests - Cause: British oil tax has been stubbornly high, while crude oil prices rose yet. 2005 oil prices - Cause: supply and demand imbalance. Today new energy and renewable energy technology development has received increasing attention in the 21st century, with fossil fuels as the

10、 main world energy system will be converted to solar energy and biomass and other renewable energy sources as the main body of the new world energy system, fossil fuels We will lose the status of the worlds energy body. Many scholars believe that the main reason for the worlds energy crisis is the o

11、il price is too cheap, so make the world produces its excessive dependence on rapidly depleted, they advocate to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase research funding for energy / Research on alternative fuel supplies, the main alternative energy include: fuel cells, methanol, bio-energy,

12、solar energy, tidal energy and wind energy. But so far only hydro and nuclear power has obvious effect. At the same time, a number of organizations such as the Club of Rome (The Club of Rome) had dire predictions of the worlds oil will be used up in the 20th century, did not become a reality, one im

13、portant reason is the development of new technology to make oil extraction becomes more efficient. 20世纪50年代以后,由于石油危机的爆发,对世界经济造成巨大影响,国际舆论开始关注起世界“能源危机”问题。许多人甚至预言:世界石油资源将要枯竭,能源危机将是不可避免的。如果不作出重大努力去利用和开发各种能源资源,那么人类在不久的未来将会面临能源短缺的严重问题。 世界能源危机是人为造成的能源短缺。石油资源将会在一代人的时间内枯竭。它的蕴藏量不是无限的,容易开采和利用的储量已经不多,剩余储量的开发难度越

14、来越大,到一定限度就会失去继续开采的价值。在世界能源消费以石油为主导的条件下,如果能源消费结构不改变,就会发生能源危机。煤炭资源虽比石油多,但也不是取之不尽的。代替石油的其他能源资源,除了煤炭之外,能够大规模利用的还很少。太阳能虽然用之不竭,但代价太高,并且在一代人的时间里不可能迅速发展和广泛使用。其他新能源也如是。因此,人类必须估计到,非再生矿物能源资源枯竭可能带来的危机,从而将注意力转移到新的能源结构上,尽早探索、研究开发利用新能源资源。否则,就可能因为向大自然索取过多而造成严重的后果,以至使人类自身的生存受到威胁。 After the 1950s, due to the oil cris

15、is, causing a huge impact on the world economy, international public opinion began to show concern in the world energy crisis issues. Many people even predicted: the worlds oil resources will be depleted, the energy crisis will be inevitable. If you do not make a major effort to exploit and develop

16、various kinds of energy resources, then humanity will face in the near future a serious energy shortage problem. World energy crisis energy shortage caused by man. Oil resources will be exhausted within a generation. Its reserves are not unlimited, easy exploitation and utilization of reserves runni

17、ng out, the development of more and more difficulty remaining reserves, to a certain limit will continue to lose value exploitation. World energy consumption in oil-dominated conditions, if the energy consumption structure does not change, the energy crisis occurs. Although coal resources more than

18、oil, but it is not inexhaustible. Instead of oil, other energy resources, in addition to coal, capable of large-scale use is still rare. Although solar energy inexhaustible, but the price is too high, and it is impossible rapid development and wide use in a generations time. Other new energy sources

19、 is also true. Therefore, humanity must be estimated to non-renewable fossil energy resource depletion crisis may bring, so to divert attention to a new energy mix, early exploration, research development and utilization of new energy resources. Otherwise, you may ask too much because the nature and

20、 cause serious consequences, as well as humanitys survival is threatened. 二、能源的发展史 世界能源的发展历史中有3个阶段:第一阶段是煤炭为主要能源,第二阶段为石油、天然气为主要能源,第三阶段是以可再生能源为基础的持续发展的能源系统。能源发展趋势的演变,是因为以石油、煤炭、天然气为主的化石能源是不可再生能源,也是不能可持续的并且是对环境是有不好影响的。人类对能源的利用,刚开始是直接的燃烧木材,然后是发现了煤炭。工业革命以后转向了化石燃料的使用。直到上世纪70年代,人们追求可再生的清洁能源。这是人类人类利用能源的总体趋势。


22、源逐步发展,形成了当前的以化石燃料为主和新能源、可再生能源并存的格局。Second, the history of the development of energyHistory of the development of the worlds energy in three stages: the first stage is coal as its main energy, the second phase of oil, natural gas as the main energy, and the third stage is the renewable energy-based s

23、ustainable development of energy systems. Evolution of energy trends is due to the oil, coal, natural gas-based fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources, is not sustainable and is bad for the environment is affected. Human use of energy, the beginning is the direct combustion of wood, then coal

24、 was discovered. After the Industrial Revolution turned to the use of fossil fuels. Until the 1970s, the quest for clean energy and renewable. This is a general trend of human human use of energy. Specifically, the Industrial Revolution to promote the development of the coal industry; after World Wa

25、r II, the oil and gas industry has a rapid development. Currently, oil, coal and natural gas and other fossil fuels has become the main world energy. According to the Statistical Review of World Energy 2000 data, the proportion of the worlds primary energy consumption in 1999 constituted 40.5% of oi

26、l, natural gas 24%, coal 25%, nuclear energy 8%, renewable energy 2.5%. Thus, fossil fuels accounted for about 89.5 percent of the worlds primary energy mix. This situation of energy structure has undergone a long process of evolution. In the 200 years after the Industrial Revolution, coal has been

27、the main source of energy worldwide. As science and technology, economic development, the proportion of oil in primary energy structure began to increase, and in the 1960s than coal. Since then, oil, slow decline in the proportion of coal, natural gas has risen, new energy, renewable energy developm

28、ent and gradually form a current fossil-based fuels and new energy, renewable energy coexist. 随着经济的发展,社会的进步,技术水平的提高以及能源日益短缺对人类社会发展构成的威胁,人们对于新能源的探测与研究力度不断加大,部分可再生能源利用技术已经取得了长足的发展,并在世界各地形成了一定的规模。目前,生物质能、太阳能、风能以及水力发电、地热能等的利用技术已经得到了应用。相对于传统能源,新能源普遍具有污染少、储量大的特点,对于解决当今世界严重的环境污染问题和资源(特别是化石能源)枯竭问题具有重要意义。同时,

29、由于很多新能源分布均匀,对于解决由能源引发的战争也有着重要意义。 With economic development, social progress, improve the technological level and the growing energy shortages constitute a threat to the development of human society, people for new energy exploration and research efforts continue to increase, some renewable energy te

30、chnology has made great development, and around the world formed a certain scale. Currently, biomass, solar, wind and hydroelectric power, geothermal energy utilization technology has been applied. Compared with traditional energy sources, new energy generally have less pollution, large reserves of

31、features, to solve the worlds serious environmental pollution problems and resources (especially fossil energy) depletion of great significance. Also, because a lot of new energy evenly distributed, to solve the energy caused by the war are also of great significance.三、中国能源发展分析1我国能源发展中存在的问题 能源资源是能源发



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