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1、打印江苏高考牛津英语模块M1M11词组 (M1) Unit 1 School life1. at ease with 对.感觉轻松;和.相处不拘束 2. know of sb / sth 听说过某事/某人 3. tell the differences between A and B 讲出 A 和 B 间的区别4. on (the) average 平均起来,一般说来;平均 5. used to do sth 过去常常;过去常常做某事 6. be happy with sth/ sb 对.满意;7. for free 免费地 8. such as 9. encourage sb to do s

2、th 10. introduce A to B 把A介绍给B 11. pass sth on (to) sb 把某物传递给某人 12. be available for 有效;可得到的;可利用的13. far (away) from 14. make sure that 15. graduate from university 16. upon/ on doing 17. surf the internet 18. donate sth to sb19. forget to do sth 20. inform sb of sth 通知某人某事; 21. prepare for 22. be r

3、esponsible for 对.负责;为.负责 23. be made up of 24. consist of 组成;由.组成;由.构成25. come up with 赶上 提出 26. tell sb about sth 27. sound like28. word by word 逐渐的,慢慢的; 29. drop some subjects 放弃一些课程/学科; 30. play on the school fields31. e-mail sb 32. talk to sb about sth 33. prepare to do sth34. thank sb for 35. i

4、nvite sb to be/do 36. make a speech about37. run a radio club 38. approve the idea 同意这个建议 39. require sb to do sth要求某人(作某事)(M1) Unit 2 Growing pains1. turn up 露面;出现;开大;调大 2. a waste of time 3. try to do sth 4. force sb to do sth 迫使;強迫 5. spend time (in) doing sth 6. be supposed to do sth 被期望/要求/应该做.

5、7. in charge 主管 看管 在.看管下8. shout at 9. give sb a chance to do sth 10. deserve to do sth 值得/应该做; 11. instead of 12. be hard on sb 13. now that 既然,由于; 14. be rude to sb 15. feel like doing sth16. be different from sth 17. in the form of 以.形式;以.的形式 18. pay attention to 19. think of 20. searchfor 21. a

6、little bit 22. be proud of 23. stay up 熬夜;不睡觉,熬夜; 24. mix upwith 25. ask for sth 26. stop doing sth 27. mean to do sth 28. keep in mind 29. tidy up 收拾;整理 30. be angry with 31. clean up 32. a bit of 33. at all 34. invite sb to do sth 35. be busy with sth 36. used to do sth 37. be used to do sth 38. b

7、e .used to doing sth 39. refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事;拒绝干某事40. as though 好像 仿佛 41. insist on 坚持 坚决要求 42. prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事43. forbid sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 44. argue about sth with sb 45. allow sb to do sth 46. do with 47. go out 48. notany more 49. after all 50. at present 51. like cra

8、zy 52. choosefrom 53. cant wait to do sth 54. go unpunished 55. should have done sth 真应该做某事(后悔没做) 56. be nervous about sth 因为某事紧张;对.紧张 57. all the time 58. get sth done 完成某事;使.被做; 59. at the moment 此刻 60. miss doing sth 61. advise sb to do sth 62. make a bit of difference 有点影响/区别 63. be fit for 适合于6

9、4. ask to do sth 65. happen to sb 碰巧发生在某人身上;发生在某人上(M1) Unit 3 Looking good feeling good1. feel good 2. put on weight 3. discuss the questions below4. be dying to do sth 极想做;非常想做某事; 5. in no time 6. make sb look slimmer7. get enough sleep 8. stay healthy 9. work out 设计出 作出 计算出 10. do exercise 11. cau

10、se sb to do sth 使某人做某事 12. worry about 13. hear from sb 收到某人的音信;接到.的信 14. used to do sty 过去常常 15. three times a day16. notany more 17. another way to do sth 18. a slim figure 如果想身材苗条;要想身材苗条19. lose weight 20. be ashamed of 为.感到害臊21. act in a TV play22. at least 至少 23. in the last two months 24. conc

11、entrate on 集中;全神贯注于25. go on diets 节食26. change ones appearance 改变某人外貌;外形改变27. keep oneself looking good 28. be ashamed of 为.感到害臊 29. side effect 副作用 30. fall out 争吵;结果是;闹翻脱落;31. in secret 32. follow ones advice 33. as a matter of fact 事实上34. along with 35. come across 36. in the long term从长期来看;从长远的

12、观点看(M2)Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained1. run into撞上,偶然碰见共计达到.之多2. put on 穿上 增加 上演3. intend to do sth 企图/想要做某事4. believe in 5. according to 6. take turns to do sth7. step up 提高 走近 逐步增加 提升8. do research on sth 9. draw conclusions 下结论;得出结论10. go missing 11. rule out 划去 排除 取消 使成为不可能拒绝考虑12. make recommen

13、dations提出建议;评论13. show great interest in对.表现出极大兴趣14. look into 15. be based on16. due to 17. make up 18. report doing sth 报告作某事;报道做某事19. because of 20. take charge of 掌管负责看管不受.控制 承办 负责照料 21. be said to do sth22. be surprised that 23. dream of doing 梦想做某事;梦到24. run after 追赶;追逐25. stay out 26. come tr

14、ue 27. with amazing speed速度奇快28. show up 29. separate from把.和.(区)分开;使.从.离析 30. on average31. see sb doing sth 32. pick up 33. make ones way to往.(艰难地)走去;向.走去34. hear sb do sth 35. in return 36. live on靠.生活;以.为食以.为主食37. get ready for bed 38. shake hands with与.握手(与某人握手)39. see sth with ones own eyes亲眼见

15、识40. go straight to(M2) Unit 2 Wish you were here1. be busy doing 2. spend some time doing 3. in case 万一4. upside down颠倒着,混乱 乱七八糟 倾覆5. as as possible 尽可能 尽快地6. up close靠近;在很近距离内的7. make sure 8. look forward to 9. if possible10. be tired of 厌烦 讨厌. 厌倦.11. feed on以.为食/能源,从.得到满足/供养12. in the dark13. in

16、perfect harmony with 和自然和谐共处14. get close to 15. refer to涉及;参考;指;提及16. risk ones life 冒生命危险;拼着性命17. be worth doing 18. run out结束;变得缺乏用光;失效;到期耗尽19. as well 20. in progress 进行中21. at dawn在黎明;破晓;拂晓时;黎明;在黎明22. in total总共;总额;总数;整个地;总计 23. up to 24. provide sb with25. leave out遗漏 省去 不考虑 26. make use of 27

17、. be tired of28. tourist spot 观光胜地;旅游点;旅游景区29. scare away 30. on clear nights在天高气爽/晴朗的晚上31. make a fire 生火32. end with以.结束;以.结尾; (M2) Unit 3 Amazing people1. be curious about 对.感到好奇2. set sail 启航3. be known as4. make adiscovery发现;这个就不考虑了5. as well as 6. emptyof缺乏;使.失去;把.从.空出;7. fall ill 8. die of 因某

18、病而死9. have something to do with10. result in 导致11. pay off 12. make a great contribution to引人注目13. at full speed 14. thanks to 15. be chosen as16. be qualified for 有.的资格 适于担任.17. win sb sth 为某人赢得18. be described as19. in control of 控制 管理 掌握20. be proud of 21. look up to sb as把某人尊称为22. manage to do s

19、th 设法做某事23. go down 下去,下沉 坠落 被接受咽下 平静下来24. in history25. compare with 26. live on 靠.生活;以.为食 27. base sth on sth28. be based on 29. have anything to do with 30. have nothing to do with31. be connected with 32. have to do with 与.有关;和.打交道 33. be related to与.相关;与.有亲缘关系34. be linked with 与.有关35. be conce

20、rned with 36. in space 片刻就 一会儿就37. search for 38. at the age of 39. have an effect on(M3) unit1 The world of our senses1. as well2. sign language 手语;符号语言3. even if 即使 虽然4. make great achievements取得巨大的成就5. at lunchtime6. step into进入;步进7. glance at 提到 影射 瞥.一眼 扫视8. set off 隔开;出发;引起;激起9. beat with fear

21、由于害怕而跳10. wish for11. be off 离开12. pay back报答 报复 偿付13. get across通过 被理解 讲清楚14. have in common有.共同之处;15. follow ones advise16. overall health全面的健康情况;全面健康17. rather than与其.不如. 而不是.18. sleep deeply19. make ones way to 往.(艰难地)走去;向.走去;20. get close to21. move on 继续前进22. lose sight of23. sweat with fear吓得

22、出汗;24. manage to do sth设法做某事;设法做到25. in the distance在远处26. work out a plan27. be grateful to 感谢,感激28. in the near future在不久的将来;29. compared to与.相比;与.相比;比作30. be known as因.而众所周知被认为是31. in sight32. reach out伸出33. be frozen with由于.而呆住34. be related to与.有关35. be linked to与.相联系;36. make sense有意义 讲得通 言之有理

23、37. make the most of充分利用38. cant help (doing)39. warm up热身 重新煮热 暖起来 活跃起来40. be responsible for有责任的;对.负责任是.的原因41. all of a sudden突然42. ring out鸣钟送别 打卡下班 宣布结束43. make progress44. bang into撞入45. feed on以.为食/为能源 从.得到满足或供养46. pay back报答 报复 偿付47. stare (up) at抬头凝视 48. watch out for戒备 提防 密切注意 监视(M3) unit2

24、Language1. in a sense在某种意义上,在某种意义上来说2. stand for 代表 象征3. all over the world4. inform sb of sth告诉某人某事;通知某人某事5. throughout history纵观历史;纵观整个历史;6. be made up of由.组(构)成7. bring sb with sth随身带来某物;带上;8. speak a language9. be different from10. consist of由.组成,由.构成 对.有影11. the official language12. find it har

25、d to do sth发现做某事难;13. contribute to有助于 为.作出贡献 向.投稿.捐献14. take control of15. be replaced with/by16. even though 虽然 尽管17. despite the fact 尽管18. have an impact on对.有冲击 影响;19. the English language20. result in21. work as做;作为. . 而工作;22. the way of doing sth23. because of 24. depend on依赖(某人)25. quite a f

26、ew不少相当多26. make up补偿,弥补接近;巴结27. have a word with sb28. a six-year-old kid29. right away立即,马上30. take action31. look forward to (doing) sth32. a waste of time33. leave out遗漏;省去;忽略,遗漏;省略34. in any case无论如何 不管怎样35. come true实现,达到36. look up37. used to do sth (过去)经常做某事;38. care about39. at one time 曾经 早

27、晚 同时40. due to41. get to the point言归正传;请进入正题;42. waste time doing sht.43. make fun of 44. be used to do sth45. in addition 46. in a word47. it seems likely that 似乎可能;似乎48. concentrate on全神贯注于;专心致志于49. sb is likely to do sth 多强调指导之意,命令语气最弱。50. in a short不久,一会而后;51. a written/spoken language书面用语 口语52.

28、 differ fromin53. as a whole总体上 总而言之,整个54. develop into长成;发展成55. combinetogether结合整合56. in the 1950s57. be widely used(M3) unit3 Back to the past1. a historical event历史事件2. arrange for安排 准备;为.作准备(安排);3. go on a cultural expedition to进行文化考察4. go to a lecture去听演讲;听报告;5. take over接管 接收 接任6. be buried a

29、live被活埋 隐居7. on rainy days8. turn to9. be covered with10. be off to去.地方;离开去(某地);动身去11. run through贯穿 跑着穿过,12. prevent from13. agree with14. refer to查阅 谈到 提到 打听15. pay attention to doing16. have the chance to do/of doing17. throughout the world全世界;遍及全世界;18. be involved in涉及到(包含于)19. brush away刷去;刷掉擦肩而过20. be related to21. a huge success 取得了巨大成功22. make a discovery23. go through经历 用完 经受 仔细检查,24. be in good condition情况良好(毫无破损)25. a concerned citizen一位担心的市民26. focus on27. carry out28. set sail for启航去;开船 动身;启航29. less than30. on board在船上31. in memory of纪念. 在怀念.时 为纪念.32. in hi

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