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1、昭通教师招聘考试试题三初中英语学科2020年昭通教师招聘考试试题三初中英语学科 育萃教师祝您考试顺利一、单选题1、 Which of the following nominating patterns can a teacher adopt to ensure that all students are actively involved in classroom activities? A. Nominating those who are good at English. B. Asking questions in a predicable sequence. C. Nominating

2、 students after the question is given. D. Nominating students before giving the question.2、 Language skill_.A. contains the ability of five skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translatingB. refers to a persons application ability of words and sentences when speakingC. contains the ab

3、ility of four skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and comprehensive application of themD. refers to a persons verbal ability3、Which of the following underlined parts has a different pronunciation?A. Bear B. SwearC. Pear D. Dear二、简答题1、简述scanning的含义并举一例说明其基本用途。写出训练该项技能时的三条注意事项,并用英语写出两句相关的教

4、师指令语。2、请说明精听与泛听的区别,并分别简述教师应该如何指导学生进行精听与泛听的训练。3、反馈是教学中的重要环节之一。简述外语教学中反馈的两种主要类型,列举教师了解学生学习情况的三种途径,以便及时给予反馈。三、教学设计题1、根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的听说教学方案。该方案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and ju

5、stifications教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初中二年级)学生。班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材: Girl 1: Welcome to the English club. Today were going to talk about the best ways to learn English. Who has an idea? Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English videos? Girl 2: No. Its too har

6、d to understand the voices. Boy l: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?- Girl 2: Yes. ,It helps to learn English every day. Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Yes, I have! Ive learned a lot that way. Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with fr

7、iends? Girl 2: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. Boy l: What about reading aloud to practise pronunciation? Girl 3: I do that sometimes. I think it helps. Boy 2: I do too. And I always look up new words in a dictionary. Girl 3: Thats a great idea!2、根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材

8、,设计20分钟的英语听说教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:teaching objectivesteaching contentskey and difficult pointsmajor steps and time allocationactivities and justifications 教学时间:20分钟 学生概况:某中等城市普通学校七年级(初一)学生飞班级人数为40人多数学生已达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)二级水平学生参与课堂活动的积极性一般、 语言素材:3、根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20

9、分钟的英语语法教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间:20分钟 学生概况:某中等城市普通学校八年级(初二)学生。班级人数为40人。多数学生已达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)三级水平。学生参与课堂活动的积极性一般。 语言素材: Molly: Hey, Hector! What are you doing for vacat

10、ion? Hector: I m visiting my cousins in Canada. I m leaving on Friday. How about you, Susan? Susan: I m going to sports camp. Molly: Oh, cool! When are you going? Susan: On the 11th. Molly: Sounds great. Hector: How about you, Molly? What are you doing for vacation? Molly: Im going to the beach with

11、 my family. Were leaving this weekend.四、教学情境分析题1、以下是某课堂教学实录。根据所给材料回答下列问题。 片段1: S1: Look! I think that tall girl is-Sally. S2: Yes, he(应该是she ) is tall with fair hair, and she wear glasses.(应该是wears glasses ) And she wear jeans(应该是wears jeans) and a T=shirt just as she says(应该是said) in her letter. S1

12、: She is also carrying her warm coat. Yes, Im sure she is Sally. S2: OK, lets go to her and say hello to her. 该教师一直在听这两名学生的对话交流直到对话结束。 片段2: T: What do you like doing in your free time? S: I very like to watch TV. T: You mean you like to watch TV very much?(教师很自然地让学生重复刚才的对话) S: Oh, I like watching TV

13、 in my free time. I also like collecting stamps very much.(学生认识到了错误并重复使用正确形式)T: So your hobby is collecting stamps.S: Right.(1)在片段1中,教师的行为有哪些可取之处?(2)在片段2中,教师运用了哪种纠错方法?(3)评价片段2中的教师的纠错方法。2、阅读下面给出的两个教学片段并回答所给问题 片段1: 教师利用课件呈现本单元的主要句型When is . Birthday? Its in和Is your/her/his birthday in .? Yes. It is./N

14、o. Its in以及Whats the date? Its机械操练结束后,教师呈现了几张学生熟悉的教师的生活照,引导学生用所学句型猜测教师的生日。采用猜对小组得分的竞赛形式来组织这项活动。学生兴趣盎然,纷纷想参与其中。教师也配合他们进行了对话练习。如在猜测体育教师Mr. Liu的生日时: S1: Is Mr. Lius birthday in April? T: No. It isnt. S2: Is his birthday in December? T:(抱歉的表情)No. 经过多次尝试以后,某组学生猜对了。 T: Yes! Youre right! Your group get one

15、 point! 片段2: 猜测活动结束后,教师呈现出听力插图,并对图片做了概括性介绍:This is Sarah s familypicture.接着,用提问的方式与学生一起谈论了图片信息,并进行了如下对话: T: Look at this family picture. How many people are there in Sarah s family? Who are they? Ss: Five. Sarah s mother, father, brother, sister and her.(教师迅速在黑板上板书,形成表格。) T: From the picture, we can

16、 see some dates. Can you read them? (少部分学生回答)Ss: Yes! It is Jan. 3rd. T: What are they doing? S1: They are cutting birthday cake. S2: They are singing Happy Birthday. T: Yes, they are having a birthday party. 对话谈到这里,教师导出了听力材料中部分学困生可能会觉得陌生的词汇”family picture”和birthday party,并引导学生学习这两个短语。接着就图片内容又提出一个问题

17、:Whose birthday is it? Can you guess?学生纷纷猜测.教师对答案不置可否。(1)分析片段1和片段2的设计目的。(2)如果你是该教师,请对你的两个教学片段进行反思。39参考解答一、单选题1、【育萃教育专家解析】C。解析:本题考查课堂提问。A项意为“提问英语好的学生”,这种做法忽略了英语水平中等或稍差的学生;B项“按照可预测的顺序来提问”,这种做法让学生知道自己会被问到哪一题,就只会专注于该题目,而不会参与到其他问题之中;C项“提问之后再点名”,这种方式可以让学生积极去思考,因为不知道自己是否会被点名回答;D项“在提问之前就点一个学生来回答”,这种做法会让其他没被

18、点到的学生松懈下来。故本题选C。 2、【育萃教育专家解析】C。解析:本题考查课程标准内容。语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分,主要包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这些技能的综合运用能力。故本题选C。3、【育萃教育专家解析】D。解析:本题考查元音字母组合发音。前三项中的ea:发音为/ea/, D项中的ear:发音为/i/。故本题选D。二、简答题1、【育萃教育专家解析】 (1)scanning的含义:scanning译为“找读,扫读,寻读,查读”,是一种快速阅读方式,其目的是从较长的文字资料中查寻特定的细节内容。寻读要求既快又准,要在短时间内准确地找到目标。 基本用途: 例如:在教学“Nel

19、son Mandela-A Modern Hero”一课时,可以通过设置寻读活动“Ask students to scan the passage in 5 minutes and complete the chart-A Timeline of Elias Life,让学生在5分钟内寻读文章,然后根据时间顺序填写表格。 通过寻读活动,学生可以了解文章特定信息,提高阅读速度。寻读是教师需要训练学生提高的阅读能力之一。 (2)注意事项: 在设计寻读活动时,要有明确的时限规定,以促使学生在较短的时间内完成任务。 在设计寻读活动时,要引导学生借助关键词快速锁定寻读目标,切忌从头逐字地寻找,导致学生的

20、寻读技巧未得到有效的培养。 在设计寻读活动时,教师的指令要清楚,不能过于简单,这会造成学生不清楚做什么的局面,从而影响阅读效果。指令中应包含学生应在多长时间内(time limit ),通过怎么读(how),读出什么(what)等信息。 教师指令语: Scan the Paragraphs 3-5 in 5 minutes to get enough information to fill in the table. Scan the first ten lines in 3 minutes and answer the following two questions.2、【育萃教育专家解析】

21、 (1)精听与泛听的区别: 精听(Careful listening)是通过听课文,再把文章的内容感知一遍,同时可以加深对文章细节内容的了解。并且可以通过一些练习来检验听的效果,如:Filling in Blanks/True or False/Questions/Forms。 泛听(Extensive listening)是让学生初步听材料并回答问题,让学生初步了解文章的主旨大意(main idea)和基本信息(basic information ),例如:时间、地点、原因、方式等。 (2)教师在指导学生进行精听训练时,要与语音、语法和词汇的学习相结合,可以与“听”“读”和“写”的技能训练相

22、结合,还可以与社会、文化背景知识的学习相结合。在进行精听训练时,教师可以指导学生在反复多听的基础上完成一些辫音、填充缺失内容、听写的练习,之后还可以进行一些拓展练习,如总结听力材料中出现的语音现象、跟读或朗读内容、分析听力材料的文本结构和语言特点等。 教师在指导学生进行泛听训练时,一定要严格要求学生,听力过程应该一气呵成,中间不能停顿或来回重复。在泛听训练中可以使用的听力练习包括:测试对听力内容是否理解的选择题、判断题,测试能否抓住重点词句的填空题,以及用自己的语言写出齐口述出所听到的主要内容的练习等。完成这些练习后,教师要注意和学生及时总结,或和学生共同讨论泛听的策略,例如,如何根据上下文判

23、断生词的含义、如何预测下文等。3、【育萃教育专家解析】 (1)教学反馈的类型:口头反馈与书面反馈。 口头反馈指对学生的口头活动、某些书面作业或者测试提供的信息。口头反馈的方法有:教师直接改错。启发学生自己改错。教师不应该像监控器一样监控学生的语言输出。启发学生互相改错。互相改错可以提高学生对错误的敏感性,逐渐减少学生对教师的依赖。 书面反馈一般用于课后对学生作业或者测试提供的书面评价符号或者是评语。而课堂上的书面反馈主要是指教师或者其指定的学生用书面的方式对学生的语言活动所做的评价性记录。例如计分法、画“正字”法、插红旗或送红花法,都可以确认学生表达内容是正确的,同时还可以显示竞赛中的不同小组

24、的成绩差异。 (2)了解学生学习情况的三种途径: 课堂提问。课堂提问可以引起学生注意,提示学习重点,巩固课堂教学,获取教学反馈,加强师生交流。 测试。测试包括口试和笔试。口试不仅要考查学生的语音、语调、表达的流利程度、表达的可理解度、用词恰当等表达能力,还要考查学生的听力理解能力,当然还要对学生所使用的交际策略、所具有的跨文化意识、表达中的行为等进行综合评价。笔试包括听力、阅读理解、书面表达和语言知识考查等,可以检验学生的基本英语水平。 调查表。主要用于在学生学习某一单元、某一课之前所进行的简短调查。通过对学生的调查,一方面可以了解学生已有的水平和存在的问题,另一方面可以帮助教师及时调整教学进

25、度和教学策略。三、教学设计题1、【育萃教育专家解析】 Teaching Contents: A dialogue between three girls and two boys about the best ways to learn English. Teaching Objectives: (1) Knowledge objectives Students can master the sentence patterns: Do you learn English by .?/Do you learn English that way?/Do you ever .?/What about

26、? (2) Ability objectives Students can develop their ability of listening for gist and details. They can use the sentence patterns to communicate with others in daily life. (3) Emotional objectives Students can build their confidence in learning English well. Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Studen

27、ts can get the main idea and details of the dialogue through listening and use the sentence patterns to talk about ways of learning English well. Major Steps: Step 1 Pre-listening (5 minutes) The teacher asks students to discuss in groups about how to learn English well, then leads the whole class t

28、o conclude the usual ways of learning English, such as looking up dictionaries, listening to English songs, watching English movies, etc. (Justification: The discussion arouses students interest in the topic of the listening material and helps them better understand the dialogue.) Step 2 While-liste

29、ning (10 minutes) (1) Listening for gist The teacher asks students to .listen to the tape, pay attention to the begining of the dialogue and tell the main idea of the material. Students can easily answer that the material is mainly about the best ways to learn English. (2) Listening for details The

30、teacher asks students to listen to the tape again and list all the ways of learning English mentioned, then asks several students to answer and other students to supply and write the answers on blackboard. (Suggested answers: watching English movies, keeping a diary in English, studying with a group

31、,practicing conversations with friends, reading aloud to practice pronunciation, looking up new words in a dictionary.) After that, the teacher asks students to listen to the tape for a third time and fill in the blanks:Boy l:_ _learn English_ _English videos?Girl 2: No. Its too hard to understand the voices.Boy 1:_ _ _a diary in English?_ _learn English_ _Girl 2: Yes. It helps to learn English every day.Girl 3:_you_studied with a group?Girl 2: Yes, I have! Ive learned a lot that way.Girl 1:_ _

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