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1、甘肃省兰州一中200高三英语上学期第三次月考试题 甘肃省兰州一中2018200高三上学期第三次月考英语试题第卷(两部分,共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节, 满分50分)第一节:单词辨音:找出与所给词划线读音相同的选项。(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)1course Asoul Bresource Ccountry Dcount 2energy Acertain Bnervous Cmerchant Dhammer3northern Athousand Bcloth Cfurther Dwealthy4suggestion Acondition Brevolution Cquestion

2、 Dintroduction5language Adangerous Banxious Ctechnique Dtwentieth第二节:单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)6When it comes to bringing up children, some people say strict control produces well-behaved children. A/, the Bthe, / C/, / Dthe, the7Lets go to Blue Lagnoon. The soft music makes me relaxed. . It makes me s

3、leepy. ABless me BMe, too CNot me Dlet me see 8The heaviest snow continued to fall over large parts of China, traffic jams. Acaused Bcausing Cto cause Dhaving caused9I cant tell you anything about the new plan.But it is important that you . Ahelped Bwould help Cshould help Dshall help10 everything i

4、nto consideration, the result is better than . ATaking, excepted BTaken, excepted CTo take, excepting DTaking, excepting11It was careless of you your bag outside all night.My God! . Ato leave, So did I Bleaving, So do I Cto have left, So I did Dhaving left, So I do12 left before the deadline, it doe

5、snt seem likely that John will finish the work on time. AThough such a short time BBecause such a short time CWith such a short time DAs such a short time13Of the two lectures, the first was by far , partly because the speaker has an extraordinary style. Athe best Bbetter Cthe better Dmuch better14W

6、hen did you last hear Jim?He phoned me last night, and we agreed a time and place to meet. Aof, to Babout, with Cfrom, with Dfrom, on15To order tickets for the 2018 Olympic Games, just call 00952018. It be simpler. Amust Bcould Cmustnt Dcouldnt16April Foods Day is coming. Be careful not to be when o

7、thers play tricks on you. Abrought in Bcaught in Ctaken in Dmade in17What do you think of the newly designed mobile phone?It well its high price. Asells, except of Bsells, but Cis sold, except for Dis sold, besides18The librarys study room is full of students for the exam. Abusily prepared Bbusy pre

8、paring Cbusily preparing Dare busy preparing19Which of the following is WRONG? AThey didnt find the secret until they got there. BNot until they got there did they find the secret. CIt was not until they got there that they found the secret. DNot until did they got there that they found the secret.2

9、0Two tickets for Friday evening.Sorry, weve got left. Ano one Bquite a few Cnothing Dnone第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Greenwich is on the River Thames. It is five miles from the middle of 21 . The first English people were fishermen there, 22 they named the place Greenwich, meaning “green village”.

10、Later the English kings and queens lived at Greenwich in their beautiful palaces.Y-C-YThe 23 of the earliest palace was Placentia. Henry VIII lived there .He knew that England must be 24 at sea. So he started two big shipyards at Greenwich, and for 350 25 the ships made there were the best in the wo

11、rld.But trouble was coming to Greenwich. In 1649, a war 26 in England and a for eleven yesrs there was no king. The men who worked for him at Placentia 27 to live in the palace themselves. 28 sold all its beautiful things and bought small pieces of the palace garden with money. 29 , the war ended an

12、d King Charles II came 30 . But Placentia was falling down. So King Charles II built a new and 31 palace, which is now open to the public.At this time, Charles was 32 about losing so many of its ships at sea. So in 1675, Charles 33 John Flam Steed, the first astronomer in England, try to find the 34

13、 . Flam Steed worked in a new building on the high ground in Greenwich Park. 35 it, with a telescope which he made himself, Flam Steed could look all around the 36 . And he did night after night, for twenty years. Carrying on Flam Steeds work a hundred years 37 , an astronomer called Garrison finall

14、y made a 38 which told the time at sea, and help 39 to know there they were . Because of Flam Steeds work, every 40 in the world now tells its time by Greenwich time.21ALondon BParis CBerlin DBrussels22Abecause Band Cbut Dso23Atitle Bshape Cname Dform24Agreat Bhelpful C strong Dbrave25Amonths Bdays

15、Cweeks Dyears26Astarted Bfound Cneeded Dwanted27Amoved Brushed Churried Ddecided28AHe BThey CWe DShe29AUnfortunately BFinally CMainly DGladly30Aback Bout Caround Dalong31Asmaller Bhigher Cstronger Dbigger32Ainterested Bworried Cexcited Dpuzzled33Agot Bhelped Cmade Dforced34Akey Banswer Cquestion Dproblem35AFrom BOn Cat Dover36Asea Bpalace Cpark Dsky37Aago Blater Cbefore Dafter38Aclock Bcomputer Ccom

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