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1、全球化的影响山 东 农 业 大 学课 程 论 文题 目_ The Impact of Globalization _ _学 院 生命科学学院 专业班级 10级生物科学2班 课 程 名 英语时文选读 学生姓名 丁同浩 学 号 20103086 指导老师 李银玲 二O一三年六月二十八日 The Impact of GlobalizationDing Tonghao(College of Life Science Shandong Agricultural University , Taian 271018 ,China)Abstract: Globalization is the developm

2、ent of the worlds most important trends, the impact of globalization, nothing less, involving political, economic, cultural and other aspects. The world has been strongly felt the shock wave of globalization, globalization is changing the world. Highly concerned about the impact of globalization, an

3、d actively meet the challenges of globalization, while avoiding disadvantages, is the only correct choice.Keywords: Globalization Economic Political Culture Impact全球化的影响丁同浩(山东农业大学生命科学学院,山东泰安271018)摘要:全球化是当今世界发展的最重要趋势,全球化的影响无所不及,涉及政治、经济、文化等各个方面。世人已强烈地感受到全球化浪潮的震撼,全球化正改变着世界。高度关注全球化的影响,积极主动地迎接全球化的挑战,趋利避

4、害 ,是我们唯一正确的选择。关键词:全球化;经济;政治;文化;影响1Nothing Less Than the Impact of GlobalizationWhat is globalization? Academic connotation and extension of the concept so far although there is no uniform definition of accurate, but people from real life strongly felt the shock wave of globalization. Globalization i

5、s changing the world. Most people think: Globalization refers to the goods, capital, production, technology, information and other cross-border movement of factors of production under conditions of accelerated development, the formation of the global market economy further, the state and other polit

6、ical forces emerge integration and restructuring, between countries contacts and interactions greatly enhance the full range of objective social historical process.The earliest proponents of globalization undoubtedly thinking of Marx, in his 150 years ago, The Communist Manifesto and proposed the de

7、velopment of capitalism must form the world markets thought. Globalization thoughts are truly modern sense is proposed and to be fully discussed in recent decades thing. Truly global significance of globalization and its theoretical research should have at least started in the late 20th century, its

8、 iconic event was the advent of the new technological revolution, the market economy in the global scope of the establishment, the formation of global issues and expansion of the global common sense the rise and strengthening, etc. It is not only in practice, greatly accelerated the process of globa

9、lization, and enhance the influence of globalization, and in theory also deepen peoples understanding of globalization, scholars from political science, economics , history, cultural studies and sociology perspective of different disciplines to investigate and research topics of globalization, and c

10、ontinue to strengthen the links between different disciplines and cooperation.In a study on the impact of globalization, filled with a variety of opposing views, it was as the gospel of globalization, while others believe that it is a disaster; someone look at it as a way out of mankind, people will

11、 see it as our trap. For its advantages and disadvantages, harmony and conflict theory, optimism and pessimism Launched in a fierce debate. Harmony saw the globalization of world politics, economic and cultural aspects of development brought about positive changes, while ignoring the political, econ

12、omic and cultural globalization on the world to bring new conflicts and new competition, showing overly optimistic. The new conflicts and new competition theory point of view, they are concerned about globalization and nationalism among civilizations conflicts caused by North-South economic disparit

13、ies caused by the deterioration of relations, national technological and economic competition in the leading role issues on the international political, economic and cultural aspects constitute new challenges, these observations are undoubtedly reasonable factors, as new conflicts and new perspectiv

14、es of competition tend to have exaggerated the conflict also has its one-sidedness.From the perspective of objective reality, the process of globalization is indeed an essentially full of contradictions inherent in the process, it is a reasonable paradox: it contains the trend of integration, while

15、containing separatist tendency; both single, there are diverse, both centralization and decentralization is not only international, but also localized 1. Two trends in the long-term coexistence of contradictory tangle, and jointly promote the process of globalization. And these two trends are streng

16、thening, so the impact of globalization debate, optimism and pessimism are often evenly matched. In the debate on the impact of globalization arising from a variety of perspectives, have some constructive at the same time more or less has some flaws. View of optimism and pessimism are not able to ex

17、plain all aspects of the impact of globalization, only adhere to the view of dialectical materialism, can the impact of globalization to get a more comprehensive understanding.Globalization is achieved by various elements in the world each flow. Liquidity is the basic driving force of the process of

18、 globalization, but also its fundamental causes produce effects. Especially in the last ten years, the worldwide flow of the various elements of the accelerating process of globalization along with growth, expansion and deepening, but a variety of factors beyond the economic sphere but also embedded

19、 into the globalization factor mobility, resulting in impact holistic and comprehensive sexual increasingly apparent. This trend is reflected in many aspects: the economic field, the international economic elements such as international commodity, international services, international capital, inter

20、national financial flows unprecedented acceleration; in science and technology, the rapid progress of science and technology, the new and rapidly emerging science and technology into applications, international technology flows accelerated; in the cultural field, the universal spread of great import

21、ance to ideological and cultural transmission, infiltration control, ideological and cultural products, and political philosophy, ideology concepts, basic values, behavior, ethics, ways of thinking, etc. are also accelerating flow, social and cultural structure will be constantly updated; in the pol

22、itical sphere, diversification of international relations, international issues, diversification accelerated; in the military field, military technology, weapons proliferation accelerated; in the security field, security issues generalization, interference strengthen international intervention, whic

23、h are is a global liquidity expansion and expression. Therefore, globalization itself is a complex social and historical phenomena, including the many aspects and dimensions.Globalization is an irreversible objective historical process is the most important feature of contemporary society, one of th

24、e discussions on the issue of globalization is the current worlds most compelling topics. Globalization on the impact of the changes we are not limited to a particular region of the world, but extends to almost every corner of the world 2. Nothing less than the impact of globalization in today, we c

25、an no longer ignore the rapid development of globalization and its impact on the survival and future of our enormous impact. Here globalization of the world economy, the impact of the political and cultural spheres to make some specific analysis.2The Impact of Globalization on the EconomyGlobalizati

26、on, most intuitive, economic globalization in the economic field is. The most common meaning of economic globalization, the globalization of economic activity expansion and globalization of contact is the capital, resources, information, trade, global sharing and optimized. Globalization origins in

27、the unlimited expansion of capital. Capital as a social force, always in constant circulation, movement, toward where the highest rate of return, regional, national boundaries and cannot be limited to capital expansion and boundaries. From the inner nature, the capital is a natural open camp and the

28、 international school. Capitalist mode of production based on market allocation of resources as the core, the pursuit of profit maximization. To achieve this goal, we must continue to break through the blockade of the nation-state of the market and control the different countries and the regions eco

29、nomic activity in accordance with the principles of market-oriented operation and integration, and constantly open up the international market. For the history of capitalism, globalization is the starting point of the history of capitalism, but also the inevitable stage of development. Globalization

30、 of the capitalist mode of production, science and technology together to the world at the same time, get a double effect. (1). A Positive Impact in the Economic FieldScientific and technological progress as human beings and the world to expand exchanges and deepen the inevitable product of globaliz

31、ation in promoting the development of productivity, labor, social and universal human exchanges and capacity development, etc., have a positive impact. This is mainly reflected in: (1) globalization rapid development of modern science and technology and its worldwide promotion and application of mor

32、e favorable conditions. With the new technological revolution is the wave of globalization, only varying degrees, to promote the industrial structure of the world increasingly modern and high grade for the world economic growth provided a powerful impetus. (2) Globalization is conducive to further e

33、xpand the world market for natural resources, capital and labor in the worldwide unified configuration ready condition. As commodity production and market globalization to promote the expansion to the world, so that countries and their companies cannot limit their narrow market, but according to globa

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