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中考英语教材一本通 九全 Unit 12.docx

1、中考英语教材一本通 九全 Unit 12九年级全册 Units 12 类别 新课标要求 重点词汇拓展 1.pronounce(v.)pronunciation (n.)发音;读音 (v.)expression (n.) 表情;表达方式 3.memory (n.)memorize (v.) 记忆;记住 4.create (v.)creative (adj.) 创造(性)的 5.wise (adj.)wisely (adv.) 聪明地;明智地 6.strange (adj.)stranger (n.) 陌生人 7.lay(v.)laid (过去式) 放置;下(蛋)laid(过去

2、分词)放置;下(蛋) 8.lie(v.)lay (过去式) 平躺;处于lain(过去分词)平躺;处于 9.busy (adj.)business (n.) 生意;商业 10.warm (adj.)warmth (n.) 温暖;暖和 activity (n.)活动 12.know(v.) knowledge (n.)知识;学问 13.steal(v.) stole (过去式) stolen (过去分词) 14.spread(v.) spread (过去式) spread (过去分词) 15.dead(adj.) die (v.)死 death (n.)死亡 dyi

3、ng (adj.)垂死的 重点短语记忆 1.have conversations with friends 和朋友做对话 patient 耐心的 3.fall in love with 爱上 4.look up (在词典、参考书等中)查阅;抬头看 5.take notes 做笔记 grammar exercises 做语法练习 7.increase the reading speed 提高阅读速度 8.make mistakes 犯错;出错 born with 天生具有 attention to 注意;关注 11.connect. with.把和连接

4、或联系起来 12.get bored 变得无聊 13.even if 即使;纵然;尽管 14.put on 发胖;增加(体重) 15.shoot down 射下 16.lay out 摆开;布置 17.treat others nicely 很友好地对待别人 18.end up 最终成为;最后处于 19.expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事 20.remind. of . 使想起 21give a report 作报告 22 ask the teacher for help 向老师寻求帮助 common 有共同之处 24 end up 最终成为;最后处

5、于 25. wash away 冲走;清洗掉 26 share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物 27 play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 28 care about 关心 29 wake up 醒来 重点句型整理 1.How do you study for a test? 你怎样准备考试? I study by working with a group. 我通过小组合作学习。 2.Have you ever studied with a group?你曾经参与过小组合作学习吗? Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 是的,

6、通过小组合作学习我学到了很多。 3.I wonder if theyll have the races again next year. 我想知道他们明年是否再举办比赛。 4.How pretty the dragon boats were! 龙舟多么漂亮啊! 5.I think that the Lantern Festival is beautiful. 我认为元宵节很漂亮。 6Do you learn English by reading aloud?你通过大声朗读来学习英语? 7Dont read word by wordRead word groups.不要一个单词一个单词地读,要按

7、词组读。 8The more you read,the faster youll be.你读得越多就会越快。 9I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.我害怕问问题是因为我发音不好。 10I dont know how to increase my reading speed.我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。 11Everyone is born with the ability to learn.每个人天生就是有学习能力的。 12But whether or not you can do this well

8、depends on your learning habits.但是你能否做好取决于你的学习习惯。 13Knowledge comes from questioning.知识源于提问。 14What a great day!多么美好的一天啊! 15People go on the streets to throw water at each other人们走上街头互相泼水。 16What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?关于龙舟节你最喜欢什么? 17He is mean and only thinks about himself.

9、He doesnt treat others nicely.他十分吝啬,只想着自己。他对待其他人也不友善。 【常考词汇】1.put on 【知识点睛】put on 意为“增加(体重),发胖;穿上,戴上”。 My grandfather put on his weight after he retired.我爷爷在退休后发福了。 He put on his hat and went out.他戴上帽子出去了。 Were going to put on a funny play at the party.我们打算在聚会上演一个滑稽剧。 【同步拓展】 put away:把.收起来放好 put bac

10、k:放回 put down:放下 put into:放入 put off:推迟 put out:扑灭,熄灭 put up:张贴,举起 put good use:充分利用2.warn 【知识点睛】warn 动词,意为“警告;告诫”,常用于以下结构中: warn sb.about/of sth.警告/提醒某人某事 warn sb.not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事 warn sb.against (doing) sth.警告某人不要做某事 I warned them of danger.我提醒他们有危险。 The teacher warned her not to be

11、late again.老师警告她不要再迟到了。 He warned me against walking alone at night.他告诫我夜间不要单独行走。【即时演练】1)The policeman _A_ the driver not to drive at high speed any more. Ahoped Bminded Cwarned Dmade 3.patient adj.有耐心的 n. 病人 【知识点睛】 (1)patient 用作名词时,意为“病人”,是可数名词。 He is examining a patient. 他正在诊断病人。 (2)patient 用作形容词时

12、,意为“有耐心的”。常用短语:be patient with sb. 表示“容忍某人,对某人有耐心”;be patient of sth.表示“容忍某事”。 We must be patient with children. 我们必须对孩子有耐心。 They are patient of hardships. 他们能吃苦耐劳。 【归纳拓展】 patiently adv. 耐心地;patience n. 耐心 【即时演练】You have to be A and wait until I finish my work. A. patient B. strict C. honest D. acti

13、ve 4.born v. 出生 adj. 天生的 【知识点睛】 (1)born 是 bear 的过去分词,常与 was/ were 连用。 Jenny was born on a cold winter morning. 珍妮出生在一个寒冷的冬天的早晨。 (2)born 作形容词,意为“天生的”。 Annie was a born poet. 安妮是一位天生的诗人。 【归纳拓展】 birth 是 born 的名词形式,意为“出生、诞生、分娩”。常用短语:the day of ones birth 意为“某人出生的日子”; give birth to 意为“生出、产出”。 5.ability n

14、. 能力;才能 【知识点睛】 have the ability to do sth.表示“有做某事的能力”。 The little girl has the ability to learn English by herself. 这个小女孩有自学英语的能力。 6.attention n. 注意;关注 【知识点睛】 常用于 pay attention to 短语中,意为“对注意、留心”。to 为介词,后接名词、动词ing 形式、短语或者宾语从句。 I didnt pay attention to what you were saying. 我没有注意您说什么。 7.connect v(使)连接

15、;与有联系 【知识点睛】 常用于 connectwith短语中,意为“把和连接或联系起来”。 【归纳拓展】 connection n. 连接;联系 8.warn v. 警告;告诫 9.lay/lie 词条 意义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lay 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) laid laid laying lie 躺;位于 lay lain lying 说谎 lied lied lying 【即时演练】John that he left his homework at home,but in fact,he never did it at all.The ducks a lot of eggs last month,but this month they dont any eggs.Zhe

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