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牛津SIB 16 EC Part A.docx

1、牛津SIB 16 EC Part ASI B Unit 11. live beneath the same roof prep.the heaven above and the earth beneath (adv.)2. The robbers were wearing masks. (C)gas mask *put on wear the mask of*He is masked. vt. *A smile masked his disappointment.3. the force of an explosion the force of public opinion (U) combi

2、ned air force the forces of evil (C) the forces of nature a large labor force by force a confession obtained by force He was forced to take a second job. vt. force my foot into the shoe force sth. on / upon sb. He forced his ideas upon the group. force a smile force a laugh in spite of pain We force

3、d our way through the crowd. be in force come into force bring . into force take (the city .) by force4. wander about over the world wander through the woods wander from the subject point His mind is wandering.5. fall in love with be in love with 6. the leading role play an important role in sth. pl

4、ay the leading role play the role of (sb.)7. There was a large audience in the theatre.8. a rescue team n. a rescue mission Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole on the north side of the mine. go come to sb.s rescue / help It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the

5、 survivors of the plane crash. vt.9. pull sb. by the ear vt. pull . off The train pulled in(=The train pulled into the station). give a pull at the rope (U)10. It was a terrible shock to him. (C) If you touch a live wire you will get a shock. (C)culture shock 1. 同住一屋 天上和地下2. 抢劫犯戴着面罩。 (C) 防毒面具 *戴起.的假

6、面具, 装出.的样子 *他戴了假面具。 vt. *微笑遮掩了他的失望。3. 爆炸的威力 舆论的压力 空气动力合力 恶势力 自然力 庞大的劳动大军用暴力; 强迫地 (常做状语) 武力下的供认 他被迫要找第二份工作。 vt. 将脚硬塞入鞋中 强加于, 强迫.接受 他把自己的意见强加给别人。 强颜欢笑, 苦笑 尽管疼痛仍强作笑容 我们强行穿过人群。 已生效, 已有效 (可和一段时间连用) 开始生效、实行 (不可和一段时间连用) 使.生效, 实施. 【军】夺取(城市); 武力侵占(城市) 4. 漫游世界 徘徊于林中 离题 他心不在焉。5. 爱上 爱上(可和一段时间连用)6. 主角 在.中起重要作用/扮

7、演重要角色 起主要作用, 起带头作用 (在剧中)扮演(某)角色7. 剧院中观众甚多。8. 救援队 n. 营救任务 因此营救工人正在矿井北侧钻孔。 进行援救 / 帮助; 营救 / 帮助某人 不久一架直升飞机飞到了现场,来搭救这次 飞机失事的幸存者。 vt.9. 扯某人的耳朵 vt. 扯下; 撕开, 剥掉;快速脱(帽、衣等) 火车进站了。 vi. 拉一下绳子 (U)10. 这使他极为震惊。 (C) 如果你摸带电的电线, 就会触电。 (C)文化冲击(指置身于异国文化的生活方式中,因心理或生理上的不习惯而产生的不安情绪) electric shockI was very much shocked at

8、 the sight. vt. / adj.shocking news adj.11. suffer pain / hunger vt. suffer (a lot) from floods vi. economic suffering (U) bring sufferings to human beings (C)12. nuclear release (U) heat release news release a press release (C) release a prisoner vt. release sb. from his suffering release sb. from

9、his promise a recently released film13. burst out laughing = burst into laughter burst out crying = burst into tears burst / break into the room vi. burst with anger The river has burst its banks. vt. He burst the door open. = The door was burst open. burst through a burst of anger (U) a burst of gu

10、nfire a burst of speed14. require three men to lift the piano vt. lift a voice or cry lift up a lift of her eyebrows give sb. a lift give my friend a lift into town.15. It is an original play, not an adaptation. adj. original copy an original edition an original painting original data original recor

11、d original table original text original version one great original source of wealth Later models of the car retained many features of the original. (C) He bought an original, not a print. (C) keep the original but send a copy to the publisher read Shakespeare in the original The origins of some word

12、s are unknown. (C) the origins of civilization noise originorigin of force be of noble humble origin / birth (U) He is a German by origin / birth. originate fromCoal of all kinds originated from the decay of plants.电击, 触电 (C)这情景使我大为震惊。 震惊的消息11. 受痛苦 / 挨饿 vt. 遭受水灾 vi. 经济困苦 (U) 给人类带来痛苦 (C)12. 放射性产物排放 (

13、U) 热放出, 放热 新闻报道, 发布新闻 新闻发行物 (C) 释放犯人 vt. 免除某人的痛苦 使某人不必履行诺言 新发行的电影 (定语,被动)13. 突然大笑起来 突然哭起来 闯入房间 vi. 勃然大怒 河水冲破了堤。 vt. 他突然把门推开。 冲开; 冲破 一阵发怒、大怒 (U) 一阵炮火 速度的突然增加14. 要三个人才能抬起这架钢琴 vt. 高声喊叫 举起, 提起;使振奋, 使受到鼓舞 她眉毛一扬 让某人搭车 让我朋友搭便车进城15. 那是原创剧本,不是改变而成的。 adj. 正本, 原本 原版 画的原作 原始资料数据 原始记录 原始表 原文 原著 财富的一大起源 新近的汽车样式保持

14、了许多从前产品的特 征。 (C) 他买到真迹,不是复制品。 (C) 保留手稿但给出版商一份影印件 阅读莎士比亚的原著 这些词的起源是不知的。 (C) 文明的起源 噪声源力原点 出身高贵微贱 (U) 他原籍德国。 v. 发源于 各种煤都是由植物的朽烂形成的。16. elevated road17. screams that were drowned out by the passing train be get drowned vt. eyes drowned in tears be drowned in fishing The cheers of the audience drowned th

15、e professors voice. a drowning dog *drowner18. elevating machinery (U) farm machinery19. restore law and order vt. restore sb. to his old post restore the book to the shelf restore sb. to life = bring sb. back to life20. They seated me in the back row. vt. He seated himself at a writing table. Be se

16、ated. find him seated / sitting alone thereWe can seat 300 in the auditorium. book seats take a seat21. Her charm of manner made her very popular. (U) He fell victim to her charms. (C) We were charmed with the scenery. vt. Does goodness charm more than beauty ? charming manners adj.22. bring back to

17、 life23. a species that has adapted well to winter climates vi. adapt themselves to city life vt. The movie was adapted from a novel. The play is an adaptation of a short novel. (C) adaptable adj.24. of Swedish birth of humble birth / origin a person of noble birth birth control She gave birth to a

18、girl last night. birth-rate by birth / origin at birth birthplace25. find his home / make his home26. late at night all night long = all the night through as black as night (work) far / deep into the night have the night out put (sb.) up for the night What is done by night appears by day. night afte

19、r night nightmare *night-walking night watcher16. 高架路17. 被经过的火车声压倒的尖叫声 淹死, 溺死 vt. 泪汪汪的眼睛 对钓鱼入迷了 听众的欢呼声淹没了这位教授的声音。 快淹死的狗 *n. 溺死者18. 起重运输机械 (U) 农业机械19. 恢复法律和秩序 vt. 使某人复职 把书放回书架 使某人苏醒过来20. 他们让我坐在后排的一个座位。 vt.他在写字台前坐下。 口请坐。 发现他一个人坐在那里我们这个礼堂可容纳三百人。订座 坐下21. 她风度优雅, 备受大家欢迎。 (U) 他为她的姿色所倾倒。 (C) 我们陶醉在景色之中。 vt.

20、善良是否比美色更为人们所欣赏? 风度翩翩 adj.22. 使 恢复生机23. 很适应冬天气候的物种 vi. 使他们适应城市生活 vt. 这部电影是由小说改编的。 这部戏剧是一部短篇小说的改编本。 (C) adj. 能适应的, 可修改的24. 瑞典血统 低微的出身 出身高贵的人 节制生育 昨晚她生了一个女孩。 n. 出生率 在血统上;生来;天生地 在出生时 n. 诞生地25. 安家26. 在深夜 整夜, 通宵, 彻夜 昏黑, 漆黑 (工作)直至深夜 在外头玩上一晚上 投宿 / 给某人提供住宿 谚若要人不知, 除非己莫为。 一夜又一夜地; 一连好几夜地 n. 梦魇, 恶梦; 可怕的事情; 恐怖 *

21、n. 梦游症 n. 守夜者27. teach her (how) to sing28. Have you ever been to Europe? How did they ever manage? (加强语气) When Where, How ever did you lose it? Which ever way did you go?ever so Thank you ever so much. He was ever so sorry. If you ever come to Dalian, be sure to let us know. This is the best work y

22、ou have ever done. It is raining harder than ever. It is more necessary than ever for all of us to work hard. The farmers got the biggest crop ever this year. Nothing ever happens in this village. He is lazy - as ever hardly ever He hardly ever goes out. seldom, if ever He is seldom, if ever, absent

23、 from school. Yours ever (=E-yours) ever since () evergreen tree Some trees are evergreen; they are called evergreen. everlasting everlasting friendship ever-increasing29. carry / take her to safety30. be used for Theres no use in discussing it. Whats the use? (U) the use of electricity for lighting

24、 bring sth. into use come into use get out of use = go out of use (The airport is) in use make use of (be) of no use to us (be) of use to sb. use up vt.31. a way to do sth = a way of doing sth.32. an eight-day period 33. kidnap(p)er 34. On this lake was an island. There were ten people killed in the

25、 accident. Among them was Mr Smith.35. At that moment the phantom disappeared, never to be seen again. Unit 21. regard (think of /look upon / see / treat / take / view / remember) him as a friend He has high regard for your work. (U) Give the family my best regards. (pl. 问候) with best regards She wa

26、s lucky in that regard (respect / aspect). 27. 教她唱歌28. 你曾经去过欧洲吗? 他们到底是怎么处理的? (加强语气) 你到底何时何地, 怎样丢失了这个东西? 你究竟走那一条路? 口非常, 极其, 十分 非常感谢。 他很抱歉。 (任何时候)若到大连来,务请通知我们一声。 这是你所做的最好的工作。 雨比以前下得更大了。 我们大家比以往更需要努力工作。 今年农民取得了空前的大丰收。(后置定语) 这村里从来没有发生过什么事情。 他依旧, 仍然很懒。 难得, 几乎从来不 他难得出门的。 就是有也极少见 他就是有缺课现象也极少见。 信末语你的永久朋友 自从

27、那时候起(一直) 冬青树, 常青树 有的树是常青的, 被叫做常青树。 永恒的, 持久的, 无止境的, 耐用的 adj. 永恒的友谊 日益增长的 adj.29. 把 带到安全的地方30. 用来做. 多说无益。有何好处? (U) 用于照明的电力 开始使用(某物) 开始被使用 开始不用 正在用; 通用 利用; 使用 对我们没有用, 无益 对有用 用完, 耗尽31. 办事方式32. 8天时间33. n. 拐骗者; 绑架者34. 湖上有座岛屿。(倒装) 有十人死于车祸,其中有史密斯先生。45. 就在那时,那幽灵消失了,再也没见到过。 (动词不定式表示意想不到的结果) 1. 把他看作朋友 他十分敬重你的工

28、作。 (U) 祝您全家幸福。(pl. 问候) 谨致问候 (书信用语) 在那方面她很幸运。 in regard to = with regard to = with respect to = regarding regarding / in regard to the future of reform Ill write you later in regard to this matter. regardless of = in spite of We will persevere regardless of past failures.2. make an attempt at sth. =

29、make an attempt to do I attempted to read the entire novel. vt. attempt a difficult task It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted. attempt sb.s life the life of sb. (an) attempted murder (定语,被动) abandon the attempt at murder (C) Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. in an attempt to do sth.3. off-line working (U) a working committee adj. working mothers working-class working atmosphere working day4. lead an independent life. lead him by the nose The path led them to a house in

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