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1、成人高考高起点英语真题及答案12010年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试英语答案必须答在答题卡上指定的位置,答在试卷上无效。一、语音知识(共5小题:每题1.5分,共7.5分)在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同,找出这个词。正确答案:1、A 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、D【名师解析】这几道题分别考察字母组合ai, s, u y, tion 的发音。二词汇与语法知识(共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。)从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。6. What do you imagine the child uses this old tool _ ?A. abo

2、ut B. by C. for D. of解析C. use sth for ,表示用某物做某事【名师点评】这道题考查固定短语。常见词汇。7.-Have you got a camera?-No. I should buy.A. it B. one C. that D. this【名师解析】B. 此题考察it 和one的区别。It是特指某物,而one指的是一个.8. Peter was about to unlock the door _ he found someone had broken into the room.A. once B. before C. than D. when【名师解

3、析】D此题考察四个连词的区别。根据词义应该选D when 这时,此刻。9. The speaker, _ for his speeches, was warmly received by the students.A. known B. to be known C. having known D. being known【名师解析】A 此题考察分词作定语,应该和所修饰词找关系。The speaker应该是被知道,所以选过去分词。10. His _ is so great that money doesnt mean much to him.A. idea B. richness C. heal

4、th D. wealth【名师解析】D 此题考察四个选项的意思。Ideas 是主意,想法。richness 是富裕,富有。Health是健康。Wealth是财富。 根据意思应该选D。11. My husband and I both go out to work, _ we share housework at home.A. for B. so C. yet D. or【名师解析】B 此题在考察学生连词。根据句意应该选B。我和我的丈夫都在外边工作,因此我们在家一起做家务。12.-Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?-_, bu

5、t I dont think I can afford the time.A. Id B. Id better go C. I didnt wan to D. I wouldnt【名师解析】A 回答中的but说明前后句的意思是相反的。后句说我们有时间,所以前句是我想去。13.It is recorded that in 1892 the weather became so cold that the river _ over.A. freezes B. was freezing C. has frozen D. froze【名师解析】D 此题考察时态。很明显in 1892 出现了,应该是一般过

6、去时。14. The President gave the Secretary of State 30 days _ the report.A. completes B. to complete C. completing D. completed【名师解析】B.此题考察动词不定式.第一个动词是gave, 后边应该加to do 的形式。15. -Who do you think has made my room so dirty, Mom?-It _ be your younger brother.A. must B. shall C. will D. would【名师解析】A。此题考察情态动

7、词must 表示猜测的意思,一定。16. Hold on, please. Ill put you _ to the manager.A. across B. through C. off D. over【名师解析】B put through to sb 是个固定短语,接通某人的电话。17. People were disturbed and began to see where the noise _.A. is coming B. was coming C. has come D. had come【名师解析】B 人们被打扰了,开始去看噪音是来自哪里的。18. _ in the lette

8、r did the young man say anything about his mistake.A. Anywhere B. Everywhere C. Nowhere D. Somewhere【名师解析】C。看到此题是陈述句,但是did提前了,应该立刻想到倒装,看选项能够引起倒装的只有nowhere.19. The Greens chose to live _ life was cheap, and they moved to a small town years ago.A. if B. until C. when D. where【名师解析】D。根据句意选择。格林一家选择住在生活费

9、用比较低的地方。20. I wrote a letter to the car dealer, _ what had happened to my net car.A. explaining B. to explain C. explains D. explained【名师解析】A。分词作状语和主语找关系。我解释了,是主动,所以用现在分词。三完形填空(共15小题:每题分,共30分。)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳选项。Everyone likes things that are free, and businesses often give things fo

10、r free to customers as a way of getting more people to pay attention to their products.Ariely, a scientist from MIT, did an experiment on what people would do when _21_ things that were free. He _22_ a group of students two kinds of chocolates: the good one for 15 cents each and the poor one for I c

11、ent each. The good chocolate was worth 1.00, so 15 cents was very cheap, _23_ the poor quality chocolate was worth 5 cents, so _24_ it for I cent wasnt very cheap.Most people chose the high quality chocolate for 15 cents. Thats not a _25_. But then Ariely lowered the _26_ of both pieces of chocolate

12、 by I cent. If people were _27_ correctly, then they should _28_ choose the good quality chocolate. But that _29_ what happened. Most people chose the free chocolate. This doesnt make sense in our _30_ way of understanding economic behavior(经济行为).What is happening here? Ariely _31_ that people want

13、to get a good bargain . But they also want to reduce risk(风险). That is, they want to _32_ the chance of making a _33_. If you pay 14 cents for a piece of chocolate, and then you dont _34_ like it when you eat it, you have lost 14 cents. But when something is free and you dont like it, you havent los

14、t anything. People would _35_ not to take a risk over getting a better bargain.21. A. facing B. buying C. giving D. treating【名师解析】A.根据意思来选择。Ariely做了一个实验,关于当人们面对免费东西时会做什么的实验。表示面对只有A22. A. posted B. produced C. offered D. told【名师解析】C. 他给了一群学生两种巧克力.offer表示提供,给。23. A. if B. as C. for D. but【名师解析】D 根据此句话的意思:高质量的巧克力值1.00,所以15分是非常便宜的,下一句是低质量的值5分,所以两句间应该是转折关系,用but.24. A. getting B. holding C. eating D. making【名师解析】A.这里的getting相当于buying.根据句意,因此用一分钱买不是很便宜。25. A. dream B. reason C. reply D. surprise【名师解析】D。根据上文的分析,大多数人选择高质量的巧克力不是一件惊奇的事情。26. A. weight B. size C. price D. quality【名师解析】C。根据上下文,下

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