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1、自考英语二资料unit12Unit 12 A Break from Life I. New words and expressionsNew words1. cranky adj. 脾气坏的2. laundry n. 要(或正在)洗的衣物;刚洗好的衣物3. resemble v. 看起来像;显得像;像resemble: take afterresemblance4. throb n. (强烈有规律的)跳动;阵阵的疼痛5. subside v. 趋于平静;平息;减弱;消退6. ache v. 疼痛;隐痛7. joint n. 关节8. shuffle v. 拖着脚走9. wiggle v. (使

2、)扭动,摆动,摇动10. sniffle n. 抽鼻子(声)11. tissue n. (尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸12. pillow n. 枕头13. crack v. 找到解决(难题等的)方法14. contagious adj. 患接触性传染病的15. germ n. 微生物;细菌;病菌16. resourceful adj. 机敏的;足智多谋的;随机应变的17. scrounge v. 觅取;搜寻18. nurture v. 养育;养护;培养19. chore n. 令人厌烦的任务、乏味无聊的工作20. respite n. 暂停;暂缓21. manufacture v. 编造;捏

3、造22. symptom n. 症状23. pamper v. 细心照顾;精心护理;娇惯;纵容24. hermit n. 隐土;隐修者;遁世者25. gel n. 凝胶,冻胶(尤指用于头发或护肤的产品)26. hearty adj. 大的;丰盛的27. chamomile n. 苹果菊;春黄菊;甘菊28. vanilla-scented adj. 香草味的29. gingerly adv. 谨慎地;小心翼翼地;轻手轻脚地30. grateful adj. 感激的;表示感谢的be grateful to sb. for sth.ungrateful比较:gracefuldisgraceful31

4、. spa n. 水疗32. tub n. 浴缸;浴盆33. drain n. 下水道;排水管34. refresh v. 使恢复精力;使凉爽35. emotionally adv. 感情上地;情感上地emotionemotional36. empower v. 增加(某人的)自主权;使控制局势37. permission n. 准许;许可;批准permit38. justify v. 对作出解释;为辩解(或辩护)39. awareness n. 知道;认识;意识Phrases and Expressions1. pile up 堆积;积压2. come down with 患,得,染上(小病

5、)3. slip away 消失;消亡;死去4. respond to 作出反馈;响应5. care for 照顾,照料(病、老、幼者等)6. tend to 照料;照管;护理II. Text LearningFeeling Free I woke up feeling cranky. I didnt want to do housework, though the laundry was piling up. I didnt want to read the work I brought home from the office. I didnt want to do anything th

6、at resembled responsible behavior. It was that kind of day.(承上总结句) As I drank my morning tea, I thought I felt a headache coming on. Yes, there it was, adull throb just behind my eyes. Maybe I should go back to bed until it subsided. As I put the dishes in the sink, it seemed that my muscles were be

7、ginning to ache. Or was the ache in my joints? That could mean I was coming down with the flu. (承上启下句) Everyone I knew had the flu this year. Why should I be the one to escape it? I absolutely should be in bed. I shuffled back to bed, wiggled under the covers and shut my eyes. (1)Another couple of h

8、ours of sleep would be so nice, but I was already completely awake. I ought to get up. But no, there was that headache and the beginning of a sniffle. Better get the tissues.本部分重点及难点:1. Another couple of hours of sleep would be so nice, but I was already completely completely / wide awakebe

9、 fast / sound asleep On my way back from the bathroom with a family-sized(适合全家用的)tissue box, I stopped to grab that big new novel I had bought but had no time to read. I opened the book and settled against the pillows. The morning was moving along and so was my reading. Another twenty pages and I wa

10、s stretching. I should try to crack(找到解决办法)the report I was working on. I should at least get up and do the wash. What if I was contagious? I certainly didnt want to spread any germs. The wash could wait. (2)My family was resourceful enough to scrounge clothing for the next day. Maybe I wasnt actual

11、ly getting the flu. I didnt really want to be sick. To be truthful, all I wanted was a little time off. (3)I needed to nurture myself away from people, chores, career and the outside world. Did I have to wait to be sick to do that? As a child, the only respite from school or family chores was illnes

12、s. But I wasnt a child any more. (4)Did I have to manufacture symptoms to provide myself with an excuse? No, I decided, I didnt.本部分重点及难点:2. My family was resourceful enough to scrounge clothing for the next day.家人足够有能力找到第二天能穿的衣服。3.I needed to nurture myself away from people, chores, career and the o

13、utside world.nurture 养育,培养,培育;支持,鼓励Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood. 父母们想了解把他们的孩子养育成人的最好方法。She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son. 她一直在培养她儿子的雄心大志。The human learns partly by nature, partly by nurture. 人的学习能力部分是先天的,部分是后天培育的。nature and nurture

14、 先天与后天,遗传与环境;先天遗传说和后天培养说We want to nurture the project, not destroy it. 我们要支持这个新工程,不要破坏它。4. Did I have to manufacture symptoms to provide myself with an excuse?(1) manufacture 编造,捏造(2) provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb. I talked to myself. Okay, I said, you need a day off. Admit it. Accept

15、 it. Toss out the guilt and enjoy a mini-vacation. What would you like to do? Read? Youre already doing that. Pamper yourself? Take a bubble bath. Be a hermit? Let the machine answer the phone. I poured half the bottle of bath gel into the streaming water and added a hearty handful of chamomile bath salts. Then I lit a vanilla-scented candle and gingerly stepped into thebathtub. With a grateful sigh, I immersed myself in my homemade spa. I heard the phone ring somewhere off in the distance and smiled. It is funny how the aches subsided in the heat of the tub. They just slipped away with the

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