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1、七U2T2导学案仁爱英语七年级Unit 2 Topic 2学案一、知识目标【重要短语】give something to somebody= give somebody something 给某人某物right away 立刻,马上dark skin 黑皮肤 light yellow skin 黄皮肤 fair skin 白皮肤the boy over there 在那边的那个男孩the boy under the tree 在树下的那个男孩look the same 看起来一样 different looks 不同的外表look at the picture 看着图片the pair of

2、shoes / trousers 这双鞋/裤子The girl in red. 穿红色衣服的那个女孩Which girl 哪个女孩my favorite clothes我最喜欢的衣服【重点句型】1. What color is the skirt? - Its white. 这个短裙是什么颜色的?它是白色的。 What color are the shirts? - They are white. 这些个短裙是什么颜色的?它们是白色的。2. Which girl? The girl in red. 哪个女孩?穿红色衣服的那个女孩。Which bag? The blue one. 哪个包?蓝色那

3、个。3. What does she look like? 她看起来怎么样?【重要语法】数词,“一”。如:Im in Class One.代词:为避免重复,代替上文出现的那类人或事物。注意:上下文出现的不是同一个人或事物。如:This shirt is too small. Let me look at that one.2.The girl in red in red:介词短语介词介宾如名词/宾格/动名词等介宾宾补后置定语。 如:The boy in the room is XiaoMing. 教室里的那个男孩是小明。3. What does sb./sth look like?

4、 用来询问某人的相貌或某物的容貌,等于“What is sb./sth like?”.二、要点讲评1.not与no.no用于对一般问句作否定回答的开头;也可单独使用成为一句话。no有形容词的作用,修饰名词,相当于nota/an或not any.例如:Is this a book?No,it isnt.这是一本书吗?不,它不是。又如:I have no(not an)old pen.我没有旧钢笔。.not多用于否定动词,使整个句子或句子的一部分含有否定之意,not不能单独使用,放在句子中的动词之后,并与前面的词缩略为nt。例如:Sorry, I dont know.对不起,我不知道。Is tha

5、t your case?No, it isnt.那是你的箱子吗?不,它不是。2.Excuse me与 Sorry Excuse me 和Sorry都可以表达“对不起”。不过,实际运用时还有一些区别。Excuse me意思是“对不起”“劳驾”“请原谅”,常用在你所说的话或要做的事可能引起对方不愉快时或需要打扰或求助别人时,或要引起别人注意时。Sorry是礼节性的道歉用语。意思是“对不起”或“抱歉”,常用在做错了事或不能效劳以及因某种失误向对方表示歉意时使用。如打扰了别人惹怒了别人等,若用“Im sorry.”,则表示说话人更诚恳。还可表示听到对方说出不愉快的消息时,我们也经常回答Im sorry

6、 to hear that.这时sorry应理解为“难过”。例如:Are you Mr. Green ? 请问你是格林先生吗?No, Im not.不,我不是.Sorry.真对不起 。sorry在该情景对话中表示一种歉意,因为他就对方提出的问题不知道。它是一个省略句,完整的形式为:Im sorry, Sonia.也用于做错了事,不能答应别人的要求,以及打扰了别人之后,表示歉意的表达方式,例如:Im sorry I dont know.对不起,我不知道。又如:Im sorry Im late.对不起,我迟到了。对于sorry/Im sorry的答语为:Thats all right/Thats

7、OK/Youre wel come/Not at all等表示“没关系”应答以表示原谅或客气。3. pleaseplease一词可以用在祈使句中也可以用在疑问句中,用在祈使句中我们在第一单元中讲过,它可以放在句首也可以放在句末,而用在疑问句中则只能放在句末,前面加逗号,please在特殊疑问句中的意思相当于中文的“请问?”这样显得更有礼貌,更为客气。在一般疑问句中,please实际上起一个语气词的作用,表示有礼貌,客气地提出请求或询问。例如:Whats this, please?请问这是什么?Can you spell your name, please? 你能拼写一下你的名字吗?4.Than

8、k you是比较礼貌的致谢用语,意为“谢谢你”。Thank you中的 thank 是动词,thanks是名词,Thank you的语气强于Thanks当对方给了我们帮助、关爱或者善待了我们,我们会情不自禁地说声“谢谢你”,英语也是如此, Thank you或thanks以示谢意。例如:How are you, Miss Gao?你好,高小姐?Fine, thank you.很好,谢谢你。Sit down, please.请坐。Thank you.谢谢。当你接受别人帮助, 得到别人赞扬时,你应说Thank you.这时对方会说:Thats all right./Not at all./Your

9、e welcome./Thats OK.但是,并非只有在这种场合下人们用Thank you,在英语中,当对方表示称赞、夸奖时,我们也应用此来回答。例如:Hi, Mary! You look very beautiful today.你好马莉!今天你看上去真漂亮。Thanks a lot.谢谢。三、典型例解( )1. _ orange is _ orange.A. An; /B. /; anC. An; anD. /; /分析:A orange既作名词意为“橘子, 橙子”又作形容词意为“橙色的”。本题句意为“橘子是橙色的”,故选A。( )2. Whats red and white?Its _.

10、A. orangeB. greyC. greenD. pink分析:D 本题考查常识, 句意为“红色和白色会调出什么颜色?”,故选D。( )3. _ is his hair?Its black.A. What classB. What gradeC. What colorD. Where分析:C 本题考查疑问代词,根据答语Its black.可知问句意思为“他的头发是什么颜色?”故选C。( )4. Does Lucy look like Lily?Yes, she _. They _ the same.A. does; looksB. does; lookC. do; looksD. do;

11、look分析:B 回答部分用she作主语, 是第三人称单数用does回答;they作主语时谓语动词用原形,故选B。( )5. What does Yang Ping look like?_A. He is a student.B. He is in China.C. He is twelve.D. He has a big head.分析:D本题考查固定句型的回答。题意为“他长得什么样?”故选D。( )6. Do you know Alice?_, I dont know her.A. SorryB. YesC. OKD. Thanks分析:A 本题考查如何进行道歉。根据回答语中I dont

12、know her“我不认识她”知应先表达歉意。故选A。( )7. What color _ her shoes?Black.A. amB. isC. areD. be分析:C 本题考查be动词。shoes是由两只组成一双, 常以复数形式出现, 所以be动词用复数, 故选C。( )8. Excuse me, is Michael in black pants now?No. Hes in _ coat and _ pants now.A. black; a whiteB. a black; whiteC. black; whiteD. a black; a white分析:B coat是可数名词

13、的单数形式, 其前要用a; pants是复数, 其前不用a, 故选B。( )9. Lucy, do you _ your sister, Lily?No, we have different looks.A. lookB. look atC. look the sameD. look like分析:D根据答语“我们长得不像”可知是问Lucy和Lily是否长相相似或相像。 A looks like B意为“A看上去像B”, look the same单独使用表示长得一样,因此应选D。( )10. Thats my bag. Please _.OK.A. give it to meB. give

14、me to itC. give it meD. give me it分析:A 本题考查固定短语。表示“把某物给某人”可用give sb. sth.也可用give sth. to sb.,但如果某物是代词时, 只能用give it/ them to sb.,故选A。 四、评价作业、单项选择( )1. _boy is Tom?The one in a red cap.A. Which B. What C. Where D. Who( )2. _ she look like?She has small eyes.A. Whats B. What does C. Does D. What( )3. _

15、 is his shirt?Its blue.A. Which color B. How color C. What color D. Whats the color ( )4. The girl _ red is my sister.A. on B. in C. under D. to( )5. Whos that_?A. over B. there C. here D. over there( )6. What color is it?Its _orange. Its _ orange cap.A./; / B. a; a C./;a D./;an( )7. Chinese and Jap

16、anese ( 日本人) look the same-_.A. Thats all right. B. Thats right.C. Yes, it is. D. Yes.( )8. -What color _those shoes?They are _.A. is; green B. are; greens C. are; green D. is; greens( )9. The boy _red is Bill and the boy _white coat is Peter.A. in a; in a B. in a; in C. in; in D. in; in a( )10. Jan

17、e, give that_ Maria.A. to B. in C. on D. /( )11. Bring your bag_ here, please.A. to B. in C. on D. /( )12. Is it your bike?A. Here are you. B. Here you are.C. Yes, it is. D. Which one.( ) 13. What color is your coat?Its_.A. a red B. red C. the red D. an reds( ) 14. The girl_ black hair and big eyes

18、is Lucy.A. in B. has C. with D. have( )15. Please give this pen to Wang Tian.Sorry, _. What does she look like?A. I know her B. I dont know her.C. I see her. D. Im not know her.情景交际从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Hello, Lucy.B: 1 A: Do you know Yukio? She is in Class Four, Grade Seven.A. What color is her

19、dress?B. Oh, I see.C. Hi, Mary.D. Wheres she from?E. How are you?F. What does she look like?G. You are right.B: Sorry, I dont know. 2 A: Shes tall. She has long brown hair.B: 3 A: Her dress is yellow, and her pants are green.B: 4 A: She is from Japan.B: Oh, I see. Are you friends?A: Yes. 5 .完形填空My n

20、ame is Tony. Im 1 English boy. Im twelve years old. Im a 2 . Jim is my good friend. He 3 from the U.S.A. We are in the same class. Hes twelve years old, 4 . I have a nice photo. Now, look 5 my photo. Jim 6 a long face, small eyes, brown and short hair. And the boy 7 yellow is me. I like this 8 . Jim

21、 has a 9 . Her name is Kate. She is ten years old. Kate 10 a round face and big eyes. They have different looks.( )1. A. /B. aC. anD. the( )2. A. studentB. teacherC. girlD. sister( )3. A. comeB. amC. areD. is( )4 A. alsoB. tooC. butD. and( )5. A. likeB. the sameC. atD. different( )6. A. areB. isC. h

22、asD. have( )7. A. haveB. hasC. atD. in( )8. A. girlB. teacherC. colorD. star( )9. A. teacherB. sisterC. friendD. mom( )10. A. hasB. haveC. isD. are.阅读理解(A)Yukio comes from Japan. He is now in China. He is twelve years old. He has yellow skin(皮肤), black hair and black eyes. Li Lei is Yukios (由纪夫的) fr

23、iend. He comes from China. He is thirteen. He has yellow skin, black hair and black eyes, too. Jim is Yukios friend, too. He is from Canada. He is twelve. He has blond hair and blue eyes. They are good friends.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. Yukio and Jim are from the same country.( )2. Li Lei has yellow sk

24、in and black hair, but Yukio doesnt.( )3. Jim has blue eyes.( )4. Yukio, Li Lei and Jim have the same look.( )5 They are good friends.(B)Look at the photo. The two girls have big blue eyes and long brown hair. They are ten. They are in the same class. The one (一个) in a yellow skirt is Lily. The othe

25、r one(另一个)in an orange skirt is Lucy. Their dad(爸爸) is Mr. White. He is in a brown coat. Their mum is Mrs. White. She is in black shoes. Bob is their brother (她们的哥哥). He is in a blue cap. He is a high school student. Look! Lucy and Lily are in the green car.( )1. What does Lucy look like?A. She has

26、black eyes and long hair.B. She has short brown hair.C. She is tall.D. She has blue eyes. Her hair is long and brown.( )2. Mr. White and Mrs. White have _.A. one son(儿子)and two daughters(女儿)B. one daughter and two sonsC. one son and one daughterD. two sons and two daughters ( )3. Mr. White is _.A. i

27、n black shoesB. in a blue capC. in a brown coatD. in a yellow sweater( )4. _ isnt in the green car.A. BobB. LilyC. LucyD. The two girls( )5. What color are Mrs. Whites shoes?A. Big.B. Blue.C. Brown.D. Black.(C)My name is Tommy. I come from Canada. Im thirteen years old. I have big blue eyes and blon

28、d hair. Im tall. My shirt is red and my pants are white. Now Im in Class Seven, Grade Eight. Look! That boy in a green coat is my friend, Paul. Hes from the U.S.A. Hes twelve. He is strong. We are in the same school, but we are in different classes. Paul gives his photo to me. I give my photo to him, too. We are good friends.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。1. Is T

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