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1、高一英语教案上单词拼写练习高一英语上单词拼写练习:(第一单元至第二单元)1. The boy was b_ enough to go into the dark street alone at midnight.2. - Where is Mother? -She is in the b_ to have a shower.3. If you lose your way in the forest, you can use a c_ to tell the directions.4. Our _(政府) encourages people to plant more trees to make

2、 the world around us more beautiful.5. - What is your mother t_? - My n_ language is Chinese.6. P_ Bush will visit Japan next month.7. I was told that I would have to make a _(演讲) at the meeting.8. How many students s_ a dormitory in your school?9. The girl often dresses herself in front of the m_.1

3、0. Sorry, I cant catch you. Can you r_ what you said?11. WTO stands for World T_ O_.12. If you dont know how to make food delicious, you can refer to a c_.13. The policeman pointed a g_ at the thief, shouting, “Freeze!”14. The Americans say “go to see the m_” instead of “going to see the film”.15. T

4、he people stay _(忠诚) to their country and they will never turn against their country.16. I think the young people today prefer light music to c_ music.17. Can you tell me how to p_ the word c-l-e-r-k?18. All the children listened to his _(冒险经历) with eager attention.19. When we got the news that the

5、great leader had passed away, we were all in deep s_.20. He gave me an apple in _(交换) for a cake.21. He loved her so much that he often c_ her to a beautiful flower.22. China is an _(独立) country.23. We must pay attention to the _(国际的) _(形势) because it is complicated(复杂的) and changeable. 24. Italy, G

6、ermany and France are all E_ countries.25. The s_ in this shop is always slow; the girls are very lazy. I wont stay here any more.26. The railway _(信号) showed that the train could pass.27. The dog h_ when it was shut in the house.28. The teacher told us to t_ the classroom so that it could seem more

7、 pleasant.29. Women and men have the e_ rights. 30. The _(指挥官) ordered his men to advance.31. Generally speaking, teachers are able to c_(传达) their ideas clearly.32. -There are so many students in the class. What does the t_ come to? - Oh, it comes to 64 in all.33. The boy was so s_(恐惧) that he coul

8、dnt move a bit.34. - Can you light the candle? - Sorry, I have not any m_.35. The plane crashed and only one s_, who is a little girl.36. I h_ all the shops in the town but I couldnt find out a TV set which was the same as yours.37. The accident was caused by human _(错误).38. Can you imagine that how

9、 long it will take if you take a nonstop _(环球) flight?39. He tried hard to read their face but there wasnt any _(表情) on their faces.40. The shirt I bought yesterday doesnt fit me well. Can you r_ it for another one or give me money back?41. The m_ of children in our class have short hair; only three

10、 have long hair.42. They tried to a_ him into joining them but he refused because he wanted to go hiking by himself.43. They are using h_ to knock the nails into the chairs so that they can repair them.44. The boy l_ to his mother that he had flown from the roof.45. As soon as they reached the fishi

11、ng area, the fishermen _(撒, 抛) their nets into the sea.46. The young man has blue eyes, brown hair and _(宽) shoulders.47. Can you tell me how much the two _(毛巾) are?1. brave 2. bathroom 3. compass 4. government 5. tongue; native 6. President 7. speech 8. share 9. mirror 10. repeat11. Trade; Organiza

12、tion 12. cookbook 13. gun 14. movie 15. loyal 16. classical 17. pronounce 18. adventures 19. sorrow 20. exchange 21. compared 22. independent 23. international; situation24. European 25. service 26. signal 27. howled 28. tidy 29. equal30. commander 31. communicate 32. total 33. scared 34. matches35.

13、 survived 36. hunted 37. error 38. global 39. expression40. replace 41. majority 42. argue 43. hammers 44. lied 45.cast46. broad 47. towelWord Study for Unit 3&41. Camels are the important m_(方式) of t_ in the Arabian desert.2. Have you read about the a_ of Marco Polo?3. Our country has e_ great chan

14、ges in the past ten years.4. A good sleeping bag is an important part of every campers e_.5. Everybody on b_ was worried because it was shaking.6. The _(相似) between the sisters is that they are both tall.7. We travel from the starting point to our d_.8. Bob and his family are on v_; theyve gone to Hawaii.9. Albert Einstein is generally c_ one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century.10. Nick

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