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1、ABAQUS分析收敛控制Abaqus Analysis Users Manual 7.2.1 Con verge nee and time in tegrati on criteria: overviewNumerous con trol parameters are associated with the conv erge nee and integration accuracy algorithms in Abaqus/Standard. These parameters areassig ned default values that are chose n to optimize t

2、he accuracy and efficiency of the solution for a wide spectrum of nonlinear problems. You can change the solution control parameters, as described in the following sect ions: A brief synopsis of the more important solution control parameters, together with a descripti on of the circumsta nces in whi

3、ch they can be used effectively, is provided in Commonly used con trolparameters, ” Section 7.2.2 . This section is likely to be the mostuseful for the gen eral user and should be read first. Abaqus/Sta ndard in corporates an empirical algorithm desig ned tosolve the equilibrium equations of nonline

4、ar systems accurately andecono mically. The criteria used to establish conv erge nee ofnon li near in creme nts and the automatic adjustme nt of in creme nt size based on the convergenee rate are described in Convergenee criteria for nonlinear problems, ” Section 7.2.3 .*Abaqus/Standard allows you t

5、o choose “ time integratio n accuracyparameters ” in problems that have a physical time scale. The algorithms that use these parameters for automatically eon troll ingtime in creme nt sizes are described in Time in tegratio n accuracy intransient problems, ” Section 7.2.4 .Abaqus/CFD allows you to c

6、hoose the eon trol parameters used in an Abaqus/CFD to Abaqus/Sta ndard or to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulatio n to alleviate in stability and mesh distortio n duri ng the an alysis.Modify ing the default soluti on con trolsThe default values for the solution eontrol parameters need not be adjusted for

7、most cases. You can reset them, however, with in a step defi niti on.Values give n for the soluti on con trol parameters rema in in effect for the rema in der of the an alysis or un til they are reset.In put File Usage:*CONTROLSThe *CONTROL5pti on can be repeated, if n ecessary, with differe nt para

8、meters.Abaqus/CAE Usage:Step module: OtherGen eral Soluti on Con trols Edit : toggle on SpecifyResett ing all default soluti on con trolsYou can restore all soluti on con trol parameters to their default values.In put File Usage:*CONTROLRESETAbaqus/CAE Usage:Step module: OtherGen eral Soluti on Con

9、trols Edit : toggle on Reset all parameters to their system-defined defaults7.2.2 Commo nly used con trol parametersProducts: Abaqus/Sta ndard Abaqus/CFD Abaqus/CAEReferencesConvergenee and time integration criteria: overview, ” Section7.2.1Section 14.15.1 of theCONTROLSCustomizi ng gen eral soluti

10、on con trols, Abaqus/CAE Users ManualOverviewSoluti on con trol parameters can be used to con trol: non li near equati on soluti on accuracy; time in creme nt adjustme nt; and FSI stabilizatio n and mesh distortio n in an Abaqus/CFD to Abaqus/Sta ndard or to Abaqus/Explicit co-simulati on.These solu

11、tion control parameters need not be changed for most analyses. In difficult cases, however, the soluti on procedure may not con verge with the default con trols or may use an excessive nu mber of in creme nts and iterati ons. After it has bee n established that such problems are not due to modeli ng

12、 errors, it may be useful to cha nge certa in con trol parameters.This section presents a brief synopsis of the more important solution con trol parameters, together with a descripti on of the circumsta nces in which they can be used effectively.Values give n for the soluti on con trol parameters re

13、ma in in effect for therema in der of the an alysis or un til they are reset. You can restore allsolution control parameters to their default values (see Convergenee and time in tegratio n criteria: overview, ” Secti on 7.2.1 ).Termino logyIn this section the word “flux ” means the variable whose di

14、scretizedequilibrium is being sought and for which the equilibrium equations may be non li near: force, mome nt, heat flux, concen trati on volumetric flux, orpore liquid volumetric flux. The word “field ” refers to the basicvariables of the system, such as the comp onents of the displaceme nt in a

15、continuum stress analysis or temperature in a heat transfer analysis. The superscript refers to one such type of equati on. The fields and corresp onding fluxes available in Abaqus/Sta ndard are listed inCon verge nee criteria for non li near problems, ” Secti on 7.2.3 .Defining tolerances for field

16、 equationsSoluti on con trol parameters can be used to defi ne tolera nces for field equati ons. You can select the type of equati on for which the soluti on con trol parameters are being defi ned, as show n in Table 7.2.2 - 1. Thedefault tolerances can be reset if the analysis does not require high accuracy in the con verge nee criteria.Table 7.2.2 1 Sel

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