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1、英语课堂新坐标高三一轮复习课后作业37课后作业(三十七).语法和词汇知识1Zhu Zhiwen is _ instant hit as a peasant singer, who is simple and honest by_ nature.Aan;the B/;/C/;the Dan;/【解析】句意:朱之文秉性纯朴,作为农民歌手火速蹿红。be an instant hit意为“火速蹿红”;by nature意为“本性上”。【答案】D2(2013届潍坊质检)Our duty is to_ our country against both domestic and foreign enemie

2、s attack.Adefend BdelayCdefeat Ddepend【解析】句意: 我们的职责是保卫国家不受国内外敌人的攻击。defend .against.是固定结构, 意为: 保护不受攻击/侵犯。【答案】A3Now that the children have_, we should let them free to choose their style of living.Apicked up Bbrought upCgrown up Dtaken up【解析】句意:既然孩子已经长大了,让他们自由选择自己的生活方式吧。grow up意为“长大”;bring up意为“养育”;pi

3、ck up意为“捡起,停下来让某人搭车”;take up意为“开始从事”。【答案】C4(2013届济宁模拟)The suggestion that the election_ deserves_.Ato be delayed;to be discussedBwill be delayed;to be discussedCbe delayed;to be discussedDbe delayed;be discussed【解析】suggestion后的同位语从句要用虚拟语气, 即should动词原形, 其中should可以省略, 所以第一空可排除A和B。deserve后接doing或to be

4、done, 所以答案为C。【答案】C5Im the first girl _college in our village, which makes my parents very proud.Ato attend BattendingCattended Dhaving attended【解析】句意:我是我们村第一个上大学的女孩子,这使我父母非常自豪。序数词、形容词最高级或被only, last, next等修饰的名词用不定式作定语。【答案】A6You have to be a fairly good speaker to_ listeners interest for over an hour

5、.Ahold BmakeCimprove Dreceive【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:要让听众的兴趣持续一个小时以上,你必须是个相当好的发言人。hold ones interest表示“使某人保持兴趣”。【答案】A7I think I will_ the sports meeting_ in our school.Ajoin;holdBjoin in;will be heldCattend;which will holdDtake part in;which will be held 【解析】句意:我想我会参加将要在我校举行的运动会。take part in参加游戏、比赛等,并在其中发挥积

6、极作用。第二个空作定语,A、B形式不对;C项which will hold语态不对,故排除。 【答案】D8He is only too ready to help others, seldom,_, refusing them when they turn to him.Aif possible Bif everCif not Dif necessary【解析】if ever表示“即便有过”,在此为独立成分,作插入语。if possible如果可能的话;if not若非如此;if necessary 如果有必要的话。【答案】B9Does the young man standing there

7、 _ the company? No.The company is _ his father.Ain possession of;in the possession ofBhave possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in possession ofDhave possession of;in possession of【解析】句意:站在那里的那个年轻人拥有这家公司吗?不,这家公司在他父亲的控制之下。sb.take/have possession of sth.某人占有某物; in the possession

8、 of sb.某物在某人的控制之下。【答案】B10They are organizing a program to _peoples attention to protecting wild animals.Agive BpayChave Ddraw【解析】draw ones attention to“引起某人对的注意”,为固定搭配;不定式短语to draw peoples attention to在句中作后置定语。【答案】D11Their relationship,_ on years of open communication with each other, will last.Abas

9、e Bto baseCbasing Dbased【解析】句意:他们的友谊是建立在多年开诚布公地沟通的基础上的,将会持续下去。be based on意为“以为基础/根据”。based on years of open communication with each other which is based on years of open communication with each other,形容词短语作定语。【答案】D12I cant finish the paper until tomorrow, Im afraid.Thats OK, theres_.Ano problem Bno

10、hurryCno doubt Dno wonder【解析】句意:我恐怕到明天才能完成这份论文。好的,不急。no hurry不急;no problem没问题;no doubt无疑;no wonder难怪。【答案】B13You see the lightning _ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.Athe instant Bfor an instantCon the instant Din an instant【解析】句意:闪电一发生你立刻就能看到,而雷声要过一会儿才能听到。the instant可以用作连词,意为“一就”;for an in

11、stant意为“一会儿”;in an instant意为“立即”;没有on the instant这种用法。【答案】A14I _ his bad temper because I knew that his failure in the exam made him in a bad mood.Aapologized BprayedCforgave Dprevented【解析】apologize 道歉;pray 祈祷; forgive原谅;prevent 避免,由句意可知C项切题。【答案】C15Ill have a party at my house this weekend.Would you

12、 like to come?Thanks for your invitation._AReally hot.BIm with you on that.CIm really looking forward to it.DOe on.【解析】句意:“我家周末有聚会。你要不要来呀?”“谢谢你的邀请,我真的很期待。”Really hot意为“非常好”;Im with you on that表示“关于此事赞同或支持你的观点”;Im really looking forward to it意为“我真的很期待”;Oh, come on意为“哦,得了吧”。【答案】C.翻译句子1中国将会成为世界上第一个拥有最长

13、铁路网的国家。(不定式作定语)_2她比任何一个学生学习都用功。(比较级表示最高级)_3毫无疑问我们会成功的。(doubt)_4如果必要的话, 我们给他打个电话。(if necessary)_5我想他们值得庆贺。(deserve)_【答案】1.China will be the first country to own the longest railway network in the world.2.He works harder than any other student.3.There is no doubt that we will succeed.4.Well give him a

14、 call if necessary.5.I think they deserve to be congratulated /congratulating.完形填空(2013届青岛调研)A little boy knocked on the door of the old house.He waited, and sweated from _1_of seeing the owner, who _2_ ever came out.As he was ready to _3_, the door slowly opened.“What do you want? ” the old man ask

15、ed.“Uh, sir, Im _4_ magazines for school and I was _5_ if you would like to buy _6_.” The old man only_7_ at the boy.Meanwhile, the boy saw many dog figurines inside the house.“Do you _8_ dogs?” he asked.“Yes, I have many dog figurines in my house;they are all I have.” The boy then felt sorry for th

16、e man, as it seemed he was very _9_ .“Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors.It is _10_ for you.I also have one about dogs since you.” The old man started to close the door, saying _11_, “No, boy.I dont need any magazines of any kind.Now goodbye.” The boy was_12_ for the old man being so lon

17、ely.He went home and then had a(n) _13_ .He had a little dog figurine which didnt _14_much to him since he had a real live dog and a large family.The boy headed _15_ .He knocked on the door again and this time the old man came right to the door.“Boy, I thought I told you no _16_.” “No, sir.I want to

18、 bring you a _17_.” The boy _18_ him the figurine and the old mans face _19_.“Boy, you have a big heart._20_ are you doing this? ”“I think it means more to you.” From that day on, the old man started coming out and talking with neighbors.1A.excitement BfearCembarrassment Dhappiness【解析】由于这个小男孩对居住在这座房

19、子里的人不太了解,所以敲门时应该感到紧张或恐惧。同时,也只有这种理解才能解释空白前的sweat(出汗)。【答案】B2A.hardly BfrequentlyChurriedly Dreadily【解析】根据文章最后提到的老人的变化,我们可以看出这位老人原来“很少”出门。【答案】A3A.knock on Bbreak inCcut off Dwalk away【解析】等待了一会儿,发现没有人开门,小孩只能“走开”。而不是B(破门而入)。【答案】D4A.selling BcollectingCraising Ddesigning【解析】根据本句后面的if you would like to buy

20、.,可以得出答案。【答案】A5A.wandering BwonderingCproving Dhoping【解析】I was wondering属于固定表达,通常用于较委婉地提出问题。【答案】 BthatCone Dthem【解析】本题考查代词。这个小孩不可能只卖一份杂志,所以只能选one。【答案】C7A.laughed BpointedCreached Dlooked【解析】老人对小孩所说的话反应比较冷漠,只“看了一眼”,并没有回答。【答案】D8A.keep BhateCkill Dcollect【解析】collect:收集。A项的意思是“养”,其实我们知道老人并不是真正养狗,而

21、是收集狗的雕像。【答案】D9A.busy BdelightedClonely Ddisappointed【解析】本句前半部分说明了小孩为老人感到“sorry”,应该是因为看到他很“孤独”。【答案】C10A.clear BsafeCsuitable Dboring【解析】一本面对“collectors”的杂志对老人来说当然很适合了。【答案】C11A.easily BcoldlyCcomfortably Dnervously【解析】老人对小孩所说的根本不感兴趣,所以“冷冷地”拒绝了。【答案】B12A.sad BanxiousCeager Drespectable【解析】此处与前文9题处呼应。【答案

22、】A13A.opinion BideaCmind Dthought【解析】idea表示“主意”。A项指的是对某事物的正误、美丑等观点;C表示“头脑”;D表示“思想”。【答案】B14A.mean BsayCtalk Duse【解析】此处与文章的倒数第二句呼应。【答案】 BbackCaway Doutside【解析】从下一句可以看出小孩又回去了。【答案】B16A.noises BinterruptionsCdogs Dmagazines【解析】老人以为小孩又来卖杂志了。【答案】 BdollCgift Dhelp【解析】gift表示礼物。B项表示玩具娃娃。【答案】C

23、18A.handed BlentCattracted Dpleased【解析】小孩把小雕像“递给”老人。【答案】A19A.went pale Bturned darkClit up Dcalmed down【解析】老人收到礼物,很高兴,刚才脸上的不耐烦就烟消云散了,有了笑容。【答案】C20A.How BWhenCWhere DWhy【解析】老人问的是小孩为什么要这么做,我们可以从小孩的回答中得到暗示。【答案】D.阅读理解(2013届山东潍坊三县市联合考试)For the last couple of weeks, I had been stuck in front of my computer

24、 working on a project that was very important to me.My every waking hour was consumed by the project and although I imagined that I would feel happy after completing parts of the project, I was confused to find that instead , I was feeling rather depressed .I tried a range of methods to help cheer m

25、yself up.I had a relaxing bath, cooked a delicious meal to enjoy with my family and even watched a lighthearted movie, but to_no_avail. It was only when I turned to meditation(沉思) for a solution that the answer came to me:turn to nature!The very next day, I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water an

26、d set off to spend a few hours walking in a nature reserve, even though it was pouring with rain.Within a couple of minutes I felt alive again.To be honest, I felt like a young school girl again and had to stop myself from hopping along the path singing, “Im singing in the rain.” a song I used to si

27、ng when I was a child.I think as adults we often try too hard to control our inner children and as a result we restrain(限制)our own spirits , which only leads to depression and stress.Interestingly, it has been shown that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a nature reserve have a drop in their bl

28、ood pressure levels.But this does not happen when they spend a similar amount of time walking in a busy city centre.If you feel a little low in spirit and know that you have spent too much time indoors, relax completely, remove your shoes and let your inner child come out and play.【语篇解读】假如你的情绪不佳,那就投

29、入到大自然的怀抱吧!身体得到放松,童心得以萌发,可以尽情玩耍。1The author felt depressed because she_.Acouldnt consume her waking hourBhad not seen a film for a long timeChad not finished her work on timeDhad worked on a hard job for too long【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段的前两句可知原因是作者做一件艰苦的工作时间太长。【答案】D2The author walked in a nature reserve in the rain in order to_.Atake photosBfind a solution to the projec

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