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1、大学英语跨文化复习重点Chapter 1 Culture I.定义Culture(from intellectual perspective):从知性角度定义文化:作为整体的人类智力成就的艺术和其他表现 Culture(from anthropologic perspective):从人类学角度定义文化:文化有清晰和模糊的行为模式构成,这些模式通过符号获得并传播, 这些符号有人类群体的特别成就构成,包括具体的人工制品。文化的基本核心由传统思想和与其相关的价值观构成。 Culture(from psychological perspective) : 从心理学角度定义文化:文化是使一个人类群体成

2、员区别于其他人类群体的思维的总体规划。 Culture(from sociological perspective): 从社会学角度定义文化:文化是一种可习得的,基于群体的认知模式包括言语与非言语符号,态度,价值观,信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。 Culture(from intercultural communication perspective): 从跨文化交际学角度定义文化: 文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获得的知识,经验,信仰,价值观,行为,态度,阶级,宗教,时间观,角色,空间观和艺术品的集合。 Culture Identity: 文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。

3、Subculture亚文化:指存在于主流文化中的文化,其划分通常基于经济地位,社会阶层,民族,种族或地理区域。 Co-culture 共文化指具有独特的交际特征,感知特点,价值观,信仰和行为,区别于其他群体,社团以及主流文化的群体或社团。 Subgroup 亚群体相对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体时代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。 Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural Communication 1. Sender/Source信息发出者/信息源:指传递信息的人 2. Message信息: 只引起信息接受者反应的任何信

4、号。 3. Encoding: 编码:之信息发出者选择言语或用非言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。 4. Channel/Medium渠道/媒介: 只发送信息的方法 5. Receiver:信息接受者:指注意到信息并且赋予信息某些含义的人 6. Decoding: 解码: 指信息接受者赋予其受到的言语或符号信息意义的行为。 7. Feedback: 反馈“ 指信息接受者对信息源信息所作出的反应。 8. Noise: 干扰:指妨碍信息交流的各种因素。包括外界干扰,生理干扰,心理干扰和语义干扰。 9. Context: 语境,指交际发生的环境,包括自然语境,社会语境和人际语境。 10. Inter

5、cultural communication: 跨文化交际, 指的是那些在卫华人之和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。 11. International communication: 国际交流,指发生在国家和政府之间而非发生在个人之间的交际, 此种交际非常正式和仪式化。 12. Interracial communication: 跨种族交际,指交流信息的信息源和信息接受者来自不同的种族的交际。 13. Interethnic communication: 跨民族交际:来自一个国家或文化内部的不同民族群体的人们之间的交际。 14. Intercultural

6、communication:文化内交际指统一文化内部的成员之间的交际。 Chapter 3 Cultures Influence on Perception 1. Sensation:感觉,是人们意识到周围环境的神经过程。 2. Perception知觉: 是一种人们通过各种感觉来觉察事物,事件,任何人的行为的过程。它是解释感觉信息更为高价的认知过程。 3. Selection:选择,是从周围的选择的刺激信息中筛选出所需要的信息的过程。 4. Organization组织: 是把从周围选择的刺激信息,以一种有意义的方式整理,组合的过程。 5. Interpretation:释义, 是赋予感觉信

7、息意义的过程, 类似于解码过程。 Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers 1. Anxiety: 焦虑,当人们不知道如何迎合他人对自己的期待,过多的关注自己情绪以至不能全心投入到交际事物中去时,就会产生焦虑。 2. Uncertainty: 不确定,是指人们无法从认知的角度去解释交际活动中自己或他人的感觉及行为,这种认知角度解释能力的欠缺是某种引起焦虑的含糊情镜导致的。 3. Assuming similarity instead of difference: 假定一致性, 是指认为来自另一文化的他人和自己相似或他人的处境与自己处境的相似,

8、儿事实上却并非如此。 4. Ethnocentrism: 民族优越感,只从本国文化得标准出发,消极地审视另一文化。 5. Stereotypes: 文化定势,指基于明显的或受到认可的群体身份,对目标群体中的个体成员所持有的正面或反面的判断。 6. Prejudice: 偏见,指对于某一特定群体,种族,宗教,或性取向的无端地憎恶和怀疑。 7. Racism: 种族主义,指基于种族把性格特点或地位归因于个人的任意政策,做法,信仰或态度。 Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication Verbal intercultural communication:

9、来自不同文化北京的人用言语进行的交际即言语跨文化交际。 Dialect: 方言指某一群体特有的语言,与整个群体的言语不同。 Sociolect: 社会方言指由于社会阶级或言语分割不同而产生的方言。 Pidgin: 洋泾浜;是一种特殊的语言变体,指为贸易等目的将两种或几种语言混合使用。 Creole: 当有人以洋泾浜为母语, 并成为某一地区永久的语言时,它就成为克里奥尔语或混合语。 Lingua franca: 通用语指作为国际间交流手段的一种特殊语言。 Taboo: 禁忌语指被禁止或避免的具有毛反省的不礼貌行为。 Euphemism: 委婉语是替代具有毛反省的不礼貌的禁忌语词语。 Jargon

10、: 行话是指演变而来的专门的或科技词汇,用以满足特殊职业的特殊需要,例如医药或法律。 Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication Nonverbal communication: 非言语交际:不运用言语语言传递信息。 Proxemics : 时空行为是指对空间关系的研究。 Chronemics: 时间行为是对于人们如何理解和利用时间的研究。 Paralanguage: 为增强其含义,伴随言语语言产生的可听到的声音符号系统。 Olfactics: 气味行为: 研究气味对于交流的影响的学科 Oculesics: 目光语: 对于有眼睛所传达的信息的

11、研究。不同的文化对于交际时眼神的接触有不同的要求。 Haptics: 触觉行为:指通过身体接触来交流。 Chromatics: 色彩学:指对于影响人们人之,行为和他人印象的色彩的研究。 Kinesics: 身势语:指手势,面目表情,眼神交流,身体姿势,肢体运动和问候方式以及它们与交际的关系。 Chapter 7 Cultural Patterns Cultural patterns: 文化模式是指相对稳定的共有的信仰,价值观,标准和社会实践,这些文化模式在相似的情形下会使人产生相似的行为。 Context: 语境是指事件发生时周围的信息,对事件的解读具有重要参考价值。 High Context

12、 Communication: 高语境交际是指在交际过程中大部分的信息靠交际人本身传递,只有少量信息被明确地用语言的形式传递。 Low Context Communication: 低语境交际是指大量的信息通过明确的语言编码被传递的交际。 Uncertainty Avoidance: 不确定性规避是指某一文化的成员对不确定性因素的规避程度。 Power Distance: 权力距离是指机构或组织中权利较小的成员对权力被不平等分配的接受程度。 Chapter 8 Cultural Influences on Contexts Communication context: 交际语境,交际无法脱离外

13、部环境的影响, 所有的人类交接都或多或少受到社会,物理和文化场景的影响,这些场景成为交际语境。 Chapter 9 Intercultural Adaptation 1. Acculturation 文化适应:指人们学习和适应新文化的社会规范和价值观念的过程。 2. Assimilation 同化,指一个民族群体的人们逐渐失去自己原有的文化,接受新的主流文化的过程。 3. Integration 文化融合:指人们在文化适应过程中高度接受新的主流文化,同时又保留了自己文化的完整性。 4. Separation: 分离, 指人们在文化室内光影过程中对自己原有文化进行重新肯定的认同,保留了原有文化,

14、对新的主流文化及与其相关的微观文化不接受不认可。 5. Segregation: 隔离,当境界和政治上更强大的新主流文化不接受人们与它进行文化接触, 人们就会被这种文化隔离在外。 6. Marginalization:边缘化, 指人们不但失去自己原有的文化身份,而且无法融入新的主流文化。 7. Culture shock: 文化冲击/休克, 指人们在进入一种新文化环境中遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经历。 8. Intercultural adaptation:跨文化适应指人们不断提高自己的适应能力,以期达到新文化环境的需要。 2. 判断 The iceberg model of culture impl

15、ies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly. Culture is innate as soon as a person is born. People may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity. Scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists within a dominant culture. A p

16、erson could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time. Intercultural communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. Communication and culture are inseparable and strongly connected. The sender must choose certain words or nonverb

17、al methods to send an intentional message. This activity is called decoding. The process of communication has nine components:sender,encoding,message, channel, noise, receiver, decoding, feedback, and context. No two of us can assume that our sensations are the stimuli can produce the same sensation

18、s. The same stimuli can produce very different sensations. Our perception are influenced by who we are, including the accumulation of our experience. We give meaning to or “decode”the information that we have selected and organized during the selection stage. The psychological filters refer to the p

19、sychological factors, including the attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions of the individual. Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racism are learned. Although stereotypes are considered as being negative judgments,they can also be positive. When communicating with people from other cultures,an

20、individual sometimes is likely to treat them as”his people”and to assume there is only one way of doing things:that is”his way”. Assumption of superiority may lead to assuming similarity instead of difference. Industrialization is not the reason for the persistence of ethnocentrism,stereotyping,prej

21、udice and racism. An exacting style of communication can be found in Japan,China,and some Native American cultures. The self-effacement verbal style emphasizes the importance of boasting about ones accomplishments and abilities. The elaborate,exacting,or succinct communication style deals with the q

22、uantity and/or volume of talk that is preferred across cultural groups. Dialect refers to geographic variation,while sociolect refers to variation in terms of social group. An elaborate style of communication can be seen in Arab cultures. Speaking is the only mode of effective communication. Chinese

23、 like to touch babies or small children,especially they like others to pat their childrens head. Saudi Arabs belong to touch cultures. The appropriateness of eye contact varies with different cultures. Paralanguage may imply the connotation of the actual words. Industrialized societies like the Unit

24、ed States,the masteruy-over-nature view tends to predominate. The harmony-with-nature orientation draws chear distinctions among human life,nature,and the supernatural. Both Americans and British show respect for tradition. A doing orientation involves a focus on those types of activities which have

25、 outcomes that can be measured by someone else. In Being cultures,social status and position are more important than what a person does. In Saudi Arabia,greetings tend to be informal. Both men and women shake hands on meeting and leaving. In Finland,firm handshakes are the normal greeting for men an

26、d women. Americans might regard gift giving as a form of bribery. In Japan,one should open the gift in front of the giver. Mexican negotiators emphasize relational concerns prior to the real negotiation. Similarity of culture does not affect acculturation. Successful management of culture shock depe

27、nds on an awareness of its symptoms and the degree of its severity. Similarity of culture does not affect acculturation. Successful management of culture shock depends on an awareness of its symptoms and the degree of its severity. The second stage of intercultural adaptation is called honeymoon sta

28、ge or initial euphoria stage. All the activities of learning ones culture are called acculturation. Insomnia can be one example of the physical symptoms of culture shock. Financial matters can result in culture shock. 3. 简答 1. Emotional problems as barriers to intercultural communication a. Anxiety

29、and uncertainty b. Assuming similarity instead of difference 2. Attitudinal problems as barriers to intercultural communication a. Ethnocentrism b. Stereotyping c. Prejudice d. Racism dimensions of stereotypes a. Direction b. intensity c. specificity d. consensus e. accuracy for the persistence of e

30、thnocentrism,stereotyping,prejudice and racism? a. Socialization b. social benefits c. economic benefits d. psychological benefits problems as language barriers a. Lack of vocabulary equivalence b. Lack of idiomatic equivalence c. Lack of grammatical-syntactical equivalence d. Lack of experiential e

31、quivalence e. Lack of conceptual equivalence communication styles a. Direct and indirect styles b. Self-enhancement and self-effacement styles c. Elaborate,exacting and succinct styles d. Personal and contextual styles e. Instrumental and affective styles diversity a. Dialects and sociolects b. pidg

32、in and lingua franca c. taboo and euphemism d. jargon of nonverbal communication a. Repeating b. complementing c. substituting d. regulating e. contradicting s contextculture theory a. High-context culture b. low-context culture 10. Hofstedes dimensions of cultural variability a. individualism and collectivism

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