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1、营销计划大纲中英Marketing Plan Outline营销计划大纲Date日期:Company Name公司名称:Brand or Service品牌或服务项目:I Executive Summary概述(Encapsulation, for executive review, of entire marketing plan in no more than two or three pages.用不超过二至三页的篇幅对整个营销计划进行概述,供主管审查用)A Summary of situation analysis形势分析概述 B Summary of marketing object

2、ives营销目标概述 C Summary of marketing strategies营销战略概述D Budget summary预算概述II Situation Analysis形势分析A The industry行业状况(Complete statement of where the organization is today and how it got there. See Checklist: Situation Analysis. What business the organization is in and characteristics of the industry as

3、 a whole. Information available from industry trade publications, trade association newsletters, consumer business press, Department of Commerce publications. 本公司经营何种业务,整个行业有何特点。可以从行业贸易刊物、行业协会简报、第三方调查公司的行业白皮书、消费者信息以及商业刊物中获取到相关信息。)1 Definition of industry and company business行业和公司业务定义2 History of ind

4、ustry行业发展史a. Technological advances技术进步b. Trends人均消费量c. Growth potential成长潜力3 Growth patterns within industry业内发展模式a. Demand curve需求曲线b. Per capita consumption人均消费量c. Growth potential成长潜力4 Characteristics of industry行业特点a. Distribution patterns and traditional channels分销模式和传统渠道b. Regulation and cont

5、rol within industry业内规章与管理制度c. Geographical characteristics地理特征d. Profit patterns利润模式B The company公司(All relevant information on the company and its capabilities, opportunities, and/or problems. Information maybe found in annual reports, sales records, warranty card records, customer correspondence,

6、 sales staff report. 有关公司及其实力、机会和问题的全部相关信息。此类信息可以从年度报告、公司内部刊物、公司网站、股票市场的年报、销售记录、保修记录、顾客反馈以及销售人员报告中获得。)1 Brief history历史简要介绍2 Scope of business业务范围3 Current size, growth, profitability目前规模、成长情况、利润状况4 Reputation声誉5 Competence in various areas在不同领域的竞争力a. Strengths优势b. Weaknesses劣势C The product/service产

7、品服务(Complete description and all relevant information on the product/service mix, sales, and the strengths and weaknesses therein. See sales literature, sales reports, dealer correspondence, and so on. 有关产品/服务组合、销售以及优劣的完整描述和全部相关信息。可以参考销售宣传材料、销售报告、经销商反馈等。)1 The product story产品描述a. Development and his

8、tory发展与历史沿革b. Stage of product life cycle产品在生命周期所处的阶段(1) Introduction导入期(2) Growth成长期(3) Maturity成熟期(4) Decline衰退期c. Quality factors品质因素d. Design classification设计因素e. Goods classification商品划分(1) Consumer or industrial good消费者商品或工业商品(2) Durable or nondurable good or service耐用商品/非耐用商品/服务(3) Convenienc

9、e, shopping, or specialty good方便商品、大件商品或特制品(4) Package good, hard good, soft good, service包装商品、硬商品、软商品、服务f. Packaging包装g. Price structure价格结构h. Uses用途(1) Primary基本的(2) Secondary二级的(3) Potential潜在的i. Image and reputation形象与声誉j. Product/service strengths产品/服务强势k. Product/service weakness产品/服务弱势2 Produ

10、ct sales features产品销售特点a. Differentiating factors差别因素(1) Perceptible, imperceptible, or induced观念上、非观念上的或感觉上的(2) Exclusive or nonexclusive专卖、非专卖b. Position in mind of customer在顾客心目中的地位c. Advantages and disadvantages (customer perception) 优势、劣势(顾客感觉)3 Product research and development产品研发a. Technologi

11、cal breakthroughs技术突破b. Improvements planned预期改进c. Technical or service problems技术或服务问题4 Sales history销售记录a. Sales and cost of sales销售及销售成本(1) By product/service按产品/服务计算(2) By model按款式/型号计算(3) By territory按地区计算(4) By market按市场计算b. Profit history for same factors同一因素的利润记录5 Share of market市场份额a. Indus

12、try sale by market按市场计算的行业销售b. Market share in dollars and units以货币和件数计算的市场份额c. Market potential and trends市场潜力和趋势D The market市场(All relevant information about the people or organizations that comprise the current and prospective market for the firms offerings. See market research reports, consumer/

13、business press, trade publications, Census of Manufactures, trade association reports. 包含组成公司产品或服务的现有与潜在市场的人或机构的所有相关信息。见市场调查报告、消费者刊物/商业刊物、贸易出版物、生产厂家普查报告和贸易协会报告。)1 Definition and location of market市场界定与市场位置a. Identified market segments确认的市场细分(1) Past过去的(2) Potential潜在的b. Market needs, desires市场需求、欲望c

14、. Characteristics of market市场特征(1) Geographic地理(2) Demographic人口统计(3) Psychographic消费心态(4) Behavioral行为d. Typical buying patterns典型购买模式(1) Purchase patterns购买模式(2) Heavy users/light users重度使用户/轻度使用户(3) Frequency of purchase购买频率e. Buying influences on market对市场的购买影响力2 Definition of our customers本公司顾客

15、界定a. Present, past, and future现在、过去和未来b. Characteristics特征(1) Shared characteristics with rest of market与其余市场共有的特征(2) Characteristics unique to our customers本公司顾客特有的特征c. What they like about us or our product他们喜欢本公司或本公司产品的哪些因素d. What they dont like不喜欢哪些因素3 Consumer appeals消费者诉求a. Past advertising ap

16、peals以往广告诉求(1) What has worked哪些有效(2) What has mot worked and why哪些无效、什么原因b. Possible future apples将来可能的诉求4 Results of research studies about market and customers市场与顾客调查研究结果E The competition竞争状况(Complete information about the competition, the competitive environment, and the opportunities or challen

17、ges presented by current or prospective competitors. See SEC Form 10-Ks, consumer/business press articles, Moodys Industrial Manual, Standard & Poors reports, Dun & Bradstreet report, Thomas Register of American Corporations. 包含本公司目前和将要面临的竞争状态、竞争者、竞争环境以及机遇和挑战的全面信息,消费者刊物/商业刊物等文章,政府政策分析。)1 Identificat

18、ion of competitors界定竞争对手a. Primary competitors主要竞争对手b. Secondary competitors次要竞争对手c. Product/service descriptions产品/服务描述d. Growth and size of competitors竞争对手的成长与规模e. Share of market held by competitors竞争对手拥有的市场份额2 Strengths of competition竞争对手的实力a. Product quality产品质量b. Sales features销售特点c. Price, di

19、stribution, promotion价格、分销、促销3 Weaknesses of competition竞争对手的弱点a. Product features产品特点b. Consumer attitude消费者态度c. Price, distribution, promotion价格、分销、促销4 Marketing activities of competition竞争对手的营销活动a. Product positioning产品定位b. Pricing strategies定价战略c. Distribution分销d. Sales force销售力量e. Advertising,

20、publicity 广告宣传f. Estimated budgets估计预算F Distribution strategies分销战略(Complete discussion of how the firms products/services are distributed and sold, what channels are available, and characteristics of channel members. See dealer and distributor correspondence, sales staff reports, advertising report

21、s, trade publication articles. 对公司产品/服务如何进行分销和销售、哪些渠道可以利用以及渠道成员的特征进行全面讨论。请参考经销商和分销商的反馈、销售人员报告、广告报告和贸易刊物等。)1 Type of distribution network used采用的流通网络类型a. History of development 发展史b. Trends趋势2 Evaluation of how distribution is accomplished分销完成情况评估3 Description and evaluation with channel members与分销渠道

22、成员共同评估与描述4 Promotion relationship with channel members与分销渠道成员的促销关系a. Trade advertising and allowances贸易广告和津贴b. Co-op advertising联合广告c. Use of promotion by dealer or middlemen经销商或中间商使用促销的情况d. Point-of purchase displays, literature售点陈列、宣传材料e. Dialer incentive programs经销商激励活动5 Strengths/weaknesses of d

23、istribution systems分销体系的优势、劣势6 Opportunities/threats related to distribution与分销相关的机遇/威胁G Pricing policies定价政策(Background and rationale for firms pricing policies and strategies, discussion of alternative options. Study sales reports, channel-member correspondence, customer correspondence, competitiv

24、e information. 本公司定价政策和战略以及其他选择所依据的背景和推理。请研究销售报告、分销渠道成员反馈、顾客反馈、竞争信息。)1 Price history价格记录a. Trends趋势b. Affordability可行性c. Competition竞争2 Price objectives and strategies in past以往的价格目标和战略a. Management attitude管理层态度b. Buyer attitudes购买者态度c. Channel attitudes分销渠道态度3 Opportunities/threats related to pric

25、ing与定价相关的机遇/威胁H Communication strategies传播战略(All relevant data concerning the firms personal sales efforts and effectiveness as well as complete discussion of the firms use of advertising, public relations, and sales promotion programs. Examine sales reports, advertising reports, articles in Adverti

26、sing Age, Marketing Communications, and so on, in-house data on advertising, sales, and training. 写入涉及本公司人员销售努力和效益的全部信息,对本公司运用广告、公共关系和销售推广活动的情况进行探讨,请认真研究销售报告、广告报告、广告时代上的文章、营销传播杂志、公司内部有关广告以及销售和培训方面的资料。)1 Past promotion policy过去的促销方针a. Personal versus nonpersonal selling人员销售与非人员销售(1) Use of sales forc

27、e销售力量使用情况(2) Use of advertising, public relations, sales promotion广告、公共关系、销售推广使用情况b. Successes and failures of past policy过去方针的成败之处2 Sales force销售力量a. Size规模b. Scope范畴c. Ability/training能力/培训d. Cost per sale单位销售成本3 Advertising programs广告活动a. Successes and failures成败b. Strategies, themes, campaigns,

28、media employed战略、主题、广告活动、运用的媒介c. Method of allocation诉求、定位等d. Expenditures支出(1) Past budgets以往预算(2) Method of allocation资金分配方法(3) Competitor budgets竞争对手的预算(4) Trend趋势4 Opportunities/threats related to communications与传播相关的机遇与威胁I Environmental factors环境因素(Enumeration of environmental factors that may

29、be beyond the firms immediate control but affect the firms business efforts. See government reports and announcements, consumer/business press, trade association articles. 提出本公司无法直接控制,但对本公司业务却有影响的环境因素。参考政府报告与公告、消费者出版物或商业出版物、同业协会刊物等。)1 Economy经济a. Current economic status目前经济状况b. Business outlook and

30、economic forecasts商业展望与经济预测2 Political situation政治形势3 Societal concerns社会问题4 Technological influences技术影响J Corporate objectives and strategies案的企业目标和战略(Recitation of relevant attitudes and directives of management as they pertain to the firms marketing and advertising efforts. Information available

31、from corporate business plan, management interviews, internal memos and directives. 摘引管理层人员的相关态度和指示,因为他们关系到公司的营销努力与广告努力。有关信息可以从企业业务计划、管理报告、内部参考和指导方针方面获得。)1 Profitability利润a. Sales revenue销售收入b. Cost reductions降低成本2 Return on investment投资回报3 Stock price股票价格4 Shareholder equity股东资产5 Community image社会形象6 New product development新产品开发7 Technological leadership技术领先情况8 Mergers and/or acquisitions 兼并/收购9 Overall corporate mission企业整体任务K Potential marketing problems潜在营销问题(Enumeration or summary of problems cons

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