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1、英语初升高培训教材文武专修English is funPre-reading1.What do you know about English jokes or humor? 2.Do you have any difficulty understanding English idioms(成语) and proverbs(谚语)?3.Do you often pay attention to punctuations(标点) in English sentences? ReadingAShut your mouth! A man who is driving a car is stopped

2、by a police officer. The man says, “Whats the problem, Officer?” Officer: “Im going to give you a ticket for not wearing your seat belt.” Man: “Oh, I just took it off when you were walking up to the car.” Wife: “ Oh Harry, you never wear your seat belt.” The mann turns to his wife and yells, “ SHUT

3、YOUR MOUTH! WOMAN!” The officer turns to the woman and asks, “Maam, does your husband talk to you this way all the time?” The wife says, “ No, only when hes drunk.” B“Apple-polishing” An “apple-polisher” is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. Its not exactly a bribe, but it i

4、s close to it. “Apple-polishing” is as old as human society, but the phrase itself is recent, about 50 years ago. It comes from the schoolroom. For a long time, some schoolboys would leave a shiny apple on the teachers desk. They would rub and polish the apple to give it a bright shine, so as to mak

5、e it look more tasty. Such a gift, the student hoped, might make the teacher shut her eyes to his poor work and give him a good mark. All sorts of people are apple-polishers, including politicians and people in high offices-almost everybody. There are other phrases meaning the same things as “apple-

6、polishing”-“soft-soap” or “butter him up”. A gift is just one way to “soft soap” somebody. or to “butter him up”. Another that is just as effective is flattery, giving someone high praise-telling him how good he looks. or how wellhe speaks, or how wise he is. Flattery, of course, is the cheapest kin

7、d of “apple-polishing”. To flatter another costs you nothing and you can give it as freely as you want. And you can always find somebody eagerly looking for it.CWhen was Rome built? Teacher: When was Rome built? Tom: AT night. Teacher: Who told you that? Tom: You did. You said Rome wasnt built in a

8、day.D.The importance of punctuation An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard: “Woman without her man is nothing.” The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly. The boys wrote: Woman, without her man, is nothing.” The girls wrote:” Woman! Without her, man is noth

9、ing.”Post-reading1.Reading for informationThinking out1. In what situation was the husband unkind to his wife according to what the woman said about her husband in Passage A? 2. Do you have any difficulty in understanding Passage B? 3. Was Toms answer correct in Passage C? 4. Have you realized the i

10、mportance of punctuation(标点)? Trying outRead the four passages again and answer the following questions.1. How many traffic rules did the husband break in Passage A?_2. Find two other expressions which mean “apple-polishing” in Passage B?_3. What does the underlined word “it” mean in Paragraph 5 of

11、passage B?_4. What does the proverb “Rome was not built in a day”mean?_5. Can you give some examples to show the importance of punctuation?_ _2.Reading for languageThinking out 你有没有因为词汇量不够,在阅读中遇到生词而感到烦恼呢?你常用什么方法对付生词?除了运用构词法以外,我们还可以通过其他什么方法?你拥有什么英语工具书呢?Tips: 通过上下文猜测生词的词义,这也是一种学习生词的方法。所谓“词不离句,句不离文”,只有

12、把单词放到具体的情景中,才能准确地把握和理解它。例如: There are other phrases meaning the same things as “apple-polishing”-“soft soap”or “butter him up”.从句子结构可以猜测出soft-soap, butter him up的词义相当于apple-polishing. 另一种处理生词的方法是查字典。一本好的英语词典是英语学习者必备的工具书。许多英语单词不仅词义丰富,而且有很多固定搭配,查阅字典能帮助我们准确地理解和使用单词,防止望文生义。例如:1. The officer turns to the

13、 womanand asks, “Maam, does your husband talk to you this way all the time?” (turn to 的含义是“转向”)2. He is very helpful and you may turn to him c for help when you are in trouble.(turn to 的含义是“求教于,求助于”)Trying out1. 阅读下列句子,根据上下问猜测划线单词的含义,然后查字典确认。(1)Another that is just as effective is flattery, giving s

14、omeone high praise-telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how wise he is. (2 ) He is from a wealthy family and is able to afford very expensive clothes. (3 ) He is a very mischievous boy and often makes trouble in school. 2. 借助词典,把下列英语翻译成中文。 (1)I turned away and looked out of the w

15、indow. (2) Dont turn youe anger on the children. (3) He turns 20 in June. (4) She turns against her old friend. (5) Why did he turn down your invitation? (6) The job turned out to be harder than we thought. (7) He turned his business over to his daughter. (8) He stopped his car, took off his seat be

16、lt and came out. (9) She was taken on a trainee. (10)He took over the company. (11)The table takes up too much room. (12) Fish takes in oxygen through their gills.3. 把下列成语翻译成中文。(1)take French leave (2) a stony herat (3) at ones fingertips (4)have a hand like a foot (5) show ones color (6) return goo

17、d for evil (7) shut ones eyes to (8) take black into white (9)turn a deaf ear to (10)Hturn over a new leaf4.词汇练习。(1)将左栏的单词或短语与右栏的解释配对。 bribe a. make sth smooth and shiny by rubbing it polish b. shout loudly because of anger or excitement or in pain yell c. say nice things about sb often in a way tha

18、t is not sincere in order to get sth from him flatterd. pretend you havent noticed sth so you don;t have to deal with it shut ones eyes to sthe. a sum of money or sth valuable you give to sb to make him help you do sth dishonest(2)选择上面左栏的单词或短语的正确形式填入句子横线处。 He _ at the child to get down from the wall

19、. Are you trying to _ me? it is no easy job. He is said to have taken _ while in office and he is now in trouble. I cant _ his mistake. He often _ his glasses with a hankerchief.3.Reading for cultureThinking outDo you think English is fun? English jokes, English proverbs and English riddles enable u

20、s to think deeply.Tryingout1. How do you understand the following sentences? Put them into Chinese. An apple a day keeps the doctor away._ Early to bed, early to rise makes a person helthy, welthy and wise. _ _ A clumsy bird has to start flying early._ The early bird catches the worm._2. Can you ans

21、wer the following quetions in a clever way? Which month do soldiers hate?_ How many feet are there in a yard?_ How do you like your school? _ What two words contain thousands of letters?_ Whats the longest word in the world?_ To whom does everyone alwyas take off his hat? _英语音标指南 元音 (20个)单元音12个前 元 音

22、(4个)i:ie后 元 音(5个):u:u中 元 音(3个):双元音8个合口双元音(5个)eiuaiaui集中双元音(3个)iu辅音 (28个)清 辅 音(11个)ptkfsttrtsh浊 辅 音(17个)bdgvzd drdzlmnjwr一 元音练习1 A he she sea tea feel teacherB a team leader , three weeks , green trees neat and clean C We need to clean these seats He seemed pleased to meet these people 2 A if it sit

23、kick sick pick B finish it a big city a little pity sit still bit by bit C He visited six big cities this spring Its a pity Dick missed the trip 3 A get let wet left neck nextB get ready seven desks very well less and less C All is well that ends well The beds in the tent are very wet 4 A fat cat ha

24、t back hack lackB a mad man a black can a happy family a fat catC Dont let the cat out of the bag Hang your cap on the stand5 A bar car far star park dark B a large farm a basket of grass rather fast half past five C he who laughs best laughs last From afar ,the farms look larger than they are6 A La

25、w saw draw tall fall call B short and tall broad and small a quarter to four the fourth floor C Dont pour the water on the floor Please draw a ball with a chalk on the board 7 A shop top stop what hot pot B a hot pot a coffee shop got a job cost a lot C They washed the socks on the rocks He got a jo

26、b in the coffee shop 8 A too who zoo root shoot fruit B a blue moon a huge tomb a music school boots or shoes C Who do you think shoot a film in a music school?9 A book look cook good wood stoodB a good cook took the book took the wool push the bullC Mr Wood looks like a good cook The bush was full

27、of good wood 10 A but must just such much touch B a tough son a lucky mother a funny uncle a sudden jump C its fun to fun and jump in the sun Her uncles son is younger than her brother 11 A were her sir hurt shirt first B the first term an early bird a dirty shirt the third world C first come, first served Thats the first word Ive heard her say 12 A about ago again , agree away attend B along the river agree to her opinion a famous writer a terrible picture C I wonder

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