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1、探讨实现营销目标的一系列市场行为 探讨实现营销目标的一系列市场行为一、网络直销网络直销是指生产厂家借助联机网络、计算机通信和数字交互式媒体且不通过其他中间商,将网络技术的特点和直销的优势巧妙地结合起来进行商品销售, 直接实现营销目标的一系列市场行为。A network of direct sales, network marketing is refers to the manufacturer based on the online network, computer communication and digital interactive media and not through ot

2、her intermediaries, the characteristics of the network technology and the advantages of direct marketing combined skillfully merchandise sales, a series of market behavior directly to realize the goal of marketing.随着计算机技术的发展和互联网的普及,网民人数不断增多,截止到 2008 年12月31日,我国共有网民 2.98 亿,大幅度超过美国,跃居世界第一位;普及率达到 22.6%,

3、超过全球平均水平;网民规模较 2007 年增长8800 万人,年增长率为41.9%。网民人数的持续增长,网络消费市场的逐渐壮大,以及传统消费市场竞争的日趋激烈,使企业选择网络直销成为一种必然。With the development of computer technology and the popularization of Internet, the number of Internet users continued to increase, by December 31, 2008, China had 298000000 Internet users, substantially

4、more than the United States, ranking first in the world; penetration rate reached 22.6%, more than the global average level; the scale of the Internet a growth of 88000000 in 2007, the annual growth rate of 41.9%. The sustained growth of the number of Internet users, network consumption market gradu

5、ally, and the traditional consumer market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the enterprise network marketing has become an inevitable choice.二、网络直销引发的渠道冲突(一)冲突的种类网络直销引发的渠道冲突主要包括两种,即与传统中间商以及传统零售商之间的冲突:Two, network marketing channel conflicts ( a ) network types of conflict channel conflict

6、s mainly includes two kinds, namely with traditional middlemen and retailers conflict:1、网络直销商与传统中间商的冲突企业通过网络直接进行产品销售,必然会和传统中间商争夺客户,分割他们的销售市场,威胁他们的经济利益而造成不可避免的冲突。1, the network of distributors and traditional intermediary conflict enterprises directly through the network product sales, will and tradi

7、tional intermediary for customers, split their sales market, the conflict threatened their economic interests and the inevitable result of the.同时由于生产商能够直接和消费者进行交易,省去了传统中间商与企业之间以及中间商之间在沟通、运输等方面造成的各种浪费,使交易更具经济性、实效性,这些使得传统中间商显得没有存在的必要,从根本上威胁了中间商的生存。At the same time as the manufacturer can directly and

8、consumer transactions, all kinds of waste between omits the traditional intermediaries and enterprises as well as middlemen in communication, transportation and other aspects of cause, make trade more economical, effectiveness, which makes the traditional intermediary is not necessary in, fundamenta

9、lly threatens the middleman survival.2、网络直销商与传统直销商的冲突网络直销通过虚拟网络进行面向消费者的直接销售,在营销费用方面形成了显著的优势。第一,省去了传统直销所必须的销售前物流费用,及从生产厂商将产品运输到销售终端的费用,包括运输费用及期间产生的产品耗损等间接费用;第二,省去了终端建设费用,及实体销售网点建设、维护等方面的费用;第三,节省了大量的人力资本投入,相对于网络直销只需少数人员进行网站维护及信息处理工作的情况,传统直销则需要巨大的人力资本投入,不仅包括销售人员及店面管理人员的薪酬费用,还涉及到人力资本的招聘、培训、管理等方面的大量费用;第四

10、,由于网络直销便于与消费者及时进行互动沟通,使其产品的生产具有针对性,从而降低库存成本。而这些费用优势直接造就了网络直销产品较高的价格优势,据统计,梨苗同样的产品,网络上的价格比实体门店里要便宜 30%左右。这对传统直销商的存在构成了巨大的威胁。2, the network marketing and traditional marketing network marketing is the conflict of direct sales to consumers through the virtual network, formed a significant advantage in

11、marketing costs. First, eliminating the traditional direct sales to sales before the logistics costs, and from the manufacturers will transport the products to the sales terminal costs, product loss, indirect costs including transportation cost and period; second, saving the terminal construction co

12、sts, and costs of substantive sales outlets construction, maintenance; third, save a large number of human capital investment, with respect to the website maintenance and information processing network marketing requires only a few staff, traditional direct needs huge investment in human capital, no

13、t only including the sales staff and store management personnel compensation costs, also involves a large number of cost of human capital recruiting, training, management; fourth because the network marketing to consumers, and timely interaction and communication, so that the product is targeted, th

14、ereby reducing inventory costs. And the cost advantages of directly contributes to higher network marketing product price advantage, according to statistics, the same product, the network price than entity shop about 30% cheaper. Pose a great threat to the existence of the traditional distributors.同

15、时,由于网络巨大的覆盖面使网络直销的目标市场得以渗透到世界的各个角落,塑料土工格栅直接造成了对传统直销市场的分割,产生了目标市场冲突、使传统直销商面临着是否有存在必要性的挑战。At the same time, because of a vast network of direct sales network coverage of the target market has penetrated into every corner of the world, the direct cause of the traditional direct market segmentation, tar

16、get market, the conflict of the traditional distributors are faced with is the necessity of the existence of the challenge.(二)冲突产生的原因网络直销渠道与传统渠道之间冲突产生的原因是多方面的,但主要原因是生产制造商与传统中间商及实体零售商之间因战略目标的不同及各自追求利益最大化而采取相互干扰的决策、行为引起的。( two ) the causes of conflict between causes direct online channel conflicts wit

17、h the traditional channels are in many aspects, but the main reason is between manufacturer and middleman and traditional brick-and-mortar retailers because of different strategic goals and their pursuit of profit maximization and take decision, behavior interference caused by.分析产生冲突的具体原因可以归结为以下几点:T

18、he analysis on the causes of conflict can be attributed to the following:1、战略意图原因传统营销渠道商在战略取向上更多是围绕销售收入最大化、市场覆盖率最大化以及传播品牌形象等显性的原因展开。1, the strategic intention of traditional marketing channels in the strategic orientation is more dominant expansion causes around the sales revenue maximization, marke

19、t coverage maximization and spread the brand image.而网络直销商尤其是生产制造型的网络直销商触网的战网络直销引发的渠道冲突与管理策略研究市场周刊理论研究略意图除了这些较为显性的原因外,还包含一些较为隐性的原因。But the network of distributors in particular the production of manufacturing network of distributors and direct sales network of war caused by the channel conflict and m

20、anagement strategy of market weekly, theoretical study omitted intention in addition to these obvious reasons, also contains some of the more implicit reason.在计划经济时期,企业营销渠道基本上是以制造商为中心的传统渠道模式。In the planned economy period, the enterprise marketing channel basically is to manufacturers as the center o

21、f traditional channel mode.这种模式下,制造企业成为渠道的领导者。Under this model, manufacturing enterprises to become the channel leader.而在90年代后期,随着买方市场的形成,渠道权力中心呈现向渠道下游转移的趋势。In the late 90s, with the formation of a buyers market, channel power center has transferred to channel downstream of the trend.因为分销商更接近市场,拥有更多

22、的渠道资源,上游企业对他们的依赖性逐渐增强,同时上游企业感觉到的威胁也越来越大。而网络直销正是消除这一威胁的一把利器,通过对传统渠道与网络直销渠道在投入结构及发展侧重点上的调整,逐步改变各种营销渠道对企业发展的权重比例,使企业对各种渠道的依赖趋于平衡,进而可以实现企业的健康永续发展。Because the distributors closer to the market, have more channel resources, upstream enterprises gradually increased dependence on them, while the upstream en

23、terprises feel the threat is more and more big. The network marketing is a powerful weapon to eliminate this threat, the traditional channels and Internet direct marketing channel in the input structure and development focus on the adjustment, gradually change the various marketing channels for ente

24、rprise development to weight ratio, so that enterprises depend on various channels tend to balance, and can realize enterprise health and sustainable development.正是这一隐性原因,使企业在网络直销战略布局上,以及相关活动的开展上采取一些影响传统渠道商利益而利于企业长远发展的措施,从而导致了冲突的发生。It is this hidden reasons, so that enterprises in the network market

25、ing strategy layout, and related activities take some effects of traditional channel business interests and conducive to long-term development of enterprises, which leads to the conflict.2、产品原因当同样的产品既可以在传统渠道买到又可以在网上获得时,由于网络营销具有更优惠的价格,具有更多的产品选择范围,消费者能够了解到更多的产品的信息,所以会有很多消费者通过网络确定初步购买意向后,到附近的传统销售渠道去亲身体

26、验一下,确定自己所选商品的尺码、颜色、款式等方面的信息,最后,再回到网上去定购。这样,传统营销渠道做了他们该做的事,却没有因此卖出商品,获得相应的收益。2, the product when the same product can not only in the traditional channels to buy and available on the web, because the network marketing has a more favorable price, have a wider choice of products, consumers can learn mo

27、re product information, so there will be a lot of consumers to determine the initial purchase intention through the network, the traditional sales channels nearby to experience, to determine their chosen product size, color, style and other information, finally, to return to the Internet to order. In this way, the traditional marketing channels to do the things, but did not sell goods, obtain the corresponding income.

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