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1、考研英语作文考研英语作文200020122000 Directions:A. Study the following two pictures carefully and write and essay of at least 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.C. Your essay should meet the requirements below:1. Describe the pictures.2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the pict

2、ures.3. Suggest countermeasures.A brief History of World Commercial Fishing2000年考研作文是真正意义上的图画作文考查的开始,这是继1998年之后第二次出现图画作文,也是之后连续考查图画作文的开始。这道题目中所给出的两张图片,形成了鲜明的对比:1900年浩瀚的海洋上只有一艘捕鱼的船只,鱼儿却很多;到了1995年情况正好相反,船只成群,而鱼儿却只剩一条了。这样的差别给人的震撼力是巨大的,显然在多年的商业捕鱼之后,渔业资源遭受到了巨大的破坏。题目中给出的提纲共有三点:第一点是描述图画,第二点是推断绘画者的意图,第三点给出对

3、策,即解决问题的办法。考生应该根据提纲来构建文章的三个段落。经典范文赏析A Brief History of World Commercial FishingThis picture shows a drastic change in the worlds commercial fishing. The two parts display totally different scenes in 1900 and 1995. In 1900, there were a large number of fish while only one boat was fishing on the ocea

4、n. But in 1995 fishing boats increased sharply while only one fish was left. The fish supplies have almost been exhausted by overfishing.Judging from the picture, we can see that within about 100 years, humans have stripped the sea of her generous offerings. If we dont put an end to the trend, then

5、the fish in the ocean could become extinct species in the foreseeable future.Therefore, it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem. First, we must bring world population under a reasonable control, as overfishing is largely due to the need to fill the additional mouths. Second,

6、 every year in the fishs mating season, a grace period should be enforced during which the fish are allowed to reproduce themselves. Third, strict laws should be implemented. Last but not least, we should enhance the awareness of the public that the ocean resources are very vital to us. Only when th

7、ese above mentioned measures are put into practice can we save the fish from disappearing completely.世界商业捕鱼简史这幅图显示了世界商业捕鱼的一个显著变化。图片两部分显示了1900和1995两种不同的情况。1900年海里鱼儿很多,但只有一艘渔船在捕鱼。但1995年渔船的数量猛增,但鱼却只剩下一条。由于过度捕鱼,鱼的数量已接近枯竭。从图中我们可以看到100年的时间中人类已经掠夺了大海的丰富资源。如果我们不结束这已趋势,鱼类可能在不远的将来变成灭绝品种。因此,我们必须采取有效的措施来解决这个问题。

8、首先,我们应该控制人口数量,过度捕鱼的原因之一是要满足更多的食物需求。第二,每年鱼类的交配期,应该有一段“休渔期”以便鱼类完成自我生产。第三,制定严格的法律。最后,我们应该让公众知道海洋资源的重要性。只有实施以上的措施,我们才能保护鱼类免于灭绝。黄金句型This picture shows a drastic change in.这幅图显示了的一个显著变化。The two parts display totally different scenes.两部分显示了的不同情况。Judging from the picture, we can see that.从图中,我们可以看到Therefore

9、, it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem. First. second.third.last but not least.因此,我们必须采取有效的措施来解决这个问题。首先第二第三最后Only. can.只有才能2001 Directions:Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has his/her own understanding of it. There has b

10、een a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to1) show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below,2) give a specific example, and3) give your suggestion as to the best way to show love. You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

11、 (20 points)2001年考研作文经历了一次重大的变革文章要求有所改动:字数增多,由原来的150字增到200字,也就是说180字以下的文章要扣分。同时写作部分的分值也由15分提高到20分,充分体现了写作在考研英语测试中的重要地位。本文中的图画非常简单,结合提示考生很容易理解其含义,但这张图片的意义却很深远:油灯上面的火焰是一个孩子的微笑,在黑暗中发出明亮的光芒,上面还有 一句提示语“爱心是一盏灯,在越黑暗的地方越明亮。”这句话的理解关系到对整篇文章中心思想的正确理解。这句话的前半句是个比喻,后半句是一个越 越的结构,考生应该深刻领会爱心的重要作用。本文中的提纲有三点,一是写出对于图画象

12、征意义的理解,二是举出一个具体的事例,三是就献爱心的最好办法 给出建议。另外这道题目中增加了情景语言,即:包括情景说明,提纲说明,以及图画。降低了题目的难度,考生可以结合提纲式作文、规定情景作文和图画作文的 写作特点完成本文的写作。但要注意一个重要原则:英语情景说明语句,不可直接照搬,需要进行改动。尽量应用同义,近义词,相关表达,不同句式改造。例如 worthy 可以替换为valuable,feelings 可以替换为 emotions,mankind 可以替换为 human being,noblest可以替换为greatest等。我们可分三段来完成本文。在第一段中不仅应描述图画,还应描述上面

13、的那句话。在第二段中,应举 一个能与图画所表达的道理相匹配的典型事例。这样的事例很多,考生可以结合自己的经历列举,如希望工程、抗洪捐款等等,也可以列举具体人物。最后一段中, 考生可以提出自己的建议,这一部分难度不高,考生可以套用一些模版句型。经典范文赏析In the picture presented to us, an oil lamp gives out bright flame against the dark background. The flame is like a childs smile, so innocent and pure. The oil lamp here is

14、a symbol of love, which is the greatest among all the valuable emotions of human being. Just as the Chinese characters around the lamp say, love is a lamp; the darker the room is, the brighter it looks. It is true that the harder the situation is, the more valuable love is.One good example to illust

15、rate this love is the Hope Project. As we all know, although our economy is much better than years of ago, a great gap still remains between east and west regions, between large cities and rural areas. Thousands of poor children are forced to quit school because of lacking of money. All works of lif

16、e have worried about this situation. Hope Project, which is proposed just in time, calls for people to show their loves for those children unable to go to school, and tens of thousands of people has lent their hands without asking for any return.The best way to show love, I think, is to be devoted t

17、o our work and our nation. Everyone is indeed unique loved by the people around, and therefore we must learn to love others, and try our best to shoulder the responsibility of the job so as to help others live better and make contribution to our nation.译文我们可以看到一盏灯正在黑暗中闪耀着光芒。火焰像一张充满童贞的笑脸。这盏灯是爱的象征,爱是人

18、类所有感情中最伟大的。正如图中的汉字所写“爱心是一盏灯,在越黑暗的地方越明亮。”的确情况越艰难就越能显示爱的伟大。阐述这种爱一个好例子就是“希望工程”。我们都知道,尽管近年来,我们的经济条件比以前好了很多,但东西、城乡差距依然存在。很多困难家庭的孩子因为没 有钱只好辍学。社会各界对此都非常担心。“希望工程”应声而出,它呼吁人们为不能上学的孩子献爱心。成千上万的人不求回报的伸出了爱心之手。我认为献爱心最好的办法就是投身工作,献身国家。我们每一个人都在接受着身边人的爱,因此我们要学爱他人。我们应该尽力完成好自己的本职工作帮助他人更好地生活,大家都能为祖国做贡献。黄金句型In the picture

19、 presented to us.图中我们可以看到Just as . say, .正如所说It is true that the harder the situation is, the more valuable love is.的确情况越艰难就越能显示爱的伟大。One good example to illustrate this love is the Hope Project。阐述这种爱一个好例子就是“希望工程”。As we all know,.我们都知道The best way to., I think, is to.我认为做最好的方法是2002 Directions:Study t

20、he following picture carefully and write an essay entitled CulturesNational and International. In the essay you should1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning, and2) give your comment on the phenomenon.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)An American girl in

21、 traditional Chinese costume(服装)2002年考查的也是图画作文,但却是第一次使用照片。照片上是一位穿着传统中国服饰的美国姑娘,她的脸上挂着微笑,可以看出她非常高兴,上面还有一行关于照片的注释。文章中已经给出了标题和大纲。大纲主要有两点:一是描述图片并解释含义;二是对此现象做出自己的评论。从照片中考生很容易就可以想到其寓意是民族的文化可以成为世界的。确定了这个主题后,我们就可以进一步确定一个支配思想,即这一趋势对于人类发展是有利的。接下来考生就可以围绕这一思想,分三段进行写作,首段简要地描述照片,次段阐述其含义,末段给出评论。在审题构思时应注意:以小见大、把握象征寓

22、意。关于评论部分可以有三个写作角度:提建议、考虑背景及原因、或描述未来、预测未来。考生最好能列出简单的提纲,写好每段的主题句,最后进行扩展。对于这张照片的描述可能会有一些单词需要特别注意:如发带 ribbon、耳环 earrings、项链 necklace、少数民族 minority group、妇女服饰accessories等。经典范文赏析Cultures-National and InternationalAt first sight of the picture, my eyes are brightened by the pretty girl, beaming with a simi

23、le on her face. She is a typical American girl, but she is dresses in our traditional Chinese costume. It seems that the girl is very proud of the Chinese costume.It goes without saying that the picture indicates that a culture of one nation may become international, which is beneficial to all human

24、 beings. Actually the girl stands for two different cultures-western and eastern cultures. Her charming smile is the essential touch of the whole picture, which symbolizes the harmonious blending of the two cultures. With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become a necess

25、ary trend of the times. On one hand, a large number of people from different countries have been pouring into China. On the other hand, Chinese people are also exposed to different foreign cultures when they go abroad or when more foreign people come to China. In this way, people from various nation

26、s in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other.As far as I am concerned, I think this phenomenon is good to all of us. It is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.看到这张照片的第一眼,我就被这个面带微笑的漂亮女孩吸引了。很明显她是一个美国女孩,但

27、她却穿着传统的中国服饰。看上去她对于她穿的中国服饰非常的自豪。勿容置疑这张照片揭示了这样一个道理,民族的可以变成世界的,这对人类的发展是有益的。事实上这个女孩代表了两种文化西方和东方文化。她充满魅力的微笑是整张照片的核心,代表着两种文化的和谐相融。随着经济全球化,不同文化的融合已经成为一个趋势。一方面,很多外国人涌到了中国,另一方面,更多的中国人也可以自己出国或与来中国的外国人有更多的接触。这样,世界各地的人们就可以更好地相互了解。我个人认为,这一现象对大家都好。这是进行跨文化交流和促进世界和平和繁荣的一种非常有效的方法。黄金句型At first sight of the picture, m

28、y eyes are brightened by.看到这张照片的第一眼,我就被吸引了。It seems that.看起来It goes without saying that the picture indicates that.勿容置疑这张照片揭示了With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become a necessary trend of the times.随着经济全球化,不同文化的融合已经成为一个趋势。On one hand. on the other hand.一方面,另一方面As fa

29、r as I am concerned, I think.我个人认为It is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.这是进行跨文化交流和促进世界和平和繁荣的一种非常有效的方法。2003Directions:Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the set of dr

30、awings,interpret its meaning,and2) point out its implications in our life.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)温室花朵经不起风雨范文The above two pictures have shaped sharp contrast to each other. In one picture, a flower grows in a greenhouse and is in full bloom in spite of t

31、he outside rain. But in the other, the flower, moved outside and without the protection of the greenhouse, is withering in the thunderstorm. The two pictures show us that the flower, which is raised in a greenhouse and carefully protected, cannot stand natural wind and rain at all.It is most likely that the drawer means to compare children in our country to the flower in his drawings and reflect a problem in the present education of our children. For one thing, nowadays, most children are brought up by their parents with tender care. Parents always try their best to meet the c

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