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On weekends六年级英语下册.docx

1、On weekends六年级英语下册六年级英语下册3,4一、 听单词:( )1. A. park B. ride C. family 公园 骑 家庭( )2. A. together B. visit C. lunch在一起 看望 午餐( )3.A.walk B. grandparent 走路 公/婆 爱( )4.A.library B. relax C. movie 图书馆 放松 电影( ) B.beachC.enjoy 饭店 海滩 享受二、句型:1, My family goes to the zoo. 我家去了动物园。2,-Where are w

2、e going today?-今天我们要去哪?-Well go to the park.-我们要去公园。3,-What are we going to do? -我们要做什么?-Well go shopping.我们要去购物。 我们要去购物。三、听力训练:( )1. A. Ok! Well go shopping. B. Well take a walk.( )2. A. Well go to the beach. B. Well look at the flowers.( )3,A. Its Sunday. B. Its ten years old.( )4,A. Her family wa

3、tches TV.B . My family goes to the library.( )5, A. I like playing games.B. She likes play basketball.( )6.There are two rulers.B. There was a river.四、排序:1,we, the park, shall, go to?2, visit, grandparents, your, well(.)3, at the park, what ,do, are we going to(.)_4.together,well,have a good time.三年

4、级英语上册Unit1-6Unit 1、2礼貌用语:hello(你好)I(我)am( 是)Miss(小姐) hi(嗨) good(好的) morning (早上) afternoon(下午)night(晚上) class(班上) goodbye (拜拜) Unit 3询问名字:what (什么) is(是) your ( 你的) name(名字) my(我的) Unit 4询问年龄及数字:how(怎样)old(are( 是)you(你) one(一) two(二) three (三) four (四) five (五) six (六) seven(七) eight (八) nine (九) te

5、n (十) Unit 5、6介绍家人:this(这个)family(家庭)who(谁) he(他) she(她) father (爸爸) grandfather(爷)mother(妈)grandmother(奶) brother (哥) sister (姐) cousin(堂弟) aunt(伯母)uncle(伯父)boy(男孩)girl(女孩)pupil(学生) 二、句型:1、Hello! Who are you? 你是谁? Hi, Im Linda. 你好,我是琳达。2、-Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。-Nice to meet you, too! 3、How are y

6、ou? 你好吗?Im fine.我很好。4、Goodmorning/afternoon/evening . 早上/下午/晚上好。Good night. (晚安) 5、-Good bye. 再见。-Good bye. 6、Whats your/his/her name? 你/他/她叫什么名字?My/His/Her name is Anne. 我/他/她的名字叫安妮。7、How old are you? 你多大了?Im eight. 我八岁了。六年级英语下册3,5一、听单词:( )1. A. story B. meat C. walk 故事 肉 走路( )2. A. favoriter B.los

7、eC.happily最喜欢 丢失 高兴地 ( )3.A.another B.better C.wood 另一个 更好的 木头( )4.A.river B.drop C. science 河流 落下 科学( )5.A.a piece of B.fairyC.tale 一块 神话 故事二、句型:1, Reading is good for us.读书对我们有益。2,-There are many magic stories.有许多神奇的故事。3,We should read more books. -我们应该多读书。4.-I like singing more than dancing 我喜欢唱歌

8、比跳舞多。5. That piece of meat is better than mine.那块肉比我的更好。三年级英语上册Unit7-12Unit 7、11动物:it (它) a (一个) the (那个) yes (是)no (不)not(不是)like (喜欢)cat (猫)dog (狗)cow (奶牛)duck(鸭子)horse( 马) pig(猪)hen(鸡)mouse(鼠)elephant (大象)bird (鸟)monkey (猴子) tiger(老虎) lion(狮子)panda(熊猫)Unit 8学习文具:that(那个) pen (钢笔) pencil (铅笔) penc

9、il-box (铅笔盒) ruler(尺子) book (书) schoolbag (书包) Unit 9、10身体部位:touch(触摸)raise( 举起)head (头) hand (手) hair (头发) face( 脸) nose (鼻子) mouth (嘴) eye (眼睛)leg (腿) ear (耳朵) arm (胳膊)neck(脖子) foot(脚)body (身体) Unit 12过生日:birthday (生日) happy(快乐)for (为了)gift(礼物)toy(玩具) card (卡片)cake (蛋糕)picture (图片)notebook (笔记本)二、

10、句型:1. Is this/that/it a horse? -Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.这/那/它是一匹马吗?2. What do you want? - I want some milk.你想要什么?3.Whats this/that? -Its a pen.这/那是什么?5. - Theres some milk. 有一些牛奶。6. Happy birthday. Thank you very much.-Youre welcome.不用谢7. Touch/Raise your hand.三、听力训练:( )1. A. Hello! Im Peter. B. He

11、s Mingming.( )2. A. Its an egg. B. Hes my brother.( )3,A. Thank you. B. Youre welcome( )4,A. Yes, it is. B. No, she isnt. 四年级英语上册Unit1-6 ( 3,11) 一、词:meet circle square line dot funny strong 遇见 圆 正方形 直线 点 有趣的 强壮small mouse these flower children those egg 小的 老鼠 这些 花 孩子们 那些 鸡蛋 tree grass sheep noodles

12、hungry dumpling milk 树 草 绵羊 面条 饿的 饺子 牛奶bread rice biscuit turn right left we fly 面包 米饭 饼干 轮流 右边 左边 我们 飞 二、句型:1,-Good morning.早上好。-Good afternoon.下午好。-How are you? 你好吗?Im fine, thanks / thank you. 我很好,谢谢。2,-What shape is this (that) ?这(那)是什么形状?-It is a circle .它是一个圆。3,- How many + 名词复数?-There are six

13、teen circles. 那里有十六个圆。4, Look at that tiger Its strong. 看那只老虎,它很强壮。四年级英语上册Unit712( 3,12) 一、词:policemen up down whose wallet 警察 向上 向下 谁的 钱包bag scarf key hat mobile phone包 围巾 钥匙 帽子 手机 wear sweater dancer shoes her brown 穿/戴 毛衣 舞者 鞋 她的 棕色的二、句型:1,-What are these? 这些是什么?- These are flowers. 这些是花。2,-What

14、are those ? 那些是什么?-Those are eggs. 那些是蛋。3,-What do you like ? 你喜欢什么- I like dumplings. 我喜欢吃饺子4,- What are we ? 我们是干什么的?- You are policemen. 你们是警察。9,,- Are you soldiers ? 你们是士兵吗?肯定回答:Yes, we are. 否定回答:No, we arent.六年级英语下册Unit 3(3,11)一、听单词:( )1. A. should B. strong C. healthy 应该 强壮的 健康的( )2. A. take c

15、are of B. wash C. keep 照顾 洗 保持( )3.A.exercise B. jog C. vegetables 锻炼 慢跑 蔬菜( )4.A. watch TV B. walk C. run 看电视 走路 跑( )5.A.body B. clean C. go to bed 身体 干净的 去睡觉 二、句型:1, We should learn to take care of ourselves.我们应该学会照顾自己。2.We can swim, run, jog and walk.我们可以游泳,跑步,慢跑和走路。六年级英语下册Unit4(3,12)一、听单词:( )1.

16、A. story B. meat C. walk 故事 肉 走路( )2. A. favorite B. lose C. happily最喜欢 丢失 高兴地 ( )3.A.another B. better C. wood 另一个 更好的 木头( )4.A.river B. drop C. science 河流 落下 科学( )5.A.a piece of B. fairy C. tale 一块 神话 故事二、句型:1, Reading is good for us.读书对我们有益。2,-There are many magic stories.有许多神奇的故事。3,We should read more books. -我们应该多读书。4.-I like singing more than dancing 我喜欢唱歌比跳舞多。5. That piece of meat is better than mine.那块肉比我的更好。

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