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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here成品.docx

1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here成品Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?(1)SectionA (1A-1C)(P41)Written by:Chen Yaling Check:Zhang Lingjuan and Tao Jungu【学习目标】:1.掌握下列的单词:post,office,police,hotel,restaurant,bank,hosital,street,pay,near2.掌握下列短语:post office,pay phone,police station,in front of

2、,there be,near here,句型。Is there a hospital near here?yes, there is.Its on Bridge Street.语法:There be句型结构和用法。学习重点:重点词汇和短语。学习难点:There be句型结构和用法。导学过程:一.自主学习:预习课本43页完成下列的任务。1. 快速记忆课本43页的单词,并自测。2. 写出下列的短语:邮局 公用电话 警察局 附近 在医院 在-前面 3.完成课本34页的1a. 二.知识点拨。1.There be结构的基本句式为:“There be+某人/某物+某地”,表示某个地方有某人/某物。其中th

3、ere是引导词,系动词be的单复数有“就近原则”,即be的单复数和靠近它的主语一致。be没有实际意义,主语是后面的名词,be的单复数取决于它后面的第一个名词,若第一个名词为可数名词单数或不可数名词,be用is;若第一个名词为可数名词复数,则be用are。e.g. There are 50 students in our class. 我们班有50个学生。There is a book and two pens on the desk. 课桌上有一本书和两支钢笔。There be 句型的否定形式为:在be动词后加not。Eg.There isnt a hospital near here.The

4、re be 一般疑问句为:将be动词提到there前。回答为yes ,there be /No,there be not Eg. Are there 50 students in our class.?Yes,there are/No,there arentThere is a book on the desk.Is there a book on the desk? Yes,there is /No, there isnt特殊疑问句为:特殊疑问句+一般疑问句。跟踪练习:There is a supermarket near here.(变为一般疑问句)、(否定句) a near here?T

5、here many books on the desk.A, is B, am C, are D, haveThere a pencil and two books in the drawer,A. is B. am C. are D. have2.there be和have/has的区别。共同点:都有“有”的意思,不同点:某地有某物;某人有某物Eg. There is an apple in the box.I have six footballs三达标练习:1:用be 动词填空:1 There _a post office near here.2 There _some water in

6、the glass.3 There_some pictures on the wall.4 There_a pen and three pencils in the pencil case.5 There_some books and a dictionary on the desk.2: 用have,has,there is ,there are来填空:My brother many books. a bank on Bridge Street. many books on the desk.I many friends ,but he few. some supermarkets in o

7、ur city.Mr Wang two sons and one daugter. 42 students in our class.3.句型转换:1 There is a library across from the school(改为否定句)_ _a library across from the school.2 There are some books in the tree.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ birds in the tree?3 Is there a baseball under the chair?(作肯定回答)Yes,_.4 Are there any trees

8、 around your house?No,_ _ .I have a computer in my room.(同义句) Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? (2) Section A2a-2d(P44)Written by:Chen Yaling Check:Zhang Lingjuan and Tao Jungui【学习目标】:1. 学习常用的方位介词/词组;2. 学会描述某地的位置。X3.Where 引导的特殊疑问句的用法4. There be 结构的一般疑问句的应用b1.C o m5.掌握下列单词:across, front ,behin

9、d, town, north,around6.掌握下列短语:across from ,in front of, excuse me, far from【学习重难点】:1.方位介词的用法;重点的单词和短语。一、预习交流1. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记; 2.自学课文,试着完成3a,3b,3c的练习。3、写出下列短语:1. 在旁边_ 2. 在 和 中间_3. 在前面_ 4. 在后面_5. 在上面_ 6. 在对面_7.相邻,紧挨着 8.在中心街 9.离-远 10.多谢 11.不用谢12.在北大街13.在公用电话附近 14.在桥街二.知识点拨:I、方位介词的用法 to 接近; 在-旁边;挨

10、着的。My desk _ _ _ Kates. 我的桌子在凯特的旁边。 phone 投币式公用电话。是名词词组Is there a pay p_ around here?3.across from 在-对面。为介词短语。They live just across f_ us. across prep. 横过 cross v. 横过 front of 在-前面; 当着-的面。There is a tall tree _ _ _ my front of 在范围之外的前面in the front of 在范围之内的前面在我们教室前面有一张桌子_在我们教室前面有一棵

11、树_.5. betweenand 在- 和-之间 为介词短语,连接两个并列成分,表示两者“人或物”之间。Please stand b_ Alice and me.6.Where +be+地点“.在哪儿“( )“_ is the hotel?” “Its near the bank”A.How B.Who C.Where D.What7.Excuse me 打扰了,对不起用法:因询问事情,打扰别人而表示歉意时的用语,常用在问路之前。 sorry 对不起 因做错事,说错话时向别人道歉时的用语。( )-_,could you tell me the way to the bank?A.Hello B

12、.Excuse me C.Hi D.Sorry8.No problem. Youre welcome 不客气 ;当别人向你道谢时的应答语。表示不用谢的用语还有:Thats all right /Not at all /Its a pleasure.一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. I want to call my father. Is there a pay p_ near here?2. There is a big s_ near my house.3. Look! Thats B_ of China.4. -Who is the girl b_ Jack and Jane?- It

13、s A my.5. Our hotel is on Center S_. You can find it.二 .用适当的介词填空1.The school is across _ the bank.2.The supermarket is _ the restaurant and the library.3.Paul lives next _ me.4.There is a good hotel _ the neighborhood.5.Go _ Bridge Street, and you can find the hotel _ your right.6.The shop is _ Fift

14、h Avenue.三 根据汉语完成句子。1. Li Lei sits _ _ (紧挨着) Liu Mei.2. There is a restaurant _ (在上) Center Street.3. Tom is standing _ _ (在对面) the shop.4. I want to plant a tree _ _ _ (在前面) our house.5. There is a park _ (在后面) our school.6.在附近有银行吗? there a ?7.公共电话在图书馆对面。The is the library.8.超市在学校前面。 The is the school.9.旅馆紧挨着银行。 The is the .四 句型转化

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