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魔戒英文Painful Experience 2To Err Is Human.docx

1、魔戒英文 Painful Experience 2 To Err Is HumanTo Err Is HumanBy: LadyGreenleafRating: PGAuthors Notes: Im so sorry this took me so long. I know I promised that it will be out last year but but oh well, no more excuses. LOL! So here it is. My thanks to those reviewers who urged me to finish this story. Yo

2、u know who you are :D Love yall!Beta: KarriFeedback: Constructive criticisms will be kept close to the heart, and flames will be used to power the balrog that Ill be sending after you. LOL! Spoilers: Painful Experience. I insist that you read it! Its very short! Wont take you more than 5 minutes! LO

3、L!Archive: Feel free to do so. :DDisclaimer: Not mine. Will never be. Have no money and make no money from this. Dont sue me :P The only thing I can give you is a splinter :PSummary: Sequel to Painful Experience. Could Aragorn have made a wrong diagnosis? Just doing a little justice for our poor elf

4、. thoughtsspeecho-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oChapter 1 - OverreactionThe leaves of a tree rustled softly as if disturbed by a gentle breeze. However, the air was still, and there were no signs of wind at the moment of the disturbance. The leaves shifted again, but this time a lithe figure appeared a

5、mong the foliage, his golden hair reflecting the faint moonlight that shone upon his head. A few moments later, the still sulking Prince of Mirkwood landed gracefully and stealthily on the ground. Legolas made his way to his sleeping friend and settled down beside the fire with a huff. He had been h

6、iding up in the tree for the better part of the night, feeling embarrassed for what had happened earlier. Maybe he had overreacted, the elf thought ruefully. Definitely overreacted, a small voice inside his head mocked, but he quickly extinguished that thought with a shake of his head. No, something

7、 wasnt quite right. A mere splinter would never hurt so much. His right index finger was still throbbing painfully several hours after Aragorn had removed the offending object. In fact, he felt that it had gotten worse rather than better. He considered waking Aragorn but decided otherwise when he th

8、ought of the humiliation that he would have to endure when the ranger found nothing wrong. He didnt think that he was ready for another one so soon. This one was enough to last him for a few centuries. Besides, the human was always grumpy when woken up in the middle of the night, and Legolas didnt w

9、ant to be at the receiving end of the rangers wrath. After tossing another piece of wood into the fire, the elven prince prodded at the burning embers with a long stick. Was it his imagination or was the night getting warmer? Reaching up with his right hand out of habit, he brushed the sweat from hi

10、s brow and winced when his injured finger came in contact with his skin. Letting out a frustrated sigh, the elf examined his finger under the flickering firelight. The digit looked red and inflamed, and the pain flared with each beat of his heart. Other than that, nothing else was amiss. or so he th

11、ought. Thinking that perhaps applying some medicine would dull the pain, the elf rose to his knees. Being as silent as possible so as not to rouse the hibernating bear he called his friend, he crept over to the rangers pack and dragged it towards the fire. Sifting through the bag, he quickly found w

12、hat he needed. His knowledge of healing was limited, but being with Aragorn all these years had taught him a trick or two, and he had no problem finding the healing salve that he required. Spreading the gel-like substance liberally onto his finger, he tore a small strip of bandage and bound the digi

13、t. After replacing the pack to Aragorns side, Legolas sauntered towards a nearby tree and sat down under it. Maybe it would be better by morning, he thought optimistically. He had promised Aragorn that he would keep watch tonight, but the warm night was making him drowsy. Having sensed no danger in

14、the woods around them, the elf decided to rest for a while before taking up sentry duty again.o-o-o-o-oAragorn stretched and yawned widely on his bedroll as his brain slowly withdrew from the world of dreams. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up sluggishly and blinked at the late morning sun. Why hadnt Legol

15、as awoken him yet? Maybe the elf was still mad at him for laughing at his little tantrum yesterday night, the ranger thought with a grin. After combing out the tangles in his hair with his fingers, the man scanned his surrounding for the sulky elf, half expecting him to be still hiding somewhere in

16、the trees. To his surprise, the said elf was leaning against a tree, and judging by the glazed and unfocused eyes, he was asleep! Creeping nearer to the slumbering elf, Aragorn took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs.Wargs! The man doubled up in laughter when the elf leapt three feet into the air with a small yelp.What?! Where?!Looking around frantically for the foul creatures, Legolas notched an ar

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