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1、火电厂常用专业词汇中英文Vocabulary on Power Generation(Thermal Power Plant)火电厂常用专业词汇(本人根据自身工作经验总结、归纳,希望对您有所帮助)1.stop valve/non-return valve(NRV)/check valve 截止阀;逆止阀, 单向阀2.reverse valve 倒流阀3.cylinder holding 闷缸4.(cylinder)heat soaking 暖缸5.boiler hot boxup 闷炉6.boiler warm-up 暖炉7.axial thrust/stress 轴向推力8.axial sh

2、ift/displacement 轴向位移9.radial displacement 径向位移10.emergency stop valve(ESV) 危急遮断阀11.steam lead pipe 导汽管12.valve body/casing 阀体,阀壳13.synchronization (with power grid) 并网14.inlet shut-off valve 进油关断阀15.flame scanner/detector 火检16.scanner fan 火检风机17.BCP: Boiler Circulation Pump 炉水循环泵18.slag remover 除渣机

3、19.slag conveyor 捞渣机20.rotary vane feeder(RVF) 螺旋输送机(除灰站)21.ECS:electric control system 电气控制系统22.ETS: emergency trip system 汽机紧急跳闸系统23.hydraulic station 液压油站24.vent/ventilation valve(V.V) 排气阀、通风阀25.ESP: Electro-Static Precipitator 静电除尘器;电除尘26.dedust transformer 电除尘变27.control valve 调阀、调门28.pilot/sli

4、de valve 滑阀29.steam header 集汽联箱30.water filling (锅炉等)上水31.bearing pillow 瓦枕32.bush 轴瓦33.forward/positive reverse/negative thrust bearing 正/负向推力轴承(瓦块)34.atmospheric/top relief valve 对空排气阀35.exhaust(gas) fan, oil vapor exhaust fan OVEF 排烟风机36.operating transformer/O.X/OPER._.FMR 工作边37.FGD: Flue Gas De

5、sulphurization(desulfurize/ desulphurize) 烟气脱硫38.anion 阴离子39.cation 阳离子 40.anion/cation bed/exchanger 阴、阳离子交换器;阴床、阳床41.cathode阴极42.anode 阳极43.cathode axis 阴极磁轴44.caustic/acid storage tank 碱储存罐,酸储存罐45.resin dosing hopper 树脂加装斗46.CRT, cation resin regeneration tank and water storage tank 阳塔, 阴(树脂)再生罐兼

6、储水罐 ART, anion resin regeneration tank 阴塔,阴(树脂)再生罐SPT, resin separation tank(树脂再生)分离塔47.MEH: micro-hydraulic control 微机电液控制48.TSI: turbine supervision instrument 汽机监视仪表49.chemical dosing 化学加药50.back wash 反洗51.AGC: Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制 Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制(一般取此义)52.ATC: Automa

7、tic Turbine Startup or Shutdown Control System 汽机自启停系统53.BPS: Bypass Control System 旁路控制系统54.CCS: Coordination Control System 单元机组协调控制系统55.DAS: Data Acquisition System 数据采集系统56.DCS: Distributed Control System 分散控制系统57.DEH: Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control (汽机)数字电液控制系统58.ETS: Emergency Trip System (

8、汽机)事故跳闸系统59.FSSS: Furnace Safety Supervisory System 锅炉炉膛安全监控系统60.MCS: Modulation Control System 模拟量控制系统61.MFT: Master Fuel Trip 主燃料跳闸62.OFT: Oil Fuel Trip 油燃料跳闸63.OPC: Over-Speed Control (汽机)超速保护控制64.SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 监控与数据采集系统65.SCS: Sequence Control System 顺序控制系统66.TS

9、I: Turbine Supervisory Instrument (汽机)监视仪表67.jacking oil pump 顶轴油泵68.OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer 设备原产商;厂代、工代69.installed capacity 装机容量70.thermal stress 热应力71.main valve of desuperheating/spray water 减温水总门72.TD-BFP/MD-BFP: Turbine-Driven/Motor-Driven Boiler Feedwater Pump 汽动给水泵、汽泵;电动给水泵、电泵73

10、.emergency governor 危急保安器74.auxiliary power system 厂用电系统75.PCV: pressure control valve 压力控制阀76.MCC: motor control center 电机控制中心77.walkie-talkie 对讲机;步话机78.mis-operation 误操作79.shift-in-charge/shift chief-operator 值长80.SCE: shift chief engineer 当值总工程师 a condition 满足条件 82.supervisor 运行监护人

11、员83.field operator 巡操84.operation/operating floor 运转层85.operation log 运行日志86.force(certain value) 强制(某个数值,如温度、压力等)87.take/put into/in service/operation 投运、投用88.reading (仪表等的)读数89.signal is extended/connected to DCS 信号传至 permit/permit to work 工作票91.operation checklist 操作票92.bearing burnt-ou

12、t 轴承烧坏93.emulsion 乳化94.anti-emulsification time 破乳化时间95.servo valve/motor 伺服阀;伺服电机96.hydraulic servomotor; oil relay 油动机97.HP/LP bypass 高压旁路、低压旁路98.PAC 临时完工证书99.EPC: engineering-procurement-construction “设计-采购-安装”总承包工程100.defect maintenance/rectification;rectifying defect/remove defect 消缺101.attend

13、处理故障、缺陷等102.defect register 缺陷登记/统计103. periodic maintenance 定期维修104. preventive maintenance(PM)预防性维修105. coupling/coupler 联轴器,耦合器106. hydraulic coupler 液耦107. speed reducer 减速器108. dismantle 拆除109. install, installation; erect, erection 安装110. boxup 在印度TPCIL常用来表示某项工作已经完成,封闭111. operator console 控制台

14、112. AHP: ash handling plant 除灰站,输灰站113. GIS: gas insulated switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备;升压站114. CHP:coal handling plant 输煤站115. WTP:water treatment plant 制水站116. rubber ball circulating pump 胶球(再循环)泵117. ball cleaning system; condenser online tube cleaning system 凝汽器胶球清洗系统118. ball screen 收球网119. ball colle

15、ctor 收球器120. condenser online tube leakage system 凝汽器检漏系统121. clarifying basin 澄清池122. settled water 澄清水123. blow-down flash tank 排污扩容器124. condensate extraction pump(CEP) 凝结水泵,凝泵125. VFD: Variable-Frequency Drive 变频器126. valve opening 阀门开度127. (water)intake pipe 进水管128. skilled worker 熟练工人;技工129. i

16、nter-lock/open/close 联锁、开、关130. Interlock protection 联锁保护131. air/steam supply 气源,汽源132. power(supply) 电源,供电133. grease n. 油脂;润滑脂 v.给上油脂134. calcium complex grease 复合钙基脂135. operating mode 运行方式136. screw pump 螺旋泵137. oil return 回油138. ash/oil deposits/accumulation 积灰;积油139. gland steam condenser 轴封加

17、热器140. ash hopper heater 灰斗加热器141. collecting electrode rapping mechanism(CERM) 阳极振打装置142. emitting electrode rapping mechanism (EERM) 阴极振打装置143. booster pump 前置泵;增压泵144. minimum flow valve 最小流量控制阀 145. drain flash tank 疏水扩容器146. vacuum pulling 抽真空147. valve block 阀组148. valve seat 阀座149. valve stem

18、 阀杆150. valve wide open condition(VWO) (condition) 阀门全开工况151. valve packing 阀门盘根152. valve travel 阀门行程153. governing/control stage 调节级154. primary/final reheater; CRH/HRH 冷再;热再155. rolling(up) 冲转156. swinging value 晃动值157. eccentricity 偏心率,晃动度158. vibration amplitude 振动值159. high vibration 振动大160. d

19、ifferential expansion 胀差161. cylinder expansion 缸胀162. MSP(汽机)启动油泵163. EOP(汽机)事故油泵164. TOP(汽机)辅助润滑油泵165. motor-operated valve(MOV) 电动阀,电动门166. increased/decreased load ratio 升/降负荷率167. loading rate 升负荷速度,升荷率168. pressure rise; raise/increase pressure 升压169. runup rate 升速率170. speed up/accelerate 升速1

20、71. run up(RU); run down(RD) 升负荷;降负荷172. fast cut back(FCB)快速切负荷173. run back(RB)快速减负荷174. block increase/decrease 闭锁增BI;闭锁减BD175. idle running 惰走,空转176. carbon brush 碳刷177. latch (汽机手动)打闸(停机),挂闸178. full speed 全速179. tightness/leakage test 严密性试验180. worm wheel 涡轮181. neutral earthing/ground neutral

21、 system 中性点接地系统182. grounding switch; earthing blade 接地刀闸183. auto quasi-synchronization 自动准同期184. AVR: automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器185. raising voltage from zero 零起升压(试验)186. no-load 空载187. negative phase sequence 负(相)序188. temperature rise test 温升试验189. water discharge pipe/pump 排水管/泵190. s

22、uperheat degree 过热度191. AVT: all volatile treatment 全挥发性处理192.NWT: neutral water treatment 中性处理193.CWT: combined water treatment 综合处理194. sliding pressure 滑压195. self-sealing 自密封196. vacuum leakage test 真空严密性试验197. permissible/allowable error 允许误差198. deviation 误差,偏差199. tolerance 公差200. cleanrance间

23、隙201. standard deviation STDV标准差202. hysterisis error 回程误差203. discontinuous running 间断运行204. hydraulic shock 水击205. auxiliary steam header/tank 辅汽联箱206. isolate/isolating valve 隔离阀207. be below standard; unqualified 不合格208. television camera of furnace flame 炉膛火焰电视摄像头209. flue gas duct 烟道210. air d

24、uct风道211. slagging, slag 结焦212. fouling 结垢213. clinker; slag 结渣214. clinker grinder 碎渣机215. feed gate 排渣门216. closed-circuit television(CCTV) 闭路电视217. 交流电AC 火线live,红色R;零线neutral ,蓝色B;接地线earthing,黄色Y或绿色 直流电DC 正极positive + 红色线;负极negative - 黑色线218. Boiler Feedwater Pump Turbine(BFPT) 219. screwdriver 螺

25、丝刀,起子; slot type screwdriver一字/平口螺丝刀; Philips/cross screwdriver 十字螺丝刀220. screw 螺丝221. screw rod 螺杆222. bolts and nuts 螺栓螺帽223. pincers;vise, vice 老虎钳224. wrench 扳手225. anti-static 防静电226. megger 摇表,兆欧表227. meggering 绝缘测量228. redundancy 冗余229. banking fire 锅炉压火230. full arc admission 全周进汽231. weldin

26、g seam 焊缝232. coagulant凝聚剂,混凝剂233. target load 目标负荷234. enthalpy 焓,音含;物理学上指单位质量的物质所含的全部热能。235. entropy 熵,音商;物理学上指热能除以温度所得的商,表示热能转化为功的程度。236. split 解列;parallel 并列237. No. 5 extraction check valve 五抽逆止门238. actuator 执行器239. commission(ing)调试240. flame detector probe 火检探头241. calibration 校准,校验242. ACW:

27、 auxiliary cooling water 开式冷却水,开式水243. CCCW: closed cycle cooling water 闭式冷却水,闭式水244. BOP: balance of plant (电厂)辅助设备245. BTG: boiler, turbine & generator 246. turbidity浊度; turbidimeter 浊度计247. steam exhaust hood 排汽室248. extraction fan 抽汽风机249. impeller叶轮;vane 叶片,如inlet guide vane(IGV) 入口导叶250. opera

28、tion condition 运行工况251. loss of excitation失励磁252. out-of-step 失步253. rectifier bridge 整流桥254. thyristor converter; silicon controlled rectifier(SCR) 可控硅整流器255. trip脱扣; tripper 脱扣器256. NDT: non-destructive test 无损探伤试验257. NPSH: net positive suction head 汽蚀余量258. TMCR: turbine maximum continuous ratin

29、g 汽机最大连续出力259. BMCR: boiler maximum continuous rating 锅炉最大连续出力260. bottom ash炉底冷灰 261. steam blow(ing) (out) (锅炉)吹管262. CPU: condensate polishing unit 凝结水精处理263. inner rubber lining 内部衬胶264. gasket 垫片265. observation glass/hole 窥视镜/孔266. inspection door/hole 检查孔/门267. filter/screen/mesh/strainer 滤网2

30、68. central cylinder 中心筒269. wearing耐磨; refractory耐火; heat/acid-resistant耐热,耐酸270. deaerator 除氧器271. cross(-over)/impulse pipe 联通管;导压管272. combination surface 结合面273. fastener 固定件274. metallographic examination/test 金相检查,金相试验275. stub 短管276. bearing neck up-rising inclination 轴颈扬度277. journal bearin

31、g 轴颈轴承278. thrust collar 推力盘279. damper 挡板,风门等280. positioning pin定位销281. mesh 啮合282. CRV: combined reheat valve 中联门283. blowdown valve 排污阀284. elbow 弯管285. ground bolt 地脚螺栓286. cleanrance of flow path/passage 通流间隙287.(thermal)insulation 保温288. ejector 射汽器289. wall/Corner fired boiler 前后墙对冲锅炉;四角切圆锅炉290. on-grid power tariff; on-grid price 上网电价Raise on-grid power tariff to help power plan

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