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1、大学英语B词汇结构大学英语B仿真自测题自测116、On his first sea (voyage),he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storms.17. I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to (mention) it to anyone else.18. He, as well as I,(is)a student.19. Last month, he paid a visit to the villa

2、ge (where)he had once worked for five years.20.The farmer caught the boys (stealing) his apple.自测216Thats the (very) gentleman Ive been telling you about.17. After stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved (on) to its next stop.18. How the fire in the dance hall stared (remains) a mystery.19. If the

3、re were life on Mars, such life forms (would be ) unable to survive on earth.20. Dont worry, your watch (is being repaired) and you can have it in no time.自测316. The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to (take in) what he was saying.17. In this factory each worker must receive a

4、 (two-month) training course18. Dr.Hoffman proposed that we (put off) the meeting until next week.19. We consider (it necessary that) the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.20. There people, (including a child), were injured in the accident.自测416. One day while Mr. King was working, he had

5、a/an (accident) and his left leg was badly injured.17. They handed in their paper (in turn)18. The population of the city (is; are) increasing fast. One third of the population here-workers.19. The work (will have been done) by the time you get there.20. Not always (can people do what) they want (to

6、).自测516. We are (confident) in the future of our motherland.17. Lets not wait any longer; he might not (turn up) at all.18. Please leave the key under the door (in case) you go out.19. The sun heats the earth, (which) is very important to living things.20. The heavy rain stopped us (from arriving) a

7、t the station on time.自测616. I dont want you to make any trouble, (on the contrary),I urge you to solve the problem.17. The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible (for) the explosions that happened last month in London.18. Sadam (was married) for 25 years19. The big man has alwa

8、ys been eating on the go,(so) he has got stomachache.20 .In china, children (have to start)school at seven自测716. Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she (was listening to) it on the radio.17. Mark is a clerk (with) a job in a top bookstore.18. Hardly (had I got) home

9、 when it began to rain.19. What they are doing has never been done before.20. The lab was being (rebuilt) when we visited the university.自测816.I havent read (the whole) book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject now.17. Edgar began (work) as an office boy years ago.18.

10、Everything (would have been destroyed) if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade.19. While (raising) money, he had to work very long hours.20. I tried (finishing) the book in a few days, but actually I couldnt, just because of too much work for me.自测916. The mistake was (caused) by the carelessness of

11、 the assistant.17. (The) majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.18. You (ought) to lock the door at night.19. We have our house (cleaned) every week by a cleaner.20. The roof of our house is broken, so it needs (repairing).自测1016. If you go to America, you will find that th

12、ere are better (communications) by road, rail and air than in London.17. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, (however)18. John (used) to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital.19. Boggis little secret was that she wanted to see herself the (twelve-year-old)

13、girl20. If you dont promise to help build more houses, ordinary people (will not benefit).自测1116. Tennis is a (game) invented by an Englishman one hundred years ago.17. I (scarcely) know him, so I cant tell you anything about him.18. The father wished the twins to be doctors, but (neither) of them w

14、anted to study medicine.19. John fell asleep (while) he was listening to the music.20. The old man is used to (exercising) early in the morning.自测1216. I wonder why they (charged) you so much money for such a book.17. Having heard so much about Mr. Smith, hey were (eager) to meet and have a chat wit

15、h him.18. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of (which) are separated from the others by land or water.19. John, (having lost) the bet, had to pay for the dinner.20. Lets finish our homework in a few seconds; its time we (played football).自测1316. He spoke so quickly that I didnt (mak

16、e out) what he said.17. The hall was almost empty. There were (few) people in it.18. I will never forget the time (when) we both stayed in the little village.19. By next year, he (will have worked) in New York for five years20. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it(must have rained) l

17、ast night.自测1416. If we (adopt) the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful.17. Theres no need to be frightened of the dog. Hes quite (harmless).18. (What) I saw was two men crossing the street.19. (Unless) he studies hard, he will never pass the exam.20. Look at the terrible situation

18、 I am in! If only I (had followed) your advice.自测1516. Young children soon (pick up) words they hear their elders use.17. Please look after my parents during my (absence)18. Im old enough to wash (my) clothes by myself. You can just wash (yours).19. No sooner had they got the goods covered up (than)

19、 it started raining hard.20. Unfortunately the poor girl cant do anything but (sell) all her belongings at a low price.自测1616. It was unwise of him to (refer to) the unreliable data in his speech.17. (Each) of them has a bedroom and a study.18. Dont forget to write to me, (will you)?19. (Having rece

20、ived) an answer, he decided to write another letter to them.20. I spent half an hour (working on) this difficult math problem.自测1716. It is difficult to (carry on) a conversation with all this noise around us.17. Some pop singers have much influence (on) the young people today.18. Sorry, I didnt kno

21、w he is a friend of (your brothers)19. It is because English is useful (that we study it hard)20. Peter often makes himself (understood) by gesturing with his hands.自测1816. Do you think Tommy is (telling) the truth?17. Your brother has made an (appointment)for you to see the lawyer at three this aft

22、ernoon.18. (Who do you think) is the richest man in our city?19. The children (are taken good care of) by the nurse.20. He has lived here for years (though) nobody knows what he is.自测1916. I didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly (occurred to) me.17. Wealthy as he is, he is not (generous) w

23、ith his money, unwilling to help others troubles.18. The mother didnt know (who) to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.19. I hope hes remembered (to buy) some bread, theres hardly any left.20. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years

24、 since it (took place)自测2016. Your tutors will be making sure you (keep up whit) your work.17. What time is (last) the train to London?18. I must tell you how (pleased I was to receive) a letter from you.19. We are going to have our office (rearranged) to make room for a new engineer.20. Now Helen w

25、orks (more carefully) than before.练习题1. Ancient Greece is the (origin) of western civilization.2. His attitude toward us seems (friendly).3. Let me (look into) the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.4. In addition to rice, we need to (supplement) our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.5. (As

26、a rule), we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data.6. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it (took place).7. Frank plays (a lot better than) Alex.8. He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays, (does) he?9. These

27、 plants are rather difficult (to look after).10. We advised him to give up smoking, (and do) a lot of exercise.11. Do you know who are (conducting) the survey?12. What (type) of blood does tom have?13. Id like to know what you (did with) the plants I gave you.14. He speaks so quickly that I didnt (c

28、atch) what he said.15. He (treated) the children so badly that they were terrified of him.16. If a man (is to) succeed, he must work as hard as he can.17. History is the story of (whatever) happened to the people before today.18. It is (such a big job) that he has to ask for help.19. Do you feel lik

29、e (having something to eat) today?20. The picture is pleasant (to look at).21. I dont think this kind of medicine has any (effect).22. If you want to learn something, you had better pay (attention) in class.23. The refrigerator is (empty); we must buy some food.24. She (owes) her success to hard wor

30、k and strong will.25. It (happened) that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.26. (Above) all we should put the theory into practice.27. Once he starts a job, he wont stop (until) it is finished.28. A lecture hall is (one) where students attend lectures.29. One of the benefits of

31、the new model is that it is easier (to operate) than the old one.30. “Good bye, Miss Liu. Im very pleased (to have met you).”31. I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life has a lot of (advantages) over city life.32. He is a kind-hearted and (respectable) gentleman.33. When a fire (broke out)

32、 at the national exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.34. It was well known that Thomas Edison (invented) the electric lamp.35. He (adjusted) himself quickly to the new condition of his work.36. Not until most of the people had left the airport (did he see) his sister was there.37. This is the problem (to which) we

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