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1、英语作文实用模板浓缩版英语常见体裁作文模板(浓缩版)识记材料一 -现象解释型 现象解释型题一假设你在某日某时某地目击一起车祸,就此写一份见证书。见证书须包括以下几点:1)车祸发生的时间及地点 2)你所见到的车祸情况3)你对车祸原因的分析现象解释型题二1)当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象;2)诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实。An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident现象解释型题一范文An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic AccidentIt so happened that on the morning of last S

2、unday I was on the way to school. Just at the moment, a car was driving out of a street corner. It impreessed me most because the driver drove so fast.What happened next was a tragedy At first, I saw a woman riding a bike with her eyes looking up at the sky. Almost at the same time, she was knoced o

3、ff her bike by the speedy car. Whats more, the car got out of control and ran into a tree on the roadside. As a result, both the woman and the driver were injured seriously.As I understand, both the driver and the passer-by are responsible for the accident. On the one hand, the driver was driving to

4、o fast.On the other hand, the woman was so careless. Therefore, had both of them been careful enough, the tragedy could have been avoided. 现象解释型题二范文It Pays to Be HonestNowadays, we often hear people,s complaints about dishonesty. For one thing, employers are troubled with false certificates. For ano

5、ther, customers are worrying about fake commodities.It is obvious that there are dishonest practices in all walks of life. Many remarkable factors cotribute to these dishonest behaviors. First of all, countless people neglect moral values in pursuit of their material benefits. In addition, unfair co

6、mpetitions worsen the situation. Thirdly, we lack powerful and effective laws and regulations to cope with this problem.As to me, I believe that it pays to be honest in the long run. As we know, being honest is our traditional virtue.Besides, behaving yourself honestly can win respect from others. I

7、n a word, we should be honest.英语常见体裁作文模板(浓缩版)识记材料二-现象解释型1)目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种现象?2)举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费个人、社会等的危害。现象解释型题三范文一Harmfulness of Fake CommokitiesAs is known to all, there are a lot of fake commodities in the market. People seem to get accustomed to fake commodities on market. I

8、n fact, more kinds and larger quantities of fake commodities are appearing around us.The reasons of this phenomenon lie in several aspects. Firstly, fake commodities may bring good profits for producers. Secondly, our market supervision is still not powerful enough. Thirdly, many fake commodities ar

9、e much cheaper than genuine ones. Finally, many consumers find it diffcult to identify fake commodities.As a matter of fact, fake commodities do great harm to people. On the one hand, fake commodities have destroyed the healthy development of our socialist market. On the other hand, many fake commod

10、ities, such as fake medicines, may harm the consumers health even their lives. Therefore, some measures should be taken to solve the problem as soon as possible. 范文二Harmfulness of Fake CommokitiesNowadays, more and more fake commodities are appearing in the market. For one thing, there are many kind

11、s of fake commodities. For another, the quantity of fake commodities is on the increase.It is obvious that fake commodities have become a serious problem to us. Many remarkable factors contribute to this problem. First of all, fake commodities may bring good profits for producers. In addition, our m

12、arket supervision is still not powerful enough. Thirdly, a lot of fake commodities are much cheaper than fenuine ones.As to me, I believe the government will solve this problem soon. As we know, fake commodities have posed a severe threat to the healthy development of our socialist market. Besides,

13、many fake commodities may harm the consumers, health and even lives. In a word, fake commodities will be eliminated sooner or later. 英语常见体裁作文模板(浓缩版)识记材料三-对比选择型对比选择型题一1)有人认为读书要有选择;2)有人认为应当博览群书;3)我的看法对比选择型题二1)人们以为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水、河水、井水)2)实际上淡水是非常紧缺的(提示:人口增长、工业用水增加、污染)3)我们应该怎么办。对比选择型题一范文Reading Selective

14、ly Or Extensively?There is a heated debate over reading. It is commonly accepted that students should read extensively. In contrast, others think that students should read selectively.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge. In their view, students

15、 cannot get a generalview about the whole world without extensive reading. However, others think that selective reading is the best way to achieve high efficiency. They argue that students should not overspend time on nonprofessional books because their time is quite limited. Considering one after a

16、nother, I stand on the side of the latter opinion.First of all, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination(歧视). Furthermore, students must spend their limited time on reading relevant(相关的)and benefical books. Thirdly, reading irrelevant books only wastes our time. Therefore, rea

17、ding selectively is the best policy in study. 对比选择型题二范文Global Shortage of Fresh WaterThere is a heated debate over the global fresh water resources. It is commonly accepted that fresh water can neverbe used up. In contrast, others think that such an idea is completely wrong.Those who hold the first

18、opinion suggest that we can get large quantities of fresh water from rivers and wells. In their view, the worlds recycling fresh water is very rich. However, others think that with the growth of the worlds population, the demands for water are growing rapidly. They argue that the serious water pollu

19、tion has greatly reduced the supply of fresh water.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter.First of all, we should treasure every drop of fresh water. Furthermore, people should attach more importance to minimizing the industrial pollution. Thirdly, laws on water protection

20、should be strictly enforced. Therefore we can ensure enough water to meet our needs. 英语常见体裁作文模板(浓缩版)识记材料四-问题解决型问题解决型题一1)大学生了解社会的必要性;2)了解社会的途径(大众媒介,社会服务等); 3)我打算怎么做问题解决型题二1)双休日给大学生带来的好处;2)双休日可能给大学生带来的坏处;3)我应当怎样过好双休日。问题解决型题一范文Getting to Know the World Outside the CampusNowadays, there is a growing con

21、cern on the knowledge college students should learn. It is certain that students should know the world outside the campus to lay a firm foundation for their future careers. However, not everyone has realized its importance.It will cause many serious results if college students have no idea how to ge

22、t to know the world outside the campus. Firstly, students can know the world from mass media. Secondly, social service is the second best choice. Finally, we can also conduct some investigations in factories and villages.In spite of all these, there are many ways for me to know the world outside the

23、 campus. First of all, I will glue my eyes to the latest news in our country. In addition, I have decided to take some part-time jobs. Thirdly, I will communicate with others and learn from them. Only in this way can I get a good understanding of our society. 问题解决型题二范文The Two-day WeekendWith the ref

24、orm of the two-day weekend system, people have two free days every week. So it is of great importance for us to know the favorable and unfavorable aspects of it.On the one hand, we may relax more thoroughly. On the other hand, the two-day weekend may also encourage idleness.However, I have figured o

25、ut many ways to spend the two-day weekend in positive way. Firstly, I will make a plan of study. So long as I fulfill the plan, I will not waste time. Secondly, I can watch TV or go shopping. Thirdly, I have to do housework on weekends, such as washing and cleaning.In fact, I often relax on Saturday

26、 and study on Sunday. That is because I try my best to give priority to study as a student. In a word, I must make full use of every two-day weekend. 英语常见体裁作文模板(浓缩版)识记材料五-观点论证型题1) 怎样理解“熟能生巧”; 2) 2)例如:在英语学习中 3)又如范文一Practice Makes PerfectIt is well known that practice makes perfect. The truth of it is

27、 selfevident(不言而喻). No one can deny that the more you practice the more skillful you will be. Therefore, we should be down to earth(实事求是的) and practice a lot before we can actually get some skills.Many examples can be found to prove it. Take the English study as an example.People can learn the words

28、 and grammatical rules well only if they follow the saying “practice makes perfect”. Furthermore, more practice will make us use a computer more skillfully.It is believed that merely theoretical knowledge does not mean a success. Then, we must practice more when we study English.There is no doubt th

29、at more practice will finally lead to our success. In conclusion, practice makes perfect.范文二Practice Makes PerfectIt is beleved that practice makes perfect.The truth is deep and profound(意义深远的).As we know, the more your practice, the more skillful you will be. Therefore we should be down-to the eart

30、h and practice a lot before we can actually acquire some practical skills.A case in point is our English study. This is close to suggest that people can learn the words and grammatical rules well only if they follow the saying “practice makes perfect. It is true that there are more examples proving

31、it. In addition, more practice will also help us a computer more skillfully.All mentioned above tells us theoretical knowledge does not mean good English. As a matter of fact, we must practice more when we study English. There is no denying that more practice will finally lead to a good result. In s

32、hort, practice makes perfect. 英语常见体裁作文模板(浓缩版)识记材料六-应用文_应用文题一假如你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂(canteen)的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。应用文题二1)表示欢迎; 2)提出对度假安排的建议; 3)提醒应注意的事项批评、抱怨信模板 建议信模板 应用文题一范文A Letter to the University Presdent about the Canteen Service on Campus.Jan.6th 2002Dear Mr.President,My name is LiMing. I am a junior from the Civil Engineering School.Im writing to you about the canteen service on campus.The focus o

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