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1、雅思大作文真题范文及指导2012.09.15 教育类Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?硕士研究经费有限,有些人因此觉得政府的资助应该只能支持科学调查,而不是那些没有用处的科目。在何

2、种程度上你同意这个观点?写作指导传统来说, scientific research包括physics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, cell technology, 这些科目都是和自然世界(physical world)有关的。而其他方面的研究包括语言学,心理学,哲学,历史,社会学等。这种题型在雅思写作中很典型,意思是“只应该做A事情,而B事情完全不应该去做”。这类话题明显都是一种偏激的观点,写法基本上是一样的。第一种写法:先承认A观点的合理性,然后进行驳斥,讲只做A会产生的负面影响,接下来讲B的必要性。第二种写法:先交代B观点的不足之处,然后对其进行驳斥


4、。重点表达式the findings of research can be translated into profitable ideas immediately.推荐练习 2011年6月11日考题:Some people think governments should focus the spending only on science rather than wasting money on arts (music, printing, etc.). To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为政府应该把钱花在科学研究上而不是浪费钱在艺术上

5、(音乐,绘画等)。你在多大程度上同意还是不同意?近期考试趋势社会类、政府类、教育类、科技类话题为复习的重点。 2012年10月11日Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.雅思题目的范围非常广,其中的题目难易程度梯度相差比较大。不过题目的难易程度也是一个相对的概念。考生只要对于一些题目的素材有些积

6、累,就能比较从容的应付相关的题目。此题就是一个例子。如果一方的观点过于绝对,出现类似“every”“all”“the only”,等关键字,建议考生在最后个段落中不同意此方观点。此题一方观点中“directly”过于绝对。但即便如此,考生需要用一个段落阐述快乐部分取决于经济上的成就。可供参考的素材:既然说是可供参考,就说明只是一家之言。呵呵。期望的高分的同学务必重视“切题”“论述的连贯一直”。另外,对比的句子在雅思考官满分范文中出现的频率非常高,下面的英文刻意多用了些类似的表达。这里给出的英文主要供期望写作7+的同学参考。期望5.5-6分的同学大体上做到不跑题太远,语法错误不能太明显,甚至多用

7、点模板都可以。第二段: (论述为什么经济上的成功在一些程度上是人快乐。)人们对生活的满意程度部分取决于一个人的经济上的成就。我们生活在一个世界里,身在其中的绝大部分人将一个人的赚钱能力同一个人的社会地位相等同。当一个人必须经常考虑如何能找到体面的工作来缓解家庭经济压力时,他无法真正享受生活。当一个人能在一天赚的钱比他人一个月转得更多时,他更有可能获得别人的尊重,这种尊重is widely thought to be closely related to ones sense of fulfillment.被广泛认为是紧密相关的充实感。Peoples contentment with life

8、is partly determined by their economic achievement, which could be explained by the fact that we are living in a world where most people associate ones ability to make money with one social status. An individual, constantly having to consider how to relieve his family of economic burden, is deprived

9、 of the chance to enjoy life. And a worker capable of earning within a month what others cannot earn within a year is more likely to gain respect from others,and this sense of being esteemed is widely thought to be related to ones sense of fulfillment.人民安居乐业的生活一定程度上是取决于其经济成就,这可能原因是,我们生活在一个世界里,大部分人将一

10、个赚钱的能力与一个社会地位。个人经常不得不考虑如何减轻家庭经济负担,是剥夺了享受生活的机会。和一个工人能赚别人赚不到一个月内在一年内更有可能获得别人的尊重,而且被尊敬这个意义上被广泛认为是相关的充实感。第三段:(论述其他因素同样影响一个人对生活的满意度。这些因素包括:一个人是否有归属感, 工作中的成就感,认同感。)人们对于生活的看法受经济生成就的影响不尽然意味着他是唯一的因素。一个人的归属人感同样重要。人们都生活在一个社交网中,这个社交网使得人意识到被他人认同,使得他们意识到自己属于哪一个群体。一个抽不出足够时间同家人朋友在一起的人不能被称作是幸福的人,即使它赚取了足够的钱。此外,当人意识到自

11、己所做的工作能给他带来价值,这种快乐同样无法用金钱衡量。However, economic success is not necessarily the only criterion for measuring how people feel about life. Their sense of identity is also a decisive factor for their happiness. We are living in a social net, which allows us to be approved by others and to have a knowledge

12、 of which community we belong to. An individual unable to set aside enough time for family union would fail to feel satisfied, despite the great wealth he could create. Besides, recognition that what one is doing could contribute to others also brings happiness, which could not be acquired by coins.

13、而,经济成功不一定是测量人们如何看待生活的唯一标准。他们的身份还是为他们的幸福的决定性因素。我们生活在一个社会网络,可以确保被别人认可和有知识的社区属于我们的。个人无法留出足够时间给家人联盟将无法感到满意,尽管他的可以创造巨大的财富。此外,承认某人正在做也有助于他人带来幸福,这无法获得的金币。2012.10.13 文化类 We have a mixture of people from different culture and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development? Give r

14、easons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. 一个国家由来自不同文化和种族的人组成。原因是什么?这是一个积极还是消极的发展趋势? 说出你的道理,并从个人的知识和经验中,举出例子来证明。 1)注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子) 2)两种思路: 1. 正面 a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,这是一个积极的发展趋势 b. 人口文化与族群多元化的原因(城市化和移民) c. 这是一个积极的发展趋势(有利于经济发展,带来文化多样性,增进相互理解与交流) d.

15、总结,重申论点 2. 反面 a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,这是一个消极的发展趋势 b. 人口文化与族群多元化的原因(城市化和移民) c. 这是一个消极的发展趋势(不利于社会稳定,犯罪率上升) d. 总结全文,重申观点 重点表达Urbanization, immigration, social stability, crime rate, be detrimental to, play a vital role in, mutual understanding, cultural diversity 推荐练习:剑八,P116 近期考试趋势:近三个月考到的话题为社会类,媒体类,教育类,工作生活

16、类,政府类。 2012年10月13日雅思大作文The popul说ation of the mix of people from different culture and ethnic group, why, and is it positive and negative.国家里不同文化的积极或者消极影响 人口结构不同文化和种族群体的人,为什么,这是积极的和消极的第一段:介绍目前多元文化的社会现象 第二段:分析原因 1 飞机和通信技术 2全球化,人口流动增加 3 移民政策的影响 第三段:negative 1 文化冲突 2 文化同化或边缘化,年轻一代的文化认同危机 第四段:positive 1

17、 文化融合,促进经济繁荣与文明 2 促进创新与发展 第五段:结论 词汇拓展: 1. Metropolis 大都市 2. co-existence 共存 3. be attributed to 归因于 4. temporarily 暂时地 5. permanently 长期的 6. beyond the national border 跨越国界 7. facilitate 使更容易 8. without limitation of space and time 没有时间和空间的限制 9. mobility 流动性 10. to be specific 具体来说 11. involved 相关的

18、12. immigrate 移民 13. distinctive = different不同的 14. tolerate v.容忍 tolerant adj 15. inclusiveness 包容 16. accommodation 容纳 17. multi-culture 多元文化,Multiculturalism 18. embodiment 代表 19. melting pots 熔炉 20. collide 冲突 21. dominant 主导的 22. the tendency of 倾向性 23. assimilate 同化 24. marginalize 边缘化 25. ide

19、ntity 身份认同 26. idealistic 理想主义的 27. egalitarian 平等的 28. reverse 扭转 29. deny 否认 30. as as 和一样 31. adapt to 适应 32. Cultural diversity 文化多元 33. stimulate 刺激 34. enhance 加强 35. prosperity n.繁荣, prosper v 36. productivity 生产力 37. brilliant 灿烂的 38. civilization 文明 39. featured with 以为特征 40. exotic 异国的 41.

20、 integration 融合 42. widen their horizon 扩大视野 43. accelerate 加速 44. keep pace with 保持步In many metropolises around the world, especially in English speaking countries, it is not surprising to see people from different ethnics or cultures living and working together. How this comes into existence and w

21、hat influence this exerts on our society will be discussed as follow? 在世界各地的许多城市,尤其是在英语国家,你不难看到人们从不同的民族或文化生活和工作在一起。这是怎么开始存在,这对社会的影响将讨论什么? Such co-existence of races in many major cities can largely be attributed to modern transportation and telecommunication technologies, to be specific, airplanes,

22、computer and the internet. This advancement increases mobility of human and promotes communication and interaction between people without limitation of space and time. The earliest and most obvious representation lies in the globalization of trade and business which expand beyond the national border

23、 and facilitate people involved to immigrate permanently or live overseas temporarily. Some countries like USA or Australia have tradition of immigration and they welcome distinctive cultures and ethnics or at least they tolerate differences well. In these places, multi-culture is the embodiment of

24、a high level of civilization. 这种共存在许多大城市的赛事基本上可归因于现代运输和电讯技术,要具体、飞机、计算机和互联网。这人类进步增加流动性,并促进人们之间的沟通和互动没有时间和空间的限制。在贸易和商业的全球化展开超越国界和促进人民参与的移民永久或临时居住海外的最早和最明显的表现。一些国家,如美国或澳大利亚移民和他们欢迎独特的文化传统与民族或至少他们容忍差异。在这些地方,多元文化是高度文明的体现。 Of course melting pots have caused some concerns or problems. Races with different r

25、eligions sometimes collide due to misunderstanding of other cultures. The dominant culture may have the tendency of assimilating or marginalizing other minor ethnics, leading to the young immigrated generation being confused with their cultural and political identity. Multiculturalism aimed at estab

26、lishing an egalitarian society is deemed by some people to be over simplistic and idealistic. 当然熔化锅有引起一些担忧和问题。由于其他文化的误解种族和不同宗教有时发生碰撞。主流文化可能吸收或排斥其他轻微的伦理学的趋势,导致年轻移民一代和他们的文化和政治身份混淆。旨在建立一个平等社会的多元文化是由某些人视为过于简单化和理想。 However, this trend of globalization seems impossible to reverse and trying to deny it wou

27、ld not be as wise as to keep pace with it. Cultural diversity is believed to stimulate open-mind of people and the creativity and innovation of a society due to accommodation and communication of different ideas, therefore enhancing productivity and prosperity of a society in both economic and cultu

28、ral terms. Looking back human history, brilliant ancient civilizations always featured a high level of inclusiveness of exotic cultures and religions. 然而,全球化这一趋势似乎是不可能的逆转,并试图否认是不明智的,因为跟它。文化多样性是相信以促进人们解放思想和创造力和创新社会由于住宿和通信不同的想法,在经济和文化方面因此提高生产力和社会繁荣。回顾人类历史,灿烂的古代文明总是特色高水平的外来文化和宗教的包容性。 To conclude this e

29、ssay, the integration of cultures and ethnics in many areas in the world reflects the desire of human beings for widening their horizon and exploring the unknown world and this in turn accelerates more contact between distinctive cultures and ethnic groups. Human society would be more dependent on e

30、ach other and realizing this sooner would be helpful for us to adapt to the current trend. 人类社会将更加依赖彼此和更快地实现这将有助于我们适应当前的趋源新东方VIP朱老师的博客 2012年10月13日原因:1. 人们为了寻找更好的就业机会;2. 人们为了寻找更好的教育机会;3. 很多国家有很好的福利待遇吸引着全球的人们;好处:1. 给该国带来更多的人才;2. 给该国带来更多的财政收入;坏处:1. 影响正常的沟通;2. 治安问题没法确保;小邓高分范文:Current nation is no longer

31、 composed of single or a few individuals from one race. Instead, nations are inevitably characterized with various cultural backgrounds and diverse minority groups. In my view such a new phenomenon is utterly positive to individuals and society as a whole.目前国家已不再由单个或少数几个人从一个种族。相反,与不同文化背景和不同的少数群体的国家不

32、可避免的特点。我认为这种新的现象是非常积极的个人和整个社会。 One of the possible leading causes to lead to such a picture is that a vast number of common average folks continuously come to one country for more employment and higher education opportunities. Undoubtedly, some financially advantaged nations have more comprehensive job vacancies available for more workers and technicians and advanced educational systems and preeminent professors in the university, which can offer dream-chasers with more chances to

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