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1、大学英语2课程综合复习资料带答案word文档良心大学英语2课程综合复习资料I. Use of English1. Guess what? I passed the English exam! _C_ A. Thats fine. B. Its OK. C. Congratulations! D. Believe it or not.2. I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off. _A_ A. Good luck. B. Be careful. C. Best Wishes.

2、 D. Hurry to catch the plane.3. Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday? _D_A. No, Id like to. B.I believe I cant. C. Im afraid. D. Yes, Id love to.4. Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital. Oh, _C_A. its sad. B. its bad.C. Im sorry to hear that. D. thats not good.5. Excuse m

3、e, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? _B_ A. No, I couldnt. B. Sorry, I dont know. Im new here. C. I couldnt tell you. D. You cant ask me.6. Could I borrow your CD of English songs? _B_ A. No, I am not available. B. Im sorry. Its not at hand now.C. Its very kind of you. D. T

4、hank you very much.7. Hello, Sally. Hows everything? _D_A. Good for you. B. Oh, I agree. C. Thats right. D. Just so-so.8. Waiter! _A_ I cant eat this. Its too salty. A. Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right? D. Pardon?9. Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? Not at all. _D_A

5、. Ive no time. B. Id rather not.C. Id like it. D. Id be happy to.10. Excuse me, is this seat free? _B_.A. No, you cant sit here B. Sorry, it is taken C. Yes, it is seated by a boy D. Yes, but I dont know11. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? _A_.A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you ca

6、ntC. Sorry, you cant D. I dont know12. Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _C_.A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go onC. Yes, help yourself D. It doesnt matter13. What can I do for you, madam?_A_.A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own wayC. Thanks D. Excuse me. Im busy14. Do you min

7、d telling me where youre from? _D_.A. Certainly. Im from London B. Sure. I was born in London C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. Im from London15. May I see the menu, please? Ive been waiting an hour already. _C_. A. That is the menu, sir B. Yes, please go on C. Here you are, sir D. Of c

8、ourse, sir16. I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary? _B_ A. Yes, I can. B. Here you are. C. Sorry, I dont think so. D. You can take it.17. Im sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out._D_A. Oh, great. B. That sounds boring.C. Thats all right! D. Oh, what a

9、 pity! 18. Do you mind if I smoke here? _C_A. Yes, certainly not. B. No, please dont.C. Sorry, its forbidden here. D. Yes, I mind.19. What can I do for you? Yes, _A_A. Id like to see that shirt, please. B. Im afraid not.C. may I invite you to dinner? D. I just have a look.20. Hello, may I have an ap

10、pointment with Doctor Smith?_C_A. Sorry. Hes in at the moment. B. Why didnt you call earlier?C. Certainly. May I have your name? D. Sorry. He doesnt want to see you.21. Why dont you have dinner with me tonight? _D_A. The reason is that I have to work over time tonight. B. Sorry about that, but I hav

11、e to go to a party.C. Because I have an appointment. D. Id love to, but I have to finish my paper.22. Im afraid I have spilled some coffee on the table cloth. _A_A. Oh, dont worry about that. B. You neednt apologize.C. I feel sorry for that. D. Oh, you shouldnt have done that.23. You seem to have a

12、lot of work to do in your office. Youve always been working overtime. _D_A. You are right, but dont you know the meaning of work? B. Sorry, I dont think so. I get overpaid for overwork, you know. C. Thats right. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.D. Thats right, but the work is interesting. I

13、 dont mind some extra hours at all.24. George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow. Albert, this is George Smith. _B_ A. How have you been? B. Pleased to meet you, George. C. Mind if call you George? D. The pleasures mine. 25. Excuse me. I dont want to interrupt you _C_

14、A. No, no. Its quite all right. B. It wont bother me.C. Never mind D. Of course not.II. Vocabulary and Structure 1. In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym _C_ to do exercises.A. increasingly B. often C. regularly D. lively2. He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own _D_.A. thing B. matter C. duty D. business3. Mr. Smith was determined to _B_

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