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1、初中所有短语汇总1. close to(在时间上,空间上)接近2. go to school去上学3. be good at擅长4. make friend with 与交朋友5. all over遍及6. ask sb. about就询问某人7. live with与一起生活8. be far from远离9. best wishes最美好的祝愿10. on the Internet在互联网上11. in my free time在我的业余时间12. hear from sb.收到某人的信13. start with开始14. getfrom从得到15. pay attention to注意

2、;重视去做16. brush ones teeth刷牙17. junior high school初级中学18. morning break 早间休息19. take part in参加20. have a good time过得愉快21. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事22. at the end of在的尽头23. in ones seat在某人的座位上24. fromto从到25. providewith为提供26. putinto把倒入27. throw away扔掉28. on the land在陆地上29. in the sky在空中30. under the

3、water在水下31. make energy制造能源32. under the ground在地下33. catch a fish抓鱼34. liftup把抬起35. in the air在空中36. need sth/sb to do sth.需要做某事37. find out 发现38. take a trip去旅行39. go on a picnic去野餐40. make snowman堆雪人41. fly kites放风筝42. go swimming去游泳43. have a picnic去野餐44. during the winter holiday在寒假期间45. get ma

4、rried结婚46. at this time of year每年的这个时间47. go to the beach 去海边48. in the middle of在中间49. more than多于50. be able to能够51. have to不得不52. so that以便53. asas像一样54. that is也就是说55. in space在太空56. tieto把系在57. do exercise做运动58. at the moment此刻59. solve the problem解决问题60. in the future在将来61. a large amount of大量

5、的62. so that以致63. travel guide旅游手册64. place of interest名胜65. in the centre of在中心66. light up点亮67. talk about谈论68. travel around环游69. the capital of 的首都70. be away from 离开71. find out查明,找到72. put on穿上73. for pleasure为了取乐74. get a birds-eye view of 鸟瞰75. have a wonderful time玩的开心76. a large public are

6、a大型公共区域77. in every direction四面八方78. natural beauty自然的美丽79. walk along沿着走80. grand theatre大剧院81. learn about学习82. all the way一路上83. of course当然84. remote control遥控器85. welcome to欢迎到86. launchinto把投入;发射87. disappear into消失于之中88. solar power太阳能89. giveback把给回90. look up查阅91. in the past在过去92. in the w

7、oods在树林里93. go on an adventure去探险94. sothat如此以致95. hurry to匆匆忙忙去96. get to到达97. wait for等候98. living room客厅99. make a list列清单 100. have some tea喝茶101. in a short time不久;一会儿102. work of art艺术作品103. take place发生104. belong to 属于105. learn about了解106. be bad for对有害107. be interested in 对感兴趣108. a waste

8、 of time浪费时间109. front door前门110. go inside 走进去七年级下1. as well也2. take care of照顾;照料3. tell jokes讲笑话4. make fun of嘲弄5. be strict about 对要求严格6. give up放弃7. be good at擅长8. be full of充满9. think of认为10. make friend with 与交朋友11. all day and all night夜以继日12. stare at盯着看13. tour guide导游14. look like看起来像15. t

9、he top of 的顶部16. take the lift乘坐电梯17. more than超过18. go down the stairs下楼19. be famous for以而闻名20. department store百货商店21. prefer to更喜欢22. place of interest名胜23. such as 例如24. in the centre of在的中心25. by the sea 在海边26. go on holiday 去度假27. go sightseeing 去观光28. Western Europe西欧29. on the coast在海滨30. b

10、e different from 与不同31. walk up 向上走32. be know as以而闻名33. over the years 多年以来34. be closed to对不开放35. for safety reasons 由于安全原因36. at least 至少37. not onlybut also 不但而且38. arrive at到达39. by oneself 独自40. lead sb. to带着某人到41. fall asleep入睡42. wake up 醒来43. get down 趴下44. fire engine消防车45. next to 紧挨46. w

11、ith ones help在某人的帮助下47. apologize to sb.向某人道歉48. look after 照顾49. at the bottom of 在底部50. as soon as 一就51. step onto踏上52. save ones life 救了某人的命53. think of oneself 为某人自己着想54. feel proud of 为感到骄傲55. take in 吸收56. come from来自57. for example例如58. in fact确切的说59. look around 环顾四周60. be made of 由制成61. mil

12、lions of 大量的62. be good for 对有好处63. fight against 与作斗争64. be made from 由制成65. cut down 砍倒66. pine tree松树67. because of 因为68. as a result 结果69. in a danger 处在危险中70. in ones daily life 在日常生活中71. notuntil直到才72. a bit一点73. part of. .的一部分74. packet money 零花钱75. be made up of 由组成76. dry up干涸77. by the way

13、 顺便说说78. turn into 变成79. have a bath 泡澡80. instead of 代替81. up to 达到82. addto 把.加入进83. a packet of 一袋84. in a way 在某种程度上85. be connected to 连接到86. power station 发电站87. come from来自88. in packet包装89. come back回来90. washing machine洗衣机91. tidy up收拾92. air conditioner空调93. play chess下棋94. sharewith与.分享95

14、. take the medicine吃药96. on time按时97. start a fire 起义98. make sure确认99. vacuum cleaner吸尘器100. microwave微波炉101. not at all一点也不102. be worried about 为担忧103. newspaper stand报摊104. rush out冲出去105. a crowd of一群106. readaloud大声朗读107. in a group在小组里108. building site 建筑工地109. high up在高处110. walk through走过1

15、11. feel unhappy about 对感到不高兴112. at the same time 同时113. in avoice以声音114. by the way顺便说说115. knock on 敲(门窗)116. come up 升起117. clean up打扫118. from dawn to dust从早到晚119. in the future在将来120. used to 过去常常做121. go outside外出122. look like 看起来像123. more and more越来越多124. grow up长大125. go sailing去进行帆船运动126

16、. the beginning of 的开始127. look at 看128. groups of一组组的129. shoot across划过;掠过130. learn about 了解131. find out发现132. be proud of 为感到自豪133. last for持续134. achieve ones dream实现某人梦想135. stay in bed躺在床上136. go to bed上床睡觉137. be useful for 对有用138. give up 放弃139. from that day on 从那天起140. dream of 梦想141. fi

17、nd a way 找到方法142. for a long time长时间143. one another互相144. come true成真八年级上1. die out灭绝2. in the countryside 在农村3. find out了解4. human being 人类5. look up 查阅6. from an early age 在很小的时候7. learn about了解8. more than多于9. go for a walk 去散步10. learnfrom 从获得.11. take pictures of 拍的照片12. a type of 一类13. be imp

18、ortant to 对而言重要14. climb up to 往上爬至15. a long time ago 很早以前16. challengeto向挑战.17. and so on .等等18. the rest of 剩余的19. make money 赚钱20. follow ones advice 听从某人的建议21. nothing but除了以外什么都22. from then on 从那时起23. not any more 不再24. all year round终年25. take place发生26. copy down抄下27. work with 从事工作;在一起干28.

19、 at first首先29. in the way 以这种方式30. so that 以便31. develop into 使发展成32. lead to导致33. for sure无疑34. one grain of 一粒35. get a prize 得到一件奖品36. work as 从事工作37. be unaware of 没意识到38. depend on 依靠39. in addition 除了以外40. grand total 总计41. one day总有一天42. happen to 发生在.的身上43. change ones life 改变某人生活44. get on

20、the Internet 上网45. be forward to 盼望46. be made of 由制成47. for too long 长时间的48. in the past 在过去49. at aspeed 以速度50. since then自那以来51. keep in touch with 与.保持联系52. in the daytime 在白天53. keepoff使不接近54. at the same time 同时55. get a mark得到分数56. at the weekend 在周末57. top speed最高速度58. on land 在陆地上59. turn i

21、nto 变成60. instead of 代替61. right now现在;目前62. work as担任63. all the time 一直64. make a mess 弄得一团糟65. at the tip of 在的尖端66. refer to涉及67. with the help of 在的帮助下68. look like像69. at first 起初70. so far迄今为止71. introduce.to使.初次了解72. come over to 从到(远距离)73. in ones home 在某人的家里74. tour around 游览75. one anothe

22、r互相76. activities in school校内活动77. activities outside school 校外活动78. apply for 申请79. betweenand. .和.之间80. have a reference from 有的推荐信81. wait for 等待82. come on 加油83. look down 俯视84. be under attack受到攻击85. turn around转身86. fillwith装满87. act out将表演出来88. except for 除了之外89. look over察看90. go to sleep入睡9

23、1. on the side of 在旁边92. climb out of从爬出来93. one by one一个接一个94. be afraid of 害怕95. play a trick on sb.捉弄某人96. take out 取帐97. pour out 涌出98. put into 把放进99. make a noise 发出嗓音100. exercise ones brain 锻炼某人大脑101. live a healthy life 过健康的生活102. have a balanced diet 饮食均衡103. get worried 担心104. slow down 反

24、应慢105. stay relaxed 保持放松106. take place发生107. write down写下108. improve ones memory 提高某人记忆力109. in ones mind在某人脑海里110. make a sentence造句111. far from离很远112. have trouble with 因苦恼113. treasure hunt 寻宝游戏114. in public 公开的115. put on 上演116. in my opinion 依我看117. above all 尤其是118. look out 小心119. give a

25、speech 演讲120. communicatewith 与交流121. first at all 首先122. in all 总计123. ought to 应该124. set a trap 设计圈套125. belong to 属于八年级下1. in need 需要帮助的2. voluntary work 义务性工作3. ask permission 报请批准4. suffer from因受苦5. raise ones spirits 使振奋;使鼓起勇气6. take photos of 讲故事7. express ones feelings 表达某人的感情8. look after

26、照顾9. raise money 筹款10. give sb. permission 批准某人11. pay for 付费12. body language 肢体语言13. make a good impression on.给留下好印象14. smile at 朝微笑15. at once 马上16. at the moment此刻,现在17. feel like 想要做18. cross ones arms交叉双臂19. shake hands握手20. nod ones head 点头21. shake ones head 摇头22. look into ones eyes 直视某人的眼

27、睛23. the key to .的关键24. look away移开目光25. part-time job兼职26. turn ones head toward sb 将头转向某人27. build a career 创立一番事业28. eye contact 目光交流29. up to 到达;至多有30. set off 出发;动身31. up and down起伏,上下波动32. after dark 天黑后33. no more 不再34. be good at 不再35. get ready for 为做准备36. tiearound 绕捆绑37. stopfrom doing 阻止

28、.做.38. pushinto 把推进39. at the front of. 在的前部40. all the time 一直41. bring up 养育42. cut out 裁剪43. in the shape of 以的形状44. comic strip连环漫画45. pop out 瞪大眼睛46. decide on 决定47. video camera摄像机48. play against同比赛49. think about 考虑50. addto把加入51. do ones voice为配音52. do the voice of 为配音53. weather forecast天气

29、预报54. life jacket救生衣55. thank goodness 谢天谢地56. make it 获得成功57. watch out / look out当心58. end with 以结束59. laugh at 嘲笑60. speech bubble 对话框61. thought bubble思想泡62. in the wild在野生环境中63. at birth出生时64. on ones own独自65. fact file小档案66. give birth to 生育67. throwat向扔68. feel sorry about. 为感到抱歉69. at least 至少 70. happen to 发生在.71. fall asleep睡着72. hear of 听说73. show a great love for 表现出极大的热爱74. go missing 失踪75. in the memory of纪念76. Asian elephant亚洲象77. South China tiger 华南虎78. Red-crowne

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