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1、必修一unit4导学案学案精编Unit 4 EarthquakesPeriod1 Warming up and Reading课前自主学习方案重点单词1 (adj.) 极度的 (adv.)极度地2 (n.)民族;国家;国民 (adv.)民族的;国家的;全国的3 (n,) 污垢 (adj.) 脏的4 (n.)苦难;痛苦 _(v.)遭受 (n.)患病者;受难者5 (v.) 损害 (n.)6 (vt.) 毁坏 (n.)7 (n) 电;电流 (adj.靠电来工作的 (adj.)与电有关的8 (n )祝贺;(复数)贺词 _( v.)祝贺9 (vt.)使惊吓;吓唬 _(adj.)令人恐惧的 (adj.)受

2、惊的;受惊吓的重点短语1 right 立刻;马上 2 too 太 而不能3 think of 评价不高 4 usual 像往常一样5 as 好像 6 an end 结束;终结7 cut 穿过;贯穿 8 ruins 成为废墟9 number of 的数量 10 instead 代替11 dig 掘出;发现 12 (great) number of 许多;大量的知识探究与发现1. right away 立刻,马上Ill return the book to you right away. If war breaks out, we shall be called up right away.如果战

3、争爆发,我们将立即被征召服役。联想拓展right now=at once=immediately=in no time立刻,马上 2.In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。自主探究burst vi. ( , 过去式和过去分词) n. 搭配 burst into + n. = burst out doing sth. 突然起来burst into = burst out laughing 放声大笑burst into =burst out crying 放声大哭练习Ev

4、ery time he thought of his past, he couldnt help bursting .(2010济南一模)A. when; out tears B. that; into crying C. which; into tears D. /; out crying3.think little/ poorly of轻视 think much/highly of重视;看重,评价高What do you think of .?认为怎么样?think about考虑;回想;想起think of考虑;记忆,记起The government thinks highly of h

5、is invention because it will benefit the whole country. 政府非常重视他的发明,因为它将有益于全国人民。The foolish boss thought little of my suggestions on that project.那个愚蠢的老板根本就不重视我对那项工程的建议。4. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 似乎到了世界末日!1).as if = as though 好像,似乎(1)如果as if 从句表示的事情可能是真实的,通常使用陈述语气。eg: It looks as if

6、it is going to rain. It sounds as if 听起来好像有人在敲门。(2)如果as if 从句表示的内容与事实相反或是一种假想,通常使用虚拟语气。主句+as if (though)+主语+were/过去时could/would +动词原形had+过去分词注意even if 即使即学即练 When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it .A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken She talked about the

7、 film as if really seen it.她谈论那部影片,就好像她确实看过一样。3.Will you go to the exhibition tomorrow?Yes, I will go it,s windy.(201011山东滨州月考)A. as if B. even though C. as soon as D. as though5at an end 结束,终结(常作表语)at the end of 在尽头,在末尾 by the end of 到为止in the end 最后,终于 make ends meet 收支相抵 come to an end 结束eg: (战争终

8、于结束了)高手过招用方框内所给词的适当形式填空At the end of/by the end of/in the end 1.How many English words had you learned _last term?2.He became an outstanding doctor_.3.My uncle will fly to China_ this year.6.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的15秒内,一座大城市就沉没在一片废墟之中。ruin (1)n. (2)vt. in ruins严重损坏

9、;破败不堪辨析ruin destroy damage ruin 指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,往往是非暴力的,也不是一次打击的结果,也可以指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏。destroy 指彻底毁坏,不能修复。damage 指局部损坏,但可以修复。即学即练(1)The building was completely by fire.(2)His car hit a tree by the roadside and was . So he had to have it repaired.(3)My new shoes get in the mud.(4 ) Unfortunately, the sto

10、rm _ the crops, destroying the hope of farmers.A. damaged B. ruined C. benefited D. hurt(5)There on the shore you can see a steam powered ship covered with dirt _ ,waiting to be taken apart. A. lay in ruins B. lie in ruin C. laid in ruins D. lie in ruins7. Sand now filled the wells instead of water.

11、典例赏析1).The Chinese use chopsticks instead of knives and forks. 中国人不用刀叉,用筷子。2). Instead of working, Jack was idling away his time. 杰克不去工作,虚度着光阴。短语归纳instead 是副词,单独使用,用于句首或句末作状语,意为“代替;相反”。instead of 是复合介词,后接名词、代词、或动名词,其后面的动作,意为“代替、而不”。in place of 为介词短语,也是“代替、而不”的意思.take the place of 作谓语,用在名词、代词前。即学即练1)

12、. Tractors _ horses in many places. A. in place of B. have taken the place of C. instead D. instead of 2). You should be out playing _ working indoors all day. A. in spite of B. take the place of C. instead D. instead of8. Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.(1)分数/百分数作主语时,若

13、所指的是可数名词,则谓语动词多用复数;若指不可数名词,谓语动词多用单数 eg. 80% of the trees were cut 50% of the water in the bottle has gone.请根据提示完成下列句子。1. (三分之一) of the students in our class (be) girls.2. (3/5) of the soil (wash) away by the flood last nigh3. Seventy percent of the students _ taken part in the work and seve

14、nty percent of the work _been finished. A. has, has B. had , had C. has, have D. have, has 4. Eighty percent of the people trapped in the ruins_ at last.A. were dug out B.has dug C. was dug out D. have dug out(2)injure vt. eg: Oneoftheplayersinjuredhiskneeandhadtobecarriedoff.一个队员膝盖受伤,不得不被抬至场外辨析 inj

15、ure, hurt, woundinjure 常指偶然事故对人造成的“损害”。hurt v.受伤,伤害,主要指肉体或感情上所受到的伤害wound vt. 伤,伤害。& n.伤,伤口。指外伤,如刀伤、枪伤、剑伤,尤指在战争中、战斗中受伤。即学即练 He got in the war. He didnt want to her feelings. Yesterday my leg . Tom fell down from the tree and his legs.9.People were shocked. 人们震惊了。shock v. U n. 休克,打击,震惊 C n. 令人震惊的事派生词

16、shocked adj. 震惊的shocking adj. 令人震惊的搭配 be shocked at (doing) sth. 对(做)某事感到震惊 be shocked to do sth. 惧怕做某事即学即练(1)The news of his wifes death was to him.(一个沉重的打击)(2) All of the people present felt at the news. 所有在场的人们对这个令人震惊的消息感到震惊。(3)It came to the world _ that more than 10 prisoners were buried _ by t

17、he terrorists. .A. as shocking; alive B. a shock; living C. shocked; live D. as a shock; alive 10.All hope was not lost. 典型例句All the students do not know how to deal with the problem. = Not all the students know how to deal with the problem. Both of the students dont like the story. Everyone doesnt

18、like the story. = Not everyone likes the story. 自主探究表示“全体”意义的词“ , , , , ” 等和否定副词not连用时表部分否定。而“none, neither, nobody, nothing” 等表完全否定。如:Nobody likes the story. Neither of the students likes the story.单项选择We couldnt eat in a restaurant because of us had money on us. A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any

19、D. no one; any11. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.(1).dig out(从中)挖出,挖掘出 ;发现,翻出(收存、藏起或遗忘很久之物She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers. Rescue crews have been digging people out of collapsed buildings. (2)bury v. 埋葬,掩藏1 She _beside her husband

20、s grave.她被安葬在丈夫的坟旁。2 She _thought. 她陷入沉思。3 He _his books. 他埋头读书。常用短语be buried inbury oneself in 埋头于,专心于。12. a (great) number of 许多大量的后跟可数名词复数谓语动词用复数)eg: A great number of students _ against the plan(be). 归纳拓展many, a great good many, , (quite) a few + 可数名词复数+复数谓语动 much, a great deal of, (quite) a lit

21、tle + 不可数名词+单数谓语动词 plenty of, a lot of, lots of + 可数名词复数不可数名词即学即练The number of people invited 50, but a number of them absent.A. was; was B. was; were C. were; was D. were; were Period 2 Using language词汇知识1. (n.)祝贺 (v.)祝贺 2. (v.) 判断 (n)判断 (n.)裁判员3. (v.)尊敬 (adj.) 高尚的 4. (v.)表示,表达 (n.) 快车快递 (n.)表达表情5.

22、 (v.)骑自行车 (n.)骑自行车的人重点词组1. a speech 作演讲 2. be to do sth 乐意做某事3. be proud 为而自豪 4.have a conversation 和交谈 known 因为/作为。而出名要点探究1. Congratulations! 祝贺你!congratulation (n.) 祝贺;(复数)贺词1)Congratulations on your passing exam!祝贺你通过了这次考试。2)They received many letters of congratulation.他们收到了很多祝贺信。【拓展】congratu

23、late (vt)祝贺 congratulate sb on sth因某事向某人祝贺celebrate sth. 庆祝(节日等)即学即练3).I _ them_their success我为他们的成功向他们表示祝贺。2.You speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that that it was the best one this year. 典例赏析 1). His father used to be a judge. 2). Dont judge a man by his appearance. 自主

24、探究judge n. v. judge sb./ sth. by/from 通过判断judging from/by 从来看, 根据判断即学即练(1) the hat he , the old man is a farmer.(2010山东日照检测)A. Judging from; is wearing B. Judging by; is having on C. To judge by; putting D. Judged by; is putting (2).People can make silly mistakes about a person if they judge him _ t

25、he clothes he wears. A. by B. with C. accordingly to D. through 3 Next month the city will open a new park to honour those who died in the terrible disaster. 典例赏析1) Children should honour their parents 2) They went to Shanghai to honour their mother on her 80th birthday .3)It was a great honour to b

26、e invited here today.自主探究honor (vt.) (n.) 常用短语 show/do honor to sb 对表示敬意, 给带来荣誉in honor of /in ones honor 为纪念,以名义练习 A party was held _ the heroes who had helped saved thousands and thousands of lives in the earthquake in Sichuan.A. in time of B. in honor of C. in name of D. in place ofPeriod 3 Gramm

27、ar定语从句-关系代词的用法一 定语从句的概念1.在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。2.引导定语从句的词有两种:关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose ,as.关系副词有where ,why, when等。3.关系代词和关系副词处在先行词和定语从句之间,有三个作用:连接主从句(引导定语从句) 指代先行词 在定语从句中做句子成分。4.定语从句一般位于先行词后面。二 关系代词的用法1 who的用法who引导定语从句时,在从句中做主语或宾语,(做宾语时可省)先行词是人。This is the man who he

28、lped me out of trouble. 他就是那个帮我解决困难的人。I dont know the woman who you spoke to just now. 我不认识那个刚才你与她交谈的妇女。2 whom的用法whom引导定语从句时,在从句中做宾语,(可省)先行词是人。The doctor whom/who you are looking for is in the room. 你找的那个医生在房间里。Shes a girl with whom you can talk freely. 她是一个你可以与之随便交流的姑娘。注意whom 引导定语从句时不能用作从句的主语。2 who

29、m 可以构成“介词+whom”引导定语从句3 whose 用法whose引导定语从句时,在从句中做定语,意思为:“。的”,表示所属关系,其先行词可以是人,也可以是物。Hes living in a room whose window faces the east. 他住在一个窗户朝东的房间里。The boy whose spoken English is excellent draws our attention.那个英语口语极好的男孩引起了我们的注意。知识拓展“whose+n”引导的定语从句相当于“the+n+of+which/whom”或“of which/whom+the+n.”引导的定

30、语从句.Please pass me the book whose cover is yellow and black.=please pass me the book the cover of which is yellow and black.请把那本封面是黑黄相间的书递给我。.We saw some people whose car had broken down.= We saw some people the car of whom had broken down.4 that 与which的用法that和which 在它们引导的定语从句中做主语或宾语,(做宾语时可省)that的先行词既可以是人,也可以是物,which的先行词是

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