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本文(这个教程是教如何利用一个重启脉冲信号欺骗XBOX360 CPU达到运行自制程序的破解教程.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

这个教程是教如何利用一个重启脉冲信号欺骗XBOX360 CPU达到运行自制程序的破解教程.docx

1、这个教程是教如何利用一个重启脉冲信号欺骗XBOX360 CPU达到运行自制程序的破解教程这个教程是教如何利用一个重启脉冲信号欺骗XBOX360 CPU达到运行自制程序的破解教程。首先声明。刷机有风险,并且本教程的翻译由于本人水平有限,以下翻译是无责任翻译。出了问题可别找我有什么大的漏洞欢迎交流,不喜勿喷。另外如果有什么问题,可以加我QQ进行交流 51073616需要的硬件和软件:XC2C64A CoolRunner-II CPLD (也叫 Digilent C-mod)CPLD的插座,烧写用Xilinx 编程线200pf电容焊接工具教程软件打包下载:XBOX360 新版SLIM 最新全民自制系

2、统 破解翻译教程,无责任翻译 阳光电玩小亮首发硬件: USB SPI Programmer to dump/flash the Xbox360s NAND(USB提取NAND设备可参考老版的XBOX360自制系统教程) XC2C64A CoolRunner-II CPLD (aka Digilent C-mod)(开发板) Socket for the CPLD (开发板的针脚接口插座) Xilinx JTAG Programmer cable(开发板的编程线) 1x 220pF capacitor1X220PF 电容 Soldering material 焊接设备第一步DUMP主机的NAND

3、: Use the following diagram to solder your USB SPI Programmer使用USB的NAND读取设备(参见以往的老版机刷自制教程)按照下图接线Open windows command prompt and launch NandPro.在WINDOWS里面点击开始,运行,输入CMD 运行NANDPRO Dump your NAND twice by using the read command for 16MBDUMP你的NAND文件,(小亮备注,这里教程演示的是16MBNAND芯片的250G版的新版360国内玩家一般购买的都是4GB的,目前国

4、外的论坛上4GB的NAND应该提取前面1GB的内容。)命令格式:NAND :nandpro usb : -r16 nanddumpname.binCompare the two dumps with the following command (you canuse MD5 Checksums too) :fc /b nanddumpname.bin nanddumpname2.bin这里是至少备份2个NAND文件然后进行MD5值的校验保证读取出来的NAND文件准确无误。You should see something like FC : No difference found. If the

5、two dumps dont match, do a new dump and check again.你应该看到 NO DIFFERENCE FOUND 如果有不同之处请再次提取。2. Installation of Python and Python Crypto Install Python 2.7 (32bit!) with the default settings :安装PYTHON 和 PYTHON CRYPTO 安装 PYTHON2.7 32位版 按照以下设置 Install PyCrypto 2.3 with the default settings :To安装 PYCRYPT

6、O 2.3按照以下设置To enable python in windows command prompt, we will have to modifythe environment variables .现在在WINDOWS里面加入对PYTHON命令行的PATCH的运行环境 Go in Control Panel System Advanced system settings进入WINDOWS 的高级系统属性 Click on environnement variables点击环境变量Click on New in system variable点击新建Add this for the n

7、ame and the value of the variable :PYTHONPATH%PYTHONPATH%;C:Python2.7 ;在对话框里加入以下变量PYTHONPATH%PYTHONPATH%;C:Python2.7 ;3. Creating the Hackimage Download the gggggg-hack (Free60-Git Repository). Put your original NAND dump in the root of the gggggg-folderand create an folder named ouput (in the root

8、aswell).3 建立自制系统XELL的破解固件下载 gggggg-hack (在Free60的下载库里有)拷入你的原始NAND备份在gggggg-folder的更目录里然后创建输出的破解固件 Open windows command prompt again and navigate to thegggggg-folder, then type this python command (dont forget tomodify it with your NAND dump name) :python common/imgbuild/ nanddumpname.bincomm

9、on/cdxell/CD common/xell/xell-gggggg.bin8打开WINDOWS 开始 运行 CMD 进入gggggg-folder目录然后输入 python的命令 (不要忘记改成你自己的NAND文件名称)python common/imgbuild/ nanddumpname.bincommon/cdxell/CD common/xell/xell-gggggg.binYou should see the followingThe你应该看到以下的信息The file image_00000000.ecc is located in the output f

10、older now.现在生成的 imager_0000000.ecc已经在本地的输出文件夹里了。 Copy this file into your nandpro folder and navigate to thefolder via commandprompt again Use the following command to flash the image to your consolesNAND.拷贝这个文件到你的nandpro目录然后使用以下的命令把文件写入到你的主机里。nandpro usb : +w16 image_00000000.ecc/! Pay attention th

11、at you have to use the +w16 switch and notthe -w16 one /!注意这里要使用+W16 不是使用常用的-W参数The flashed file has a size of 50 blocks so you should see 004F whenthe flashing is done.应该大概在50格的完成。4. Programming the CPLD4.为CPLD写入编程Power your CPLD with 3.3V on pin 20 and GND on pin 21. There aremany solution to do t

12、his . here are some of them :为你的CPLD连接3.3V电压在第20脚,21脚接地 Use an old DVD drive supply cable by cutting 5 and 6 cable (3.3Vand GND) and connect it to the a CK or the motherboard drivesocketORSolder the pin 20 to the J2C1.8 point of the motherboard and pin21 (GND) to a point of the motherboard like the

13、legs of thevarious connector-metalcasing.使用一根老版机光驱的电源连接线 切断第5和第6根线(3.3V和接地)然后连接他到电源板或者360主机上或者焊接第20脚到J2C1.8这个点 ,接地的话可以接在主板上的任何金属部分都是接地。Grab your LPT/USB XilinX JTAG programmer cable. Connect thecable to the PC and the CPLD.(If you dont have one, you can useGliGlis schematic to build a LPT JTAG Progr

14、ammer)使用你的 LPT或USB XILINX JTAG编程器线 连接电脑和CPLD 如果你没有你可以自己用LPT打印头按照下面的图纸自己做一根编程线Launch iMPACT (from XilinX Lab Tools) and lets start theprogramming . just follow the images.(You have to setup thecompatibility mode only if your Programmer does not getdetected right away)运行 IMPCT 这个软件(在XILINX LAB TOOLS里的

15、)然后开始编程 如下图(只要你的编程线没有被马上检测到你必须设置到调试模式)1 小时前 上传下载附件 (43.24 KB) 5.Wiring5.连线 On the CPLD, remove the Resistor R2 and connect R2s upperpad to R1s lower pad.在CPLD上 去掉 R2电阻然后连接R2的上面的点到R1下面的点Place the CPLD on the motherboard like you see on the picture.We recommend to use double coated tape + material to isolatethe CPLD.把CPLD连接到你的主机上,像图片上这样最好找个东西来绝缘CPLD和XBOX主板Use the diagrams which are distribut

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