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仁爱初中英语七上《Unit 1Topic 3 How old are youA》word教案.docx

1、仁爱初中英语七上Unit 1Topic 3 How old are youAword教案Unit 1 Making New FriendsTopic 3 How old are you?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题以How old are you? 为指引,在前两个话题的基础上引入新内容的学习,包括询问年龄、年级、班级等个人基本情况的表达以及辨认物体、单词单复数、基数词1120以及文具类词汇的学习。主要句型和语法:How old are you? What class/grade are you in? Whats this/that in English? How do you spe

2、ll it? What are these/those? Are those/these.?等。本话题还设计了音标的专项学习,即元音字母i和辅音字母的读音规则,帮助学生逐步形成拼读和拼写的能力,为他们的自主学习打下良好的基础。本话题建议用5课时完成:第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3第二课时:Section B-1a, 1b, 1c Section A-4a, 4b第三课时:Section B-2a, 2b, 3 Section C-3a, 3b第四课时:Section C-1a, 1b, 2第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions

3、 1, 2, Project第一课时 (Section A-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3 )教学设计思路:本课时通过数字歌复习数字0-10,由此引入学习数字11-20。通过询问他人姓名、国籍、电话号码等目标语,在师生对话的过程中老师导入 How old are you? I amyears old. What class are you in? I am in Class, Grade, 等询问他人基本信息的话题。通过小组学习并操练目标语,完成1a,1b和2b,最后学生听并完成3并与同伴进行适当的操练。 . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学习How

4、 old are you? I amyears old. What class are you in? I am in Class, Grade等句型。(2) 能听懂、正确朗读词汇表中的黑体词如:year, old, class(3) 学习数字11-20。2. Skill aims:(1)能够听懂询问年龄、班级、年级等的简短对话。(2)能够用英语就他人年龄、班级、年级等话题进行简短的对话。(3)能偶辨认、正确朗读11-20.(4)能够用英文写出自己及他人的年龄、所在的班级和年级。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness: 了解中西方询问个人信息的不同。 .

5、The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions: year, old, class, grade(2)Sentences: How old are you? I amyears old. What class are you in? I am in Class, Grade2. Difficult points: 第三人称单数的正确运用。. Learning strategies1. 逐渐养成仔细观察、自我总结的学习习惯。2. 认真听录音,积极大胆地模仿。. Teaching aids录音机/多

6、媒体/小黑板/图片VTeaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning and revisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet and warm up.T:Good morning, boys and girls!T: First, lets sing a number song together.Greet and warm up.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li!S1

7、: Zero one two.通过齐唱数字歌活跃课堂气氛并复习数字0-10。Remark:趁着学生唱歌的热情,教育学生热爱学习,热爱英语。Stage 2(10mins): Learn numbers StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1 (Class activity)Show some cards with numbers to students.T: Here are some cards. I show these numbers one by one. You read them out.T:How about

8、 this one?T: How about this one?T: eleven.T: You can find eleven on your textbook.Look at the cards.Ss: OK.Ss: One.Ss: Two.Ss: Three.Ss: eleven.通过游戏的形式从读音和形式两方面复习数字0-10。并导入学习11-20。2.(Group work)Show 2a to students.T: Look at 2a carefully. Can you see the circles?T: Good. The circles are in different

9、 colors. Try to find something according to the colors.T: A careful boy. So, work in groups, try to work out the rules and fill in the blanks.T: Have you finished it? Show me your answer!T: Another group?Look at 2a. Work out the rules in groups.Ss: Yes.S1: 13,14, 15 teenGroup1:sixteen seventeenGroup

10、2: eighteen nineteen.通过自己观察规则并填空的形式培养学生自主学习的能力。3.(Individual work)Play the record of 2a.T: Look at 2a carefully. Listen and check your answers.T: Listen again, try to follow the tape.T: Can you read them?T: OK. Look at my hands. Here are some pictures. It is eleven. Follow me.T: TwelveT:T: Read in g

11、roups then I will invite someone to read.Listen to the tape.Ss: OK.Ss: eleven twelveSs: No.Ss: Eleven.Ss: Twelve.SsS1: eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen通过听,模仿。看图,模仿老师发音的方式完成数字学习。Remark:老师可以通过游戏、竞赛等方式让数字学习变得更加有趣。Stage3(14mins): Pre- listening StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purp

12、ose1.(Class activity)Ask students to take out their name cards.T: Boys and girls, please answer my questions according to your name card.T: Whats your name?T: Where are you from?T: Whats your telephone number?T: How old are you?T: Wow, sounds good.I am twelve. (Write How old are you? I am on the Bb.

13、T: How old are you?T: I am twelve.T: Now please ask and answer in pairs.Take out name cards.Ss: My name isSs: I am from China.Ss: My telephone number isS1,S2,S3: I amSs: How old are you?Ss: I am twelve.S1: How old are you?S2: I am twelve.通过复习前面所学的询问个人信息的功能句导入学习How old are you?I am What class are you

14、 in? I am in Class 4, Grade7.T: What class are you in? (Write)T: I am in Class 4, Grade 7.T: Practice in pairs.S3: How old are you?S4: I am twelve.Ss: What class are you in? Ss: I am in Class 4, Grade7.S5: What class are you in? S6: I am in Class 4, Grade7.S7: What class are you in? S8: I am in Clas

15、s 4, Grade7.2.(Group work)Guide students to practice.T: Look at the Bb.Ask and answer in pairs.T: Good. Jimmy is eleven years old.T: Eva is twelve years old.Practice in pairs.Group1:S1: How old are you?S2: I am eleven.S1: What class are you in? S2: I am in Class 4, Grade 7.Group2:S3: How old are you

16、?S4: I am twelve.S3: What class are you in? S4: I am in Class 4, Grade7.通过对话的形式操练功能句。3.(Class activity)Guide students to study new sentences. Invite the student who made dialogs just now to the platform.T: Who is she?T: Who is that?T: Thats Eva.T: How old is she?T: What class is she in?T: Who is tha

17、t?T: How old is he?T: What class is he in?Answer the teachers question and Ss: She is Eva.Ss: She is twelve years old.Ss: She is in Class4, Grade 7.Ss: Thats Jimmy.Ss: He is eleven years old.Ss: He is in Class4, Grade 7.通过师生对话的形式学习3中的新句子.4.(Classactivity)Guide students to practice new structuresT: L

18、ets play a game. Boys PK girls. Boys ask, girls answer then change. T: Quite well. Lets change.Practice the new structures between boy and girl group.Bs: How old are you? Gs: I am years old.Bs: What class are you in?Gs: I am in Class 4, Grade7.Bs: Who is that?Gs: That is Eva.Bs: How old is she?Gs: S

19、he is eleven.通过比赛的形式练习新句子。Remark:试着放手,让学生养成一定的自学习惯。Stage 4(8mins): While- listeningStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1(Individual work)Play the record.T: Lets listen to 1a, try to understand the conversation.T: Listen again and fill in the name card in 1b.T: Good. Who can introd

20、uce Jane according to her name card?T: Right. Lets listen to 2b and match.T: Look at 3. Listen and fill in the blanks.Listen to the tape and finish 1a, 1b, 2b, 3.Ss: Jane, twelve, four, seven.S1: She is Jane通过听录音训练学生的听力。Remark:老师可以设计多种活动来复习巩固功能句。Stage 5 (4mins): Post-listeningStepTeacher activityStu

21、dent activityDesigning purpose1.(Group work)Guide students to practice in pairs. T: Work in groups. You can change one task to practice.1 Interview your group members information. The sentences on the Bb may help you. Look at the screen, here are 2 photos you can talk about them.T: Fine. Group2?Prac

22、tice in pairs.Group1:S1:Hello, whats your name?S2: My name is Joy.S1: Where are you from?S2: I am from China.S1: How old are you?S2: I am twelve years old.S1: What class are you in?S2: I am in Class 4, Grade7.Group2:S1: Whos that?S2: Thats Nancy.通过小组活动运用目标语。Stage 6(2mins): Summarizing and assigning

23、homeworkStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T: Class will be over soon. Lets summarize the key points now. Begin!T: Sounds great! I hope you will remember them. Summarize the key points.S1: How old are you? S2: I amyear

24、s old. S3: What class are you in?S4: I am in Class, GradeS5: Numbers: twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty归纳总结本课的知识点。2 (Class activity)Assign HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to 1. Write 11-20 on your exercise book.2. Make a conversation about asking others p

25、ersonal information.3. Preview Section B. 适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:强调及时预习、复习。VI . Blackboard designUnit 1 Making New FriendsTopic 3 How old are you?How old are you? I amyears old. What class are you in? I am in Class, Grade第一课时 (Section A-1a, 1b, 2a,2b, 3)eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Group1: Group2: Group3: Group4: Group5:

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