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1、国民旅游休闲纲要中英文 国 民 旅 游 休 闲 纲 要(2013-2020年)The Outline for National Tourism and Leisure(2013-2020)为满足人民群众日益增长的旅游休闲需求,促进旅游休闲产业健康发展,推进具有中国特色的国民旅游休闲体系建设,根据国务院关于加快发展旅游业的意见(国发200941号),制定本纲要。The outline is developed on the basis of The Opinions of the State Council on Speeding up the Development of the Touris

2、m Industry (Guofa (2009) No.41) to meet the growing needs of the people in tourism and leisure, promote the healthy development of the tourism and leisure industry, thereby establishing a national tourism and leisure system for Chinese. 一、指导思想和发展目标I. Guiding Principles and Objectives(一)指导思想。以邓小平理论、“

3、三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,按照全面建成小康社会目标的总体要求,以满足人民群众日益增长的旅游休闲需求为出发点和落脚点,坚持以人为本、服务民生、安全第一、绿色消费,大力推广健康、文明、环保的旅游休闲理念,积极创造开展旅游休闲活动的便利条件,不断促进国民旅游休闲的规模扩大和品质提升,促进社会和谐,提高国民生活质量。1. Guiding principlesGuided by Deng Xiaopings Theory, the important thought of the “Three Represents”, and Scientific Thinking on Developme

4、nt, we take the thought of meeting the growing needs of the people in tourism and leisure as our starting point and ultimate goal in line with the overall requirements for completing the construction of an initially prosperous society in China. We will be committed to putting the people and their sa

5、fety in the first place, improving peoples livelihood, encouraging green consumption, promoting healthy, civilized and environment-friendly ways in tourism and leisure, and improving and expanding national tourism and leisure in order to achieve social harmony and better quality of life. (二)发展目标。到20

6、20年,职工带薪年休假制度基本得到落实,城乡居民旅游休闲消费水平大幅增长,健康、文明、环保的旅游休闲理念成为全社会的共识,国民旅游休闲质量显著提高,与小康社会相适应的现代国民旅游休闲体系基本建成。2. ObjectivesBy 2020, we will basically put in place a paid annual leave system for employees; urban and rural residents consumption in tourism and leisure will enjoy a substantial growth; healthy, civi

7、lized and environment-friendly ways for tourism and leisure will be widely accepted by the public; the quality of national tourism and leisure will be remarkably improved and a modern national tourism and leisure system required by an initially prosperous society will be brought into being. 二、主要任务和措

8、施II. Major Tasks and Measures(三)保障国民旅游休闲时间。落实职工带薪年休假条例,鼓励机关、团体、企事业单位引导职工灵活安排全年休假时间,完善针对民办非企业单位、有雇工的个体工商户等单位的职工的休假保障措施。加强带薪年休假落实情况的监督检查,加强职工休息权益方面的法律援助。在放假时间总量不变的情况下,高等学校可结合实际调整寒、暑假时间,地方政府可以探索安排中小学放春假或秋假。 3. Sufficient time for national tourism and leisure In enforcing Regulations on Paid Annual Leav

9、e for Employees, we will encourage governmental agencies, social organizations, enterprises and public institutions to help their employees to make flexible time arrangements on their annual paid leave, while improving measures to ensure employees of private, non-profit and individually-owned busine

10、sses having paid holidays. We will step up supervision on the implementation of paid annual leave, and legal aid to protect employees interests in having days for rest. While the total days of holiday remain unchanged, universities and colleges may adjust their winter and summer vacations according

11、to their actual conditions and local governments may explore spring or autumn holidays for local primary and middle schools. (四)改善国民旅游休闲环境。稳步推进公共博物馆、纪念馆和爱国主义教育示范基地免费开放。城市休闲公园应限时免费开放。稳定城市休闲公园等游览景区、景点门票价格,并逐步实行低票价。落实对未成年人、高校学生、教师、老年人、现役军人、残疾人等群体实行减免门票等优惠政策。鼓励设立公众免费开放日。逐步推行中小学生研学旅行。各地要将游客运输纳入当地公共交通系统,提

12、高旅游客运质量。鼓励企业将安排职工旅游休闲作为奖励和福利措施,鼓励旅游企业采取灵活多样的方式给予旅游者优惠。4. Better environment of national tourism and leisure Public museums, memorials and sites for patriotic education will be gradually opened to the public for free. City parks should be open for free in fixed time. Ticket prices for city parks and

13、other scenic spots and areas will remain stable and be lowered gradually. We will implement favorable policies such as free entry and ticket price reduction for such groups as minors, college students, teachers, seniors, armymen on active service, and the handicapped. We will encourage setting up pu

14、blic free days. Study tours for primary and middle school students will be gradually introduced. Local governments should incorporate tourism transport into their local public transport systems and improve their services. Enterprises will be encouraged to provide their employees with tourism and lei

15、sure as incentives and welfare benefits, and tourism businesses will be encouraged to give flexible and favorable treatment to tourists. (五)推进国民旅游休闲基础设施建设。加强城市休闲公园、休闲街区、环城市游憩带、特色旅游村镇建设,营造居民休闲空间。发展家庭旅馆和面向老人和青年学生的经济型酒店,支持汽车旅馆、自驾车房车营地、邮轮游艇码头等旅游休闲基础设施建设。加强公园绿地等公共休闲场所保护,对挤占公共旅游休闲资源的应限期整改。加快公共场所无障碍设施建设,逐步

16、完善街区、景区等场所语音提示、盲文提示等无障碍信息服务。5. Improved infrastructure of national tourism and leisureWe will step up the construction of city parks, leisure-seeking streets, areas and recreational belts around cities, and villages and towns of special features for tours to increase leisure-making spaces for reside

17、nts. We will promote the establishment of amenities for tourism and leisure such as family inns, and budget hotels for seniors and young students. We will support the development of motels, camps for self-driving vehicles, and piers for cruise liners and yachts. We will better protect parks, affores

18、ted lands, and other public leisure-seeking spaces, and make those who occupy public resources of tourism and leisure for other purposes to rectify and put them in order in a time as limited. We will move faster in making public spaces more accessible, and improve step by step information services m

19、ore friendly for the handicapped, such as barrier-free facilities, voice prompt and Braille signs in streets, scenic areas and other places. (六)加强国民旅游休闲产品开发与活动组织。鼓励开展城市周边乡村度假,积极发展自行车旅游、自驾车旅游、体育健身旅游、医疗养生旅游、温泉冰雪旅游、邮轮游艇旅游等旅游休闲产品,弘扬优秀传统文化。大力发展红色旅游,提高红色旅游经典景区和精品线路的吸引力和影响力。开发适合老年人、妇女、儿童、残疾人等不同人群需要的旅游休闲产品,

20、开发农村居民喜闻乐见的都市休闲、城市观光、文化演艺、科普教育等旅游休闲项目,开发旅游演艺、康体健身、休闲购物等旅游休闲消费产品,满足广大群众个性化旅游需求。鼓励学校组织学生进行寓教于游的课外实践活动,健全学校旅游责任保险制度。加强旅游休闲的基础理论、产品开发和产业发展等方面的研究,加大旅游设施设备的研发力度,提升旅游休闲产品科技含量。6. Product development and activity organization of national tourism and leisure. We will encourage having rural vacations close by

21、cities, and develop vigorously tourism and leisure products such as cycling tours, self-driving tours, sport and fitness tours, medical and healthcare tours as well as spa and snow tours and cruise liner and yacht tours as well while promoting culture of fine tradition. Meanwhile developing vigorous

22、ly tourism in former red areas of revolution, well make their scenic areas and choice tours more appealing and pleasing to people. To meet diversified needs, we will develop travel products of tourism and leisure for different groups of people such as seniors, women-folks, children and the handicapp

23、ed; we will develop and make travel products of tourism and leisure popular among rural inhabitants, such as urban leisure-making tours, city sightseeing, cultural recreation, and popular science education; we will also develop such consumer products as of cultural and artistic performances, healthc

24、are and fitness and leisure-seeking and shopping to meet the needs of individuals. We will encourage schools to put their extracurricular activities into teaching programs for practices, thereby improving the liability insurance system of school travels. We will intensify researches on fundamental t

25、heories, product development and development of tourism and leisure industry, step up efforts for the research and development of tourism infrastructure and equipment, and increase the role of science and techn,ology in tourism and leisure products. (七)完善国民旅游休闲公共服务。加强旅游休闲服务信息披露和旅游休闲目的地安全风险信息提示,加强旅游咨

26、询公共网站建设,推进机场、火车站、汽车站、码头、高速公路服务区、商业集中区等公共场所旅游咨询中心建设,完善旅游服务热线功能,逐步形成方便实用的旅游信息服务体系。完善道路标识系统,健全铁路、公路、水路、民航等的旅游交通服务功能,提升旅游交通服务保障水平。加强旅游休闲的安全、卫生等保障工作,加强突发事件应急处置能力建设,健全旅游安全救援体系。加强培训,提高景区等场所工作人员、服务人员和志愿者无障碍服务技能。创新人才培养模式,提高旅游休闲高等教育、职业教育质量,加快旅游休闲各类紧缺人才培养。7. Better public services of national tourism and leisu

27、reTo make information better known for tours, well make endeavors for the announcement and safety risk information on national tourism and leisure destinations, improve services of public tourism websites, set up tourism information centers in public places such as airports, railway stations, bus st

28、ations, ports and expressway service areas, and commercial areas, and improve the functions of tourism service hotlines. We will improve the road sign system, and provide more and better tourism transport services in the transport fields of railway, highway, waterway transport and civil aviation. We

29、 will enhance safety and hygiene in tourism and leisure, improve our capability in handling emergency cases, and beef up the rescue system for tourist safety. We will give priority to training, particularly for personnel, staffs and volunteers in scenic areas by providing barrier-free services to ha

30、ndicapped people. We will innovate education models in tourism and leisure industry, improve the quality education in higher and vocational schools on tourism and leisure and speed up the training of professionals short of but urgently-needed in this field (八)提升国民旅游休闲服务质量。制定旅游休闲服务规范和质量标准,健全旅游休闲活动的安全

31、、秩序和质量的监管体系,完善国民旅游休闲质量保障体系。倡导诚信旅游经营,加强行业自律。加强跨行业、跨地区、多渠道的沟通和协调,打击欺客宰客、价格欺诈等严重侵害消费者权益的违法行为。发挥社会监督和舆论监督作用,畅通旅游休闲投诉渠道,建立公正、高效的投诉处理机制。依法维护经营者和消费者的合法权益,维护公平竞争的旅游休闲市场环境。8. Enhanced service quality in national tourism and leisure We will develop service and quality criteria in tourism and leisure, improve

32、the supervision system on the safety, order and quality and activities of tourism and leisure, and enhance the quality guarantee system of national tourism and leisure. We will promote good-faith operation and help strengthen self-discipline in tourism industry. Communication and coordination will b

33、e strengthened across sectors and regions and by way of diversified channels in cracking down on illegal activities such as cheating and ripping off customers and price fraud that damage seriously the interests of customers. We will promote the supervisory role of the public and the media, ensure smooth channels for

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