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高考英语 书本8个模块词组教案.docx

1、高考英语 书本8个模块词组教案2019-2020年高考英语 书本8个模块词组教案Unit1 good to对待好 对比:be good for对有好处 be grateful to sb for sth2. addto 给添加, 把加到上 add to 增添,增加 add up 把加起来 add up to 合计达3. calm down平静下来4. be concerned with 与有关be concerned about关心;为担心 5. go through 经历,经受;审阅,检查6. make+sb./sth.+n. 使某人/某物成为 call+sb./sth.+n. 称

2、某人/某物为 7. something/anything/everything/nothing to do with与有关/无关 8. too much(+n.)太多(), 超过某人的能力 far/much too+adj./adv.实在太 9.suffer from遭受,患(病) suffer from cold/cancer recover from a severe illness. 10.get tired of对开始感到厌烦(表动作) be tired of对感到厌烦(表状态)11.get along with和相处;进展 12. join the army/the Party /t

3、he club. join sb.和某人一起(从事某活动) .join in参加某活动(=take part in) 12. another time别的时间 13. go on holiday去度假 14. cheat in the exam考试中作弊 15. make a list of列出16. be crazy about对狂热/痴迷 17. remember well记得非常清楚18. draw the curtain拉上窗帘19. have trouble with sth.某事有困难have trouble in doing做某事有困20. (in) that way如果那样 2

4、1. take ones advice接受某人的建议22. keep a diary记日记UNIT you think do you suppose, do you believe, do you guess插入语2.because和because of 3.actually in fact,as a matter of fact, in reality实际上 based on根据,以为基础 来源于base sth. on sth.把建立在基础上 be concerned about来源于concern oneself about be tired of来源于tired o

5、f5.the English language英语 6. has a vocabulary of about 5,000 English words. 7. in the 1600s或in the 1600s在十七世纪8.make use of利用 make good /full use of充分利用。9. the former, the latter前者,后者 10.a number of和the number of11.hold on坚持;别挂断 a part/role in起作用;扮演角色13.official language 官方语言14.than ever befo

6、re 比以往任何时候都更15.native English speaker 以英语为母语的人16.even if/though 即使,尽管17.over time 在一段时间里18municate with 和交流/交际19. time will tell 时间会说明一切20. English speaking country说英语的国家21. without a second thought不假思索 22. leave for 离开去23. on the phone 在电话里 24. believe it or not 信不信由你25. ask directions=ask the way问

7、路UNIT 3 1. prefer sth.A to sth.B prefer to do/ doing prefer doing A to doing Bprefer to do A rather than do B prefer sb. to do 2.ever since=since(自从) prep. conj. & adv. 3. persuade sb. to do sth说服某人做某事*如果说而不服则应该说: advise sb. to do或try to persuade sb. to do 4. graduate from university a college gradu

8、ate大学毕业生 a graduate student研究生 5.It was my sister who It is/was+被强调部分 fond of喜欢 8.way of doing sth做某事的方式/方法 也可说way to do sth.9.insist on/ upon doing坚持做某事10. be determined to下定决心做make up ones altitude of 5,000 metres has a population of 1.3 billion. has an area of 9.6 million squar

9、e kilometers. has a length of more than 4,000 km. at a speed of 80 km an hour. 12.give in(to) vi.(向)让步,(向)屈服 give up vt.放弃 13. through the door(window, wall, tunnel, forest, city, crowd, valley, street) across the river(square, street, desert, lake, bridge, surface, room, hall)14.attitude to/toward(

10、s)对的态度 15.changefor以换 16.advantage and disadvantage利和弊17.a form of transport 交通方式 18.fill in 填写19.grow up 成长,长大 20.know sb./sth. well 对很了解21.make (up) a dialogue编对22.all day 整天 clockwork 顺利地;有规律地 24.field trip 校外考察旅行25.the weather forecast 天气预报 26.the river bank 河岸27.medical training 医疗培训 28.

11、blocks of ice 大冰块29.Thats what we look like.我们看上去就这个样。30.(be) dressed in 穿着31.the setting sun 落日 32.put up the tent 搭帐篷33.for pany 陪伴,作伴 34.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待要做某事UNIT 41.think little/badly of认为不好;对不在意think much/highly/well of对评价很高 if/as though似乎,好像A.以“it looks/seems as if+句子”的形式出现B.以“主语+lo

12、ok/seem/taste/smell/feel等系动词+as if”的形式出现C.以as if 从句作状语的形式出现 *I love you as if you were my own child. 3. one third/a third 三分之一two thirds 三分之二特殊分数的表示one half/a half 二分之一one fourth/a quarter 四分之一three fourths/three quarters 四分之三 4. all+not(无论not在句中什么位置)均表示部分否定。 every, everybody, everyone, everything,

13、everywhere, both+not都表示部分否定。 若要表示全部否定,则要用none, neither. 6.the dead死了的人某些形容词和分词前面加the,可表示一类 the blind 盲人; the old老人the sick 病人 the injured受伤的人the rich 富人 the poor 穷人 the north of the city在城市以北在east/south/west/north前可分别用介词in/on/to,表示不同的位置关系,in表示在某范围内;on表示在范围外但又相邻;to表示范围以外且不相邻。 8.refer to查阅,参照 指,提到

14、 9.frightened/frightening某些及物动词的现在分词和过去分词都可以作定语和表语,但意义不同,现在分词(-ing)表示“令人”,而过去分词(-ed)则表示“感到”, *a frightened boy 一个吓坏了的男孩 a frightening sound 令人害怕的声音 *excited students 激动的学生 exciting news 令人激动的消息 *surprised guests 感到意外的客人 a surprising result 令人意外的结果10.祝贺congratulate sb. on sth./doing sth 11. have在此作使役

15、动词“使,让”解释,其后面的宾语和宾补是主动关系时,宾补用不带to的原形,即“have sb. do sth.”此时相当于 “make/let sb. do sth”.但get sb. to do sth.think little of 认为不好;对不在意tens of thousands of 几万hundreds of thousands of 几十万in ones own words 用某人自己的话quite a few 许多for health reason 因健康原因in the open air 在露天 take turns to do 轮流做某事a letter of invit

16、ation 邀请信 speaking petition 演讲比赛be proud of 为而自豪/骄傲UNIT 51. *Quality is more important than quantity. of high quality高质量的2. devote oneself to 致力于,献身于=be devoted to 3. fight against 和作斗争fight with 和一起并肩战斗fight for 为而战 free from 没有 7.a stage where a position in which/where当先行词是表示模糊的地点名词如stage(阶段),

17、 case(情况), situation(情景),position(境地),而且在从句中作状语时,必须用关系副词where或in which。 willing to do 愿意做某事 11.the rest of 其余的13.escape from从逃走14. should have done指“过去该做而未做的事” should not have done指“过去本不该做的却做了的事” 15 stop sb./sth. (from) doing sth. 阻止做某事16 as a reward.作为报酬,犒劳,奖赏,酬谢reward 一般指通过做某事获得的回报或者报酬,可以是钱,也可

18、以是物品或精神鼓励。award 指的是由评委经过认真考虑颁发的奖项。prize 指在比赛中获得的奖项。the sameas 和一样的 gold mine 金矿break the law 违反法律 put sb. in prison 把某人投入监狱fall ill 生病 human rights 人权make a candle 点蜡烛 lunch break 午饭休息时间模块IIUNIT 1 1. survive the earthquake (经过地震)活下来2. search (A) for B (在A处)寻找B search sb./sth搜身/搜查某地 search for sb./st

19、h=look for寻找某人/某物in search of(作状语或表语)寻找 3.could never have imagined不可能想到情态动词+have done表示对过去的推测、批评、反悔等意。 4.belong to 属于 belong to无被动态/无进行时 return 作为回报/报答/答谢 6.serve as担任,充当 7. have sth. done叫别人做某事 8. remove to the countryside vi.搬家去乡村9 doubt在否定句和疑问句中跟that从句;在肯定句中跟whether/if从句。*I have no doubt th

20、at *Without doubt 10.the former 以前的;前者11.worth adj. be worth doing worth后必须跟动名词的主动形式来表示被动意思。13.manage to do设法做成某事 比较try to do尽力做某事(不知道是否做成) 14.than any other country serve as 担任,充当 at a price by the light to ones surprise the entrance toUNIT 2 1. pete for 为而竞争/比赛 pete against 和竞争/比赛 2.take part in=j

21、oin in 参与,参加 3.stand for 代表;主张,提倡 4. what you call “Ancient Greece” 你们称之为“古希腊”的地方。(He is what we call the hacker./He is what is called the hacker.) 他就是人们所称 的黑客。5. used to do过去常常 be/get used to sth./doing习惯于 be used to do被用来做7.允许进入 be admitted to/ into .承认 admit his crime. well as和as well c

22、harge (of) 负责(某事) 对比in the charge of(in sbs charge)由某人负责 10.deserve vt. 应得 应当(受到) deserve the honor/praise. deserve to do a deserved punishment/honorthe Olympic Games(the Olympics)奥运会 gold medal 金牌 gold medal winner 金牌获得者 the spirit of the Olympic Games 奥运精神 how often 隔多久 a set of 一套 reach the stand

23、ard达到标准 hear of 听说 not onlybut (also)不但而且 put forward 提出 take the place of 代替 go wrong 出错,坏掉physical exercise 体育锻炼 rise to ones feet 站起身 take responsibility 承担责任 break the rule 违反规定UNIT 3 1.havein mon (with) (和)有共同之处have something/everything/anything/ nothing in mon. 2.consider A.认为consider+宾语(to be

24、)+宾补(n./adj.) B.考虑consider sth./doing sth./疑问词+to do 3. solve the riddle猜谜4.“as time goes by/as my memory improved as I have grown older” a result 和as a result of as a result结果(作状语) as a result of由于的结果(作状语)7.share my knowledge with others share可以解释为“分享,分担,合用,共同具有”等意。 8. provide sb. with sth.=pr

25、ovide sth. for sb. a/one way在某种程度上, 从某种意义上来讲in a way以的方式地 in the way=in ones way挡道/妨碍 on the way (to)在路上;在去的路上 with A.和打交道 B.对付 C.处理 D.和做买卖/生意 E.涉及,论述 in an order以的顺序 over time 经过一段时间 work as 做工作,充当 from then on 从那时起as time goes by随着时间的推移/过去 mobile phones 移动电话 devoted friend忠实的朋友 e true

26、 实现 give away 赠送 get together 聚集,聚会in puter language 用计算机语言be determined to do sth. 决心做某事 in this way 这样UNIT 41.die out 绝种,灭绝 die away 消逝,平息,静下来2.渴望 long to do long for +n. 3.burst into laughter burst into laughter/tears突然大笑/大哭但burst out laughing/crying 4.a certain number of一定数量的5.protectfrom保护免遭 也能

27、说protectagainst 6.has a bad effect on 7*I would appreciate it if you could help to do可用在if的条件句中,中文常译作“如果要的话”,所以和if条件句用一般时是不一样的。*If he is to succeed, he must practice more. 9. “成功地做某事”不能说succeed to do,要说succeed in doing10.sell very well 但和well, badly或easily连用时,必须用主动形式表示被动意义,sell, wash, write,

28、 read等。11. harm作名词多以doharm/do harm to的形式出现 be harmful to your health. 18.tens of millions of 几千万 hundreds of 几百thousands of 几千 tens of thousands of 几万hundreds of thousands 几十万 millions of 几百万hundreds of millions of 几亿 19e into being vi.产生,出现20.fierce adj.激烈的,凶猛的 fierce fight/debate/petition/wind/sto

29、rm/ animalas a result 结果 endangered animals 濒危动物bamboo growing area 竹子生长区 know of 了解wake up 醒来 a flying carpet 飞毯take a photo 拍照 without mercy 毫不容情a certain number of 一定数量的the importance of wildlife protection野生动植物保护的重要性run after 追赶 tens of millions of 几千万UNIT 52.dream of doing dream a dream3. prete

30、nd to do假装做某事 pretend that be honest 此处to be honest作独立成分。不定式作独立成分的固定说法有:*To tell (you) the truth, *To make a long sentence short, *To begin with(首先) *To make matters worse(更糟糕的是), 5.attachtoattach A to B 附加A到B; attach importance to重视6. form a band组成乐队 10.rely on/upon指望,依靠 popular adj.大众的,

31、流行的,受欢迎的popular song 流行歌曲 popular science大众科学be popular with/among受的欢迎12. A be familiar with B (A熟悉B) =B be familiar to A (B对A来说是熟悉的)13.or so大约(放在数词后面) 15.break up散场,散开,散伙,拆开,学期结束break away脱离,逃脱break down坏掉,抛锚;垮掉 break out(战争、火灾)发生,爆发break in非法闯入(vi.)break into非法闯入(vt.)break off中断,停止break through 突破 addition此外,另外 besides, whats more, moreover, furthermore, 17.above all 首先,特别重要的是 after all 毕竟;到底 in all 总共classical music 古典音乐 folk music 民间音乐country music 乡村音乐 at a concert 在音乐会上attach importance to 重视 the first step to famein/on the street earn extra money g

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