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1、学年高中英语Module4ASocialSurveyMyNeighbourhood教师用书外研版2019-2020学年高中英语Module4ASocialSurvey_MyNeighbourhood教师用书外研版俗话说:远亲不如近邻。住在一个小区里每个人都希望自己有个好邻居,那么什么样的邻居才是好邻居呢?Being a good neighbourYou can pick up your friends,but you cant pick up your neighbours.If you are lucky,you have good neighbours.But some neighbou

2、rs are not pleasant and can make your life miserable at times.Neighbours can play an important role in your community and life,and remember you are a neighbour,too.Then what is a neighbour?A neighbour is someone who lives close by you,but“close”is relative.For the urban family,the neighbour is proba

3、bly someone in the next apartment;however,for the rural family,the neighbour is a bit further away.But whats a good neighbour?A good neighbour is friendly and considerate.Though good neighbours may live close,they respect your space and privacy.Good neighbours may wave at you,stop to pet your dog an

4、d chat,and buy drinks for your children.Good neighbours take time to talk and smile.Good neighbours help each other.For example,in my community we sometimes get a heavy snowfall.When this happens,younger people in the community go out and shovel it for people who are older or have medical problems t

5、hat prevent them from shoveling.Also,people help each other when cars get stucka common situation during the winter months.Most importantly,good neighbours are respectful.They consider the others who live around them.They avoid keeping others awake with loud parties and barking dogs.1relative adj. 相

6、对的2considerate adj. 体贴的3privacy n. 隐私4shovel v. 铲5respectful adj. 表示尊敬的;有礼貌的1What is a neighbour?_【答案】A neighbour is someone who lives close by you,but“close”is relative.2What good qualities should good neighbours have?_【答案】Good neighbours should be friendly and considerate.Good neighbours should he

7、lp each other.Most importantly,good neighbours should be respectful.Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyPreparing根据提示写出下列单词1survey n 调查 2neighbourhood n. 四邻;街坊 3local adj. 地方的;局部的 4suburb n. 城郊;郊区 5hometown n. 家乡 6attractive adj. 有吸引力的;吸引人的 7fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉祥的 8pretty adv. 很;相当 9sound v

8、i. 听起来 10tourist n. 旅游者;观光客 11bother vt. 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 12rent n. 租金 13district n. 地域;区域;行政区14approach vt. 接近15gorgeous adj. 美丽的;宜人的 16starve vi. 饿死 看单词学构词名词ist表示“的人;的主义者”常见的有:artist艺术家; journalist记者;scientist科学家;typist打字员;educationist教育家;violinist小提琴家;physicist物理学家根据提示补全下列短语1put up 修建2starve to death 饿死3

9、put off 推迟;延期4for a while 一会儿5on the coast 在海岸线上根据提示补全下列教材原句1Its_been_six_years_since we last saw each other,you know.你知道,自从我们上次见面以来已有六年了。2And this_is_the_first_time_Ive_visited your hometown.这是我第一次来你的家乡。3You know,Ive seen quite a lot of China and Ive visited some beautiful cities,but this is one of

10、 the most attractive places Ive_been_to.你知道,我已去过中国许多地方,游览过一些美丽的城市,但这是我去过的最吸引人的地方之一。4I feel_very_fortunate_living here.我觉得生活在这里很幸运。5Whats the climate like?这里的气候怎么样?【导学号:67550044】阅读P32教材课文,选择最佳答案1Where is the most wonderful part of the city?AIn the western district.BIn the eastern district.CIn the Gul

11、angyu Island.DIn the northern district.2Which sentence is RIGHT from the text?AXiao Li and John havent seen each other for 6 years.BThere are so many tourists in autumn.CXiao Lis hometown is an old city that is no apartment block.DJohn doesnt like eating fish.3The following statements are what John

12、Martin thinks of Xiamen EXCEPT _.Abeing fortunate Bbeing livelyCbeing interesting Dbeing attractive4We can know from the text that _.Athere are a lot of fish in the seaBtourists may annoy local peopleCthe weather there is wet in winterDpeople there like swimming in the sea【答案】14AAAB阅读P32课文,在空白处填入适当的

13、内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式This is the first time John 1.has_visited(visit)Xiao Lis hometownXiamen.He has visited some beautiful cities,but he thinks this is one of 2.the_most_attractive(attract)places hes been to.Its so lively,and everyone seems so 3.friendly(friend)Everyone says its one of the most intere

14、sting cities 4.on the coast.Xiao Li says he feels very fortunate Xiamen.In fact,he lives in the northwest of Xiamen.The climate there is pretty hot and wet in the summer,6.but it can be quite cold in the winter.Now they are leaving the business district,7.where there are a lot of hi

15、ghrise buildings and some great shopping malls and 8.are_approaching(approach)the harbour.They see Gulangyu Island,just across the water! It is 9.a gorgeous island with some really interesting 10.architecture(architect). Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Points fortunate adj.幸运的;吉祥的(教材P32)I feel very fortunate living he

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