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本文(INSTITUTE WAR CLAUSE CARGO协会货物战争险保险条款战争险费率.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

INSTITUTE WAR CLAUSE CARGO协会货物战争险保险条款战争险费率.docx

1、INSTITUTE WAR CLAUSE CARGO协会货物战争险保险条款战争险费率INSTITUTE WAR CLAUSE (CARGO),协会货物战争险保险条款 ,战争险费率 承保风险1 本保险承保,除下列第3和4 条款所规定者外的,由下列原因造成的保险标的损失或损害,1.1 战争、内战、革命、造反、判乱或因而引起的内乱或任何交战方之间的敌对行为;1.2 由上述第1款承保的风险引起的捕获、扣押、扣留或羁押以及此种行为结果或任何进行此种行为的企图;1.3 被遗弃的水雷、鱼雷、炸弹或其他被遗弃战争武器。2 本保险承保根据运输合同、准据法和惯例理算或确定的共同海损和救助费用,其产生是为了避免根据

2、这些条款承保的风险造成的损失或与避免该损失有关除外责任3 本保险决不承保;3.1 可归咎于被保险人的蓄意恶性的损失、损害或费用。3.2 保险标的的通常渗漏、通常重量或体积损失、或通常磨损3.3 保险标的的包装或准备不足或不当引起的损失、损害或费用(在本款意义上,“包装”应视为包括集装箱或托盘内的积载,但仅适用于此种 积载是在本保险责任开始前进行或是由被保险人或其雇员进行之时)3.4 保险标的固有缺陷或性质引起的损失、损害或费用。3.5 迟延直接造成的损失、损害或费用,即使该延迟是由承保风险引起的(但根据上述第2条支付的费用除外)3.6 因船舶的所有人、经理人、承租人或经营人的破产或经济困境产生

3、的损失、损害或费用3.7 基于航程或冒险的损失或受阻的任何索赔3.8 因敌对性使用原子或核裂变和/或聚变或其类似反应或放射性力量或物质所制造的战争武器产生的损失、损害或费用4 4.1 本保险决不承保损失、损害或费用,如其起因于4.1.1 船舶或驳船不适航4.1.2 船舶、驳船、运输工全、集装箱或托盘对保险标的的安全运输不适合,而且在保险标的装于其上时,被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。4.2 保险人放弃载运保险标的到目的港的船舶不得违反默示适航或适运保证,除非被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。5 5.1 本保险5.1.1 其责任仅始于保险标的,和就其中一部分而言时的这一部分

4、装上海船时而且5.1.2 终止于,除下文第5.2和5.3条另有规定外,保险标的,和就其中一部分而言时的这一部分在最后卸货港或地点卸离海船时,或者自船舶到达最后卸货港或地点当日午夜算起满15天时,二者以先发生者为准;然而以迅速通知保险人和附加的保险费为条件,此种保险5.1.3 其责任重新开始于未在最后卸货港口或地点卸下保险标的船舶从那里开航之时,而且5.1.4 终止于,除下文第5.2和5.3条另有规定外,保险标的,和就其中一部分而言时的这一部分在最后(或替代)卸货港或地点卸离船舶时,或者自船舶到达最后卸货港或地点, 或到达替代港口或地点当日午夜算起满15天时,二者以先发生者为准;5.2 如果在所

5、保航程期间,海船抵中途港口或地点卸下保险标的有海船或航空器续运,或者货物在避难港或地点卸离船舶,那么除下列第5。3条另有规定和在保险人如此要求时支付附加的保险费外,本保险责任连续,直至自船舶到达此种港口或地点当日午夜起算届满15天之时,但其后于保险标的,和就其中一部分而言时的这一部分,装上续运海船或航空器时重新开始。在卸离后的15天期间,本保险继续有效,其条件是保险标的,和就其中一部分而言时的这一部分,处于此种港口或地点。如果货物在所述15天期间内被续运或保险责任按本款规定重新开始5.2.1 在由海船续运的情况下,本保险责任按这些条文的条款连续,或者5.2.2 在由航空器续运的情况下,现行协会

6、航空货物战争保险条款(邮递除外)视为本保险的一风险条款 共同海损条款普通除外条款不适航和不适运除外条款运送条款部分并适用于航空续运。5.3 如果运输合同的航程在本保险约定的目的地以外的港口或地点终止,此种港口或地点视为最后卸货港,此种保险根据第5.1.2条终止。如果保险标的其后被重新发运到原来的或其目的地,那么以在此种继续运送开始前通知了保险人并须受附加的保险费的制约为条件,此种保险责任重新开始于5.3.1 保险标的,和就其中一部分而言时的这一部分,装上续运船舶之时,如果保险标的已经卸下;其后此种保险根据第5.1.4条终止。5.3.2 船舶从此种认作的最后卸货港开航之时,如果保险标的没有卸下;

7、5.4 本保险扩展保险标的或其一部分位于转运到或转运自海船的驳船上期间的漂浮或水下水雷和被抛弃的鱼雷风险,但除另经保险人特别同意外,决不超过卸离海船后60天。5.5 以受迅速通知保险人,和按保险人的要求支付附加保险费的制约为条件,在绕航或因船东或承租人根据运输合同赋予的自由权产生的航海变更期间,本保险在这些条款规定的范围内继续有效。(为了本条的目的,“到达”被认为是指船舶在港口当局地区界限内抛锚、系泊或以其他方式固定在一个泊位或地点。若无此种泊位或地点可用,被已在下列情况下发生,当船舶首次抛锚、系泊或以其他方式固定在预定的卸货港口或地点或之外时,认为已经到达“海船”被认为是指载运保险标的从一个

8、港口或地点到另一个港口或地点的船舶,如果此种包含由该船运送的海上航段。6 如果在本保险责任开始后,被保险人改变了目的地,就按有待重新商定的保险费率和条件续保,但以立即通知了保险人为前提。7 本合同中所包含的与第3.7或3.8或5条不一致的任何规定,其不一致之处一概无效。8 8.1 为了根据本保险取得赔偿,被保险人在损失发生时对保险标的须具保险利益。8.2 除了上述第1款另有规定外,被保险人有权取得本保险承保期间发生的承保损失的赔偿,尽管该损失产生在本保险合同订立之前,除非当时被保险人知道该损失而保险人不知道。9 9.1 如果对保险货物由被保险人办理了增加价值保险,货物保险价值就应视为增加至承保

9、损失的本保险和所有增加价值保险的保险金额的总和,本保险的责任按照本保险的保险金额占此保险金额的总和的比例计算。索赔时被保险人须向保险人提供所有其他保险的保险金额的证据。9.2 如果本保险是增加价值保险,应适用下述条款:货物的保险价值应视为等于由被保险人对货物办理的承保损失的原始保险和所有增加价值保险的保险金额的总和的比例计算。索赔时被保险人须向保险人提供所有其他保险的保险金额的证据。保险受益10 本保险不使承运人或其他保管人受益。尽量减少损失11 对可取得赔偿的损失,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有义务11.1 采取为避免或尽量减少此种损失可能是合理的措施,并11.2 保证对承运人、保管人或其他第三

10、方追偿的所有权利益被适当保护 和行使,而保险人负责在可取得赔偿的损失之外补偿被保险人履行这 些义务而适当和合理地招致的任何费用。12 被保险人和保险人采取的旨在拯救、保护或恢复保险标的的措施不得 视为放弃或接受委付或在其他方面损害任何一方的权利。避免迟延13 本保险的条件之一是被保险人在所有其力所能及的情况下合理迅速地行动。法律和惯例14 本保险受英国法和惯例调整。注意:被保险人在知悉本根据本保险单“续保”的事件发生时有必要向保险人发出迅速的通知,此种承保的权利取决于履行这项义务。(FOR USE ONLY WITH THE NEW MARINE POLICY FROM)INSTITUTE W

11、AR CLAUSE (CARGO)RISKS COVERED1 This insurance covers, except as provided in Clause 3 and 4 below, loss or damage to the subject-matter caused by1.1 war civil war revolution rebellion insurrections, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against belligerent power1.2 capture seiz

12、ure arrest restraint or detainment, arising from redks covered under 1.1 above, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat1.3 derelict mines torpedoes bombs other derelict weapons of war.2 This insurance covers general average and salvage charges, adjusted or determined according to the con

13、tract of affreightment and/or the governing law and practice, incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of loss from a risk covered under these clauses.EXCLUSIONS3 In no case shall this insurance cover3.1 loss damage or expense attributable to willful misconduct of the Assured3.2 ordinar

14、y leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured3.3 loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured (for the purpose of this Clause 4.3 “packing” shall be deemed to include st

15、owage in a container or liftvan but only when such stowage is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or by the Assured or their servants)3.4 loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured3.5 loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even t

16、hough the delay be caused by a risk insured against (except expenses payable under Clause 2 above)3.6 loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or operators of the vessel3.7 any claim based upon loss of or frustration of the voyage or adven

17、ture3.8 loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.4 4.1 In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage or expense arising fromunseaworthiness of vessel or craft.Unfitness of vessel

18、 craft conveyance container or liftvan for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured where the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness, at the time the subject-matter insured is loaded therein.4.2 The Underwriters waive any breach of the implied warranties of s

19、eaworthiness of the ship and fitness of the ship to carry the subject-matter insured to destination, unless the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.DURATION5 5.1 This insurance5.1.1 attaches only as the subject-matter insured and as to any part as that is loaded

20、on an oversea vesseland5.1.2 terminates, subject to 5.2 and 5.3 below, either as the subject-matter insured and as to any part as that part is discharged from an oversea vessel at the final port or place of discharge,oron expiry of 15 days counting from midnight of day of Arrival of the vessel at th

21、e final port or place of discharge,whichever shall first occur;nevertheless,subject to prompt notice to the Underwriters and to an additional premium such insuranceRisk ClauseGeneral Average ClauseGeneral Exclusions ClauseUnseaworthiness and Unfitness Exclusion ClauseTransit Clause5.1.3 reattaches w

22、hen, without having discharged the subject-matter insured at the final port or place of discharge, the vessel sail therefrom,and5.1.4 terminates, subject to 5.2 and 5.3 below, either as the subject-matter insured and as to any part as that part is thereafter discharged from the vessel at the final (

23、or substituted) port or place of discharge,or,on expiry of 15 days counting from midnight of the day of re-arrival of the vessel at the final port or place of discharge or arrival of the vessel at a substituted port or place of discharge.Whichever shall first occur.5.2 If during the insured voyage t

24、he oversea vessel arrives at an intermediate port or place to discharge the subject-matter insured for on-carriage by oversea vessel or by aircraft, or the goods are discharged from the vessel at a port or place of refuge, then, subject to 5.3 below and to an additional premium if required, this ins

25、urance continues until the expiry of 15 days counting from midnight of the day of arrival of the vessel at such port or place, but thereafter reattaches as the subject-matter insured and as to any part as that part is loaded on an on-carrying oversea vessel or aircraft. During the period of 15 days

26、the insurance remains in force after discharge only whilst the subject-matter insured and as to any part as that part is at such port or place. If the goods are on-carried within the said period of 15 days or if the insurance reattaches as provided in this Clauses5.2.1 where the on-carriage is by ov

27、ersea vessel this insurance continues subject to the terms of these clauses,or5.2.2 where the on-carriage is by aircraft, the current Institute War Clauses (Air Cargo) (excluding sendings by Post) shall be deemed to form part of this insurance and shall apply to the on-carriage5.3 If the voyage in t

28、he contract of carriage is terminated at a port or place other than the destination agreed therein, such port or place shall be deemed the final port of discharge and such insurance terminates in accordance with 5.1.2. If the subject-matter insured is subsequently reshipped to the original or any ot

29、her destination, then provided notice is given to the Underwriters before the commencement of such further transit and subject to an additional premium, such insurance reattaches5.3.1 in the case of the subject-matter insured having been discharged, as the subject-mattr insured and as to any part as

30、 that part is loaded on the on-carrying vessel for the voyage;5.3.2 in the case of the subject-matter not having been discharged, when the vessel sails from such deemed final port of discharge;thereafter such insurance terminates in accordance with The insurance against the risks of mines

31、and derelict torpedoes, floating or submerged, is extended whilst the subject-matter insured or any part thereof is on craft whilst in transit to or from the oversea vessel, but in no case beyond the expiry of 60 days after discharge from the oversea vessel unless otherwise specially agreed by the U

32、nderwriters.5.5 Subject to prompt notice to Underwriters, and to an additional premium if required, this insurance shall remain in force within the provisions of these Clauses during any deviation, or any variation of the adventure arising from the exercise of a liberty granted to shipowners or charterers under the contract of affreightment.(For the purpose of Clause 5,“Arrival” shall be deemed to mean that

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