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1、17春大学英语二17春大学英语(二)作业_2一、单选题 ( 每题4分, 共25道小题, 总分值100分 )1.Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature _ .(4分) A. taking B. to take C. take D. takenD是否存疑2.John _ his father about his failure in the exam.(4分) A. dares not tell B. dares not telling C. dare not tell D. dares not to tellC是否存疑3.After

2、a heavy rain, the sun emerged _ the clouds.(4分) A. from behind B. from above C. from before D. from underD是否存疑4.Can you help me to _ this mathematic problem?(4分) A. do out B. work out C. find out D. deal outB是否存疑5.Normally, after _ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.(4分) A. be

3、ing interviewed B. interviewed C. interviewing D. having interviewedA是否存疑6.The court considers a financial _to be an appropriate way of punishing him.(4分) A. payment B. obligation C. option D. penaltyD是否存疑7._can you expect to get a pay rise.(4分) A. With hard work B. Although work hard C. Only with h

4、ard work D. Now that he works hardC是否存疑8._ home, she found that she had left the key at the office.(4分) A. To have arrived B. To arrive C. While arriving D. ArrivingD是否存疑9._ is said that this book has been translated into English.(4分) A. What B. It C. That D. WhichB是否存疑10.He soon made _ clear why he

5、 had asked for a conference.(4分) A. that B. it C. one D. thoseB是否存疑11.Should she come tomorrow, I _ take her to the museum.(4分) A. can B. will C. would D. must是否存疑C12.Cattle _ on the hillside.(4分) A. grazes B. is grazing C. was grazing D. were grazingD是否存疑13._caused the accident is still a complete

6、mystery.(4分) A. What B. That C. How D. WhereA是否存疑14.Before you _ down other people, you may as well consider your own faults.(4分) A. bring B. run C. turn D. sendB是否存疑15.Tom is very selfish. As a result, he has a lot of difficulties _.(4分) A. at the making of his friends B. to make friends C. on his

7、making friends D. in making friendsD是否存疑16.They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan three months ahead of time, _ is something we had not expected.(4分) A. that B. what C. it D. whichD是否存疑17.John has just _with his girl-friend.(4分) A. broken through B. split up C. cracked D. snappedB

8、是否存疑18.Our chances of winning the game are _.(4分) A. slim B. light C. slant D. slenderA是否存疑19.Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _ by the judge.(4分) A. service B. sentence C. crime D. crisisB是否存疑20.Well, lets put our heads together and find _ to the problem.(4分) A. an answer B. a w

9、ay C. a solution D. a methodC是否存疑21.The aeroplane _in the hills.(4分) A. hit B. smashed C. crashed D. clashedC是否存疑22.I found it hard to keep my _ on the icy path.(4分) A. stand B. standard C. level D. balance是否存疑D23._ she never got my letter at all.(4分) A. Particularly B. Doubtfully C. Normally D. Obv

10、iouslyD是否存疑24.How can I _ your help?(4分) A. award B. reward C. return D. revoltB是否存疑25.The police _the driver with speeding.(4分) A. accuse B. charge C. indictD. ChangeB答案:17春大学英语(二)作业_3交卷时间:2017-08-13 13:33:16一、单选题1.(4分)Environment is a great _on character. A. influences B. affect C. effect D. influ

11、enceD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)2.(4分)His honest and effectiveness _ him great respect. A. provided B. earned C. obtained D. acquiredB纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)3.(4分)He lives _campus. A. in B. at C. by D. onD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)4.(4分)I have _the new method _my students and it is very effective. A. triedon B. triedo

12、ut C. triedto D. triedatA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)5.(4分)The operation, if not done in time, _ become complicated. A. tempts to B. attempts to C. tends to D. attends toC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)6.(4分)The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been _filled in. A. consequently B. regularly C

13、. comprehensively D. properlyD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)7.(4分)When we got there, we found the work _. A. doing B. to do C. done D. to be doneC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)8.(4分)Tom! Youre wanted _ the phone. A. in B. by C. on D. fromC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)9.(4分)Usually he went to school by _ bike, but today he went to

14、school in _ car. A. /, / B. /, the C. a, a D. the, /B纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)10.(4分)At the end of his residency, the author _. A. was able to avoid any error B. was no longer afraid of making mistakes C. took his mistakes lightly D. erred more frequently than beforeB纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)11.(4分)Three-fourth

15、s of the buildings _. A. was destroyed B. is destroyed C. were destroyed D. has been destroyedC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)12.(4分)The company has _its hold on the market. A. intensified B. enforced C. forced D. consolidatedD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)13.(4分)You must be a writer, _? A. mustnt you B. are you C. must y

16、ou D. arent youD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)14.(4分)This shop has _rights to sell this brand of clothes. A. inclusive B. exclusive C. decisive D. excessiveB纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)15.(4分)It is said that about 120 persons _ the job, but none of them got it. A. applied B. applied for C. applied to D. demanded forB纠错

17、得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)16.(4分)Mr. Smith, a very imaginative writer, _many enduring characters in his novels. A. discovers B. finds C. invents D. creatsD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)17.(4分)This is the magazine _ I copied the paragraph. A. that B. which C. from that D. from whichD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)18.(4分)Franklin di

18、scovered _ electricity, which was then regarded as _ secret of nature. A. a, / B. a, a C. the, a D. /, aD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)19.(4分)The stairs were very _. A. slip B. steep C. step D. slopeB纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)20.(4分)Thousands of people _ to see the parade. A. turned off B. turned out C. turned up D.

19、turned overB纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)21.(4分)An exhibition of new inventions is _ now. A. being held B. hold C. to be held D. holdingA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)22.(4分)He is fond of _ music. He loves _ music of the eighteen century. A. /, the B. /, / C. a, / D. an, aA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)23.(4分)This patriotic song_l

20、oyalty in me. A. inspired B. expired C. inspected D. recalledA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)24.(4分)Writing is a slow process, requiring _thought,time and effort. A. significant B. considerable C. enormous D. numerousA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)25.(4分)He has not answered my letter I wrote last month. _are that he has n

21、ot received it. A. Chances B. Possibilities C. Probabilities D. OpportunitiesA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)答案:J17春大学英语(二)作业_4交卷时间:2017-08-13 13:47:27一、单选题1.(4分)The days of colonialism (殖民主义)are drawing _. A. on close B. at a close C. near close D. to a closeD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)2.(4分)Toms score on the test is

22、the highest in the class; he _ last night. A. should study B. should have studied C. must have studied D. must have to studyC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)3.(4分)_ human behaviors may be caused by eating substances that upset the delicate chemical in the brain. A. Deliberate B. Consistent C. Primitive D. Abnorm

23、alD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)4.(4分)Praise gladdens _. A. the heart of the giver B. the heart of the receiver C. the heart of the investor D. the hearts of both the giver and the receiverA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)5.(4分)Waking up at dawn,she found _. A. herself still to sit at the desk B. that she still sitting at

24、 desk C. herself still sitting at the desk D. herself was still sitting at the deskC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)6.(4分)The chair can also _ a bed. A. forms B. works in C. function as D. behaved asC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)7.(4分)The whole town_to welcome the Olympic heroes. A. turned on B. turned over C. turned off

25、D. turned outD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)8.(4分)Can you tell me the difference _ the two words? A. from B. in C. among D. betweenD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)9.(4分)The prisoner has_his guilt. A. adnutted B. confessed C. conceded D. acknowledgedD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)10.(4分)_ a bad habit is formed,it will not be easy to

26、get rid of it. A. Since B. Because C. While D. OnceD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)11.(4分)By moving the radar beam around slowly in a circle, we can _the surroundings. A. explore B. expose C. erploit D. expandA纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)12.(4分)People appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor. A. to wor

27、k B. to have worked C. working D. having workedC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)13.(4分)It is well known that _ tiger is in _ danger of dying out. A. the, / B. a, the C. the, the D. a, /A纠错得分: 4知识点: 大学英语(二)14.(4分)The spectators _in panic when the bull got loose. A. escaped B. fled C. avoid D. runB纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语

28、(二)15.(4分)It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline. A. must be sent B. would be sent C. be sent D. were sentC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)16.(4分)He has been _ out to represent our district to attend this meeting. A. chosen B. worked C. singled D. pressedC纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)17.(4分)The Smiths _ their breakfast when the morning post came. A. had B. has been having C. are having D. were havingD纠错得分: 0知识点: 大学英语(二)18.(4分)The collie is an _dog,easily to control sheep. A. intellectual B. inte

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