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1、高二自主学习英语参考资料高二级假期自主学习英语参考资料(一)11月23日一、 单词过关1_十几岁的青少年11_完全地,整个地2_点,分数12_信任,信赖3_使不安,使心烦13_遭受,经历4_不理睬,忽视14_调查表,问卷5_使平静,使镇静15_忠告,建议6_涉及,关心16_交际,沟通7_欺骗,作弊17_习惯,习性8_分享,分担18_理由,原因9_疯狂的,狂热的19_自然,自然界10_目的,意图20_情境,境地二、 单词运用1. What is the _ for your absence of yesterdays meeting?2. It is a little difficult to

2、_ someone down when he or she is excited.3. A _ to Anne, a true friend is a person whom you can tell everything to.4. My English teacher is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_ on learning English.5. Was it an accident or was it done on _?6. He was punished by the school because of his _

3、(cheat) in the exam.7. All the people are _ about the growth of the younger generation.8. My naughty son has _ my bag away somewhere, so I cant go to work.9. No matter what he says, dont _ him. Hes not honest.10. It was thundering, so the little girl dared not _ (walk) the dog outdoors today. 三、 词形变

4、化1. When learning English, it is quite important to develop the ability of _ (communicate).2. Its quite _ (nature) for a person to refuse the offer of help from strangers.3. The headmaster is a _ (power) man. All the teachers and students respect him very much.4. How stupid the emperor was! He was _

5、 (cheat) by the two _ (cheat).5. The company has a bad reputation. They often lie to the customers. Theyre very _ (honest).6. With the help of the government, the people have recovered from the _ (suffer) in the snow disaster.7. He was driving very fast because he was _ (ignore) of the speed limit.8

6、. He wrote the _ (entirely) novel in only two months.9. The weather has changed suddenly, and we must alter(调整) our plans _ (according).10. The old lady showed a great deal of _ (concern) for her son.四、 词组互译1_将加起来11_ be crazy about2_使平静下来12_ set down3_关心, 挂念13_ have got to4_一连串, 一系列14_ fall in love

7、with5_与相处, 进展15_ face to face6_经历, 经受16_ walk the dog7_根据17_ hide away8_为了18_ suffer from9_故意地19_ have trouble with10_参加, 加入20_ make an effort to do五、 词组运用1. 请把我说的话全都记下来。Please _ all that I said.2. 把分数加起来看看你能拿多少分。_ your scores and see how many points you can get.3. 由于雪灾很多人不得不留在广州过年。Many people _ spe

8、nd the Chinese New Year in Guangzhou _ the snow disaster.4. 黎明在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。Since Li Ming _ here, he has _ his neighbors.5. 我的假期完全被连串的雨天毁了。My vocation was completely spoiled by _ rainy days.6. 伊拉克已经经历了太多的战争。Iraq has _ too many wars.7. 作为中国人,我们对2008年奥运会特别关注。As Chinese, we _ very _ the 2008 Olympic

9、 Games.8. 英国的年轻人对哈利波特的喜爱近乎疯狂。Young people in Britain _ “Harry Potter”.9. 为了学好英语,她尽了很大努力。_ improve English, she makes _.10. 你想和我一起参加英语角吗?Would you like to _ the English Corner together with me?六、 语法填空Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it needs patience. If you want to meet people and make f

10、riends, you must be willing to take some action. You must first go where there are people. You wont make friends staying home alone.Joining a club or group, talking to those _1_ like the same things _2_ you do is much easier. Or join someone in some activity.Many people are shy _3_ talking to new pe

11、ople. After all, meeting strangers means seeing _4_ unknown. And its human nature to feel a bit upset about the unknown. Most of fears about meeting new people come from doubts about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging usfinding us too tall or too short, too this or too _5_. But dont forg

12、et that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself as you are, and try to put the other at ease. Youll both feel more _6_ (comfort).Try to be self-confident even _7_ you dont feel that way when you enter a room full of strangers. Walk tall and straight, look at other people directly a

13、nd smile.If you see someone youd like to speak to, say something. Dont wait for the other person to start a talk.Just _8_ (meet) someone new does not mean that youll make friends _9_ that person. Friendship _10_ (base) on mutual(相互的) likings and “give and take”. It takes time to develop friendship.七

14、、 完形填空Once upon a time, there was a boy called Narcissus. He was the son of a god and he was very, very _1_. Many women fell in love with him, but he turned them away. One of the women who _2_ Narcissus was a nymph(仙女) called Echo. Echo could not speak _3_ she could only repeat what was said to her,

15、 so she couldnt _4_ Narcissus that she loved him. One day, when Narcissus was walking in the woods with some friends, he became _5_ from them. He called out “Is anyone here?” Echo replied “Here. Here.” Echo stepped forward with open _6_, wanting to cuddle(拥抱) him. But Narcissus refused to accept Ech

16、os love. Echo was so _7_ that she left and hid in a cave, until nothing was left of her, except her voice.The maiden, a goddess, found out about this, and she was very _8_. She made Narcissus fall in love with himself. When Narcissus looked at his _9_ in a pond one day, he fell in love. He stayed on

17、 that _10_ forever, until he died one day. A flower grew where he died, and that flower is called a narcissus(水仙花).1. A. uglyB. troublesomeC. frighteningD. handsome2. A. hatedB. ignoredC. lovedD. attracted3. A. slowlyB. clearly C. properlyD. quietly4. A. tellB. permitC. decideD. agree5. A. lostB. se

18、paratedC. tiredD. buried6. A. eyesB. earsC. heartsD. arms7. A. puzzledB. upsetC. pleaseD. anxious8. A. frustratedB. depressedC. angryD. smart9. A. shadeB. shadowC. reflectionD. body10. A. spotB. poseC. environmentD. dot八、 阅读理解I still remember the day when my mum said, “Lets get you some new clothes.

19、” You can imagine that would mean the world to any little girl, but to me it meant the universe, because we were not well off. After she said that, all I could think about was what kinds of clothes I would choose. To my surprise, my mum allowed me to pick out three dresses: a pink one, a blue one an

20、d a yellow one. The yellow one was my favorite.I had a best friend named Seema, whose family was even worse off than ours. We played and studied together, and spent the best days of our childhood laughing at the silly stories we made up. I was excited to show her my three beautiful new dresses. She

21、loved them all and was happy for me, but tearfully explained to me that her father could only afford to buy her clothes for her birthday. I felt sorry, and then did something that surprised even myself: I asked her to pick out one of my dresses for herself. To my disappointment, she picked up my fav

22、orite the yellow one. Please remember, I was only seven years old. My heart almost popped out (跳出) of my chest. But as she held it against her body, I saw how brightly she smiled, so I stopped feeling any hurt. I told her it looked lovely on her. Ill always remember Seemas smile. When you value your

23、 friendships, nothing else matters! Were still best friends today. 1. The underlined words “well off” in the first paragraph mean “_”.A. poor B. generous C. lucky D. rich2. Why did the new clothes means the universe to the author?A. She loved dressing up more than anything else.B. She thought they w

24、ould make her more beautiful.C. Her family was poor, and new clothes were very rare.D. Her mother only bought her new clothes for her birthday.3. The author let Seema pick out one of her dresses because she wanted to _.A. show her pity for Seemas family B. show off her familys wealthC. make Seema be

25、come her best friend D. exchange it with Seemas dress4. When Seema chose the yellow dress, the author was disappointed because _.A. she was not generous B. she didnt expect to lose her favorite dressC. Seema chose her favorite dress on purpose D. Seema didnt care about her feeling5. What can we conc

26、lude from the passage?A. getting a best friend means losing other things. B. Being generous is not easy.C. Children like sharing their favorite things D. True friendship is valuable.九、 基础写作(一) 用强调句强调句子的划线部分。Jack broke a glass yesterday afternoon at his uncles home. 1. _.2. _.3. _.4. _.假期自主学习参考资料(二)11月24日 一、单词过关1_事实上11_使充实,使丰富2_以为基础12_电梯3_逐渐地13_占领,征服4

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