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1、谢孟媛初级文法笔记全集简体版汇总谢孟媛英文初级文法 第1集 笔记名词的功用。当主语,补语,受词1. 名词的种类 单数/复数例如 I like dogs。 我喜欢狗。普通名词 book pencil. Dog. Spaceship宇宙飞船、集合名词 class, family, audience 听众。例如 1. My family is large. 我家是一个大家庭。2.My family are all early risers 起早的人。 我家人都起的很早. 专用名词。- Bob, Smith, April, London.-专用名词前不能加冠词 不加S下面的专用名词需要加上定冠词。例如

2、 The united states . 美国 The united Nations .联合国。物质名词。-glass wood paper butter fruit 数字 容器(度量衡) of 物质名词例如 a loaf of bread 一片面包。 Loaves of bread 很多面包 A cup of coffee. 一杯咖啡。 A sheet of paper. 一张纸。 Two sheet of paper. L两张纸 A spoonful of sugar 一勺糖。抽象名词。-beauty美丽 honesty诚实 love爱 patience 耐心happiness 幸福 mu

3、sic 音乐。2. 名词的数-个数1单数/ 个数2 以上是复数例如 dog-dogs book -books girl - girls 名词字尾为 S . sh. Oh .x. o- es 如 classes buses dishes benches boxes注意名词字尾为字音 O 复数名词es 如 tomatoes 但是也有例外的 如 photo- photos Piano-pianos 名词字尾为y 的复数名词要去y ies 如 baby-babies story-stories city-cities lady-ladies 名词字尾为f 或fe 去 f/fe ves如 leaf叶-

4、leaces knifeknives wife- wives 也有例外。 Handkerchiefs 手帕。Chiefs 酋长 Roofs 屋顶不规则变化的复数名名词字尾 加 en , 或 ren 如 Ox -oxen , child- children改变母音 如 man-men / woman - women / goose-geese/ tooth/teeth/mouse /mice 单复数同行 如 fish , deer sheep chineses japanese One fish / two fish A kind of fish 一种鱼 two kind of fishs 俩种

5、鱼3. 名词的所有格4. 形成 单数名词-名词s 例如 The boys schoolbag/ Joans dress复数名词-名词s 例如 a girls school/ these students teacher字尾非s 的复数名词-名词s 例如 childrens playground操场特别注意的所有格用法共同所有格及个别所有格共同所有格- 名词 名词 名词s个别所以-名词s 名词s 名词s 例句 1 Harry and Bills father is a scientist harry 和bill 的爸爸是个科学家。 2.Harrys and Bills fathers are s

6、cientists harry 的爸爸和bill 的爸爸是科学家.(无)生物 所有格 A 的 B = B of A 如桌子的脚 the legs of the table 车门 the door of the car 女孩子的名字 the girls name有生命的东西可以这样用 / the name of the girl所有格之后的名词如在句中非常容易理解时可以省略。例如1. shes going to the dentists 她要去看牙医。2 I met him at the barbers(shop)我在理发店遇见他。 Shop 省略3. We like to wat lunch

7、at McDonalds 我们在麦当老吃午餐。4 . 冠词 冠词可分为不定冠词a / am 及 定冠词 the 它通常放在名词前用来修饰名词。a/ an 的用法 子音开头的单数 用 a 母音开头的单数用 an 母音有5个 I 如 a book a girl a young a man An apple an umbrella an old womana/ an 的发音 I read a novel, 我读一本小说I read a novel。 not twothe 的用法-母音前读 (低) 子音前的读 (则)例如 please shut the door .请把那门关上 (特指一定要加the

8、) The rich arent always happy. 有钱并不是幸福。 Until 2 be动词 一般动词的现在时1. be 动词的现在时am are is / 是。在。的意思例如1 . we are happy. 2. she is in America.主词 be 动词第一人称 I am a boy. 第二人称 you they 复数名词are You are my sons .你们是我的儿子。第三人称的单数加 Is 。 He is my students Be 动词的否定, am/ are / is notHe is not a good baseball player. He

9、isnt good baseball player Be动词的疑问句肯定句-主词 am/ are /is .疑问句 am / are / is 主词。that is his camera-Is that his camera?The girl is a junior high school student 这个女孩是中学生。 Senior high school. 高中生、Is the girl a junior high school student?Be 动词开头的疑问句可用yes 或 no 回答Is that man your math teacher 。 那个男人是你的说学老师吗? Y

10、es. He is / no he isnt Are you eating your lunch ? 你吃中午饭了吗?yes, I am / no, I;am not主词 一般动词-现在时中主词为第三人称单数一般动词S 或例如。 I like dogs / we like dogs You like dogs / you like gods He likes dogs 第三人称单数S 一般动词加S或ES的方法1. 大部分动词加S请发音为 如 works plays A. 一般动词字尾为 o .s .sh. ch. 时加 es-如 goes washes watches B. 一般动词字尾音为

11、y 时 去 y 加 ies -如 cry-cries study-studies Have 和has -have (有 吃)的 单数动词为 has 例如 1. They have a lot of money . 他们有很多钱。 2. He has a lot of money 他有和多钱.。第三人称单数用has一般动词的否定句-不可在一般动词后加 not 必须用助动词 do / does Do 用于主词 为 I . you 复数Does 用于主词 为第三人称单数,否定句主词 do/ does not 原型动词例如1. The twin brothers go to school by bus

12、.这对双胞胎是乘公交车上学的。改成否定 the twin brothers do not go to school by bus Dont 2. Sam has dinner at the restaurant. Sam 在那家餐厅吃晚餐。改成否定句 Sam doesnt have dinner at the restaurant.比较-否定句 Be 动词 He is my boyfriend He isnt my boyfriend一般动词- He likes dogs He doesnt like dogs一般动词的疑问句-不能将一般动词放在主词前,必须用助动词do/ does 疑问句 D

13、o / Does 主词 动词原型。例如1. You visit your grandmother on Sunday.改成疑问句Do you visit your grandmother on Sunday? 你每逢星期天去看你的外婆吗例如2. He comes from England 改成疑问句 Does he come from england 他是来自英国吗?助动词do/ does 开头的疑问句回答用yes/no之后用do/ does 回答例如 Does the little boy go to school. 这个小男孩已经上学了吗?Yes he does . No, he does

14、nt 比较-疑问句Be 动词- She is beautiful Is she beautiful?一般动词-she loves tennis Does she love tennis?Unilt 3 be 动词一般动词的过去式1. be 动词的过去式 was / were am/ is was are /were 过去时be 动词的动词表示过去时间中发生的状态例如 1. 现在式 He is busy now. 2. 过去式 He was busy then 那时他很忙。时间副词改变,动词也必须改变。例如 1.现在式 My parents are at home now。我的父母现在在家。 2

15、.过去式My parents were at home yesterday.我的父母昨天在家Be 动词(过去式)的否定句-主词 was / were not 例如 1. Mr brown was a vet 否定 Mr brown wasnt a vet .2.Joe and brian were in the living room at that time 否定 Joe and brian werent in the living room at that time ,Be动词过去式的疑问句 was / were 主词例如 1. wendy was in the seventh grade

16、 last year. Wendy去年读7年级。疑问句 was wendy in the seventh grade last year?例如 Were you a pianist? Piano 钢琴 pianist钢琴家。 Yes , I was. No. I want .2. 一般动词的过去式-规则变化/ 不规则变化 规则变化-ed d ld 原型动词字尾有ed helped spelled wanted needed 原型动词字尾有e d loved dance-danced 原型动词为子音短母音 子音-重复字尾加ed 如 stopped planned (计划)原型动词为子音有y 去y

17、 加ied 如 studystudied crycried 不规则变化 如 eat - ate Read(瑞得) - -read (瑞爱得)注意写法一样 读音不同Riderode Come-cameHave -had See- -sawGo-went Teach-taughtGive -gave Take-took现在 I walk to school. Every day .过去 I walked to school yesterday。动词随着时间改变形态Mother goes to a supaermarket every morning .妈妈每天早上去超市。过去式 Mother we

18、nt to a supermarket yesterday morning .妈妈昨天早上去超市了。主词为第三人称单数过去式不需加s 。 过去式是不分人称的。一般动词(过去式)的否定句-需用助动词 Did /Do肯定句 主词 加 一般动词过去式否定句 主词 加did not 动词原型例如1. He called you last night 他昨天打给你电话了否定 He didint call you last night 他昨天没有给你打电话。例如2. My sister and I watched TV all day yesterday .我的姐姐和我昨天一天都在看电视。否定 Mysis

19、ter and I didnt watch TV all day yesterday 我和我的姐姐昨天并非一天都在看电视。Not -all 并非- didnt -all 并非比较 否定句 (过去式)Be 动词- she was at home She wasnt at home .一般动词-she studied English She didnt study English .一般动词的疑问句肯定 主词 一般动词过去式疑问句 Did 主词 原型例如1. His friends went to that movie last week 他的朋友们上周去看电影了。疑问句 Did his frie

20、nds go to that movie last week?例如2. Grace wrote a letter to David . Grace .给david 写了一封信。疑问句 Did Grace write a letter to David ?Yes,she did No, she didnt 比较-疑问句(过去式)Be 动词-He was sick 疑问句 Was he sick ? yes he was . No , he want 一般动词 He did his homework did 是一般动词do 的过去式 疑问句 Did he do his homework.注意 Do

21、/does 现在 did 过去 有俩种身份1. 它可以当一般动词做的意思2. 它也是助动词 原型 1. 人称代名词人称/格主 格所 有 格受 格主 格所 有 格受 格第一人称Imyme we ourus 第二人称you youryou you youryou第三人称he she it his her its him her itthey theirthem主格,所有格, 受格的用法。主格 动词 如 He likes sports 所有格 名词 如 His friends are over there 。 他的朋友们都在那里。一般动词受词/ 介系词 如 The girl loves him ve

22、ry much 这个女孩非常爱他。例如a . who is it ? 你是谁啊?( 没有看见的时候问的) Its I Its me 这个用的人多。【It】的用法。It 可表示 天候 时间 距离例如1. It rains a lot of in taipiei in spring. 在春天的台北下很多雨。例如2. It was two oclock when he came back. 当他回到家时是 2点钟了。例如3. Its five kilometers from here to the airport. 从这里到机场有5公里。It 可表示某一状况-多半是说话人及听的人都能了解的特定状况。

23、例如1. Who knocked at the door . 谁在敲门? 回答 I thought it was Jack .我认为是Jack。例如2. Its all up to you .全由你决定。一切有你决定。例如3. I like it here. 我喜欢这里,例如4. I dont feel like it 我不想。It 可当假主词-代替事件例如1. Its difficult to learn spanish .学习西班牙文很难。例如2. Its important that you should tell the truth . 你说实话是很重要的。例如 3. Its no u

24、se telling him about it .告诉他这个也是没有用的。 Its no use 没有用的We You They 的特别的用法例如 1. We had a heavy rain yesderday . 昨天下了一场大雨。 We 是所在的地点。例如 2 You dont see many chinese there. 在那里看不到很多中国人。例如 3. They speak English in Canada .加拿大人说英文。所有代名词所有代名词的形式人称/格所 有 格所有代名词所 有 格所有代名词第一人称mymine我的ourours 第二人称youryours youryo

25、urs 第三人称his her its his hers itstheirthries 所有代名词的用法;所有格 名词例如1. your house is bigger than (my house) 把它省略 用mine Your house is bigger than mine . mine 是所有代名词例如2. My bicycles are here and his(his bicycles省略) are there。我的自行车在这里, 他的自行车在那里。例如3. I met one of my old friends on the way home .回家的路上遇见了我的老朋友。或

26、者 I met an old friend of( my friends) 省略用mine on the way home . I met an old friend of mine on the way home .名词的所有代名词-所有格例如 My dog is black and Jasans is white 我的狗是黑色的。Jasans 是白的。反身代名词-反身代名词的形式-什么自己就是反身代名词第一人称第二人称的所有格 Self 第三人称的受格 Self selfish 自私的 Selves Selves 人称单数用self复数的用selves第一人称用所有格myself(我自己)

27、ourselves 第二人称用所有格yourself (你自己)yourselves 第三人称用受格himself herself itself(他自己)theirselves 反身代名词的用法; 主词受词对象相同的时候。例如1. You always talk to yourself 你总是自言自语。例如2 The little girl hurt(过去式)herself, 这个小女孩受伤了。例如3. He can do it by himself 他自己可以做这个事。 或者 He himself can do it 表示强调的 例如4. I saw the singer himself 我

28、看到了这个歌手本人了。指是代名词表示人或事物的代名词This These /that those 一般用法-用于人或事物。 离说话者距离近用this these 距离远的用that / those 例如1. This is my mask and that is marys 这是我的口罩而那是玛丽的。例如2. who is this? (电话用语)谁啊? Who was that(距离远) on the telephone? 刚才打电话的是谁啊?例如3. Things are easier there days 这些天事情顺利多了。 There day 这些天代替用法-代替已经叙述字。 代替

29、单数名词用that. 代替复数名词用those .例如 1. The weather in Taipei is cooler than that in gaoxiong. 台北的天气比高雄凉爽。(the weather )省略了用that代替例如2 Her interests are different from those of her childhood .她的兴趣和她的童年的兴趣不一样。 The interests 省略了用those 代替So -作为动词的受词或补语 指前面出现的字或句子。例如1. Will it be fine tomorrow 明天的天气好吗? 回答I hope so。我希望会好。或 I hope that it will be fine tomorrow . 例如2. Do you still sick ? If so . you must see the doctor 如果你还是觉得不好的话,你一定要去

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