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1、小学生家教板块学科教学课件10 小学生家教板块学科教学课件(1) Conversation 1 A: Do you know some common telephone numbers? 你知道一些常用电话号码吗? B: What are they? 什么电话号码? A: When will people call 119? 你什么时候拨打 119? B: When a fire breaks out, people will call 119. 发生火灾的时候, 人们会 119. A: When will people call 120? 那人们什么时候拨打 120? B: When the

2、re is a patient in instant need of first aid, people will call 120. 有病人需要急救的时候, 人们就打 120. Conversation 2 A: Where did you go last week? 上周你去哪里了? B: I went to buy some books. 我去买了一些书。 A: Where do you like to buy books? 你喜欢去哪里买书? B: I like buy books in Xinhua bookstore. 我喜欢去新华书店买书。 A: Can I see your b

3、ooks?我能看看你买的书吗? B: Yes, you can. 当然可以。 A: Where do you put your books? 你把书放在哪里? B: I put my books in my bag. 我把书放在我书包里。 Conversation 3 A: What are you doing? 你在干什么? B: Im writing a letter. 我在写信。 A: Can you put down your pen and play with us? 你能不能放下笔和我们一起玩。 B: No, I cant. I dont have time. 不能, 我没有时间。

4、 Conversation 4 A: It is so cold. Isnt it? 天气太冷了, 不是吗? B: Yes, it is. Why dont you put on your coat? 是啊, 你为什么不穿上外套? B: Thats a good idea. 好主意。 Conversation 5 A: Its so hot. 天气真的很热啊。 B: Yes, I think so. Why dont you put on your skirt to replace your trousers? 是啊, 你为什么不把裤子换成裙子? A: That sounds good. 听起

5、来不错。 Conversation 6 A: Whats the meaning of this word? 这个词的意思是什么? B: I dont know. You can ask your teacher to explain the meaning of this word for you. 我不知道, 你可以请你的老师为你解释一下意思。 A: Thank you all the same. 仍然很感谢你。 Conversation 7 A: Where are you going? 你要去哪里? B: I am going to a barbershop to cut my hai

6、r. 我要去理发店里发。 A: Oh, Im going, too. Can I go with you? 哦, 我也要去。 我能和你一起去吗? B: Yes, lets go together. 当然可以, 一起走吧。 Conversation 8 A: What place do you like to go on Sunday? 你周末喜欢去什么地方? B: I like to go to the park near my house. 我喜欢去我家附近的公园。 A: What can you do in the park? 你在公园里能做什么? B: I can play games

7、with other kids. 我能和其他孩子一起玩游戏。 Conversation 9 A: How many days are there in one week? 一周有多少天? B: There are seven days in one week. 一周有七天。 A: Whats your favorite day? 你最喜欢哪天? B: My favorite day is Friday. 我最喜欢星期五。 Conversation 10 A: What do you do on Wednesday? 你在周三做什么? B: I go to the Kunming library

8、. 我去昆明图书馆。 A: What can you do in the library? 你在图书馆做什么? B: I can read kinds of books in the library. 我在图书馆可以看很多种类的书。 Conversation 11 A: Where can you see many doctors?你在哪里能够看到很多医生? B: I can see many doctors in a hospital. 我在医院里能看到很多医生。 A: When will you go to see a doctor?你什么时候会去看医生? B: When I will w

9、as ill, I will go to see a doctor. 当我生病的时候, 我会去看医生。 Conversation 12 A: Which day is the second day in one week?哪一天是一周的第二天? B: Monday is the second day in one week. 周一是一周的第二天。 A: What do you do on Monday?你周一做什么? B: I go to school on Monday. 周一我去上学。 Conversation 13 A: Where do fire trucks stay? 消防车停在哪

10、里? B: Fire trucks stay in the fire station. 消防车停在消防站。 A: Where do buses stay? 公交车停在哪里? B: Buses stay in the bus station. 公交车停在公交车站。 Conversation 14 A: How many years have your mother worked for? 你妈妈参加工作多少年了? B: My mother has worked for fifteen years. 我妈妈参加工作已经 15 年了。 A: Where does your mother work?

11、你妈妈在哪里工作? B: My mother works in a bank. 我妈妈在银行工作。 Conversation 15 A: Whats your lucky number? 你的幸运数字是什么? B: My lucky number is eight. 我的幸运数字是 8. A: Why? 为什么呢? B: Because eight means richness in Chinese culture. 因为在中国文化中, 8 代表财富。 Conversation 16 A: Whats the weather like in summer in Shanghai? 上海的夏天天

12、气怎么样? B: It is always hot. 总是很热啊。 A: How about in northern China? 那在中国的北方呢? B: Its hotter than Shanghai. 比上海更热。 Self-introduction Hello, everyone! Let me introduce myself for you. I am studying in a kindergarten. I am a good student. I know a lot of knowledge, because I like reading. On Saturday or

13、Sunday, I like to go to bookstores to buy many books. I like reading and studying in the library, because it is very quiet and clean. My favorite day is Sunday, because on Sunday, I can have Codys English class. I like English and I am good at English. I hope to study in America in the future. 大家好!

14、我来介绍一下自己。 我在一所幼儿园学习。 我是一个好学生。 我知道很多知识, 因为我喜欢读书。 我喜欢在周六或者周日去书店买书。 我喜欢在图书馆读书学习, 因为那里既安静又清洁。 我最喜欢星期天, 因为星期天我可以上 CODY 的英语课。 我喜欢英语,并且我的英语很好。 将来, 我希望能够到美国读书。 数数: 11eleven, 12twelve, 13thirteen, 14fourteen, 15fifteen,16sixteen, 17seventeen, 18eighteen, 19nineteen, 20twenty, 21twenty-one, 30thiirty, 40forty

15、, 50 fifty, 100 one-hundred. Conversation 1 A: Where is my English book? 我的英语书在哪里? B: I dont know. You can ask Lily. 我不知道, 你问问莉莉。 A: Lily, do you know where my English book is? 莉莉, 你知道我的英语书在哪里吗? B: Oh, I put it on that desk. 哦, 我把它放在那张桌子上了。 Conversation 2 A: Can you explain the meaning of the word i

16、n this sentence? 你能给我解释一下这个词在这个句子中的意思吗? B: Sorry, I cant. Youd better ask our Chinese teacher. 对不起, 我不知道。 你最好问问我们的语文老师。 A: Where is our Chinese teacher? 我们的语文老师在哪里? B: She is in her office. 她在办公室。 Conversation 3 A:Where did you buy your pencil-box?你在哪里买的文具盒? B: I bought my pencil-box in a department

17、-store. 我在一家百货公司买的。 A: How much is it? 多少钱? B: Its 5 yuan. 元。 A: Oh, its so cheap. 哦, 真便宜。 Conversation 4 A: How many seconds in a minute? 一分钟有多少秒? B: There are sixty seconds in a minute. 一分钟有 60 秒。 A: How many minutes in an hour? 一小时有多少分钟? B: There are 60 minutes in an hour. 一小时有 60 分钟。 A: How many

18、 hours in a day? 一天有多少小时? B: There are twenty-four hours in a day. 一天有 24 小时。 A: How many months in a year? 你年有多少个月? B: There are twelve months in a year. 一年有 12 各月。 A: How many days in a year? 一年有多少天? B: There are about three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. 一年有大约 365 天。 Conversation 5 A: Wha

19、ts the difference between bus stop and bus station? Bus stop(公共汽车站)和 bus station(公共汽车站)之间有什么区别? B: Bus stop is small and bus station is big. Bus stop(公共汽车站)比较小, 而 bus station(公共汽车站)比较大。 A: How do you know that? 你怎么知道的? B: My father told me that. 我爸爸告诉我的。 Conversation 6 A: Did you stay in a hotel?你以前

20、住过旅馆吗? B: Yes, last month, when my parents and I travelled to Shanghai, we stayed in a hotel. 住过, 上个月我和爸爸妈妈去上海旅游的时候就是住旅馆。 A: Where did you have meals when you were in Shanghai? 你们在上海的时候在哪里吃饭? B: We had meals in a restaurant. 我们在一家餐厅吃饭。 Conversation 7 A: What does your uncle do? 你叔叔做什么工作? B: My uncle

21、 is a business man. He is the boss of Daguan Amusement Park. 我叔叔是商人。 他大观娱乐园的老板。 A: Wow, he must be rich. 哇哦, 他一定很有钱。 B: Youre right. 你说的很对。 Conversation 8 A: Which is bigger, the sun or the earth? 太阳和地球哪个更大? B: The earth is bigger than the sun. 地球比太阳大。 A: Sorry, your answer to this question is false

22、. The truth is that the sun is much bigger than the earth. 对不起, 你的回答是错的。 事实上, 太阳比地球大得多。 Conversation 9 A: Hi, Sixuan. My family wants to the zoo today. Does your family want to go with us? 你好, 思璇, 我们家今天想去动物园。 你们家想一起去吗? B: I want, but my father and mother dont want to go there. 我倒是想去, 但是我爸爸妈妈不想去。 A:

23、Its a pity. We have to go now. Bye-bye. Conversation 10 A: When do your parents get up on Sunday? 你爸妈星期天什么时候起床? B: My parents usually get up before 8:00 on Sunday. 我爸妈星期天通常在八点之前起床。 A: How about you? 你呢? B: It depends. 很难说。 Conversation 11 A: How many classmates do you have in your class? 你所在的班级, 你有多

24、少同学? B: I have fifty classmates in my class. 我有 50 个同学。 A: Do your classmates often visit you at your home? 你同学经常上家里来找你玩吗? B: No, they dont. 不是。 Conversation 12 A: How does this machine work? 这台机器怎么工作? B: The machine is put in working order when this switch is on. 当这个开关打开的时候, 这台机器就进入了工作状态。 A: Its so

25、 interesting. 真有趣啊! Conversation 13 A: Have you finished your homework? 你做完家庭作业了吗? B: Yes, I have. 做完了。 A: Dont cheat me. 不要骗我! B: You should believe me. Im always true to my words. 你要相信我。 我从来不撒谎。 Conversation 14 A: Do you have a pet? 你有宠物吗? B: Yes, I have a cat as my pet. 有, 我有一只宠物猫。 A: What does i

26、t like to eat? 那只猫喜欢吃什么? B: It likes to eat meat. I feed it meat everyday. 它喜欢吃肉。 我每天都喂它吃肉。 Conversation 15 A: Excuse me. Do you have some time? I want to talk something with you. 打扰一下! 你有时间吗? 我想和你谈一点事情。 B: Yes, I have. 我有时间。 A: Do you have any contact with Lily? 你和莉莉还有联系吗? B: Yes, so what? 有啊, 怎么了?

27、 A: I have lost contact with her for half a year. 我和她失去联系都半年了。 B: Oh, here is her telephone number in America. If you miss her, you can call her. 哦, 这有她在美国的电话号码。 如果你想她的话, 可以打电话给她。 A: Thank you so much. 非常感谢。 Conversation 16 A: What can I do for you? 我能帮你什么吗? B: I want you to buy an ice-cream for me.

28、我想请你帮我买一个冰激凌。 A: No problem. 没问题。 B: Thank you. 谢谢! A: Its my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸! Self-introduction Hello, friends. Im happy to say something about myself. It is very funny. Last Sunday, my mother took me to a department store. She bought many presents for me, and we ate something there. But when I wa

29、nted to go to the toilet, I couldnt find one. And I didnt know the word, so I was worried. I found many places and at last the toilet was just near the door. Oh, at that time, I knew English was very important. 朋友们, 大家好! 我很高兴介绍一下我自己。 有一件很搞笑的事情。 上个星期天, 我妈妈带我去百货商场。 她给我买了很多礼物。 我们还在那里吃了一些东西。 但是当我想去上厕所的时

30、候, 竟然找不到厕所在哪里。 并且我不认识厕所的英文词, 所以我很焦虑。 最后才知道厕所其实就在门的附近。 哦, 那是我明白了英语是何等重要。 Self-introduction Hello, everyone. Today I want to talk about week. There are seven days in one week. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My favorite day is Monday, because I can go to sch

31、ool again and start my new study. On this day, I study very hard, because I know a good beginning is very important. I also like Wednesday, because on this day, we can have PE class. I like doing many kinds of sports, because that can make my body healthy and strong. On weekend, I really have a good

32、 time, because my parents will take me to some interesting places, such as park or amusement park. Sometimes, we will go to a restaurant to have a delicious meal. I like each day in a week, because I can have different interesting things to do on each day. 大家好! 今天我想谈一下星期。 一周有 7 天。 分别是星期一、 星期二、 星期三、 星期四、 星期五、 星期六、 星期日。 我最喜欢星期一, 因为我又能去学校开始新的学习了。 在这一天,我学习很努力, 因为我知道好的开始很重要。 我也喜欢星期三, 因为在这天我们有体育课。 我喜欢做各种运动, 因为运动能够使得我的身体更健康更强壮。 周末的时候, 我真的非常愉快, 因为爸爸妈妈会打我去一些很有趣的地方, 比如说公园、 游乐场。 有时, 我们去餐厅吃一顿美

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