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1、邮件字体使用说明邮件字体的使用说明一般来说,字体是根据自己的审美特点来选择,但是由于存在不同使用场合,有的自然随意、有的官方正式、有的美观大方,但也限于通用的字体库,因此来说通用且美好的字体来说最好。一、英文邮件字体1、Time New Roman(官方默认通用)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and tou

2、ch panel, and give us a pricing information for samples and volume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.2、Arial (相对正式 半默认)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and touch panel,

3、 and give us a pricing information for samples and volume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.3、Verdana(美观漂亮)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and touch panel, and give us

4、 a pricing information for samples and volume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.4、Calibri (优美漂亮)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and touch panel, and give us a pricing

5、information for samples and volume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.5、Segoe UI(优美外观)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and touch panel, and give us a pricing information

6、 for samples and volume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.6、Georgia (衬线字体 错落有致)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and touch panel, and give us a pricing information for s

7、amples and volume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.7、Tahoma(美观实用)Dear Allan Thanks for your replyAs mentioned above we need 3.5 inch wide TFT with RTP or CTP for our new device.Please send us more information about TM035NDH04 and touch panel, and give us a pricing information for samples and vo

8、lume purchase of 1000 units and 5000 units.2、中文邮件字体1、微软雅黑冯经理:您好,请与厂商联系,此款屏我们是付了模费的,而且货款已经付了,到今天才通知变更,给出合理的解释,客户造成的损失谁承担?2、宋体冯经理:您好,请与厂商联系,此款屏我们是付了模费的,而且货款已经付了,到今天才通知变更,给出合理的解释,客户造成的损失谁承担?颜色 选择深蓝或是黑色字号 一般是12号也就通常的小四差不多,或是10 10.5 11 等字号的大小说明1 72 2 大特号 63 3 特号 54 4 初号 42 5 小初号 366 大一号 31.57 一(头)号 28 8

9、二号 21 9 小二号 18 10 三号 16 11 四号 14 12 小四号 1213 五号 10.5 14 小五号 9 15 六号 8 16 小六号 6.875 17 七号 5.25 18 八号 4.5其中,四号为一号的一半,小六号为四号的一半二号为初号的一半,五号为二号的一半,七号为五号的一半小二号为小初的一半,小五号为小二号的一半,八号为小五号的一半六号为三号的一半附件阅读材料一、【职场英语】写电子邮件时尽量避免使用的五大字体Pickingtherightfontforyouremail,presentation,orfriendlynoticestuckontheofficewall




13、tep3:PapyrusPapyrusmakeseverythingyoutypelooklikeitwaswritteninAncientGreece!,albeitbyaROBOTFROMTHEFUTURE.每个你用Payrus键入的字看起来都像古希腊语-尽管像是由一个“未来机器人”写下来的。Ifyoureusingit,whynotgowholehogandflipthecolourtogreenandwrite“Savethetrees!Pleasedontprintthise-mailunlessyoureallyneedto.”inyouremailsignature likean

14、yofyouremailsareworthprintingoff.如果你在使用这个字体,那一不做二不休,干脆字体颜色选成绿色,然后在你的e-mail下方签名中写“Savethetrees!Pleasedontprintthise-mailunlessyoureallyneedto.”(爱护树木,人人有责!除非确实需要,否则请勿打印此邮件。),这样一来,好像你的每封邮件都具有打印价值了一样。Step4:ComicSansThegranddaddyofallunusablefonts.Initiallyintendedtobeaquickcomicbooksubstitute,ComicSansquicklyfounditselfoverusedtothepointofeye-bleeding saturation,andisnowrarelyseenoutsidetherealmofignorantofficenotes.在不能使用的字体中,这是爷字辈的人物。最初,人们设计ComicSans字体,是为了让其快速在连环画册中抢占一席之地,成为其专用字体。但很快,人们便发觉,这个字体被随处滥用,已经引起人的视觉疲劳了。如今,除了在办公室里,人们还用它写写没人关注的通知外,在其他领域,这种字体已经销声匿迹了。Step5:Curl

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