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1、山西省太原市英语单项选择及阅读理解高考一轮练习1附答案 2015山西省太原市英语单项选择及阅读理解高考一轮练习(1)附答案 【2014高考英语南京市、盐城市一模】 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. I heard about your promotion, you _ be thrilled. Not really, the new office is huge, but the work load has doubled. A. shall B. can C. must D. w

2、ill 22. Guangzhou Evergrande made history by winning the AFC Champions League title for China, which is the first time a Chinese club _ the competition. A. won B. wins C. has won D. had won 23. What was the motorists final decision to deal with the ,400,000 left on his motorbike After six nights of

3、_ with his conscience, he decided to return all the money to the loser. A. wrestlingB. arguingC. coping D. corresponding 24. Normally, a forest fire and the damage _ causes can be very extensive, especially when you consider the financial and physical losses. A. whichB. thatC. thisD. it 25. David Be

4、ckham has reportedly _ investing in his friend Gordon Ramsays latest restaurant, just weeks before it opens, because they both want different things. A. pulled out ofB. kept up with C. got down toD. come up with 26. How do you understand life? It is a constant match _ the greatest opponent is yourse

5、lf. A. in thatB. of whichC. whereD. when 27. There can be no equality of opportunity _ everyone follows the rules at their own game. A. if B. unless C. onceD. since 28. Was Sun Yang sorry for his driving without a license? Yeah, he said he _ a role model as a public figure but he failed to be. A. wa

6、s B. had been C. should have been D. would be 29. What are these housewives talking about? They are discussing whether men are actually _ to housework or just too lazy. A. obedient B. allergicC. nativeD. relevant 30. Never for one moment, believe it or not, _ being faced with such a situation where

7、a helping hand was greatly needed. A. I imagined B. do I imagine C. I have imaginedD. had I imagined 31. What did he do in return for free _ and food offered by the kind couple? He helped their son with his lessons. A. conservationB. admission C. accommodation D. immigration 32. The white building,

8、_ threats to pull it down, is now a private house in the possession of a retired professor. A. survived B. survivingC. to survive D. having survived 33. It is _ his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by all his students. A. on account of B. with regard to C. in term

9、s of D. in reference to 34. We have offered him the position, but I dont have the slightest idea _ he will accept it. A. how B. if C. whetherD. that 35. Jack, how can I turn on this IPod? _ A. Allow me!B. So what! C. Hold on.D. Nothing much. 【参考答案】 21. C 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. C 29.

10、 B 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. A 1(201*年山东东营胜利一中)We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are _. A(looking up B(coming up C(making up D(turning up 解析:句意:大约六个月前我们过得很艰难但现在情况正在好转。look up(生意、情况等)好转向上看尊敬,come up上升出现被提出,make up编造组成化妆弥补和解,turn up出现调大(音量)。 答案:A 2(2011年高考预测卷)My brot

11、her is very tall.The little bed wont _for him. A(prepare B(match C(fit D(do 解析:句意:我哥哥很高这张小床将不适合他了。do适合足够,prepare准备,match匹配其后直接跟sb./sth.,fit要构成be fit for sb.才正确。 答案:D 3(2011年东北四市联考)We did have a quarrel about money last night,but now we have already_. A(taken up B(made up C(put up D(brought up 解析:句意:

12、昨天晚上我们确实因为钱的问题吵了一架但现在我们已经和好了。make up和解编造组成化妆弥补,take up占据从事参加开始,put up举起张贴提供住宿,bring up教育培养提出。 答案:B 4(2011年江西九校联考)The work has _the status of a classic among the composers admirers. A(required B(acquired C(inquired D(inspired 解析:句意:这部作品在该作曲家的崇拜者中获得了经典作品的地位。acquire获得取得学到,require要求,inquire询问查问,inspire激

13、发(灵感)鼓舞。 答案:B 5(2011年济南一中阶段测试)With the money earned from the school garden,the students bought a blackboard,chairs and other things to _a “green classroom”( A(pack up B(set up C(add up D(come up 解析:句意:学生们用从学校花园挣的钱买了一块黑板、一些椅子还有别的东西来建一个绿色教室。set up建立,pack up打包整理,add up加起来,come up出现上升被提出。 答案:B 6(2011年黑龙

14、江哈九中二模)During the 2008 financial crisis,the French president Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide millions of emergency fund aid to help _unemployment. A(release B(resemble C(relieve D(recommend 解析:句意:2008年经济危机时法国总统尼古拉?萨科齐同意提供数百万紧急资金援助以帮助缓解(relieve)失业问题。relieve缓解减轻解除,release释放发行,resemble相似像,recommend推荐

15、建议。 答案:C 7(2011年郑州二次质检)When will you come home for dinner,Ill prepare it for you. Dont _it.Ill eat out with my friends. A(care about B(worry about C(bother about D(talk about 解析:句意:你什么时候回家吃饭,我给你做饭。别麻烦了我和朋友在外面吃。bother about为而麻烦,care about关心计较,worry about担心,talk about谈论。 答案:C 8(2011年山东临沂期中)What about

16、the package of food? Youd better _it at the service counter before entering the bookstore. A(allocate B(purchase (deposit D(postpone C解析:句意:这包食物呢,进书店之前你最好把它存放在服务台。deposit存放,allocate分配,purchase购买,postpone推迟。 答案:C 9(2011年山东实验中学诊断)Can we go camping tomorrow,as planned? Im afraid not.The dark clouds _a

17、heavy rain. A(forecast B(instruct C(expect D(promise 解析:句意:明天我们能按计划去野营吗,恐怕不行乌云预示着一场大雨。promise预示着有的可能,forecast预报,instruct指示命令,expect期望料想。 答案:D 10(2011年高考预测卷)In face of a failure,it is the most important to _a good state of mind. A(keep up B(give up C(pick up D(take in 解析:句意:面对失败保持良好的心态/状态是最重要的。keep u

18、p保持继续,give up放弃,pick up好转接收拾起学到,take in欺骗吸收理解。 答案:A 11(2011年山东烟台模拟)Newly-developed materials for spaceships can _extreme weather conditions. A(hold B(support C(stand D(compete 解析:句意:新研发的航空材料能经受极端天气条件的考验。stand抵抗抵御经受符合语境。 答案:C 12(2011年杭州模拟)Everyone in the village hoped that he would _after a few days

19、treatment. A(pick up B(come up C(keep up D(make up 解析:句意:村里的每一个人都希望他能在几天的治疗后康复。pick up好转恢复,come up走上前来发芽发生,keep up保持,make up编造弥补构成。 答案:A 13(2011年山东枣庄调研)He didnt _what I said because his mind was on something else. A(hold on B(hang on C(take in D(get over 解析:句意:他没有理解我说的话因为他刚才想别的呢。take in理解领会,hold on不

20、挂断,hang on紧握不挂断依靠,get over解决(问题)恢复。 答案:C 14(2011年山东淄博模拟)The headmaster will _a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon. A(deliver B(address C(announce D(declare 解析:句意:今天下午校长将要对来访的外宾发表讲话。deliver发表deliver a speech发表演讲。address sb.对某人讲话对某人发表演说,announce宣布通告,declare宣告声明。 答案:A 15(2011年东北三校模拟)I

21、 think I should wear a dress instead of this jeans. Its just a small informal party,so you dont have to _. A(warm up B(put up C(dress up D(keep up 解析:句意:我觉得我应该穿礼服不能穿牛仔服。这只是一个不太正式的小聚会因此你不必刻意打扮。dress up穿上特殊服装乔装,warm up热身变暖,put up建造举起,keep up保持继续。 答案:C。 第一组 10分钟 1. Having studied in America for three y

22、ears, the young man didnt change much, _ a bit fatter. A. only to get B. only getting C. to have got D. having been got 2. With all the money _, the man had to make a living by begging. A. run out B. to run out C. used up D. to use up 3. It was Mr Zhang that helped us out of the trouble. Without his

23、 help, we _ it so easily. A. cant manage B. mustnt have managed C. couldnt have managed D. couldnt manage 4. _ is know to us all is that the old worker, for _ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies. A. As; whom B. What; whose C. It; whose D. What; whom 5. The ground is wet all

24、over, so Im sure it must have rained last night, _? A. wasnt it B. didnt it C. isnt it D. doesnt it 6. Im sorry to tell you that we will not tell you the results of the survey until we have looked through all the _. A. directions B. instructions C. data D. standards 7. Each country, of course, in _

25、Copenhagen has its own particular priorities and concerns, which is why _ agreement is so difficult to reach. A. the; an B. /; an C. a; the D. /; the 8. -What on earth are the police busy with? -They have been looking into how the plane crash _. A. came out B. came up C. came down D. came about 9. A

26、 team of nurses _ the doctor in performing the operation on the boy wounded in the earthquake. A. supported B. encouraged C. assisted D. respected 10. The Chinese economy is still doing well _ the current financial crisis. A. on behalf of B. in spite of C. in terms of D. in consequence of 11. Each o

27、f us is likely to develop a personal _ for certain types of entertainment. A. comparison B. possession C. preference D. advantage 12. _ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious, the government is searching for ways to improve peoples life. A. As B. With C. When D. If 13. -Oh, how depresse

28、d! Im bound to lose to him in tomorrows competition. -Cheer up! In fact, he is _ than you. A. not more nervous B. no more nervous C. no less nervous D. a little less nervous 14. Not until _ on TV _ that the Chinese was rescued by the European Union Task Force. A. did I turn; did I know B. did I turn; I knew C. I turned; did I know D. I turned; I had know 15. -Tom was caught cheating in the exam. -Just his luck. _ A. He has to kill the fatted calf. B. He has to face the music. C. He must be the apple of his parents eve. D. He must be a black sheep.

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