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1、国庆英语作业Unit 2Topic1 Pollution causes too many problemsTopic1 SectionA .Knowledge aims: 1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,巩固一般过去时和现在完成时的用法和区别。 2. 能够用一般过去时和现在完成时描述过去和现在的变化。 3. 正确使用there be sth./sb. doing sth.来表达“有某人/物正在做某事”。 4.让学生了解环境污染的严重性,并树立环保意识。.The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases: bee, butterfly,

2、 mess, shame, several, pollute, waste, villager, destroy, cut down, goodness, pour, see sb./sth. do sth., see sb./sth. doing sth., cut down, my goodness 2. Grammar: differences between Simple Past and Present Perfect tense. .Teaching proceduresStep 1. 导入。一. 读1a,完成1c的内容.。Step 2. 自学检测:在27-28页课文中找到并划出下

3、面的短语1.计划一次野餐_2.新鲜的空气_3.一些化工厂_4.闻起来很可怕。 _5.我的天哪!_ 6.真遗憾啊!_7.把倒入 _ 8.砍倒_Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译) 1.You will see bees and butterflies dancing? 译:_点拨:see sb. doing sth.-看见某人正在做某事。强调事件,(延续性)行动正在进行。对比:see sb. do sth.-看见某人做某事。表示看见整个事件,(短暂性)行动的全过程,动作已经结束。总结:这样的动词还有-hear, watch, find, feel-叫做感官动词练习:a.刚才我看见她

4、穿过了马路。_b.刚才我看见她在跳舞。_ 2.The flowers and grass have gone!译: _点拨:have/has gone-已经不复存在,不见了,消失了 巩固:a. Has your headache gone yet? 译:_ b. I left my bike outside the library, but when I came out, it had gone. 译:_3. It smells terrible. 译:_点拨:smell terrible - 系表结构 - 难闻初中常见的系动词总结:_练习1)我昨天感到伤心。译:_2)他变得越来越壮。译:_

5、3)音乐听起来很棒。译:_ 4)丝绸摸起来很柔软。译:_4.Look!there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream. 译:_点拨: pourinto把往里倾倒(排放)练习:a.Did you pour the bad soup into the plastic bag? 译:_ b.不要把脏水倒进池塘。译:_点拨(2):waste - 废弃的,无用的(形容词) - waste land_ waste water_waste - 废物,废料(名词) 常用短语: (a) waste of-一种的浪费

6、waste - 浪费(动词) 用法: waste doing sth.- 浪费做某事点拨(3):there be + sb./sth. + doing sth. 有某人某物正在做某事 练习:a.There are two people waiting for the bus at the bus stop. 译:_b.看!有个小男孩正在树下玩耍。译:_c.听!有个人在隔壁唱歌。译:_Step 4.典题训练:( )1 Reading in bed is harmful _your study.A at B to C in D on ( )2 Kangkang said he _bees danc

7、ing here in the future.A will see B see C sees D would see( )3We _with our noses.A smell B look C sound D taste( )4 _pollution can cause trouble.( )5 There is a man _you at the school gate now.A is waiting B waiting C waiting for D waitsA Much too B Too much C Few D Too many ( )6Time is knowledge ,

8、and time is money, dont _it , please. A influence B influences C wasted D waste( ) 7 Were too tired . Lets go out and _the fresh air. A breathe B breath C to breathe D to breath()8 Dont throw rubbish into the rivers. You may _them.A pollute B pollution C polluted D polluting ( )9 The government has

9、done _to stop the pollution , so the air becomes fresh again.A useful something B nothing Csomething useful Danything useful Step5. 归纳小结:Step 6. Homework. 完成练习册Section A. 从本堂课我学会_Unit2 Topic1 SectionB.Teaching aims1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,正确运用现在完成时进行问答。 2.能通过观察课文插图来预测课文内容。3.能正确运用连读和停顿的技巧,使发音流畅,富有韵律感。 4.引导学生关注

10、环境问题,树立绿色环保意识,增强忧患意识和社会责任感。. The key points and difficult points1.Words and phrases: pain, produce, awful, bear, harmful, chest, editor, breathe/breath, soil.2. Difficult points: 能在不同语境中,正确判断单词的不同词性。 在朗读中,能正确地把握连读和停顿的技巧。Teaching proceduresStep 1. 导入。Step 2. 一.自学指导:在29-30页的文中找到并划出下面的短语。1.喉咙疼痛_ 2.自打上个

11、星期到现在_3.排放有害气体_ 4.make my chest hurt_5.另外_ 6.产生很多噪音_7.睡得好_ 8.心情糟糕_9.我不能忍受这样的环境。_10.河里的死鱼_ 11.解决问题_12.引起许多麻烦_13.给报社写信_14.水污染_ 15.光污染_16.噪声污染_ 17.垃圾污染_18.土壤污染_ 19.空气污染_22.对眼睛有害_23.影响我们的环境_24.到处乱扔_二. 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.Whats wrong with you? 思考:同义句1)_2)_3)_2.How long have you been like this? 译:_点拨:how long-

12、多长时间,谓语动词必须为延续性动词。区别:when-什么时间, 谓语动词多为短暂性动词。练习:1) -_have you learned English? -Since two years ago. 2) -_did you start to learn English? -Two years ago.链接:用how much / how many / how soon / how often / how far / how heavy / how tall / how wide填空1)_ _ is Xinxiang from Zhengzhou? About 70km.2)_ _do you

13、 play computer games? Twice a week. 3) _ _does the huge stone weigh? About 10 tons.4) _ _ is the Great Wall? It is wide enough to permit(允许) five or six horses to stand side by side.5) _ _is Yao Ming? He is 2.26 meters.6) _ _will you come back from your hometown. In two weeks. 7) _ _ brothers and si

14、sters do you have? A brother and a sister.8) _ _ money do you want? The more, the better.3. The bad air makes my chest hurt. 译:_点拨:hurt - 感到疼痛(不及物动词) 拓展:1)弄伤,弄疼(及物动词) 2)受伤的(形容词)练习:a. I hurt my foot in the door. 译:_ b.He is badly hurt. 译:_ c. The strong light makes my eyes hurt. 译:_4.I cant bear the

15、environment here. 译:_点拨:bear/stand - 承受,容忍,经受,常与can / could连用。 拓展:1)bear sth./sb.-忍受某人/某事 2) bear doing sth. 忍受做某事 3) bear sb./sth. doing sth.忍受某人/物做某事a)我无法忍受他的错误。 I _ _ _ _c)我无法忍受等你这么久。I _ _ _ you _ _.d)他不能忍受人们乱丢垃圾。He _ _ people _ litter _.5.Anyway,I hope the government will solve this problem soon

16、. 译:_点拨:anyway-无论如何,不管怎样, 一般用于句首,后用逗号隔开。练习:1)无论如何,我将帮你完成这项工作。译:_ 2)Anyway thanks.同义句:_三完成课本P30 2 and 3b.Step 4.典题训练:( )1 The teacher asked me _A that I could answer the question B whether could I answer the question C whether I could answer the question D if I can answer the question( )2 If you want

17、 to catch the first bus, you had better _early.A to get up B got up C getting u p Dget up ( )3 He asked me ,”_”A What are you doing when Tom leaves? B What you are doing when Tom leaves?C What were you doing when Tom leaves? D That what you were doing when Tom left.( ) 4 Im not sure _to call him or

18、not. A if B weather C that D whether( )5He asked Lucy if she could swim. He asked Lucy. “_”A .I f she could swim B. Can you swim? C Could you swim? D Can I swim?( )6 The office is so small that we cant working in it.A stands B stand C makes D make ( )7 How long have you known him? _Ive known him _A

19、two years ago B since last year C two years D in two years完形填空I cant remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of 16 litter nearby that I realized no one else was going to pick it up.I live near a forest in Ohio, America. I can walk there 17 three minutes. I used to love

20、 going there to play with my dog. But one day there was 18 much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided to clean up the forest, and I wanted to 19 happy when I went again. I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes 20 I sta

21、rted to pick up litter, my bag was full! There were cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it.From then on, I 21 to the forest four times a year to pick up litter. I often stay there for three hours. It makes me feel 22 to do something for the environment. After each trip, I look through all

22、the litter that Ive collected. If 23 of it is recyclable(可回收利用的), Ill keep it. I cant understand why people drop litter. But I will keep on picking it up 24 they stop dropping it. I know I am only doing a small bit 25 the earth, but I still think it is important.( )16.A.seeing B.throwing C.dropping

23、 )17.A.after B.for C.with )18.A.such B.very D.too( )19.A.make B.feel C.look D.find( )20.A.after B.later C.before D.of( )21.A.had gone B.have gone C.go D.will go( )22.A.tired B.sad C.interesting D.great( )23.A.many B.few C.any D.much( )24.A.until B.after soon as D.when( )25

24、.A.helped help D.helpingStep5. 归纳小结:Step 6. Homework. 完成练习册Section B. 从本堂课我学会_Unit2 Topic1 SectionC.Teaching aims1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步感知定语从句。2.了解与噪音污染有关的常识。3.区别不同词性的单词的用法。4.能用合适的英语对环境污染问题进行口头和书面语表达。5.通过学习,加深对环境问题的认知,树立环保意识。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases: deaf, print, recently, sentence, meaning, hearing, loss, disturb, uncomfortable, unpleasant, sort, environmental, including, onto, go deaf, do harm to/be harmful to, lose ones hearing/ have hearing loss, in noisy condition/ too much noise, no better than, not onlybut also, cause sb. to do sth., all sort

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