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中考英语英语 完形填空训练经典题目及答案.docx

1、中考英语英语 完形填空训练经典题目及答案【中考英语】英语 完形填空训练经典题目(及答案)一、英语完形填空1完形填空 A few days ago, I ran into a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry 1 him, and he said, Excuse me too, I wasnt even noticing you, 2 this stranger and I were polite. Then we went on our way after saying goodbye Later in the kitchen at home, 3

2、I was cooking our supper, my daughter Betty walked up to me, very 4 . When I turned around, I nearly 5 her down. Get out of the way! I shouted angrily. She ran away, crying. That night, when I 6 in bed, my husband said to me, You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and yo

3、ull find some 7 there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them, 8 pink, yellow, and your favourite blue. When I heard this, I thought deeply. While 9 with a stranger, I was calm and polite. But with my daughter, I was not 10 . I felt sad and tears began to fall. Then I went to Bettys 11 , Wake

4、up, my dear, I said. Are these the flowers you picked for me? She smiled. I found them by the tree, I knew you liked them, 12 the blue ones. I said, I was so rude 13 I treated you that way today. Betty, I am so sorry. And she said, Mummy, thats okay-I still love you anyway. I kissed her and said, I

5、love you too and I do love the flowers. That day Betty gave me a special 14 on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didnt 15 how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.1. A. toB. forC. atD. with2. A. NeitherB. EitherC. NoneD. B

6、oth3. A. untilB. beforeC. asD. unless4. A. possiblyB. quietlyC. comfortablyD. completely5. A. knockedB. letC. walkedD. turned6. A. liedB. layC. lainD. laid7. A. cupB. flowersC. clothesD. knives8. A. sheB. herC. herselfD. hers9. A. meetB. meetsC. metD. meeting10. A. disappointedB. embarrassedC. humor

7、ousD. patient11. A. bagB. bedC. boxD. ball12. A. especiallyB. graduallyC. exactlyD. hardly13. A. whyB. whatC. thatD. where14. A. cardB. lessonC. messageD. information15. A. regretB. requireC. reflectD. realise【答案】 (1)A;(2)D;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)B;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D;(10)D;(11)B;(12)A;(13)C;(14)B;(15)D; 【解析】

8、【分析】主要讲了作者对陌生人比较礼貌,而对女儿是没耐心的,在丈夫的提醒下,作者意识到了这一点,并且和女儿道歉,意识到家庭生活的重要性。 (1)句意:我和他说对不起。say sorry to sb.和某人说对不起,固定搭配,故选A。 (2)句意:这个陌生人和我都是礼貌的。A.两者都不;B.或者.或者;C.没有;D.两者都。both.and表示两者都,固定搭配,故选D。 (3)句意:之后在家的厨房里,当我正在做晚饭时,我的女儿Betty非常安静地走向我。A.直到;B.在之前;C.当时候;D.除非。当作者做饭时,女儿走向我,所以用as,故选C。 (4)句意:之后在家的厨房里,当我正在做晚饭时,我的女

9、儿Betty非常安静地走向我。A.可能;B.安静地;C.舒服地;D.完全地。g根据后文可知作者转身时差点撞上女儿,所以女儿是安静地走向我,故选B。 (5)句意:当我转身时我几乎撞上她。A.敲;B.让;C.步行;D.转身。knock sb. down撞上l某人,固定搭配,故选A。 (6)句意:那晚当我躺在床上时,我丈夫对我说。A.说谎;B.躺;C.放置;D.放置。lie in bed躺在床上,固定搭配,过去式是lay,故选B。 (7)句意:你将在那发现一些花。A.杯子;B.花;C.衣服;D.刀。根据后文I love you too and I do love the flowers.可知女儿送的

10、是一些花,故选B。 (8)句意:她自己采摘它们粉色的、黄色的和你最喜爱的蓝色。A.她,主格,做主语;B.她,宾格,作宾语;C.她自己,反身代词;D.她的,名词性物主代词。花是女儿自己采摘的,主语是she,所以用其反身代词herself,故选C。 (9)句意:当遇见一个陌生人时,我是冷静和礼貌的。while doing sth.当正在做某事,固定搭配,故选D。 (10)句意:但是和我的女儿,我没有耐心。A.失望的;B.尴尬的;C.幽默的;D.耐心的。根据前句可知作者和陌生人是平静的。有礼貌的,即有耐心的,但是和女儿却是没有耐心的,故选D。 (11)句意:然后我去了Betty的床,我说:“醒醒,亲

11、爱的”。A.包;B.床;C.箱子;D.球。根据wake up醒醒,可知Betty在床上睡觉,故选B。 (12)句意:我知道你喜欢它们,尤其是蓝色的。A.尤其;B.逐渐;C.确切地;D.几乎不。根据全文可知作者喜欢花,尤其是蓝色的,故选A。 (13)句意:我如此粗鲁以至于今天我用那种方式对待你。A.为什么;B.什么;C.连接词,无实义;D.哪里。so+形容词或者副词+that+句子,表示如此.以至于.,固定搭配,故选C。 (14)句意:那天Betty在怎样在家庭中相互相处给我了一个特殊的教训。A.卡片;B.教训;;。根据全文可知那天作者明白了对待家人的重要性,所以给作者上了一课,

12、即一个教训,故选B。 (15)句意:之前我花费许多时间在工作上,没有意识到家庭生活的多么重要。A.后悔;B.要求;C.反映;D.意识到。作者那天才意识到家庭生活的重要性,故选D。 【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2完形填空 Do you know One Belt, One Road? We also call it the Modern Silk Road. And Zhang Qian was an early traveller of the Ancient Silk Road. He was

13、 probably the first 1 to bring back good information about the central Asian lands to China. In 139 BC, Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yue-zhi people to ask for their 2 against the Xiongnu people who often infringed(侵犯) them. 3 , on the way to the Western Regions, he was caught by the Xiongnu peopl

14、e. Zhang had to stay with them 4 about 10 years before he got away. When Zhang finally 5 the Yue -zhi people in the North India, he was 6 to find that they didnt want to fight against the Xiongnu people. On 7 return journey, Zhang Qian and his men were 8 again. It was not until 125 BC that they retu

15、rned to China. 9 Zhang didnt finish his job, he learned a lot about the places, people, customs and cultures of the 36 kingdoms(王国) in the Western Regions. Later Han Wudi sent Zhang to West again. Zhangs journey to the West helped 10 international trade, especially in silk, between China and the Wes

16、t, Thats the Ancient Silk Road.1. A. menB. mansC. manD. mens2. A. questionB. helpC. knowledgeD. answer3. A. HappilyB. ExcitedlyC. LuckilyD. Unfortunately4. A. forB. sinceC. atD. in5. A. arrivedB. reachedC. gotD. liked6. A. comfortableB. disappointedC. excitedD. enjoyable7. A. himB. heC. hisD. himsel

17、f8. A. caughtB. madeC. servedD. heard9. A. ButB. AsC. BecauseD. Although10. A. useB. getC. developD. see【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)D;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了古代丝绸之路的由来。 (1)句意:他可能是把关于中亚大陆的一些好信息带回中国的第一人。was表明后面名词用单数,man是单数,men是复数,排除A、D。mans修饰名词,排除B,故选C。 (2)句意:公元前139年,汉武帝派张骞到月氏人那里寻求抵抗匈奴的

18、帮助,因为匈奴人经常侵犯他们。A.问题;B.帮助;C.知识;D.回答。ask for help寻求帮助,固定搭配,故选B。 (3)句意:不幸的是,在去西部地区的路上,他被匈奴人捉住了。A.高兴地;B.兴奋地;C.幸运地;D.不幸地。张骞被匈奴捉住是不幸的,故选D。 (4)句意:张在离开前不得不和他们待大约10年左右。for+时间段,about 10 years是时间段,所以用for,故选A。 (5)句意:当张最终到达印度北部的月氏民族时,他失望的发现他们不想和匈奴人对抗。A.到达;B.到达;C.得到;D.喜欢。arrive at+小地点=reach+地点名词=get to+地点名词,表示到达某

19、地,故选B。 (6)句意:当张最终到达印度北部的月氏民族时,他失望的发现他们不想和匈奴人对抗。A.舒服的;B.失望的;C.兴奋的;D.令人愉快的。月氏人不想和匈奴对抗,所以张骞是失望的,故选B。 (7)句意:在他返回的旅途中,张骞和他的人被再次捉住。A.他,宾格,作宾语;B.他,主格,做主语;C.他的,形容词性物主代词,修饰名词;D.他自己。journey是名词,所以前面用形容词性物主代词,故选C。 (8)句意:在他返回的旅途中,张骞和他的人被再次捉住。A.捉住;B.制作;C.服务;D.听见。根据前文可知张骞被捉住一次,这次返回途中又被捉住,故选A。 (9)句意:尽管张没有完成他的工作,但是他

20、了解了许多关于西部地区36个王国的地方、民族、习俗的知识。A.但是;B.作为;C.因为;D.尽管。尽管没有完成任务,但是了解了许多知识,故选D。 (10)句意:张骞出使西域帮助发展了国际贸易,尤其是在中国和西方间丝绸方面。A.使用;B.得到;C.发展;D.看见。帮助发展了贸易,故选C。 【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。3阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My parents always told me that I couldnt dance, b

21、ecause it was a girls sport. But it was my dream to be a dancing star and I still practiced secretly, learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents support(支持), that 1 seemed all but impossible to reach. One summer, my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessons. I asked 2

22、parents to allow me to take her to the lessons. What a 3 chance(机会)to learn dancing! One afternoon, I was practicing a new dance in my room, when Maggie walked 4 . Whats the matter, Maggie? I stopped 5 . Therell be a dancing performance in my school, 6 the boys think Im slow, and none of them wants

23、to be my partner. 7 you dance with me for it? She looked at me, worried. You can be a good dancer! I said to her. Lets show those people that they have been 8 . In the following months, we 9 every evening for the show. I was having a fantastic time and 10 Maggie improved a lot. At last, the big day

24、came. I became 11 when I heard my parents would come to watch the performance. When the 12 began, I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Then we enjoyed dancing to the music, like shining spirits. From the cheering of the crowd, I was sure we 13 it. I was so excited when I saw my 14 walking up

25、 to me. He put his hand on my shoulder. Well done, son. Im glad that you didnt 15 your dream. Go for it and make us proud. Id been waiting for this moment for so long. I knew that the road ahead wouldnt be easy, but I would keep on going. I wanted nothing more in life than to dance.1. A. activityB.

26、dreamC. answerD. message2. A. myB. yourC. hisD. her3. A. similarB. funnyC. goodD. strange4. A. outB. awayC. throughD. in5. A. drawingB. dancingC. singingD. writing6. A. butB. orC. soD. if7. A. NeedB. MustC. CouldD. Should8. A. sadB. lazyC. sorryD. wrong9. A. arguedB. restedC. sleptD. practiced10. A.

27、 firstB. soonC. neverD. sometimes11. A. shyB. boredC. nervousD. angry12. A. musicB. lessonC. meetingD. party13. A. arrivedB. gotC. madeD. finished14. A. fatherB. motherC. sisterD. classmate15. A. give awayB. give backC. give outD. give up【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)D;(5)B;(6)A;(7)C;(8)D;(9)D;(10)B;(11)C;(

28、12)A;(13)C;(14)A;(15)D; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:讲述了一个男孩想成为舞蹈家,然后和妹妹一起排练舞蹈,赢得大家的喝彩的故事。(1)考查名词。根据上文But it was my dream to be a dancing star但是成为一名舞蹈明星是我的梦想。可知此句句意是:但是没有父母的支持,那个梦想似乎是不可能实现的。梦想:dream, 故选B。(2)考查代词。句意:一个夏天,我的妹妹Maggie要去上舞蹈课,我请求我的父母允许我带她去上课。根据主语I可知要用形容词性物主代词my, 我的,故选A。(3)考查形容词。句意:这是一个多好的学习舞蹈的机会啊!根据上文可知作

29、者想学舞蹈,因此这是个好机会,good:好的,故选C。(4)考查介词。句意:一天下午,我正在房间里练习一个新舞蹈,就在这时,Maggie走进来。walk in: 走进来,故选D。(5)考查动名词。句意:“怎么了,Maggie?”我停止舞蹈。根据上文I was practicing a new dance in my room, 可知此时看到妹妹进来我停止了舞蹈,stop dancing停止跳舞,故选B。(6)考查连词。句意:“我们学校有一次舞蹈表演,但是男生们认为我慢,他们都不想当我的舞伴。”根据语境可知两句是转折关系,but:但是,表示转折,故选A。(7)考查情态动词。句意:你能和我一起跳吗

30、?她看着我,担心的。可以,能:could,表示请求,故选C。(8)考查形容词辨析。句意:“你能是一个好的舞者!”我对她说。“让我们向那些人展示他们错了。”A. 悲伤的,B. 懒惰的,C. 对不起,D. 错误的,故选D。(9)考查动词。句意:在后来的几个月,为了表演我们每天晚上练习。A. 争论,B. 休息,C. 睡觉,D. 练习,根据语境可知是练习舞蹈,故选D。(10)考查副词。句意:我过得非常开心,不久Maggie提高了很多。A. 首先,B. 不久,C. 从不,D. 有时,根据语境可知没过多久,就是不久,Maggie就提高了很多,故选B。(11)考查形容词辨析。句意:当我听说我的父母会去看表演

31、我非常紧张。A. 害羞,B. 无聊,C. 紧张,D. 生气的,父母去看表演,我紧张,故选C。(12)考查名词。句意:当音乐开始的时候,我深吸一口气,尽力平静下来。A. 音乐,B. 课程,C. 会议,D. 聚会,根据后文Then we enjoyed dancing to the music, 可知此句是音乐响起的时候,我深呼吸,尽力平静下来,故选A。(13)考查动词。句意:从人群的欢呼声中,我肯定我们成功了。成功:make it, 时态是一般过去时,故选C。(14)考查名词。句意:当我看到父亲向我走来时我那么兴奋。根据后句He put his hand on my shoulder.Well done, son. Im glad that you didnt 15 your dream. Go for

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